Organ Systems

BIOL 105: Chap 2: Organ Systems Overview Crossword Puzzle
Prof. Keating
5 windpipe
7 structure enclosed within the pericardium
11 structure composed of 2 or more tissue types
12 group of cells that are similar in structure and function
13 rids the body of wastes; maintains water, electrolyte and acid-base balance of body
14 flanking the heart on either side
15 most superior organ in the abdominopelvic cavity; beneath the diaphragm
16 thin muscle which separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities
19 protects deeper organs; produces vitamin D
21 food chute; transports food from the pharynx to the stomach
23 keeps blood supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide; contributes to acid-base balance of the body
24 breaks down food into minute particles
25 provides cells for perpetuation of the species
1 group of organs that act together to perform a particular body function
2 allows body to detect changes in internal and external environment and to respond to information
3 organ which curves around the side of the stomach; part of the lymphatic system
4 primary function is to contract or shorten; generates heat
6 carries blood throughout body
8 passageways that plunge into the lung tissue
9 large endocrine glands that sit on top of the kidney
10 building block of all living things
12 irregular mass of glandular tissue overlying the heart
17 cleans blood of pathogens and other debris; houses lymphocytes
18 picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels
20 helps maintain homeostasis, promotes growth and development; produces hormones or chemical messengers
22 body support and protection of internal organs; provides levers for muscles
BIOL 105: Chap 2: Organ Systems Overview Crossword Puzzle
Prof. Keating