How businesses maximize profits by choosing how much of each economic resource to use
The demand for resources by businesses that are price-takers and price-makers in the markets in which they sell their products
The supply of labour, how wage rates are determined, and labour market equilibrium
Factors that change resource demand
Price elasticity of resource demand and the factors that determine it
Wage: the amount earned by a worker for providing labour for a certain period of time; sometimes know as salary
The Demand for Resources:
It depends on the demand of the final goods and services
Marginal productivity theory:
The theory that businesses use resources based on how much extra profit these resources provide
Marginal Product:
The change in output by adding/changing in input (worker) while all other factors remain constant
Marginal revenue product: (MRP)
the change in total revenue associated with employing each new unit of a resource
Labour demand and supply:
Marginal resource cost: (MRC) the extra cost of each additional unit of resource
Business’s labour demand curve:
a graph showing the possible combinations of workers demanded by a business at each possible wage
Business’s labour supply curve:
a graph showing the possible combinations of workers supplied to a business at each possible wage
Profit-maximizing Employment Rule:
states that a business should use a resource up to the point where the resource’s marginal revenue product equals its marginal resource cost
Profit-Maximizing employment rule: MRP = MRC
Labour market demand curve:
A graph showing the possible combinations of workers demanded in a certain labour market at each possible wage
Labour market supply curve:
A graph showing the possible combinations of workers supplying their labour in a certain labour market at each possible wage
Product Demand
Other Resource Prices
Complementary Resources: resources that are used together
Labour Productivity: the quantity of output produced per worker in a given period of time; the average product of labour
Substitute Resources: resources that can be used in place of one another without affecting output
Technological Innovation
Increase productivity
Rate of Decline in Marginal Product
Price Elasticity of Product Demand
Proportion of Total Costs
Substitute Resources