APUSH - MIDTERM REVIEW – January, 2014 American Pageant

APUSH - MIDTERM REVIEW – January, 2014
American Pageant Chapters 1-20
Key Terms and Concepts - Use the following terms to review for your midterm. Midterm will consist
of 80 multiple choice questions and three essay responses. Be able to discuss all of the following terms
and concepts and the historical significance.
Characteristics of the first Americans
Staple crop in Mexico and South America
Impact of European encounters with Native American populations
First Colonies and locations
Maryland Act of Toleration
The Great Awakening
Colonial education
Stamp Act
Stamp Act Congress
Coercive Acts
First Continental Congress
Battle of Saratoga
Thomas Paine - Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
Proclamation of 1763
Treaty of Paris
Articles of Confederation
Shay’s Rebellion
Federalist and Anti-federalist
US Constitution - Structure and Principles
Federalism / Federal System
Electoral College
Bill of Rights
Unwritten Constitution
Lobby/Special Interest Group
Hamilton’s Financial Plan - Key aspects
Whiskey Rebellion
Jay’s Treaty
Pinckney Treaty
Washington’s Farewell Address
Alien and Sedition Acts
Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
Jeffersonian Democracy
Embargo Acts
War of 1812
Marshall Court - important cases
Missouri Compromise
Monroe Doctrine
Seneca Falls Convention - Declaration of Sentiments
Jacksonian Democracy
Spoils system
Nullification Crisis
Early Reform Movements (Early 1800’s)
Dorothea Dix
William Lloyd Garrison
Manifest Destiny
Wilmot Proviso
Mexican Wars
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Gadsden Purchase
California Gold Rush
Slave Revolts - Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner
“Fifty-four Forty or Fight”
Annexation of Texas
Mexican Cession
Compromise of 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Bleeding Kansas
Dred Scott v Sanford
Election of 1860
Homestead Act
Advantages of the North and South at the beginning of the Civil War
Gettysburg - impact
Gettysburg Address
Possible Essay Topics:
Early Reform Movements
Manifest Destiny
Causes of the Civil War