General Biology BSC 1005 - Northwest Florida State College

BOT 1010C Botany
Spring 2014
Instructor: Dr. Margaret Aresco
Class Location: S127
Class Time: Mon and Wed 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Office Hours: by appointment
Phone: Science Department 729 – 5376
Website: (Refer to course website throughout
the semester for lab handouts, exam study guides, and other course materials.) Course
materials will also be available in D2L.
Course Goals: Students will gain an understanding and appreciation for the major groups
of plants, fungi, and plant-like protists. This is a hands-on lab course and all students are
expected to participate in lab activities which will enhance their understanding of the
lecture material.
Required Textbooks:
Stern’s Introductory Plant Biology, 13th Edition, by J. E. Bidlack and S. H. Jansky
Lecture/Lab practical exams
Final exam (cumulative, required)
Lab notebook
Written Assignments
Total possible
400 points (5 100 pt exams, lowest score dropped)
100 points
50 points
100 points
50 points
700 points
Grading Scale:
A 90 - 100% (630 - 700 points)
B 80 - 89% (560 - 629 points)
C 70 - 79% (490 - 559 points)
D 60 - 69% (420 – 489 points)
F < 60%
(< 419 points)
Tentative Exam Schedule:
Exam 1: 29 Jan
Exam 2: 17 Feb
Exam 3: 10 Mar
Exam 4: 2 Apr
Exam 5: 23 Apr
Final Exam (cumulative, required): Wed May 7 10:00 – 11:50 am
Your lowest lecture/lab exam score will be dropped.
No make-up exams will be given.
Lab Notebook – due 17 Feb and 23 Apr
Each student will compile a lab notebook of drawings and notes from each lab to be
turned in and graded. The lab notebook will also be a useful study guide for lab practical
exams. Each lab session the instructor will assign a certain number of drawings to be
completed during that lab, including microscope slides, preserved or dried specimens,
and live specimens. Each drawing should be identified by taxa and all relevant structures
labeled. You don’t have to be an artist to make good, detailed, labeled drawings of the
specimens you observe during lab. The more detailed and descriptive your lab notebook
is, the better study guide it will be for you. You will not be graded on your artistic
ability, but rather on the detail, accuracy, and labeling of your sketches and notes.
Written Assignments
Four short (1-2 page) written assignments will be assigned throughout the semester. The
goal of these assignments is to help the students understand the importance of plants,
fungi, and protists in their everyday life. A scientific or popular literature article will be
provided as the basis for each written assignment.
Class Field Trip(s)
Weather and time permitting, we will take at least one field trip as a class to a local area
to observe fungi and plants in their natural environment. Students will take notes during
the trip to add to their lab notebook.
Emergency Procedures
The schedule, requirements, and procedures of this course are subject to change. If the
college closes for inclement weather or any other emergency, any exams, presentations,
or assignments previously scheduled during the closure period will be rescheduled for the
first regular class meeting held once college reopens.
Accommodations for Special Needs Students
If you have a disability for which accommodations may be appropriate to assist you in
this class, please contact the Office of Disability Support Services in the Student Services
Center on the Niceville Campus. The counselor for Students with Disabilities may be
reached by calling 729-6079 (TDD 1-800-955-8771 or Voice 1-800-955-8770) or by
email at Students with special needs must meet with the instructor
during the first week of class for appropriate accommodations to be arranged.
Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Academic Integrity
Students are responsible for adherence to all college policies and procedures, including
those related to academic freedom, cheating, classroom conduct, computer/network/email use and other items included in the Northwest Florida State College Catalog and
Student Handbook. Students should be familiar with the rights and responsibilities
detailed in the current Northwest Florida State College Catalog and Student Handbook.
Plagiarism, cheating, or any other form of academic dishonesty is a serious breach of
student responsibilities and may trigger consequences which range from a failing grade to
formal disciplinary action.
Class Attendance
Students must attend class regularly and arrive on time. Attendance will be taken every
class period and students with excessive absences or tardies may be withdrawn from the
class. Students may not use cell phones/ pagers/ email/ internet/laptops at any time
during class and must turn off such devices before entering the classroom. Use of
cameras/cell phones to photograph lab materials is prohibited. Students found to be
texting or using cell phones during class will first receive a verbal warning, a second
offence will result in the student being asked to leave the class, and repeated use will
result in the student being withdrawn from the class. It is recommended that if you
cannot refrain from checking your phone that you not bring it to class. During exams all
personal materials must be placed at the front of the classroom.