Ch 25

Chapter 25 (536-563)
Industry Comes of Age 1865-1900
1. transcontinental railroads
2. Leland Stanford
3. James Hill
4. Cornelius Vanderbilt
5. Jay Gould
6. Wabash case
7. Interstate Commerce Act
8. Alexander Graham Bell
9. Thomas Edison
10. Andrew Carnegie
11. John D. Rockefeller
12. J.P. Morgan
13. Bessemer process
14. United states Steel Corporation
15. Standard Oil Company
16. Gospel of Wealth
17. Russell Conwell
18. James Buchanan Duke
19. Sherman Anti-Trust Act
20. Henry Grady
21. “Pittsburgh plus”
22. Charles Dana Gibson
23. National Labor Union
24. Knights of Labor
25. Terence V. Powderly
26. Haymarket Square
27. John P. Altgeld
28. AFL
29. Samuel Gompers
1. What was the impact of
the transcontinental
railroad system on the
American economy and
society in the late
nineteenth century?
2. How did the huge
industrial trusts develop
in industries such as
steel and oil, and what
was their effect on the
3. What early efforts were
made to control the new
corporate industrial
giants, and how
effective were these
4. What was the effect of
the new industrial
revolution on American
laborers, and how did
various labor
organizations attempt to
respond to the new
5. How did the industrial
transformation after the
Civil War compare with
the earlier phase of
American economic
development? (See
Chapter 15.) Why were
the economic
developments of 18651900 often seen as a
threat to American
Democracy, whereas
those of 1815-1860
were not?