Progressive Era Review Sheet

The Progressive Era
Review Sheet
1) What are some problems that were attempted to be addressed by Progressive Reform? What were some of the
different groups of reformers during this time period?
2) What is Progressivism? Who were the progressives, generally speaking? What did they believe about
3) Describe the nature of the movement. What does it mean when it is called a web or patchwork of
4) What were some of the methods used by the Progressives? Give an example of each method.
5) Who were the muckrakers? What did they do? (Authors’ name/Titles of work/what it was about)
6) Name the characteristics of a successful reform movement.
7) Name the reforms (results) passed during this era in different areas: (People associated with movements?)
Reforming Society –
Reforming Government –
Progressive Women Expand Reform –
8) What were the obstacles to Women’s Suffrage? What were some of the arguments against women’s
9) What were the two main paths that suffragists took to attempt to gain the right to vote?
10) What conditions made the passage of the 19th Amendment possible?
11) Who were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois? How did their view on African American progress
12) In what ways did African Americans began to organize? (What people were associated with these groups?)
13) How did other groups respond to prejudice and discrimination against them?
14) Who was Eugene V. Debs? What party did he belong to? What reforms did he support?
15) What did TR accomplish as President?
16) Who was William Howard Taft? What did he accomplish as President?
17) Why did TR leave the Republican Party in 1912? What party did he form?
18) How did this action by TR help Woodrow Wilson gain the presidency?
19) Who was Woodrow Wilson? What were some of the major pieces of legislation that were passed during his
Terms to Know:
Social Gospel –
Settlement House (Jane Addams) –
Direct Primary –
Recall –
Referendum –
Initiative –
National Consumers League (Florence Kelley) –
Temperance Movement –
Margaret Sanger –
Ida B. Wells –
Suffrage –
Americanization –
Square Deal –
New Nationalism –
Bull Moose/Progressive party –
New Freedom –
Prohibition –
16th Amendment –
17th Amendment –
18th Amendment –
19th Amendment –
Federal Reserve Act (Federal Reserve System) –
Federal Trade Commission –
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: You must be able to answer these questions using specific examples from the
Progressive Era to support your answers.
Essential Question #1:
What drives people to organize and work for change in their society & government?
Essential Question #2:
What methods can be used to create change in society and which are most effective?
Essential Question #3:
How much responsibility does the government have to protect its citizens from the dangers of society? Support
your answer with examples from the Progressive Era