Sukuk Islamic Benchmark Bond Series available on Datastream Thomson Reuters Datastream is pleased to announce the addition of the Sukuk Islamic Bond Benchmark series. The launch of the series will bring greater coverage to Fixed Income government yield series. Underlying instruments are selected based on time to maturity, high rating, and denomination of USD. The instruments will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the most suitable SUKUK are used in the yield curve. Series and Datatypes The series cover short and long term maturities ranging from 2 weeks to 10 years. There are 12 series in total and 4 data item available. Datatype Description IR IB IO PB Interest Rate Mid Yield Interest Rate Bid Yield Interest Rate Offer Yield Bid Price Series Mnemonic Series Description TRSUK2W TRSUK1M TRSUK2M TRSUK3M TRSUK6M TRSUK9M TRSUK1Y TRSUK2Y TRSUK3Y TRSUK4Y TRSUK5Y TRSUK10 TR SUKUK 2W BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 1M BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 2M BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 3M BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 6M BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 9M BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 1Y BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 2Y BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 3Y BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 4Y BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 5Y BMK BOND INDEX TR SUKUK 10Y BMK BOND INDEX List Mnemonic Description LTRSUBMK TR Sukuk Benchmark List History Start Date 27/05/2009 25/05/2009 25/05/2009 25/05/2009 25/05/2009 25/05/2009 20/05/2008 03/11/2008 03/11/2008 03/11/2008 03/11/2008 03/11/2008