LP # 3- Mus.-Rhyth - Marye-Spanish-1-wiki

Culminating Project
NTeQ Lesson Plan- #3: Musical-Rhythmic Learners
Teacher: J. Marye
Target Learner Group: Musical-Rhythmic Learners
Class: High school, Spanish 1 classes
Class Set-up: Collaborative groups of 3-4 students each
Duration: 4-5 classes (will vary depending on # of students per class)
Class length: 90-minute blocks
Main Concept: Collaborative, student-centered activity focused on Spanish vocabulary expansion
In my “mostly-immersion” foreign language classroom, vocabulary and grammar building is not only
important, it is crucial to expanding the base of the primary language of communication in the
classroom. This happens even in the first year of language study (ie. Spanish 1). Too often, students in
foreign language are doomed to memorize vocabulary lists & verb conjugations, with the main concept
association being the dry, inert, and easily forgettable English definition or else the disconnected verb
formula. The unfortunate result? It may be remembered long enough for the “quiz/test” but then the
long-term memory is not accessed.
My goal in the immersion setting is to provide students with many opportunities where they can directly
apply the concept of the new vocabulary and grammar, and carry with them a memorable context which
transfers the knowledge to the storehouse of long-term memory. Going by the concept of “we remember
90% of what we say as we act (teach) as opposed to 10% of what we read,” the idea behind this lesson is
to engage students in self-directed discovery of new terms to then teach the other students in the class.
Lesson Description:
 Students will create and perform an original song or rap with original Spanish & English
lyrics, to make clear the specifics of the stem-changing verb conjugations (which forms get the
stem-change, which don’t / how the stem change happens / how to approach new verbs needing
the same “stem-change rule” / etc.)
 The first step of the lesson will entail discussing with the class the different “problem” options
available for the following several days: there will be an activity centered around BodilyKinesthetic Learners, one for Visual-Spatial Learners, & this one for Musical-Rhythmic
Learners. All options will be focused in the current unit’s vocab/grammar.
 Then, the students will choose which option / problem they would like to be a part of.
 For this lesson focused on Musical-Rhythmic Learners, students will work collaboratively to
present the concept of “stem-changing” verbs including new examples of those verbs.
 Through many student-centered activities facilitated by the teacher based on the NTeQ Model,
the students will access technology for multiple facets of the lesson, including research and
analysis & results presentation.
How does this lesson reach the Visual-Spatial Learner?
The Musical-Rhythmic Learner obviously has an affinity for music and rhythms. They show a
sensitivity to music and rhythm in their environment and may even study better with music in the
background. Learning preferences include turning lessons into lyrics, speaking rhythmically, using
musical instruments, radio, songs & other audio stimuli.
The original song/rap, including use of original lyrics and original or “sampled” melodies, is the perfect
medium through which these learners can discover, apply and teach the new verb conjugation concept.
The 10-step NTeQ Model for this lesson
I) Step 1: Instructional Objectives
Students will make use of multiple resources to research and discover new stem-changing verb
grammar rules & new verbs related to the grammar concept reflecting the current unit of study
Students will apply the new concepts to the generation of an original song or rap, to be presented
by students in front of the class live or digitally recorded, where the meanings of the new
concepts are clear to audience during performance
Students may employ use of digital cameras to record performances
Students will digitally share ideas and also archive their performances
Students will use a KWL activity to reflect on how to go about generating song/rap
Students will discuss final product and collaborate with teacher for input into final product rubric
Students will use self-regulation throughout collaborative process
Students will evaluate their own and also peer group members’ input into the collaborative
II) Step 2: Matching Objectives to Computer Functions
Students will make use online grammar & vocabulary websites to research and discover new
concepts related to stem-changing verb conjugations
Students may make use of computer-based movie-editing software for recorded performances
Students will use web-based class-wiki or Sharepoint portal to share ideas & editing suggestions
Students will use web-based class-wiki or Sharepoint portal or even TeacherTube or Youtube to
digitally archive presentations
III) Step 3: Specifying Problem
Problem 1: How do the stem-changer verb conjugations function and what is the memorable
pattern that we can teach the class?
Problem 2: How are we going to clearly present that new concept in an original song to the rest
of the class?
Problem 3: How is our final product going to be evaluated (rubric suggestions)?
IV) Step 4: Research and Analysis
Use a KWL to establish what is already known & what they would like to research
Use of dictionaries/glossaries/textbooks/verb charts provided by teacher
Use of online vocabulary & grammar databases / Spanish-language conjugation websites
Students will decide how to go about data collection- all together ? divide & conquer?
Students will decide how to compile new vocab & song lyrics (digitally, paper), whether they
will edit, add new data, and where they will save/archive the data
Teacher will provide guidance and suggestions on an “as-needed” basis
V) Step 5: Results Presentation
Students may perform live or record, edit & present performances to the class via digital medium
Students will archive performances on a web-based class-wiki, Sharepoint portal or YouTube
Students will share with the class their ideas for rubric generation
VI) Step 6: Activities During Computer use
Students will access online vocab & grammar sites Spanish-language conjugation websites to
research new concepts & terms
Students may edit digital files of performances
Students will type and share song lyrics ideas on a web-based class-wiki or Sharepoint portal,
possibly from home
Students will archive performances on a web-based class-wiki or Sharepoint portal
Step 7: Activities Before Computer use
Students will use a KWL to establish what is already known & what they would like to research
Students will make use of dictionaries/glossaries/textbooks provided by teacher
Students will discuss which online resources to access making online search efficient
Students will decide how to go about data collection- all together ? divide & conquer?
Students will generate original lyrics to be incorporated into original or “sampled” melody
Students will discuss and discover how to use the web-based class-wiki or Sharepoint portal
VIII) Step 8: Activities After Computer use
Students will complete the KWL to establish what is newly learned
Students will make use of generative strategies and self-regulation in order to synthesize new
grammar & vocabulary information into original lyrics of song/rap
Students will decide how to divide tasks for remaining steps of the collaborative process
Students will discuss the plan for the rest of the song/rap generation according to given time
allowed remaining in project
IX) Step 9: Supporting Activities
Students will evaluate and refine grammar rules and song lyrics of sentences
Students will go about finalizing song lyrics & melodies
Students will rehearse, perform & record final versions of songs
X) Step 10: Assessment
Teacher observations throughout collaborative process. Counted in daily participation grade.
Final product- Song/Rap = 100 points test grade. Specifics of rubric including point values to be
determined collaboratively among teacher & students. Main Categories include:
o Language elements (accuracy & clarity of conveyed concept)
o Actual Presentation (clarity & comprehensibility of performance, melodically appealing
& memorable but not distracting, value as a learning tool)
o Collaborative process: Self- & peer-evaluations included (time use, equal participation)
Morrison, G.E. & Lowther, D.L. (2010). Integrating computer technology in the classroom: skills for
the 21st century (Fourth Edition). Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.
Smith, Mark K. (2002, 2008). Howard Gardner and multiple intelligences. In The encyclopedia of
informal education. Retrieved from http://www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm