Key Terms

U.S. History
Mr. Charles
The Progressive Era, Ch. 11
Upton Sinclair
Basic beliefs of the Progressives
Henry George
Edward Bellamy
Ida Tarbell
Rise of Socialism
Revival of the Women’s Movement
Florence Kelley
Mother Jones
Fire and Strike at Triangle Shirtwaist Company
Social Welfare programs
Municipal reforms
Change in Galveston, Texas
Direct primary
Examples of Reforms in the Workplace
Muller v. Oregon
Robert La Follette
TR’s Square Deal
1902 Coal Strike (TR’s handling of the issue)
TR as a “trustbuster” (Northern Securities,
Standard Oil, tobacco)
Hepburn Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Meat Inspection Act
Creation of national parks
Gifford Pinchot
16th Amendment
17th Amendment
18th Amendment
Issue over tariff (Payne-Aldrich Tariff)
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
TR’s New Nationalism
Bull Moose Party (and platform)
Wilson’s New Freedom
1912 Election (candidates and platforms)
Underwood Tariff Act
Wilson as a trustbuster
Clayton Antitrust Act
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Reserve System
Louis Brandeis
Susan B. Anthony (1872)
Strategy of the Suffragists
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Carrie Chapman Catt
Alice Paul (Congressional Union)
Impact of WW1
19th Amendment
U.S. History
Mr. Charles
The Progressive Era, Ch. 11
Florence Kelley
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
Food and Drug Administration
Robert La Follette
Clayton Antitrust Act
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Reserve System
Alice Paul (Congressional Union)
Edward Bellamy
19th amendment