Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures Elmore Park Middle School Sixth Grade Mathematics Ms.Clark, Ms. Fentress, Mrs. Moseley Course Description: This course is intended to teach students the math concepts set forth by the Tennessee Common Core Standards (also known as the TN Ready Standards) in 6th grade Math. Our instruction will be focused on developing an understanding of statistical thinking, completing an understanding of fraction and decimal operations, as well as extending students’ understanding of the number system and geometry. We will also be focusing on using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems, and writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations. General Rules: Be on time, be prepared, be respectful, and be responsible. Preparation for Class: Students need a pencil, dry erase markers, index cards (Ms. Fentress), TI-34 MultiView or TI-30Xa calculator, completed homework (due Thursday), and their agenda for class each day. Expectations for class: Everyone has the right to, and should expect to, learn. Each individual is worthy of respect. Classroom orderliness is necessary for an effective classroom. Hard work is necessary for learning. Thinking critically and asking questions creates problem solvers! Earned consequences: We follow the school procedures for discipline. A student will earn a conduct check for violating one or more of the 16 life skills. The life skills are as follows: integrity, initiative, flexibility, perseverance, organization, sense of humor, effort, common sense, problem-solving, responsibility, patience, friendship, curiosity, cooperation, caring, and respect. When a child receives the third and sixth conduct check, they will be assigned a detention for the following day. Upon the second and fifth conduct check, a warning slip will be sent home that requires a parent signature. This is how we will notify you BEFORE the detention is assigned for the third and sixth check. Late Work: ZAP’s (Zeros Aren’t Permitted)—Zeros lower the student’s grade significantly, sometimes causing the student to lose motivation. Before long, the zero grade will make it mathematically impossible for the students to pass. The purpose of assignments is to allow students the opportunity to practice and apply skills that they are expected to learn. a) If the assignment is not complete within the provided time, the parent/guardian will be contacted. b) A grade of 50 is recorded into the grade book, with a comment in PowerSchool, until the work is complete. c) After a week of non-compliance the student should be referred to guidance with the assignment. Missed Work: a) It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the homework assignments, notes & any other pertinent information that is missed during an absence. b) Missed work due to an absence: Additional time and full credit will be allowed for each day of a verifiable and excused absence. 2015-2016 Syllabus Page 1 of 3 Make-Up Assignments/Tutoring: Tutoring and time for students to make up missing assignments will be offered each WEDNESDAY at 8:00AM beginning in September. Students will be given a notice that must be returned in order to attend the make-up/tutoring session. Homework: Homework is distributed each Monday and is due each Thursday. Report Cards: Students will receive report cards quarterly. Progress reports are to be given out bi-quarterly. Any additional progress reports will be distributed at the teacher’s discretion or upon the request of the parent/guardian. Parents should monitor a student’s progress regularly by checking their grades on PowerSchool. Academic grades will be assigned based on points earned during the grading period. In addition, students will receive a conduct grade for each class. Grading Scale: The District grading scale as applied to points earned by the end of a grading period is as follows: A = 93-100% B = 85-92% C = 79 – 84% D = 70 – 78% F = Below 70% Weighted Grades: Homework – 10% Classwork/ Participation - 20% Quizzes – 30% Tests/Projects – 40% Contact Information: Please feel free to contact us at any time. You may reach us by calling the school office, or by emailing us. Our email addresses are as follows:, for Ms. Clark, for Ms. Fentress, for Mrs. Moseley Quarter 1 Course Calendar: (Dates are subject to change upon the teacher’s discretion.) Assignment/Event Description st 1 Day of Class N/A Quiz 1 5th Grade review Scale Drawing Project Scale an image up by 3 Test 1 Ratios, Unit Rates, and Proportions Quiz 2 5th Grade review, Ratios, Unit Rates, and Proportions Labor Day No school! Test 2 Fractions, Decimals,and Percents Professional Development Day Quiz 3 Test 3 2015-2016 Syllabus No school! Ratios, Unit Rates, Proportions, Expressions, and Equations Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers Due Date August 10, 2015 August 21, 2015 August 26. 2015 August 28. 2015 September 4, 2015 September 7, 2015 September 11, 2015 September 18, 2015 September 25, 2015 October 2, 2015 Page 2 of 3 Last Day of Quarter 1 N/A October 9, 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRINTED STUDENT NAME: __________________________________ We have reviewed the course syllabus and classroom procedures for 6th Grade Math. Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature Phone numbers where parent/guardian can be reached. Date ________________ primary ________________ alternate Parent’s Email Address: ____________________________ 2015-2016 Syllabus Page 3 of 3