1 Water Services Trust Fund UPC Urban Team Proposal Preparation Checklist Introduction This checklist is intended to assess the preparedness of the Water Service Providers (applicants) towards preparing the proposal. The checklist assesses the appropriateness of the organisational set-up tasked with preparing the proposal, the feasibility of the technical options proposed and the socio-economic dynamics of the project area. It provides guidelines on the key areas of assessment of proposal development and offers proposals on how to improve on the areas of deficiency. It is a tool to be used by WSTF during field appraisal of the proposed projects in addition to being used by the applicants to assess the completeness of their proposal before submitting to WSTF. The following areas of assessment mentioned above are expounded here below: 1. Institutional Assessment This is meant to assess the capacity gaps in the WSP in reference to proposal preparation. It is important to establish whether there is a team of officers responsible for undertaking this task and their competencies. This to a given extent has a direct bearing on the quality of the proposals to be developed. Depending on the size of the company, it is desirable that a unit within the company be set up to focus on service provision in the low income areas. The assessment should also point out areas of deficiencies in the company and offer practical proposals on how to fill the gaps identified. 2. Social Assessment This looks into issues regarding the social components of the proposed projects. It confirms whether the areas identified conform to the minimum criteria of identifying and prioritizing the project areas. It establishes whether there is demand for the proposed project by the area residents. It assesses the socio – economic risks the project will be exposed to and offers suggestions on how address them. In addition assess the suitability of the proposed management option in ensuring the sustainability of the proposed investments. It is also important to establish the validity of the data used and whether it conforms to the Maji data collected by the Maji Data Team 3. Technical Assessment The technical assessment should establish the feasibility of the technical option proposed, it checks whether the current water supply situation in the project area calls for intervention. It also looks at the how the existing infrastructure in the project area is presently managed. It critics the management system adopted and offer feasible suggestions on areas of improvement. It checks the major physical constraints the project is likely to face and offers feasible solutions on how to address them. The key areas of attention are: adequacy of water at the off take point to serve the project area; the zoning of the project area and pipeline routing for ease of maintenance and management; the adequacy of the pressure in the pipeline to serve the target area. WSTF Proposal Preparation Checklist April 2009 2 Checklist: No. 1 1) Institutional Assessment Type of assessment & questions Answer: Institutional Assessment Remarks: >> 1.1 Does the WSP have a unit/team involved in the preparation of the proposal? 1.2 Who are the members of the unit/team? 1.3 What are areas? 1.4 When was the unit/group formed? 1.5 Are there any areas of deficiency in the unit/team? 1.6 If yes (see previous question), please name them. 1.7 Suggest the steps you intend to take to fill the deficiencies. WSTF their specialisation Proposal Preparation Checklist April 2009 3 Checklist: No. 2 2) Socio-Economic Assessment Type of assessment & questions Answer: Socio-economic assessment Remarks: >> 2.1 Are you aware of the criteria for identifying the target areas? 2.2 Are these criteria clear to you? 2.3 Did you use the criteria to identify the target area? 2.4 In your view, is there need to rank the target areas and why? 2.5 If yes (see previous question) what parameters should we use to rank the areas? What parameters did you use to prioritise the project areas you have identified? How many times did you visit the project area before you started filling in the application form? What were the purpose the visits? 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 How many times did you visit the project area during the filling in of the application form? 2.10 What were the purpose the visits? 2.11 In the course of your visits what were the social risks you anticipate the project to face? 2.12 How do you intend to address them? 2.13 Do you think there is demand for the proposed project? 2.14 Please explain in some detail WSTF Proposal Preparation Checklist April 2009 4 Checklist: No. 3 3) Technical Assessment Type of assessment & questions Answer: Technical Assessment Remarks: >> 3.1 Is the area presently served by your water supply network? 3.2 What type of system of water supply exists in the project area? 3.3 What management system is in place in the project area 3.4 What are the strengths of the system in place? 3.5 What are the weaknesses of the system? 3.6 What type of system are you proposing for the project? 3.7 Have you assessed the capacity of the existing water supply to serve the project area? Please explain 3.8 What additional water do you need to increase the service level? 3.9 Are the existing infrastructure proposed to supply the project area adequate? Please explain WSTF Proposal Preparation Checklist April 2009