Marketing K. Moorhead : 763-506-6946 Office Hours: M-T-Th-F 6:15-7:30AM : Blog: COURSE OVERVIEW Marketing is a class for students who want to develop specific skills in marketing. You will explore psychology and customer behavior. Students will practice public speaking and prepare and give marketing presentations. Students will create a comprehensive marketing plan for a business. Finally, the course examines how marketing affects the market place. COURSE OBJECTIVES Through the use of the fundamental concepts of marketing, a student shall demonstrate understanding of the interactive nature of global, national, and local marketing. Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the concept that marketing promotes ideas, goods, and services. Students will be able to show a level of understanding thru the following: A. Students will be able to define marketing and list the seven marketing core functions. B. Will understand the marketing concept and can analyze the benefits of marketing. C. Students will be able to apply the concept of utility and describe the concept of market. D. Explaining the importance of financial literacy; E. Will be able to define a target market and describe market share. F. Students will be able to list the four components of the marketing mix and be able to apply them in an actual simulation. TEXT: Marketing Essentials, Glencoe 2009, Selling: Helping Customers Buy, Southwestern 3rd Edition Textbook: Course Content Unit 1: The World of Marketing Chapter 1 & 2 Unit 2: The Marketing Plan Chapter 2 Unit 3: Selling & Initiating the Sale Chapter 12, 13 Chapters 28-29 Unit 4: Promotion & Visual Merchandising Chapter 17 & 18 Unit 5 Adverting & Print Advertisements Chapter 19-20 Unit 6 Pricing Strategies Chapter 25-27 Unit 7 Marketing Research Unit 8 Product and Service Management Chapter 30, 31 & 32 CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Be on time and ready to work when the bell rings. Bring materials to class. Be verbally and physically respectful of others. Be respectful of the classroom environment. Be kind. Ask questions. Unless otherwise directed, work individually and independently. See the section on academic misrepresentation. Students are expected to maintain a notebook and folder designated ONLY for Marketing. Students MUST bring their text books to class daily along with a writing utensil, notebook, and folder. Calculators may be needed for some classes. Phones and headphones are strictly prohibited at all times. No additional reminders will be given. Devices will be forfeited upon teacher request. ATTENDANCE AND LATE WORK It is important that you are in class. The learning that occurs in many of the lectures and discussions cannot be duplicated in readings. If you happen to miss a day of class, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. You are responsible for all information presented in this class. Please let me know in advance if you will be gone so arrangements for make up work and homework can be made. A district attendance policy as described in the Student Handbook may affect a grade, please be in class as much as you can! GRADING POLICIES Each student will be graded on a percentage basis using these guidelines: A 93 – 100% C 73 – 77% A90 – 92% C70 – 72% B+ 88 – 89% D+ 68 – 69% B 83 – 87% D 63 – 67% B80 – 82% D60 – 62% C+ 78 – 79% F 59% and below All daily work in this course MUST be completed before each unit test or score will turn to a zero. REMEMBER: This course is required for graduation! Failure to pass the term will lead to course repetition. Grades will be weighted as follows: Unit Packets: Final: Common Assessment: Unit Tests/Quizzes: Unit Notes & Final Review 50% 10% 30% 10% ACADEMIC MISREPRESENTATION- Even though you are encouraged to share ideas with others, make sure that the final product of all your assignments is your own. Any plagiarized or copied work results in zero points for all parties involved. Academic misrepresentation (Plagiarism) is defined in the district student handbook as: copying, cheating, and/or stealing the work of someone else and taking credit for it as if it were your own. Consequences for plagiarism and cheating will be followed according to the district/school policy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Student/Parent/Guardian Signature and Contact Info. We have read and acknowledge the course outline, requirements, and responsibilities and realize these are the expectations of the Economics course. Student Name: ______________________________________ Student Signature: _________________________________________ Parent/LG Name: ____________________________________ Parent/LG Signature: _______________________________________ Best Contact #: _______________________________________ home/mobile/work (please circle) Best Contact Email: _____________________________________________________ (if available)