Shrines will run somewhere between 11 until about 4pm most will be located in the private grounds area some may be placed in the market. There may be a period of time that God/dess will attend the shrine space. Our expectation is that groups will host a location in the theme of the Celtic representative and have someone in attendance of the space at the appropriate hours keep it safe from prying eyes. Shrines typically have an outer waiting area where the caretakers and dedicates tend with some subtle sign whose shrine they tend to and often brief write up or presentation of those that may be inside. We will have some activities which may encourage shrine visitors. The inside which is usually hidden from view should be decorated in manner that is suggest and enhances the persona of the space. Often alter or other ritual items can have themes from the many reincarnations of the God/dess over the cross section of mythology. A simple 9x9 pavilion canopy will work with trap and side wall some form of inside drapery simple stand or table other suggestive prop. Patrons may enter to make offerings and prepare themselves in rare instance of personal Attendance caretakers will help facilitate visitation of patrons with their deities keep prying ears away as individuals or small groups consult. Other Shrines may be more fitting of an open space we will give awards to the best shrines and presentations. Please keep in mind that simple and suggest theme is easier both on set up take down several sites would be ideal to have up for the evening will contact you as we get closer in the planning stages. Please keep in mind that we are not responsible for theft and damage use common sense in shrine planning. We will also consider application for other community tables such as games or crafts or relate activities which would be set in the market. Will do our best to help you in your planning! Short Shrine list of shrines we hope to have hosted: Equivalent Shrine of the Ancestors Main market Host:Worldtree Description A generic place to honor the old ones named and unnamed Main market Patron of the druids Brigit/Brigid ("Breet"; Ireland): goddess of acquiring Host Canadian Order Reformed Druids talents such as divination, healing, prophecy, smithing, and occult knowledge; associated with the serpent. Compared by Caesar to Minerva (Athena). Also known as Sulus and Brigantia. Andraste Possible site This war Goddess' name means "the invincible one". Her presence was evoked on the eve of battle to curry favor, and possible ritual sacrifices were given to her. Queen Boadiccea of the Iceni offered sacrifices to Andraste in a sacred grove before fighting the Romans on her many campaigns against them. Belenus Possible site Bridget House of healing Dian Cecht ("DYE-ann-ket" - Ireland): god of healing similar to the Greek Asclepius. Scotia none Believed to be why the Isle is called Scotland Cernunnos Horded One Pan Arawn Hates Arawyn, Arrawn, Arawen Rules Over: Revenge, terror, war, spirit contact, picking magickal names, strengthening friendships, reincarnation. Slaine Rhea Thought to be a deity of healing and the medical arts. Son of Partholan. Lud Neptune/Poseidon Healing, water, ocean, fishing, the Sun, sailing, childbirth, dogs, youth, beauty, spears, slings, smiths, carpenters, harpers, poets, historians, sorcerers, writing, magick, warfare, incantations. CLIODNA Aphrodite Cromm Cruaich Samhain diety Rules Over: Harvest, dark festivals, death, passing over rituals, otherworld contact. Camulos (Camulus,), Aries The god of war and sky CERRIDWEN Hecate She who keeps the fates in line ruler of the cross roads Taranis Zeus Tannus a thunder god similar to the Roman Jupiter and the Greek Zeus. He carried a spoked wheel and was associated with the oak and the eagle. Blodeuwedd Hestia (blo-DOY-weth).Virgin Goddess'Flower Face') Welsh Virgin Goddess of spring, all made of flower-buds, her beauty disguising a personification of the blood-hungry soil waiting to be fructified with the lifeblood of the sacred king. Her totemic form was an owl, the same bird of wisdom and lunar mysteries and Lilith. The Morrigen Hera ("moh-REE-gan"; also "mohr-IG-nah"; Ireland): queen of the pantheon and war goddess married to the Dagda. She led him to victory over the Fomorians at the second Battle of Magh Tuireadh. Sometimes takes the form of a raven or crow. She gave the Heraclean hero Cuchulainn a lethally bad time after he rejected her appearance as a young, lovely woman. Compare with the Irish Murigen, Morgan le Fey, the Greek Hera, and the Roman Juno. Scathach(Sulis) Athena Scathach ("SKAH-tah"; Ireland): the battle strategist goddess who trained the Irish hero Cuchulainn, lover of her daughter Uathach. Compare with the Greek Athena and the Roman Minerva. Borvo Apollo Borvo (Britain): a hot springs healer god sometimes compared with Apollo. Ogma Hermes Ogma ("UG-m"; Ireland): god of letters and learning who invented an alphabet. A son of the Dagda. Greek: Hermes. Roman: Mercury. Macha Artemis Macha ("MAH-hah"; Ireland): muscular war queen similar to the Greek Artemis (Roman Diana). Often associated with horses and other animals. She once made the men of Ulster suffer the pangs of childbirth. Gofannon Hephaestus Gofannon, the ‘Divine-Smith,’ was the son of Belenos, the Sun-God, and Anu, his wife. He was known as Goibhniu to the Irish and identified with Vulcan by the Romans. Celtic Gods & Goddesses Branwyn - Goddess of love, sexuality and the sea Bridget - Goddess of fertility, feminine creativity, martial arts and healing Cernunnos - The 'Horned God', God of Nature, Animals, Fertility and the Underworld Cerridwen - Moon Goddess, Goddess of Dark Prophecy and the Underworld Coventina - Goddess of Rivers, Abundance, Inspiration and Prophecy The Crone - One of the Triple Goddess Aspects, Goddess of Old Age, Winter and the Waning Moon Eostre - Goddess of Spring, Rebirth, Fertility and New Beginnings Epona - Horse Goddess, Goddess of Prosperity, Healing, Nurturance and Sustainence Latis - Goddess of Water and Beer Lugh - Sun God, God of War, Mastery, Magic and Good Harvest Morrigan - Goddess of War, Revenge, Night, Magic and Prophecy. Queen of Fairies and Witches The Triple Goddess - The Maiden, Mother and Crone all at once. Moon, Creator, Destroyer British, Scottish, Irish, Welsh Gods & Goddesses Amaethon (Welsh) - God of Agriculture, Master of Magic Arawn (Welsh) - God of the Hunt and the Underworld Arianrhod (Welsh) - Star and Sky Goddess, Goddess of Beauty, Full Moon and Magical Spells Badb (Irish) - Goddess of War, Death and Rebirth Caillech (Scottish, Irish, Welsh) - Goddess of Weather, Earth, Sky, Seasons, Moon and Sun Cliodna (Irish, Scottish) - Goddess of Beauty and of Other Realms Creide (Irish, Scottish) - Goddess of Women and Fairies The Green Man (Welsh) - God of the Woodlands, of Life Energy and Fertility Morgan LeFay (Welsh) - Goddess of Death, Fate, the Sea and of Curses Oghma (Scottish, Irish) - God of Communication and Writing, and of Poets Rhiannon (Welsh) - Goddess of Birds, Horses, Enchantments, Fertility and the Underworld Skatha (Welsh) - Goddess of the Underworld, Darkness, Magic, Prophecy and Martial Arts Greek Roman God God Aphrodite Venus Apollo Phoebus Scoti Gods Element Idea Representations CLIODNA Love Beauty Dove, seashell, mirror Belenus Borvo Grannus Sun Arts, music and light and prophecy Bow and arrow, lyre and laurel Beli Mawr-Welsh Camulos (Camulus) Ares Mars Artemis Diana Athena Minerva Cronus Saturn Demeter Ceres Dionysus Bacchus Hades Hecate Pluto Trivia Nodens Lludd/Nudd-welsh Nuada-Irish Toutatis -pict Hate War Sword, spear, shield and helmet Macha Moon Hunting and virginity Bow and arrow, deer, moon Sulis Coventina Icovellauna Sequana Intelligence Wisdom Owl and Aegis Time Time Gold and scythe Cerridwen Earth Fecundity Sheaf and ear of wheat Cernunnos Amaethon-welsh Wine Drunkenness Grape vine Underworld Magic Death Randomness Helm of darkness - The Dagda Arawn CERRIDWEN Hephaestus Vulcanus Gobannos Gofannon-welsh Goibniu-Irish Fire Industry Hammer and anvil, fire Hera The Morrigen Family Marriage Peacock, cow Juno Hermes Mercury Hestia Vesta Lugus Gwydion-welsh triple god Ingeniosity Lleu-Welsh Lugh-Irish Blodeuwedd Hearth (blo-DOY-weth). Thieves, medicine and Winged shoes, caduceus travellers Family Poker Hygeia Salus Sirona Health Iris Maia Iris Fauna Æsir- Freyr Rainbow Fields Cleanliness and sanitation - Nike Victoria Victory - - Crops Gardens - Sea Earthquakes and sea storms Wave, horse and trident - Half moon Rosmerta Bodua Brigantia Brigid-Irish Bran-Welsh Persephone Proserpina Lud Manawydan-Welsh Manannán-Irish Poseidon Neptune Rhea Selene Cibeles, Ops Luna Tartarus Tartarus Thanatos Themis Mors Justitia Samhain Thyche Fortuna Taranis Zeus Jupiter Epona Lamiae Slaine Rhiannon No equivalent Island of blessed… Taranis Taran-Welsh Turenn-Irish Epona Rhiannon-welsh Macha-Irish Matronae Modron-welsh Morrígan Motherhood Moon Depths of the underworld Death Laws Fortune, prosperity Sky and clouds - - - - - Power Lightning, sceptre and Eagle Equestrian/H Fertility mother of orse Aphrodite Succubuschild eater - Pan Hercules Ogmios Eufydd-Welsh Ogma-Irish Silvanus Sucellus Dagda-Irish Pan Cernunnos Horded One Hero Forest Protector of the woodlands Goat fun Wilds trickster music