About Steve Schlagel - Perry Business Communications


About Steve Schlagel

I mentor, coach and consult with small business owners just like you. I’ve mentored many over the past 30 years as a CPA, CVA, CFP attorney and entrepreneur, building my own businesses and helping others achieve real success!

I know that business success is often elusive. New businesses fail 70% of the time…an alarmingly high number to say the least.

For the other 30%, most end up simply owning a job and not a real business . Instead of more freedom, they are slaves to a self-employment enterprise…an opportunity to work 60 hours or more a week for $50,000-$100,000 per year, and the business has no real value, should they want to sell.

Is this your story?

Are you ready to leave the past behind and move towards the financial freedom you’ve always wanted?

Mentoring, coaching and consulting make all the difference. Having a thriving REAL BUSINESS is awesome. Contact me and let’s get started today!

Phone: (606) 516-1777 email: cpa@cpafpa.com

Please have a look at the many free resources available to you right now on my website – it’s my online business home. There are lots of articles and videos to help you. To learn more about specific small business planning and strategies to take your business to the next level, just click on any of the links:

Small Business Mentoring Plan

Small Business Coaching Plan

Small Business Consulting

My Credentials

What do all the initials that follow your name mean?

I am often asked this question, and it’s an important one. You need to know that the person giving you advice has the proper education, credentials expertise and experience to really help you and give you peace of mind.

CPA stands for Certified Public Accountant, and it means I have special training, primarily in accounting and taxes, to help individuals and businesses in their financial dealings. At a minimum, it requires that you pass a difficult 4-part exam, an ethics exam, have at least 2 years of experience working for a CPA, have at least 1,000 hours of looking at companies books and preparing their financial statements. Furthermore, once you become a CPA, you are required to have approximately 40 hours of continuing education each year. I have over 30 years experience in this area.

CVA stands for Certified Valuation Analyst , and it means I have special training and experience in the evaluation and determination of the value of businesses. This is different from appraisals.

My training and experience in certification helps resolve accounting matters in the court (litigation support), and with estate cases, divorce cases, shareholder lawsuits, mergers with other companies, helping companies determine whether or not to buy a competitor, helping business owners decide whether or not to add a new partner or enter a new line of business, and even in gifting situations where a business owner wants to give part of their company to heirs.


stands for Certified Financial Planner , and it means that I have special training to aid my clients in all phases of financial planning. The minimum to earn the CFP Board designation, requires candidates to meet several benchmarks—the first of which is the educational requirement, which requires candidates to have a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college or university. As a first step to the present CFP certification criteria, candidates must master a list of nearly 1,000 topics on integrated financial planning. The topics cover major planning areas such as:

 General Principles of Finance and Financial Planning

Insurance Planning

Employee Benefits Planning

 Investment and Securities Planning

State and Federal Income Tax Planning

Estate Tax, Gift Tax, and Transfer Tax Planning

Asset Protection Planning

Retirement Planning

Estate Planning

 Financial planning and consulting

To fulfill the education requirement, candidates are required to complete course training in the above listed topic areas in order to meet the first requirement to sit for the 7-ten hour CFP Board

Certification Examinations.

After passing the examinations, the candidate must demonstrate extensive experience in the financial planning field. To maintain certification, license holders are also required to complete thirty (30) hours of continuing education, of which two (2) hours cover the Board of Standards, approved ethical information, on an on-going basis in addition to paying a licensing fee every two years.
