EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA PRETORIA DARMASISWA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ACADEMIC YEAR 2012 - 2013 The Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Department of National Education is pleased to offer Darmasiswascholarships to young generation together with other participants from countries that Indonesia has bilateral relations to study Indonesian language, music, dance, crafts and other subjects of arts and culture in 62 universities and higher educational institutions across Indonesia for the academic year of 2012 - 2013. The DARMASISWA program is essentially a non-degree program undertaken within 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. The applicants are allowed to apply at more than one participating universities or higher educational institutions and submit their complete application forms and other documents to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Pretoria. The documents of applicants who have been selected by the Indonesian Embassy will be submitted to the Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation, Ministry of National Education or the Directorate of Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Programs of Study : 3 Months Program : - Indonesian language Culture Fisheries and Marine Agriculture Islamic Studies in Indonesia Sustainable Tropical Horticulture Tropical Biodiversity from forest to the sea Tropical Ecology and Rapid Biodiversity Assessment Architecture, Landscape and Urban Design Art and Design (design studio and workshop) Biodiversity (scientific food and medicine) Inter-faith and local wisdom on Indonesia Craft Course Fine Arts Courses Traditional Dance, Folk Theater, Ethnomusicology, Puppetry Indonesian Politics Pharmacy South East Asia Economy Hospitality and Resort Design Southeast Asian Vernacular 6 Months and 1 year Program : - Indonesian language Arts and Culture Music and Traditional Music Gamelan (Javanese Musical Orchestra) 1 - Ethnomusicology Shadow Puppetry Dance and Traditional Dance Handicrafts Culinary Painting Fine Art Art of Making Batik (Batik Textile Design) Photography Indonesian Traditional Herbal Medicine Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility Photography Biology Education Mathematics Education Economic Development Economic Development and Accounting International Business Management Program International Financial Accounting Program Civil Engineering Industrial Engineering Pharmacy (Herbs) Chinese Indonesian Architecture Design Tour, Travel and Hotel Management Fisheries and Marine Agriculture Information System Computer Technology Accounting Qualifications of Participants The applicants for the DARMASISWA Scholarship of the Republic of Indonesia should meet the following qualifications: - Not more than 35 years of age; Completed Secondary Education (High School) or its equivalent; Be able to communicate in English and be available to assist the university where participants studying to teach English or other foreign languages; Have a basic knowledge of the field they are applying for (except for the study of the Indonesian language); Have good health as proved by a Medical Certificate or Letter duly signed by a doctor from their countries of residence; The Scholarship Covers - Tuition fee; Monthly cost of living allowance of Rp 2.000.000 (two million rupiah) equivalent to about R1.920; Airfare Ticket The Government of the Republic of Indonesia does not provide the airfare ticket for the participants. However, the participants will be fetched at the airport when they arrive and will be transported to the provided accommodation during the orientation program. 2 Accommodation The organizing committee does not provide accommodation for the participants. However, the participants may seek assistance from the university in which they will study in finding a house or room to rent that suit their financial resources. Health Insurance The organizing committee does not provide insurance policy, therefore participants are advised to avail themselves of an international insurance policy. Schedule - The final submission of the application: 10 February 2012 Selection of documents: March 2012 Announcement of the selection: End of April 2012 Confirmation by the selected participants: End of May 2012 Arrival of the participants and Orientation Program: Beginning of June 2012 and August 2012 Academic program (3months): Beginning of June 2012 to August 2012 Academic program (6 months): Beginning of August 2012 to January 2013 Academic program (1 year): Beginning of August 2012 to July 2013. Application procedures - Complete the Application Form; Submit the original completed Application Forms together with the following documents: - 1 (one) copy of the academic transcript; - 1 (one) original Medical Certificate or Doctor’s Medical Statement; - 5 (five) copies of ID photos; - 1 (one) copy of passport (valid at least 18months). - 1 (one) original letter of recommendation from institution/university /college/high school of origin. - 1 (one) original letter of recommendation from the Embassy of Indonesia in Pretoria - The whole documents should be mailed to: Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Pretoria 949 Schoeman Street Hatfield, Pretoria 0082 Visa Requirements Successful applicants will be issued a social-visit visa valid for two months by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Pretoria. This visa will be converted to a temporary resident visa valid for 3 months, 6 months and 1 year upon arrival in Indonesia. Participants are not allowed to apply for a tourist visa or visa on arrival as this type of visa is nonconvertible. For further information about this program, please contact: Office of Information, Social and Cultural Affairs, The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Pretoria 949, Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Pretoria 0082 PO BOX 13155 Hatfield 0028 Phone: +27 12 342 3350/1/2/3 Fax: +27 12 342 3369 Email: info@indonesia-pretoria.org.za 3 LIST OF PARTICIPATING UNIVERSITIES 1 (ONE) YEAR AND REGULAR 6 (SIX) MONTH PROGRAM No. University/College Address Tel./ Fax Programs 1 State University of Medan (UNIMED) Willem Iskandar Psr V Medan Estate, Medan www.unimed.ac.id (+6261) 661 3365 T (+6261) 661 3319 F 2 University of Andalas (UNAND) Rektorat Unand Kampus Manis, Padang (+62751) 71303 T www.unand.ac.id (+62751) 71085 F Indonesian Language 3 College of the Indonesian Arts (STSI) Padang Panjang Bundo Kanduang 35 Padang Panjang www.isi-pandangpanjang.ac.id (+62752) 82077 T (+62752) 82803 F Karawitan (Gamelan Orchestra), Dances, Handicraft 4 University of Sriwijaya (UNSRI) Raya Prabumulih Indralaya OKI Palembang www.unsri.ac.id (+62711) 580 357 Indonesian Language 5 University of Bina Darma, Palembang Jendral Ahmad Yani No.24 Palembang 30264 www.binadarma.ac.id (+62711) 7080181 T (+62711) 513018 F Indonesian Language 6 University of Lampung (UNILA) Prof. Dr. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Bandar Lampung 35145 www.unila.ac.id (+62721) 701 609 T (+62721) 702 767 F Indonesian Language 7 University of Indonesia (UI) Kamp. UI, Depok 16424 Jawa Barat www.ui.ac.id (+6221) (+6221) (+6221) (+6221) T T T F Indonesian Language 8 State Universityof Jakarta (UNJ) Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220 www.unj.ac.id (+6221) 4893982 T (+6221) 4893982 F Indonesian Language 9 University of Nasional (UNAS) Sawo Manila, Pejaten Pasar Minggu, Jakarta 12520 www.unas.ac.id (+6221) 7806700 T (+6221) 7802718/9 F Indonesian Language 10 LIA Foreign Language College (STBA LIA) Jalan Pengadegan Timur Raya no. 3, Jakarta Selatan 12270 www.stbalia.net (+6221)79181051 T (+6221)79181057 F Indonesian Language 11 Atmajaya Catholic University at Jakarta(UNIKA ATMAJAYA, JAKARTA) Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 51, Jakarta Selatan 12930 www.atmajaya.ac.id (+6221) 5727615, 5703306 ext. 251 T (+6221)5747912 F Indonesian Language 12 College of Tourism Sahid (STP SAHID) Jalan Kemiri No. 22, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Jakarta www.stpsahid.ac.id (+6221)7402329 T (+6221)7428152 F Culinary 13 Pakuan University (UNPAK) Pakuan P.O. Box 452, Bogor www.unpak.ac.id (+62251) 312 206 T (+62251) 312206 F Indonesian Language, Traditional Arts and Culture 14 Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung www.unpad.ac.id (+6222) 2501 977 T (+6222) 2501 932 F Indonesian Language 7270009 7863528 7864075 7270038 Indonesian Language 4 15 Education University of Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Indonesia (UPI) Bandung www.upi.ac.id (+6222) 213 162 T (+6222) 213 651 F Indonesian Language 16 College of Indonesian Arts (STSI) Bandung (+6222) 7314 982 T (+6222) 7303 021 F Karawitan (Gamelan Orchestra), Music, Dance 17 University of Pasundan Tamasari 6-8 (UNPAS) Bandung www.unpas.ac.id (+6222) 4201 677 T (+6222) 4205832 F Indonesian Language 18 University of Diponegoro (UNDIP) Prof. H. Soedarto, SH Tembalang, Kotak Pos 1269, Semarang www.undip.ac.id (+6224) 7460 012 T (+6224) 7460 013 F Indonesian Language 19 State University of Semarang (UNNES) Kampus UNNES, Gedung H Sekaran Gunung Pati Semarang www.unnes.ac.id (+6224) 8508 004 T (+6224) 8508 082 F Indonesian Language, Art of Painting, Handicrafts, Music, Dance, Art of Batik (Batik Textile Design) 20 Institute of Teaching and Education PGRI (IKIP PGRI) Semarang Kampus I : Lontar No. 1 Sidodadi Timur, Semarang Kampus II: Lingga Raya No. 1, Semarang www.ikip-pgrismrg.net (+6224) 8448 217 T (+6224) 8316 377 T (+6224) 8448 217 F Indonesian Language 21 Soegijapranata Catholic Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1 University of Semarang Bendan Duwur Semarang 50234 (UNIKA Soegijapranata) www.unika.ac.id (+6224) 8441555 T (+6224) 84452656 F Indonesian Traditional Herbal Medicine, Enterpreneurship and Social Responsibility 22 University of Jenderal Soedirman Prof.Dr.H.R Boenjamin 708 Purwokerto (+6224) 635292 T (+6224) 631802 F Indonesian Language 23 Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Yogyakarta Parangtritis Km 6,5 D.I. Yogyakarta www.isi.ac.id (+62274) 371 2333 T/F Handicrafts, Traditional Music, Traditional Dance, Photography, Karawitan (Gamelan Orchestra) 24 Gajah Mada University (UGM) Bulaksumur D.I. Yogyakarta www.ugm.ac.id (+62274) 563 974 T Indonesian Language 23 State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) Karangmalang D.I. Yogyakarta www.uny.ac.id (+62274) 586 168 ext 318 T (+62274) 565 500 F Indonesian Language Buah Batu No. 212 Bandung 40265 www.stsi-bdg.ac.id 5 24 University of Sanata Dharma (USD) Mrican Tromol Pos 29 Yogyakarta 55002 www.usd.ac.id (+62274) 513301 T (+62274) 562383 F Indonesian Language 25 University of Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Jalan Kapas No. 9, Semaki Yogyakarta www.uad.ac.id (+62274) 511 829 T (+62274) 564 604 F Indonesian Language 26 Atmajaya Catholic University at Yogyakarta (UNIKA ATMAJAYA YOGYAKARTA) Jalan Babaran No. 44, Yogyakarta 55281 www.uajy.ac.id (+62274) 487711 T (+62274) 487729 F Indonesian Language 27 Center for Vocational Training and Teachers Development and Empowerment in Arts (P4TK) Yogyakarta Jalan Kaliurang km 13,3, Klidon, Sukoharjo Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55581 www.pppgkes.com 28 Indonesian Arts Ki Hajar Dewantara 19 Institute (ISI) Surakarta Surakarta www.isi-ska.ac.id (+62271) 647658 T (+62271) 646175 F Traditional Music, Dance, Etnomusicology, Shadowpuppetry 29 University of Sebelas Maret (UNS) Ir. Sutami No. 36A Surakarta www.uns.ac.id (+62271) 646994 T (+62271) 646655 F Indonesian Language 30 State University of Malang (UM) Jl. Surabaya No. 6 Malang www.malang.ac.id (+62341) 551312 T/F Indonesian Language 31 Muhammadiyah Komplek Pondok Internasional University of Surakarta KH Manshur, Jl. A. Yani Tromol (UMS) Pos 1, Pabelan, Surakarta 57102 www.internasional.ums.ac.id (+62271) 7653115 T (+62271) 715448 F Indonesian Language 32 Institute of Teaching and Education (IKIP) Budi Utomo, Malang Jalan Simpang Arjuno 14B Malang www.ikipbudiutomo.ac.id (+62341) 326019 T (+62341) 323214 T (+62341) 326019 F Indonesian Language, Arts 32 State Polytechnic of Malang (POLINEMA) Jalan Veteran, PO BOX 04, Malang 65145 www.poltek-malang.ac.id (+62341) 562158 T/F Indonesian Language 33 Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM) Jalan Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang www.umm.ac.id (+62341) 464 318/9 T Indonesian (+62341) 460 782 F Language (+62341) 460 345 F 34 Center for Teachers Development and Empowerment in Technology (P4TK), Malang Jalan Teluk Mandar Arjosari Tromol Pos 5, Malang 65102 www.vedcmalang.com (+62341) 491 239 T 35 University of Jember (UJ) Jalan Kalimantan 37, Kampus Tegal Boto, Jember 68121 www.unej.ac.id (+62331) 337 422 T/F Indonesian Language 36 State University of Surabaya (UNESA) Kampus IKIP Ketintang Surabaya www.unesa.ac.id (+6231) 829 0357 T Dance, Music, Photography, Handicrafts Indonesian Language Indonesian Language 6 37 Airlangga University (UNAIR) Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115 www.unair.ac.id (+6231) 591 4042 T (+6231) 591 2546 T (+6231) 598 1841 F Indonesian Language 38 Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UNMUH) Sutorejo No. 59 Surabaya www.unmuh.ac.id (+6231) 381 1966 T (+6231) 381 3096 F Indonesian Language 39 Petra Christian University Surabaya Jalan Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya www.petra.ac.id (+6231) 8439040 T (+6231) 8492583 F Indonesian Language, ChineseIndonesian Architecture Design, Photography of ChineseIndonesian Tradition 40 University of Surabaya (UBAYA) International Village, Raya Kalirungkut Surabaya 60293 www.ubaya.ac.id (+6231) 2981300 T (+6231) 2981301 F Indonesian Language 41 Indonesian Arts Nusa Indah, Denpasar Institute (ISI) Denpasar Bali www.isi-dps.ac.id (+62361) 227 316 T (+62361) 233 100 F Music, Dance, Handicrafts, Karawitan (Gamelan Orchestra) 42 University of Udayana (UNUD) (+62361) 701 954 T (+62361) 701 907 F Indonesian Language 43 Ganesha University of Achmad Yani No. 67 Education (UNDIKSHA) Singaraja, Bali 81116 Singaraja www.undiksha.ac.id (+62362) 23 458 T (+62362) 25 735 F Indonesian Language 44 State Polytechnic, Bali (POLIBALI) Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Kuta, Bali PO Box 1064, Tuban www.pnb.ac.id (+62361) (+62361) (+62361) (+62361) T T T F Indonesian Language 45 Institute of Teaching and Education (IKIP) Saraswati, Tabanan Pahlawan No. 2, Tabanan 82113, Bali www.ikipsaraswatitabanan.com (+62361) 811 267 T Indonesian Language 46 University of Mataram (UNRAM) Majapahit No. 62, Mataram www.unram.ac.id (+62370) 625 802 T (+62370) 636 041 Indonesian Language 47 University of Mulawarman (UNMUL) Kampus Unmul Gunung Kelua Kotak Pos 1068 Samarinda www.unmul.ac.id (+62541) 748 698 T (+62541) 747 479 F Indonesian Language 48 Makassar Muhammadiyah University (UNISMUH Makassar) Sultan Alaudin No.259 Makassar www.unismuh.ac.id (+62411) 881593 T (+62411) 585188 F Indonesian Language 49 University of Hasanuddin (UNHAS) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar (+62411) 584002 T (+62411) 585188 F Indonesian Language Komplek Kampus Jimbaran, Denpasar, Bali www.unud.ac.id 701 703 703 701 981 215 212 128 7 www.unhas.ac.id 50 Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT) Kampus Unsrat Bahu Manado, North Sulawesi www.unsrat.ac.id (+62431) 863786 T (+62431) 825668 F Indonesian Language, Fisheries and Marine, Agriculture 51 Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) Jalan Dipati Ukur 102 – 118 Bandung www.unikom.ac.id (+622) 2503054 T (+622) 2533754 F Computer Technology, Information System, Accounting 8 LIST OF PARTICIPATING UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES ORGANIZING IN THE SUMMER 3 (THREE) MONTH PROGRAM No. University/College Address Tel./ Fax Programs 1 State Islamic University (UIN) of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Jalan H. Juanda No.95 Ciputat Jakarta Selatan www.uinjkt.ac.id (+6221) 7401925 T (+6221) 7401925 F Isalmic Studies in Indonesia 2 University of Indonesia (UI) Kampus UI Depok 16424 Jawa Barat www.ui.ac.id (+6221) 7270009 T (+6221) 7270038 F - 3 Institute of Agricultural Bogor (IPB) Jalan Raya Darmaga Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680 www.ipb.ac.id (+6251) 8622642 T (+6251) 8622708 F Sustainable Tropical Horticulture, Tropical Biodiversity, Tropical Ecology and Rapid Biodiversity Assessment 4 Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Jalan Ganesha 10, bandung 40132 www.itb.ac.id (+6222) 2500935 T (+6222) 2500935 F Architecture, Landscape and Urban Design; Art and Design; Biodiversity (scientific food and medicine) 5 University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) Bulaksumur Yogyakarta www.ugm.ac.id (+6274) 563974 T Indonesian Language; Culture; Interfaith and local wisdom on Indonesia 6 Indonesian Art Institue Yogyakarta (ISI) Parangtritis Km.6.5 Yogyakarta www.isi.ac.id (+6274) 371233 T Craft Course; Fine Arts Courses; Traditional Dance; Folk Theatre; Etnomusicology; Puppetry 7 State University of Surabaya (UNESA) Kampus IKIP, Surabaya Ketintang Jawa Timur www.unesa.ac.id (+6231) 8290357 T Indonesian Language and Culture 8 Airlangga University (UNAIR) Surabaya Kampus C Mulyorejo Surabaya 601115 www.unair.ac.id (+6231) 5914042 T (+6231) 5981841 F Indonesian Language; Indonesian Politics; Pharmacy (Herb) 9 University of Udayana Bali (UNUD) Komplek Kampis Jimbaran Denpasar www.unud.ac.id (+62361) 701954 T (+62361) 701907 F Southeast Asia Economy; Hospitality and resort Design; Southeast Asian Vernacular 9