English 3CP Name


English 3CP Name:__________________

Pages 1-98 Period:__ Date:__________

The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger

Study Guide Questions ~ Chapters 1-13

Directions: Answer each of the following questions as you read and study the novel.

To earn full credit your answers must be: thoughtful, specific and legible. 

Chapter 1 ~ p.1-6

1) From what point of view is the story told? (1)

2) Below is part of the first paragraph from Charles Dickens’ novel, David Copperfield:

I am born. Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life or whether that station will be held by anybody else these pages must show. To be in my life with the beginning of my life I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believe) on a Friday at twelve o’clock at night.

3) What is the literary term for a reference to another literary work?

4) How is the narrator of Catcher different in his approach to his life history?

Be specific. (1)

5) What specific phrase does the narrator use describe his present state? (1)

“____________ ________ __________”

6) Where is the narrator, as he tells his story? (1 & 5)

7) What is the literary term for a story that is told in retrospect (The action has already taken place.)?

8) On page 2, the narrator calls his brother a “prostitute.” A) What does he mean?

B) Why does he think that D.B. was better off when he was a “regular writer”?

A) B)


9) What does the narrator think of the Pencey Prep School motto? (How is this reaction similar to his opinion of Hollywood?) (2)

10) A) Why does the narrator like Selma Thurmer? B) What does his reasoning reveal about his character? (3)

A) B)

11) A) Why is he able to joke about the fencing fiasco? B) Look at the phrases he uses to describe these incidents and infer what they reveal about his self-image. (3)

A) B)

12) The narrator is blunt and honest while at the same time, a compassionate and thoughtful person. Find two specific examples of this characterization. (3-5)

A) B)

13) Is the protagonist’s memory of Pencey Prep for his “good bye” a happy or a sad one?

B) Why does he say it doesn’t matter? (4-5)

A) B)

14) How do you think he feels when he says he felt like “disappearing”? (5)

Chapter 2 ~ p.6-16

15) What is the narrator’s first and last name? (5 & 7)

16) A) How does Holden respond to Mr. Spenser’s belief that “life is a game"?

B) Who do you think is correct? C) Why do you think so? (8)

A) C)


17) A) Which side of the game is Holden on? B) Why do you think so? (1-9)

A) B)


19) How does Holden describe himself? List eight specific details. (5 & 9)

A) E)

B) F)





20) How is Holden’s response to flunking out of school unusual? (10-15)

21) On page 13, paragraph 2, Holden’s mind starts to wander. A) What is he thinking about?

B) How are they symbolic of his own situation?

A) B)

22) What is Holden’s attitude towards old people (namely Mr. Spencer) and the process of aging? (7 & 15)

23) A) Why did Holden leave Elkton Hills? B) Is Pencey Prep any different? (13-14)

B) A)

24) On the top of page 15, why does Holden say that he and Mr. Spencer aren’t communicating?

25) Why would it sound terrible to yell “good luck”? (Think about it from Holden’s negative point of view.) (15-16)

Chapter 3 ~ p.16-26

26) In chapter 3 Holden says that he is the “most terrific liar.” A) How serious are his lies? B) Does this habit make him a phony too? (16)

A) B)


27) What bothers Holden about Ossenburger? (16)

28) Discuss the irony of the following: “I’m quite illiterate, but I read a lot.” (18)

29) What is Holden’s criteria for a book that “really knocks him out”? (18)

30) Who is Robert Ackley? Describe him in detail. (19)

31) Holden’s description of Ackley is not at all complimentary, yet is he cruel to him?

Support your answer. (19-25)

Chapter 4 ~ p.26-35

32) Who is Ward Stradlater? (18, 26-27)

33) A) What kind of a person is Stradlater? B)How successful is he (socially, academically, athletically) compared to Holden? (27-34)

A) B)

34) What does Holden mean when he calls Stradlater a “secret slob”? (27)

35) A) Identify Jane Gallagher. B) What do we know about her? (31-33)

A) B)


36) While playing checkers, Jane Gallagher lines up her kings in the back row. A) Why do you think this memory is important/poignant for Holden? B) What does the idea of playing checkers bring to Holden’s mind? (31-32)

A) B)

37) A) What is Holden’s explanation for not going down to see Jane? B) Is his reasoning strange or believable? Explain. (33)

B) A)

Chapter 5 ~ p.35-39

38) On page 35, in the second paragraph, Holden describes the newly fallen snow and the snowball fight between him and his friends. A) Does this incident seem to bring Holden pleasure or sadness? B) Why do you think he includes this scene in his narrative?

C)What does its importance tell the reader about Holden’s personality?

A) B)


39) When Holden tries to take a snowball on the bus, the driver makes him throw it out, even though Holden says he won’t chuck it at anybody. Holden comments about this incident saying, “People never believe you.” Why do you think Holden makes a negative generalized statement about such a minor incident? (36-37)

40) A) Who was Allie? B) What happened to him? (38)

A) B)

41) A) List four qualities that Holden admires in Allie. B) What does this list of admirable attributes reveal about Holden as a person? (38-39)

A) 4 Admirable Qualities B) Holden is…






42) What did Holden do the night Allie died? (39)

A) C)


43) A) Do you think Allie’s death has anything to do with Holden’s present mental & emotional state? B) Why or why not? (38-39)


Chapter 6 ~ p.40-46


44) A) Why is Holden nervously awaiting Stradlater’s return? B) What is he worried about? (40)

A) B)

45) What does Holden write Stradlater’s composition about? Be specific. (40)

46) What is the significance of Stradlater’s comment to Holden that “You don’t do one

damn thing the way you’re supposed to. I mean it. Not one damn thing.”? (41)

47) Why does Holden tear up the composition he wrote for Stradlater? (41)

48) Holden says of Stradlater, “It drove him crazy when you broke any rules.” But we find out that Stradlater borrowed his coach’s car. How is this behavior typical of why

Holden hates Stradlater and Pencey Prep? (41)


49) Contrast Stradlater’s expectations of Jane with Holden’s appreciation of her. (In other words, how do Holden and Stradlater view Jane differently?) (Chs. 5 & 6)

B) Holden: A) Stradlater:

50) Why do Holden and Stradlater get into a fist-fight? Be specific. (43-44)

Chapter 7 ~ p.46-52

51) On page 48, Holden calls himself “a pacifist.” A) Why is this ironic? Be specific.

B) Do you trust this narrator so far?

A) B)

52) After his fight with Stradlater and his conversation with Ackley, Holden says, “I felt so lonesome, all of a sudden. I almost wished I was dead.” What has prompted his feelings of alienation and isolation? (48)

53) What does he decide to do regarding his whereabouts until Wednesday? (51)

54) Holden describes receiving a pair of skates from his mother. He says, “Almost every time somebody gives me a present, it ends up making me sad.” Why do you think getting gifts saddens Holden? Think deeply. (52)


Chapter 8 ~ p.53-58

55) A) Whom does Holden meet on his train ride? B) Why does Holden lie to her about

Ernie? (55-57)

A) B)

56) Why does Holden pretend to be Rudolph Schmidt? (55—57)

57) When describing Ernest Morrow, Holden states: “You take a guy like Morrow that’s always snapping their towel at people’s asses – really trying to hurt somebody with it – they don’t just stay a rat while they’re a kid. They stay a rat their whole life.” A) What does Holden mean by this statement? B) Why do you think he has this attitude? (57)

A) B)

Chapter 9 ~ p.59-66

58) A) What is significant about Holden’s first action at Pennslvania Station? B) His

C) invitation to the cabby? C) What is Holden trying to do? (59-60)

A) B)

59) A) What is Sally Hayes’ letter about? B) Why would it seem phony to Holden? (59)

A) B)


60) A) How does the cab driver respond to Holden’s question about the ducks? B) What is the ironic discrepancy demonstrated here that represents the problem in all of

Holden’s attempts at communication? (Think of Stradlater.) C) What does this say about how well Holden relates to other people? (60)

A) C)


61) Why does the bellboy depress Holden? List two reasons. (61)

B) A)

62) What is the paradox, according to Holden, in observing “perverts and morons”? (62)

63) What is ironic about Faith Cavendish’s name in contrast to her occupation? (63-64)

Faith = Cavendish =

Ocupation =

64) Why do you think Holden calls Faith Cavendish, rather than another friend? (63-66)

Chapter 10 ~ p. 66-76

65) On pages 66-68, Holden describes his little sister Phoebe. A) What qualities similar to

Allie, does he praise? B) Why does he refer to her as “old Phoebe”? C) How is Phoebe different from Allie?

A) B)



66) Holden says he wants to talk to his sister, Phoebe. He believes she is the only person around with sense; however, Phoebe is just a child. A) Why would Holden want to talk to a child? B) Why would he believe a child is the only one with sense? (66)

B) A)

67) A) What does Holden believe is the difference between himself and the rest of his family? B) Is this opinion of himself true or false? (67)

A) B)

68) Holden attempts to make contact with three “ugly” secretaries from Seattle. A) What are they interested in? B) Why is this fascination depressing to Holden? C) How does his language change? (70-75)

A) C)


69) Holden uses the word “lousy” in several scenes in the book. A) Look at the following: p.55, p.62 & p.74 and discuss the various meanings. B) Why is it appropriate that

Holden’s diction becomes filled with phrases like “vomity-looking” as he explores the city? (80) p.55 - lousy = p.62 – lousy = p.74 – lousy =


Chapter 11 ~ p.76-80

70) In what ways does Jane, like Phoebe, represent purity, innocence and perfection to

Holden? List four specific details. (76-80)

C) A)

B) D)


71) Describe Holden’s relationship with Jane Gallagher. (76-80)

Chapter 12 ~ p.81-87

72) When is New York depressing to Holden and why? (81)

When: Why:

73) When asked by Holden about the welfare of the ducks in the lake, the cab driver,

Horwitz, tells Holden that the fish freeze in the lake. He even tells him that they eat through their pores while frozen. Thus, he does not really answer the question.

A) What do you think is the significance of telling Holden this answer? B) Does it help

Holden deal with his feelings of insecurity or intensify these feelings? (82-83)

A) B)

74) To what else, besides the piano player, is Holden referring to when he says: “people always clap for the wrong things.”? (84)

75) Holden states that if he were famous, he wouldn’t want the “dopes” to clap for him; he’d play the piano in a closet. Why does he say this? (84)

76) What other “false” phrases does Holden detest besides, “Glad to have met you.”?

List two. (87)

A) B)


77) Holden makes another negative generalization when he remarks that, “People are always ruining things for you.” What does this tell you about his viewpoint/attitude?


78) Why does Holden have to leave Ernie’s? (87)

Chapter 13 ~ p.88-98

79) How could Holden’s desire to walk be viewed as a symbolic (metaphorical) reference to his own personal “odyssey” (growing up)? Think deeply. (88)

80) A) What does Holden’s diversion about his gloves being stolen at Pencey Prep reveal about his ability to take control of his life? B) How does this relate to his sexual life?


B) A)

81) On page 89, Holden says: “It’s no fun to be yellow. Maybe I’m not all yellow… I think maybe I’m just partly yellow and partly the type that doesn’t give much of a damn if they lose their gloves.” What does his statement mean? What does it mean to be yellow?

A) B)

82) A) Why does Holden feel depressed around Sunny, the prostitute? B) What does this depression have to do with the novel’s theme of loss of innocence? (94, 96 & 98)

A) B)

