Joseph Stalin's Rise: A Detailed Timeline

Rise of Joseph Stalin: Timeline
December 21, 1879:
Birth of Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, later known as Stalin
September 1888:
Stalin enters Gori Church School
September 1894:
Stalin enrolls in Tiflis Theological Seminary
March 1898:
First Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party
May 29, 1899:
Stalin is expelled from the Seminary
April 5, 1902:
Stalin arrested for the first time, exiled to Siberia
Summer 1903:
The Social Democrats split into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.
January 5, 1904:
Stalin escapes from Siberia, the first of many escapes from exile in the following decade.
Revolution in Russia. Nicholas II announces constitutional reforms, and the creation of the Duma, or
elected assembly. Stalin marries Yekaterina Svanidze.
December 1905:
Stalin goes as a delegate to Bolshevik conference in Finland, meets Lenin for the first time.
March 1907:
Birth of Stalin's first child, Yakov
October 1907:
Death of Yekaterina
January 1912:
Bolsheviks officially separate from Social Democrats, Stalin appointed to the Party's Central
Committee by Lenin.
January 1913:
Stalin co-writes, with Lenin, "Marxism and the National Question"
August-September 1914:
Outbreak of World War I.
March 1917:
Beginning of Russian Revolution. The Tsar's government falls, replaced with a Provisional
Government. Bolsheviks, including Stalin, hasten to St. Petersburg
April 1917:
Lenin returns from Switzerland, rebukes Stalin for taking a conciliar line with the Provisional
November 1917:
Bolsheviks overthrow Provisional Government, seize power. Stalin plays only a minor role.
February 1918:
Stalin marries Nadezhda Alliluyeva
Civil war in Russia. Trotsky organizes Red Army; Stalin commands forces in Tsaritsyn, Petrograd (St.
Petersburg), and elsewhere.
Birth of Stalin's second child, Vasily
Official founding of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
April 1922:
Stalin elected General Secretary of the Communist Party
May 25, 1922:
Lenin suffers his first stroke
January 4, 1923:
Lenin, in a postscript to his Testament, warns the Party to remove Stalin from his position of power.
March 7, 1923:
Lenin suffers final stroke, loses his powers of speech
January 21, 1924:
Death of Lenin. Stalin survives the reading of the Testament by the Central Committee in May.
Stalin publicly attacks Trotsky for being unfaithful to "Leninism."
December 1924:
Stalin publicly articulates his theory of "Socialism in One Country."
December 1925:
Allied with Bukharin and the "Rightists," Stalin begins attacks on Zinoviev.
February 28, 1926:
Birth of Stalin's third child, Svetlana
October-November 1926:
At the Fifteenth Party Congress, Stalin attacks the "United Opposition" of Zinoviev, Kamenev, and
Beginning of the first Five-Year Plan
November 1927:
Kamenev and Zinoviev expelled from the Party; Trotsky expelled and sent to Central Asia.
April 1929:
Stalin begins assault on Bukharin
November 1929:
Bukharin removed from the Politburo
December 1929:
Stalin announces "liquidation of the kulaks as a class"; collectivization begins in earnest.
Terrible famine across the Soviet Union; millions die
November 8, 1932:
Suicide of Nadezhda
December 1, 1934:
Murder, by Stalin's agents, of Sergei Kirov. Beginning of "Great Terror," which continues until 1938.
January 1935:
Zinoviev, Kamenev, and others are arrested, accused of complicity in Kirov's assassination.
August 1936:
First "Show Trial." Zinoviev, Kamenev, and their allies confess and are executed.
January 1937:
Second Show Trial
June 1937:
Purge of the army begins, top generals are tried and executed
March 1938:
Third Show Trial, conviction and execution of Bukharin, Rykov, others.
March 1939:
At Eighteenth Party Congress, Stalin announces end of the Great Terror.
August 23, 1939:
Nazi-Soviet Pact is signed in Moscow
September 1939:
Outbreak of World War II
August 20, 1940:
Trotsky assassinated, by Stalin's agents, in Mexico City.
June 21, 1941:
Hitler invades Soviet Union
August 1942-February 1943:
Battle of Stalingrad. Germans are defeated, marking the turning point in the war.
November 1943:
Stalin meets with Roosevelt and Churchill in Teheran
February 1945:
Stalin meets with Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta
April 31, 1945:
Hitler commits suicide in bombed-out Berlin, ending war in Europe. Red Army controls all of Eastern
August 1945:
United States uses atomic bomb against Japan, bringing an end to the war in the Pacific.
February 1948:
Communists seize power in Czechoslovakia, cementing Soviet control of Eastern Europe.
Summer 1948:
Soviets blockade East Berlin.
Communists, under Mao, are victorious in Chinese Civil War.
September 1949:
Soviets explode their first atomic bomb.
December 1949:
Stalin celebrates his seventieth birthday.
February 1950:
Sino-Soviet Treaty signed
Korean War
January 1953:
Announcement of Jewish "Doctors' Plot" against Stalin, plans for new wave of terror.
March 5, 1953:
Death of Stalin