ASSIGNMENT I PGDM (Supported by e learning ) (Module III) eMM03 Max. Marks : 100 Attempt all questions . All questions are compulsory and each question carries 2 marks . No negative marking is there. 1. In case of advertising , the sponsor is a) b) c) d) partially identified not identified identified None of the above 2. The term ‘national advertising’ refers to a) b) c) d) specific localized advertising mass marketing effort personalized selling effort none of the above 3. National advertising often identifies a) b) c) d) A specific target audience A specific local audience All the target audience None of the above 4. Surrogate Advertising is used a) b) c) d) for advertising high involvement products for advertising low involvement products for advertising new products when the laws of the country do not permit advertising of certain product category 5. Some manufacturers of Whisky or other alcoholic products launched brands of soda under the same brand name such as “Hayward’s 500 soda” or “Bagpiper soda” . Such advertising is called a) b) c) d) focused advertising brand advertising trade advertising surrogate advertising 6. An advertiser is also known as a) b) c) d) A copy writer A producer A retailer A sponsor 7. The high-involvement hierarchy model suggests that in high-involvement products , changing consumer belief is a) b) c) d) easier than changing brand attitudes very difficult to change brand oriented none of the above 8. Under conditions of low-involvement , consumers a) b) c) d) are committed to the brand are not committed to the brand develops strong feelings about the brand none of the above. 9. In mass production and distribution system , advertising a) b) c) d) is not very important play considerably small role is an important element none of the above 10 . Most retail advertising prominently focuses on a) b) c) d) brand price quality attitude of the consumer 11.Advertising is a paid form of a) non-personal communication b) personal communication c) verbal communication d) non-verbal communication 12.Propaganda attempts to present certain opinions and ideas which may influence the attitudes and actions of audience .The source of propaganda usually a) b) c) d) e) are known are controlled known source remains unknown none 13. Most of the manufacturing companies focuses on a) b) c) d) product feature price brand none of the above 14. According to David J Helm , in the industrialized countries consumers who over consumes are a) b) c) d) 20 % of population 60 % of population 80% of population 95% of population 15. In India the ethical code for advertisers are addressed by a) b) c) d) PTI IAA ASA ASCI 16. According to Dunn and Barban an advertising campaign refers to a) b) c) d) a series of advertisement placed in various media Ad placed in different sizes An ad designed for print media An ad designed for electronic media 17. Affordable method of allocating advertising budget are common to a) b) c) d) all FMCG company small high-tech firms all automobile industry education products 18. Among all the methods developed and used to determine the advertising budget , the most commonly used method is a) b) c) d) competitive parity method affordable method objective and task method’ percentage of sales method 19. A firm usually continue to increase advertising budget for a particular brand for a certain geographic market a) b) c) d) as long as the firm can afford till the competition exists till the brand is well established as long as the marginal revenues generated exceed the incremental expenditure. 20. Most retail advertising primarily focuses on a) b) c) d) image of the product price of the product quality of the product special feature 21. Manufacturing companies usually focuses on a) b) c) d) price feature of the product brand none of the above 22. It is generally agreed that advertising exerts social influence and is criticized for encouraging a) b) c) d) materialism in society competition challenges offensive behaviour 23. DAGMAR stands for a) b) c) d) different advertising goals for measuring advertising rates defining advertising goals for measuring advertising results different advertising campaign for measuring advertising result discussing advertising goals for measuring advertising rates 24. In AIDA model of advertising ‘A’ stands for ‘Attention’ , ‘I’ for ‘Interest’ , ‘D and A’ stands for what ? a) b) c) d) design and application desire and action defined action developing approach 25. When both brand development index (BDI) and category development Index (CDI) are high , it indicates a) good sales potential for the product as well as brand b) good sales potential for the product but low visibility for brand c) low sales potential for the product as well as brand 26. The term ‘Rational Appeal’ refers to a) Address consumer’s self interest , emphasize product or service features , quality , performance , value , convenience . b) Relate to customers’ social and psychological needs and stir up positive or negative emotions that can motivate purchase. c) For a new product or service to inform consumers about important or new breakthrough introductions. 27. The term ‘Emotional Appeal’ refers to a. Address consumer’s self interest , emphasize product or service features , quality , performance , value , convenience . b. Relate to customers’ social and psychological needs and stir up positive or negative emotions that can motivate purchase. c. For a new product or service to inform consumers about important or new breakthrough introductions. 28. William Weilbacher has identified several types of rational appeals . Some of them are : a. b. c. d. e. feature appeal competitive advantage appeal favorable price appeal news appeal product / service popularity appeal Is the statement : i) True ii) False 29. The concept of emotional bonding , developed by McCann – Erickson and Professor Michael L Ray , uses the premise that consumers develop three levels of relationships with brands : a. Consumers ‘think’ about brands with respect to product benefits , assign a ‘personality’ to a brand , develop ‘emotional bonds’ with brands. b. Consumers think about brands with respect to prices of the product or services. c. Consumers think about brands with respect to its features and quality d. Consumers relate brands to its company’s reputation. 30. Message of an advertisement is a ( MEAT)---------------------- of an advertising that attempts to convey what the advertiser intends through words and /or pictures. 31. Most advertising messages share common components within the message including : a. presentation , language , words b. Appeal , value proposition , slogan c. Visuals, brand , product 32. One – sided message mentions :a. Only negative attributes of the product b. both negative and positive attributes of the product c. only positive attributes of the product 33. Two – sided message mentions :a. Only negative attributes of the product b. Both negative and positive attributes of the product c. Only positive attributes of the product 34. Climax message order in a message is a. message arguments presented at the middle of the message b. message arguments presented at the beginning of the message c. message arguments presented at the end of the message 35. Anti – climax order in a message is a. message arguments presented at the middle of the message b. message arguments presented at the beginning of the message c. message arguments presented at the end of the message 36. pyramidal order in a message is a. b. c. d. message arguments presented at the middle of the message message arguments presented at the beginning of the message message arguments presented at the end of the message None of the above 37. A study by Ogilvy and Mather reported that in a given message words createB a. 25 % of the impact b. 60% of the impact c. 15% of the impact 38. A study by Ogilvy and Mather reported that in a given message tone creates a. 25% of the impact b. 60% of the impact c. 15% of the impact 39. A study by Ogilvy and Mather reported that in a given message Non – Verbal elements create a. 25 % of the impact b. 60% of the impact c. 15 % of the impact 40. Copy writing and script is the process of a. writing a text document to promote the products or services b. writing the words that promote a person , business , opinion , or idea c. create a duplicate copy of an ad 41. Storyboard depicts a. the complete script of an ad in text form b. series of drawings to show the layout or visual plan of the proposed commercial. c. Narration of script to the organization by an ad agency before finalization 42. A layout of an Ad depicts a. final contents of an ad to be released b. orderly physical arrangement of headline , subheads , body copy , slogan , seal , logo , signature and the visual elements c. depiction of basic elements in a text form. 43. The role of an Advertising agency is to a. promote an ad on behalf of its clients b. create an ad on behalf of its client c. market the product on behalf of its client 44. Under Centralized system of managing organizational hierarchy of an advertising agency , following should be the structure a. Company President along with Production department , finance department , marketing department , research department , human resource department. b. Vice-president marketing along with sales mgmt , production mgmt . and mktg. services with these deptts. Subdivided into sub-departments. c. Vice-president along with category managers specializing into different products. 45. Under Decentralized system of managing organizational hierarchy of an advertising agency , following should be the structure a) Company President along with Production department , finance department , marketing department , research department , human resource department. b)Vice-president marketing along with sales mgmt , production mgmt . and mktg. services with these deptts. Subdivided into sub-departments. c)Vice-president along with category managers specializing into different products. 46 . Under Category management system of managing organizational hierarchy of an advertising agency , following should be the structure a)Company President along with Production department , finance department , marketing department , research department , human resource department. b) Vice-president marketing along with sales mgmt , production mgmt . and Amktg. services with these deptts. Subdivided into sub-departments. c) Vice-president along with category managers specializing into different products. 47. What do you mean by In-house Advertising Agency a) Agency owned and operated by organization themselves b) Agency owned and operated by the advertiser but set up by an organization c) Outside agency which works for its clients. 48. There are three methods used to compensate the agencies for their varied services : a) Fixed charges , commissions , incentives b) Commission , negotiated fee, percentage charges c) Annual lump sum contract. 49. The process of agency evaluation involves regular assessment of two aspects of performance area a) reputation , financial aspect of an agency b) years of experience and its past clients details c) financial and qualitative aspects of an agency 50. Pre-testing ( also known as Evaluative research ) methods is used for a) To check the quality of contents covered in an Ad b) To test the final version before its final implementation c) To check the saleability of a product and how can ad support it.