Chapter 7: Resource Markets


Chapter 7: Resource Markets

Chapter Focus


How businesses maximize profits by choosing how much of each economic resource to use

Based on the marginal productivity theory that businesses use resources based on how much extra profit these resources provide

The profit-maximizing rule that states that a business should use a resource to the point where marginal revenue product equals marginal resource cost (MRP = MRC)

MRP = ∆ TR MRC = Wages OR ∆ Total Labour Cost

∆ Labour ∆ Labour Supplied

Business choose how much of each economic resource to use based upon the combination of the resource’s MRP and MRC


The demand for resources by businesses that are price-takers and price-makers in the markets in which they sell their products

Demand for resources is determined indirectly since resources are used to produce final goods and services

 MRP curve represents the business’s resource demand curve

Product and resource price-taker

a market with many buyers and sellers therefore no effect on the price of resource

Product price-maker, but resource price-taker

most common scenario

Product and resource price-maker (monopsonist)

very unusual, but does occur in small, isolated communities



The supply of labour, how wage rates are determined, and labour market equilibrium

Resource price-taker

the marginal resource cost curve represents the business’s labour supply curve  perfectly elastic therefore horizontal

Wage rates are determined by the entire industry labour market demand and supply

Labour market equilibrium occurs where labour market demand equals labour market supply

Labour market equilibrium determines wage rates and the number of workers in an industry


Factors that change resource demand

Changes in product demand

Changes in other resource prices

complementary resources, substitute resources

Technological innovation


Price elasticity of resource demand and the factors that determine it

 Price elasticity of resource demand indicates the responsiveness of businesses using a resource to variations in it’s price i) rate of decline of its marginal product

MP declines fast then higher

inelasticity / MP declines slow than higher elasticity ii) price elasticity of product demand

higher elasticity / inelasticity of

product demand then higher elasticity / inelasticity of resource demand iii) proportion of total costs

higher / lower proportion = more / less elastic iv) substitute resources

more / less substitutes = more / less elastic
