Religion Study Guide 1. Vedas is the ancient and sacred text of Hinduism. 2. One of the practices of Hinduism which involves sitting quietly and repeating a mantra is called meditation 3. Brahman is a god or divine being of the Hinduism faith. Name: ___________________ 12. The basic teachings of Buddhism are the 4 Noble Truths. 13. Nirvana is a state of happiness and peace in Buddhism. 14. The Eightfold Path is a set of guidelines for right living in Buddhism. 15. Buddhism is a no god religion. 16. Shinto began in Japan. 4. The social system which developed as a part of Hinduism in which a person’s station in life is determined by birth is called the caste system. 5. Karma is the effect of actions of past and present lifetimes, both good and bad on one’s present life. 6. What river is considered to be the most holy by Hindus? Ganges 17. Ancient spirits in Shinto are called kami. 18. Who founded Shintoism? We don’t know – passed down from Japanese history 19. Who founded Confucianism? Confucius 20. Where was Confucianism founded? China 21. Confucianism is a no god religion. 7. What is the Hindu belief in more than one birth? Reincarnation 8. In what country did Hinduism originate? India 22. Confucianism is based on wise teachings. 23. The holy book of Christianity is: Bible 24. The holy book of Judaism is: Torah 9. Hinduism is a monotheistic religion. 25. The holy book of Islam is: Koran or Qu’ran 10. Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. 11. Buddha is known as the Enlightened One.