
Lord of the Flies – Chapters 1 – 3 Quiz - English 11-2 / 11-1
Total Value of the Quiz = 25 Marks
General Instructions: Answer all questions on your own paper. Do not write on the quiz sheet.
Part 1 – Multiple Choice: Number from 1 to 10 on your own paper and choose the letter of the correct
response for each statement. (Value – 10 Marks)
1. “[There was] something dark...fumbling along....The creature was a party of boys, marching
approximately in...two parallel lines....” This quote is an example of:
a) apostrophe
c) metaphor
b) simile
d) pun
2. “The candle-buds opened their wide white flowers....Their scent spilled out into the air and took
possession of the island.” This quote is an example of:
a) personification
c) contrast
b) metaphor
d) allusion
3. All of the following objects symbolize democracy and government on the island except:
a) the conch
c) the assemblies
b) the platform
d) Piggy’s glasses
4. Ralph considers this to be the single most important thing to do on the island:
a) find food
c) find water
b) build a signal fire
d) hunt pigs
5. The word “ass-mar” is an example of:
a) pun
c) diction
b) colloquialism
d) Both b and c
6. The twin boys on the island are named:
a) Stan-n-Eric
c) Sam-n-Eric
b) Percival-n-Philip
d) Sam-n-Elliott
7. This person seems to be the most intelligent boy on the island:
a) Jack
c) Ralph
b) Piggy
d) Roger
8. This facial feature distinguished the boy who disappeared in Chapter 2:
a) a mulberry colored birthmark
c) a black eye
b) a red scar
d) a crooked nose
9. This character likes to go to a bower to be alone:
a) Ralph
c) Simon
b) Jack
d) Roger
10. The first rule established on the island was:
a) You must use the bathroom in one spot. c) Assemblies must be held once a week.
b) No one is allowed to play with fire.
d) You must hold the conch to speak.
Part 2 – Fill in the Blanks: Number from 1 to 5 on your own paper and fill in the blanks with the most
appropriate word, words, or phrases to correctly complete each statement. (Value – 5 Marks)
Yes or No: Did Piggy’s aunt own a toy store? ___________________________.
True or False: The novel takes place toward the end of World War I. ____________________.
True or False: Ralph tells the boys they will be rescued because his father is in the air force.
This would be considered to be the motivating incident of the novel: _________________________.
This is an example of a running image from the first three chapters of the novel:
Part 3 – Short Answer: Answer ONE of the following questions using three or four well-written
sentences. (Total Value – 3 Marks)
1. Why can’t Jack kill the pig the first time he encounters one? Explain your answer.
2. Describe William Golding’s philosophy of human nature. What was the main event from his life
that influenced his views on human nature?
Part 4 – Short Answer: Answer ALL of the following questions using two or three well-written
sentences for each. Notice that you have choices for each question. Values follow each question in
brackets. (Total Value – 7 Marks)
1. Explain one of the following elements from the novel and provide a specific example from the
novel that demonstrates your understanding of the element: (2)
person vs. self conflict
2. Pick one of the first three chapter titles and explain what the title literally refers to in the novel
and what it symbolically represents: (2)
a) “The Sound of the Shell”
b) “Fire on the Mountain”
c) “Huts on the Beach”
3. Choose one of the following objects from Chapters 1 to 3 and explain what this object literally
represents and what this object symbolizes. Each object symbolizes more than one thing –
identify at least two things that your object symbolizes. (3)
 the conch
 the “snake-thing”
 Piggy’s glasses
 the scar