Course Syllabus Algebra A: Fall 2015 Instructor: Mrs. Logan Campagna Room #: 2311 Telephone #: (269) 488-5020 ext. 1673 E-mail: (best way to contact me) Textbook Algebra I, 2007, Holt Website: Username/Password: Glhsmath1 Course Outline Unit 0: Solving Equations and Inequalities Unit 1: Function Relationships Unit 2: Linear Functions Unit 3: Solving Linear Equations Unit 4: Exponential Functions Calculators A calculator is needed daily. The iPad (or phone) is not a sufficient calculator for this class. Note that the iPad will never be allowed for use on a quiz, test, or exam. For future classes (and for the SAT junior year), a graphing calculator (TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84) will be needed. A graphing calculator will be helpful in this class, but not necessary. Note that TI-89, TI-92, or any calculator with a QWERTY keyboard is not allowed in class or the SAT. Materials Students are expected to bring the following each day: Math notebook/binder Calculator Pencil iPad Grading Policy To determine a final grade for the course, the following weighted system will be used: Tests/Quizzes 70% Homework and Daily Work 30% The trimester grade will be composed of the final grade for the course (worth 80%) and a final exam grade (worth 20%). Course Focus Areas Tests/Quizzes A test will be given at the end of each unit and a quiz will usually be given after several new concepts have been studied. Unless the student has a special arrangement, students may not leave the classroom once an assessment has begun and the assessment must be completed within the class period. If a student is absent for an assessment, they will be required to take the assessment missed during class the day they return. Calculators may or may not be used based on the instructions given. For a unit test only, the student may use a 3 x 5 note card for use on the test. If the student completes the entire test without using the note card, that student will receive up to a 3% bonus, depending on how well the card is made. Homework Homework is assigned to offer the students an opportunity to practice concepts taught in class. These assignments are one method for students to assess their own math understanding. Assignments are due at the beginning of class the next day, unless otherwise instructed. Homework is graded based on effort, not the number of problems correct. Effort includes showing all work in order to solve the problem. Because homework is usually reviewed the following class period, no late work is accepted. Note that homework may include other nontraditional methods, such as watching instructional videos, taking notes, tasks, etc. Mathematical Tasks In alignment with the Common Core Curriculum, students will be asked to complete mathematical tasks. They will be assessed using multiple methods, depending on the nature of the task. Warm-ups There will be a warm-up on the board every day. These are worth 10 points a week and will be checked at the end of the week. Warm-ups are designed to engage the mind into thinking about mathematics. We will typically spend 5 – 10 minutes to complete the warm-ups and answer questions. Make-up work Students will be given one day after an excused absence to make up homework/missed classwork. Late work Late work will not be accepted. Notebook Each student is responsible for obtaining and organizing a notebook that will be used only for math. No other class materials should be kept in this notebook. Course Expectations Technology The iPad will be used in class. The iPad needs to be put away until teacher asks for it be used. Students must abide by district policy. Teacher has the discretion of the use of technology. See district technology policy for further information. Expectations (3 R’s) Be READY for class and present to learn. Be RESPECTFUL to yourself and to others. Be RESPONSIBLE for yourself and your actions. Synergy Grades will be updated weekly. Grades will not be posted in the classroom or shown to students during class. It is the student’s responsibility to check Synergy. Cheating No cheating will be allowed. If a student is caught cheating on homework, evaluations, or exams, the student will be given a zero and other consequences may follow. Cheating includes both parties – copying of other’s answers and allowing others to copy. Both parties will be dealt with the same. Attendance When absent, the student is responsible for the work missed. All missing work will be in the folder for absent students, unless it is a quiz or test. See student handbook for more information. Food/Beverage Students are allowed water in class. No food or pop will be allowed, unless given permission. Gum is allowed when not a distraction. Extra Help I am available for extra help most days Monday - Friday from 2:20 – 2:50 (except Wednesday), but please make sure you make an appointment ahead of time to make sure I am available. Teacher’s Right I have the right to change any of these procedures if deemed necessary. CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET – Algebra A Due Friday, September 11th I ______________________________ have read and reviewed the syllabus with my parent(s)/guardian. I consent to these terms of this syllabus. ________________________ Student Signature (legible) __________ Date ______________________ Parent Signature Parent's email: _______________________________________ Comments, questions, or concerns can be addressed by email or by phone (see contact info). Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need to discuss your student or related questions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET – Algebra A Due Friday, September 11th I ______________________________ have read and reviewed the syllabus with my parent(s)/guardian. I consent to these terms of this syllabus. ________________________ Student Signature (legible) __________ Date ______________________ Parent Signature Parent's email: _______________________________________ Comments, questions, or concerns can be addressed by email or by phone (see contact info). Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need to discuss your student or related questions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________