Grand Street Café 2014 Spring Menu Key Terms Agnolotti is a type

Grand Street Café 2014 Spring Menu Key Terms
Agnolotti is a type of ravioli typical of the Piedmont region of Italy, made with small pieces of
flattened pasta dough, folded over with assorted filings. Basically an over stuffed small ravioli.
Aioli is a Provençal traditional sauce made of garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and usually egg yolks
Amatriciana sauce, is a traditional Italian pasta sauce based on guanciale (cured pork cheek)
or pancetta, pecorino cheese, and tomato. Originating from the town of Amatrice (in the
mountainous Province of Rieti of Lazio region), the Amatriciana is one of the most well-known
pasta sauces in Roman and Italian cuisine.
Arancini or arancine are fried rice balls coated with breadcrumbs, said to have originated in
Sicily in the 10th century. Arancini are usually filled with ragù (meat sauce) or cheese.
Au jus is French for "with juice"; jus is the juice itself. In American cuisine, the term is mostly
used to refer to a light sauce for beef recipes, which may be served with the food or placed on
the side for dipping. In French cuisine, jus is a natural way to enhance the flavour of dishes,
mainly chicken, veal and lamb.
Bagna càuda, is a warm dip typical of Piedmont, Italy, but with numerous local variations. The
dish, which is served and consumed in a manner similar to fondue, is made with garlic,
anchovies, olive oil, butter, and in some parts of the region cream.
Brioche is a pastry of French origin that is akin to a highly enriched bread, and whose high egg
and butter content give it a rich and tender crumb.
Bucatini, is a thick spaghetti-like pasta with a hole running through the center.
Burgers’ Smokehouse is producer of cured and smoked meats as well as other foods in
California, Missouri. Offerings from the smokehouse include bacon, attic aged ham and other
specialty meat products. It is one of the largest processors of naturally cured hams in the U.S
and is noted as having one of the best attic aged hams in the world from multiple publications.
Caesar salad is a salad of romaine lettuce and croutons dressed with parmesan cheese, lemon
juice, olive oil, egg, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and black pepper. It is often prepared
Carbonara is an Italian pasta dish from Latium, and more specifically Rome, based on eggs,
cheese, bacon (guanciale or pancetta), and black pepper. Spaghetti is usually used as the
pasta, however, fettuccine, rigatoni, or bucatini can also be used. The dish was created in the
middle of the 20th century.
Cavatelli are a type of pasta. The term cavatelli has two meanings: the most common meaning
is small pasta shells that look like miniature hot dog buns. The name is less frequently used for
a type of dumpling made with ricotta.
Chorizo can be a fresh sausage, in which case it must be cooked before eating. In Europe, it is
more frequently a fermented, cured, smoked sausage, in which case it is often sliced and eaten
without cooking, and can be added as an ingredient to add flavour to other dishes. Spanish
chorizo and Portuguese chouriço get their distinctive smokiness and deep red color from dried
smoked red peppers. It is typically flavored with oregano, garlic, vinegar, and assorted chills.
Cotswold Cheese is made by blending chives and spring onions into Double Gloucester
cheese. The orange cheese is coloured similarly to Cotswold stone, hence the name. Double
Gloucester is a traditional, semi-hard cheese which has been made in Gloucestershire,
England, since the 16th century, at one time made only with the milk of the once nearly extinct
Gloucester cattle.
Crème fraîche (‘fresh cream") is a soured cream containing 30–45% butterfat, It is soured with
bacterial culture, but is less sour than U.S.-style sour cream, and has a lower viscosity and a
higher fat content. European labeling regulation disallows any ingredients other than cream and
bacterial culture.
Demi-glace is a rich brown sauce in French cuisine used by itself or as a base for other sauces.
The term comes from the French word glace, which, used in reference to a sauce, means icing
or glaze. It is traditionally made by combining equal parts of veal stock and espagnole sauce
Diablo sauce is a spicy pureed tomato and chili based sauce with cumin lime and garlic
Duck confit Is a French dish made with the leg of the duck. While it is made across France, it is
seen as a speciality of Gascony. The confit is prepared in a centuries-old process of
preservation that consists of salt curing a piece of meat (generally goose, duck, or pork) and
then cooking it in its own fat.
Dungeness crab, is a species of crab that inhabits eelgrass beds and water bottoms on the
west coast of North America. Is a popular seafood prized for its sweet and tender flesh.
Fondue is a Swiss, Italian, and French dish of melted cheese served in a communal pot
(caquelon) over a portable stove (réchaud), and eaten by dipping long-stemmed forks with
bread into the cheese. It was promoted as a Swiss national dish by the Swiss Cheese Union in
the 1930s, and was popularized in North America in the 1960s.
Fresno chili pepper is similar to the Jalapeño pepper, but contains thinner walls. The fruit
starts out bright green changing to orange and red as fully matured. A mature Fresno pepper
will be conical in shape, 2 inches long, and about 1 inch in diameter at the stem. It has a mild
Gastrique is caramelized sugar, deglazed with vinegar, used as a flavoring for sauces. or as a
condiment itself
Giardiniera is an Italian or Italian-American relish of pickled vegetables in vinegar or oil.
Gnocchi are various thick, soft pastas that may be made from potato, ordinary wheat flour, egg,
and cheese. gnocchi has a dumpling like
Gremolata or gremolada is a chopped herb condiment typically made of lemon zest, garlic, and
Gruyère cheese is sweet but slightly salty, with a flavor, similar to swiss cheese, that varies
widely with age. It is often described as creamy and nutty when young, becoming with age more
assertive, earthy and complex. When fully aged (five months to a year) it tends to have small
cracks which impart a slightly grainy texture.
Harissa is a Tunisian hot Chili pepper paste whose main ingredients are roasted red peppers,
serrano peppers and other hot chili peppers and spices and herbs such as garlic paste,
coriander seed, or caraway as well as some vegetable or olive oil for preservation. It is most
closely associated with Tunisia, Libya and Algeria, but recently also making inroads into
Lobster Bisque is a smooth, creamy, highly seasoned soup of French origin, classically based
on a strained broth of lobster. It can be made from lobster, crab, shrimp or crayfish. Also,
creamy soups made from roasted and puréed vegetables are sometimes called bisques.
Manchego is a cheese made in the La Mancha region of Spain from the milk of sheep of the
Manchega breed. Official Manchego cheese is aged for between 60 days and two years.
Manchego has a firm and compact consistency and a buttery texture, and often contains small,
unevenly-distributed air pockets. The colour of the cheese varies from white to ivory-yellow, and
the inedible rind from yellow to brownish beige. The cheese has a distinctive flavour, well
developed but not too strong, creamy with a slight piquancy, and leaves an aftertaste that is
characteristic of sheep’s milk.
Mornay sauce is a Béchamel sauce with shredded or grated cheese added. Usually, it consists
of half Gruyère and half Parmesan cheese, though some variations use different combinations
of Gruyère, Emmental cheese, or white Cheddar.
Old Bay Seasoning is a blend of herbs and spices that is marketed in the United States by
McCormick & Company, and produced in Maryland. It is produced in the Chesapeake Bay area
where it was developed by German immigrant Gustav Brunn in 1939, and where the seasoning
is very popular to this day. The seasoning mix includes mustard, paprika, celery salt, bay leaf,
black pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, mace, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, cardamom, and ginger
Pancetta, is Italian bacon made of pork belly meat that is salt cured and spiced with black
pepper juniper and thyme, rolled into a roulade and then dried for up to one month to lend it a
potent spice flavor.
Pappardelle are large, very broad, flat pasta noodles, similar to wide fettuccine. to gobble up.
The fresh types are two to three centimetres (¾-1 inch) wide and may have fluted edges. Dried
egg pappardelle have straight sides.
Pastrami is a popular delicatessen meat usually made from beef, and sometimes from pork,
mutton or turkey. The raw meat is brined, partially dried, heavily seasoned with coriander and
black pepper, then smoked and steamed. In the United States, it is typically made from beef
brisket. Like corned beef, pastrami was originally created as a way to preserve meat before
modern refrigeration.
Pecorino Romano is most often used on pasta dishes, Its distinctive aromatic, pleasantly
sharp, very salty flavour means that in Italian cuisine.
Peperonata is a stew of sweet peppers, tomatoes, onions and herbs
Pesto is a sauce originating in Genoa in the Liguria region of northern Italy (pesto genovese)
and traditionally consists of crushed garlic, basil, pine nuts blended with olive oil, Parmigiano
Pistou is the french version of pesto that typically does not contain nuts and is pureed smooth
Poblano is a mild chili pepper originating in the state of Puebla, Mexico. Dried, it is called a
chile ancho. The ripened red poblano is significantly hotter and more flavorful than the less ripe,
green poblano.
Relish is a cooked, pickled, or chopped vegetable or fruit food item typically used as a
condiment in particular to enhance a staple. It originated in India and has since become popular
throughout the world. Examples are jams, chutneys, and the North American "relish," a pickled
cucumber jam eaten with hot dogs or hamburgers.
Remoulade or remolded, invented in France, is Very much like the tartar sauce. In of some
English-speaking cultures, remoulade is often aioli- or mayonnaise-based. Although similar to
tartar sauce, it is often more yellowish (or reddish in Louisiana), often flavored with curry, and
sometimes contains chopped pickles. It can also contain horseradish, paprika, anchovies,
capers and a host of other items. It is now more often used as an accompaniment to seafood
Ricotta salata is ricotta cheese that has been salted, dried and pressed into a mold until it is
Romesco is a nut and red pepper-based sauce from Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain. It is typically
made from any mixture of roasted or raw almonds, pine nuts, and/or hazelnuts, roasted garlic,
olive or sunflower oil, bitxo peppers (similar to New Mexico chiles) and/or nyora peppers (a
small, round, variety of red bell pepper). Flour or ground stale bread may be used as a thickener
or to provide texture. Other common ingredients include roasted tomatoes, red wine vinegar and
onions, basil etc.
Rosti potatoes, is a Swiss dish consisting mainly of potatoes. It was originally a common
breakfast eaten by farmers in the canton of Bern, but today is eaten all over Switzerland. Rosti
consists of shredded potatoes pressed into a sautee pan with clarified butter until crispy on the
outside and soft in the middle, (fancy hash browns)
Sauce Robert is a brown mustard sauce derived from the Classic French Espagnole or veal
sauce, one of the mother sauces in French cuisine. Essentially veal mustard reduction sauce.
Soffritto, The Italian version of mirepoix, an Italian soffritto is made with olive oil, especially in
Southern Italy, and may also contain garlic, shallot, leek, and herbs.
Soubise sauce is an onion sauce. It is based on Béchamel sauce, with the addition of onion
Sriracha is a type of hot sauce made from a paste of chili peppers, distilled vinegar, garlic,
sugar, and salt. It is named after the coastal city of Si Racha, in the Chonburi Province of
Eastern Thailand, where it was possibly first produced for dishes served at local seafood
Succotash is a food dish consisting primarily of corn and lima beans or other shell beans. Other
ingredients may be added including tomatoes and green or sweet red peppers. It is one of the
most common ways of cooking rice in Italy.
Tartare is a meat dish made from finely chopped or minced raw beef or raw protein. It is often
served with onions, capers and aioli.
Worcestershire sauce is a fermented liquid condiment consisting of a long list of ingredients
such as garlic, vinegar, pepper, mustard powder, onion etc. Worcestershire sauce is made with
anchovy and therefore may not be suitable for special diets. It has a sharp salty sweet flavor
that works well with fatty meats.