Fullerton Joint Union High School District

Fullerton Joint Union High School District
Course Syllabus
La Habra High School
Grading Guidelines and Shared Responsibilities,
Attendance and Behavior Expectations,
And Essential Curriculum Standards of the Course
Course Title: Spanish Speakers 2
Teacher: Sra. Arriaga
Teacher’s School Telephone Number: (562)266-5224
Teacher’s School Email Address: rarriaga@fjuhsd.net
In order to facilitate effective partnerships with parents/guardians to support student learning and success in
school, teachers will make every effort to return telephone call messages and emails within 24 hours of receipt,
unless the call or email is sent over a weekend, holiday, vacation period, or teacher absence.
Grading Guidelines and Shared Responsibilities
In 1990, the Fullerton Joint Union High School District (District) adopted Student Grading guidelines so that
the practices used within the District will have sufficient common criteria and purpose to provide grades
accurately representing student performance. The success of a student grading plan is dependent upon the
cooperation, interest, and assumption of responsibilities by teachers, parents/guardians, and students.
The teacher’s responsibility is to assign grades based upon fair and consistent standards and to communicate
these practices to each student. Grades are to be determined by student performance on teacher-initiated
assignments, tests, homework projects, and class participation. Students will be informed of progress
periodically. Three types of grades are earned:
Grades that reflect cumulative academic progress.
Citizenship grades and comments that describe personal behavior of the student in class and which are reported separately from
academic and work habit grades.
Work habit grades that describe how a student organizes, conducts, and completes assignments, and which are reported separately
from academic and citizenship grades.
The District Board of Trustees and staff members believe that students and parents/guardians should:
Understand the course expectations and grading practices, asking questions if needed.
Stay informed of progress. Parents/guardians can gain information by discussion progress with students regularly and by asking
Understand how things are going at school. Know why a student’s grade is – or is not – up to family standards. It is the parent’s
responsibility to communicate with the teacher if additional information or help is needed at home to improve a student’s grades.
If a parent/guardian or student disagrees with a grade received, a review may be initiated by contacting the
teacher. If the matter is not resolved, the parents or student may then contact the Principal/designee for further
Specific grading guidelines for this course include the following:
Students will be evaluated on: oral participation in class, written assignments, homework, chapter packets,
quizzes, tests, and projects. Any student getting lower than a C- will be referred to HiSTEP, and by the
end of the semester the student needs to receive a C- (70%) in class or he/she will be removed from it.
Points will be converted to percentages, which reflect the following grading scale:
Grading Scale
90 - 100
80 - 89
70 - 79
60 - 69
0 - 59
Final Exam
Chapter Tests
Lesson Quizzes
Homework / Class work
Attendance and Behavior Expectations
Student academic success is tied directly to attendance. If the student is to have the greatest opportunity to learn
and be successful, excellent attendance is essential. In addition, students are expected to:
Students are expected to behave in a manner that is conducive to a good learning environment. Students
are expected to show respect towards the teacher and other classmates. Other class rules include the following:
Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings and remain in their seats until dismissed by the teacher.
Students must bring necessary materials to class every day- textbook, pencils, paper, binder, ect..
Students must not work on unrelated class assignments during class time.
Students must not do anything which compromises the security of anyone in class.
Students must not interrupt the learning experience of others in class.
Cell phones, iPods, and other mechanical devises are not allowed in class.
Students are given two restroom passes during the semester; if any student needs to leave class for the third or more
times for any reason, he/she will be assigned a 15 minute detention each time during HiSTEP with teacher.
Failure to follow these rules will result in the following disciplinary actions:
First offense: warning by teacher and/or detention
Second offense: phone call to parents and/or detention
Third offense: administration action (referral)
Essential Curriculum Standards
Essential Curriculum Standards have been adopted by the District for all core academic courses. The Standards identify what students
are expected to know and be able to do at the end of the course. Grades take time to prepare, require careful thought, and can serve as
the teacher’s own test of effectiveness as well…Was the instruction understood? Did the students learn the Essential Curriculum
Here are the Essential Curriculum Standards for this course:
Communicate in Languages Other Than English
Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions
Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics
Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a
variety of topics.
Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and
perspectives of the culture studied
Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied
Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information
Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign
Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available
through the foreign language and its cultures
Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the
language studied and their own
Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the
cultures studied and their own.
Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World
Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting
Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal
enjoyment and enrichment.
1. Nuestro Mundo, by McDougal Littell, is the designated textbook for this class. Students are expected
to bring their book to class every day. Also, books must be covered with an appropriate book cover at
all times.
2. Notebook: Keep all warm-ups, assignments, graded papers, projects until the day of the chapter test.
Since a part of the grade is based on daily participation in class, absences should (if possible) be kept to a
minimum. Daily participation points cannot be made up. Each student is responsible for making all missing
assignments, quizzes and tests during HiSTEP.
Recommended Materials
1. textbook
In Spanish Speakers 2 performance and participation are very important. You are expected to perform at your
highest ability. The following is a list of items that you will be doing in Spanish Speakers 2 and possible points
you will receive for each item.
Participation points:
You need to accumulate 25 points per week. You will accumulate points by doing the following in
1. Speaking only SPANISH IN CLASS
2. Participation in class: answering questions, working with partner, not disturbing the class
3. Following all class rules and school regulations
4. Coming prepare to class with materials and textbook
Packets (class and homework assignments):
You will keep all papers done for each chapter and turn them in on the day of the chapter test. You will receive
5 points for every completed class assignment with less than 3 mistakes and 10 points for every stamped
and completed homework assignments with less than 3 mistakes. You will receive only half credit for every
completed assignment on the day of the test. No late packets are permitted. The packet will depend on the
number of assignments there are per chapter.
Tests are worth 50 to 80 points possible
1. One test per chapter- includes everything covered in the chapter: vocabulary, listening, reading,
writing, grammar, and culture.
2. There will be a cumulative final exam at the end of each semester
Quizzes are worth 25 to 35 points possible
1. Vocabulary
2. Grammar
3. Verbal
4. Culture
*there will also be unannounced pop-quizzes throughout the school year
Chispas (warm-up activities) are to be done at the beginning of class every day. Chispas are to be done for
complete credit; each Chispa is worth 5 points. They will be collected every two weeks for credit.
Projects and Presentations:
1. Projects are worth 25 to 50 points possible
2. Presentations are worth 20 points possible
3. One per chapter
No class and homework, quiz and test cheating will be permitted in class.
Any cheating incidents will result in dropping the student at the semester and parents
will be contacted immediately.
(Please return to Sra. Arriaga room 55)
Student’s name ____________________________________________________ Per. ___________________
Parent/ guardian’s name: _____________________________________________________________________
I have read and understand that the above guidelines are to be followed:
Student signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ________________________
Parent/ guardian signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________
Parent phone #: ________________________________________________
Parent E-mail: _________________________________________________