November 15, 2010

College of Liberal Arts
November 15, 2010
Dean’s Office, CLA, Large Conference Room
Senators Present: Bonnie Miller, American Studies, Jose Martinez-Reyes,
Anthropology, Corinne Etienne, Applied Linguistics, Erik Levine, Art, Jacqueline
Carlon, Classics, Maria Cisterna Gold, Hispanic Studies, Sari Kawana, Modern
Languages, David Pruett, Performing Arts, Steve Levine, Philosophy, Erin O’Brien,
Political Science, Zsuzsa Kaldy, Psychology, Amani El Jack, Women’s Studies, Sandra
Howland, At-Large Visitors: Len Von Morze, Emily McDermott Ex-officio: David
Terkla, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts
 1.
Approved agenda unanimously
 2.
Approved minutes from October 18, 2010 unanimously
 3.
Moderator’s Report
• Moderator spoke with Antonio Carrara about status of Standards and Credits
progress on a potential CLA incomplete policy
• Union update—raise should show in the next check; retroactive pay will come
around the holidays; research and educational fund will probably be the same
amount as last time
• Board of Trustees is meeting to elect the new president—candidates are not
scheduled to meet with faculty members or any body—the moderator asked the
senate if we should draft a letter requesting a meeting (see below, under New
 4.
Dean’s Report (given by David Terkla)
• Adugna Lemi in Economics needs to be replaced on the faculty council—senate to
name the person to fill in for him while he is on leave, before January
• Budget—the dean’s office still has no details about allocation; budget to come in
early December to individual departments
• Asked for input for College Strategic Planning (see New Business)
 5.
Motion of the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the following amended
courses—Approved en bloc
Anthropology 368 (Myth in Cultural Context) [Change in pre-reqs and
course description]
Latin 330 (Latin Love Poetry) [Change in name and number of course]
Change in pre-reqs for English Department Capstone Courses: 461,
462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 470L, 471L, 480, 483, 484, 488, 489, 490
(rationale attached)
Len von Morse from the English department offered some clarification on the
imbalance of prerequisites and current efforts to correct it
 6.
Motion of the Majors, Honors and Special Programs Committee to:
Eliminate the Bachelor of Science option for the Social Psychology
Major (attached)--Approved unanimously
Psychology department representative offered clarification; that there is no
student enrolled in the track, and that other tracks within the psychology
program can accommodate students with this sort of interest.
There was a recommendation to remove the information from the website
once the option is formally eliminated
 7.
Motion to approve the following new graduate courses—Approved en bloc
Anthropology 673 (Anthropology of the Object)
Anthropology 676 (Nature Place Landscape)
Creative Writing 620 (Techniques of Fiction)
 8.
Motion to amend the following course:
Psychology 790 (Ethics) [change from 6 to 3 credits]
 9.
Motion to modify the MA in Latin and Classical Studies by proposing the
A. MA in Latin and Classical Humanities/Greek-Latin Track
B. MA in Latin and Classical Humanities/Applied Linguistics Track
C. MA in Latin and Classical Humanities, Initial Licensure Track
D. Approve the following new graduate courses:
Latin 602 (Caesar)
Classics 670 (Life & Works of Julius Caesar)
Latin 688 (Initial Licensure Practicum)
Latin 690 (Master of Arts Final Paper)
Latin 699 (Maters of Arts Thesis)
Amend the following courses:
1. Latin 670 (Active Methodologies)
2. Latin 675 (Living Text)
 10.
Discussion and comments about the goals and priorities of the Strategic Plan
 11.
New Business—comments, reports, on the College Strategic Plan
• Discussion of the meaning of the new College Strategic Plan: the purpose of
it was explained as to make known the general direction/orientation of the
college; not to distribute resources in the future; which should be useful for
departments, designed to give it a chance to self-reflect
• Concern was voiced for the nature, measurement, and intended function of
“accountability” as one of the goals
• Concern was voiced over revenue generation to the degree it alters
university mission
• Discussion ensued of individual areas in need of reform:
• stronger writing center to offer students help
• more effective ways for special event advertising
• more steady ORSP help
• plans to minimizing bureaucracy (e.g., for course proposals etc.)
• clarification on the meaning of AQUAD—need for more
institutionalized post-AQUAD help for departments
• problems with current assessment system of merit money
• reservation of accomplishing much under the current, “no-additional
resources” model; lack of incentive, as it may be used in the future
against allocating resources
• adverse effect on faculty morale due to combination of factors
including but not limited to: lack of basic classroom resources, limited
and uncertain support for conference presentation, and increased
responsibilites without corresponding support
• Nominations for Faculty Council—will be taken up in December, along with
liaisons for two committees on Gen Ed and 4-4
 • Motion to request a public meeting with the candidates for president following
the UMASS Amherst language as a guide—Approved with three abstentions
Meeting adjourned at ---3.46pm
Minutes submitted by Sari Kawana, Modern Languages