
Read the story. Then match the correct synonym or antonym to the vocabulary
words based on how they are used in context. Write the correct letter beside its
corresponding vocabulary word. Each answer is used only once. The “B” stands for
bonus word. Consider precise vocabulary meanings in choosing your answer.
The Queen relied on her magic mirror’s (1) acumen to know many things others did not.
One day, she asked the mirror “Who is the fairest girl in the land?” Knowing the queen
would not like his answer and might take her anger out on it, the mirror (2) adumbrated
his answer. The (3) acrimonious queen threatened to smash the mirror if it did not
answer directly, and under weight of her threat the mirror replied, “Snow White is the
fairest in the land.” The (4) acerbic queen uttered some loathesome oaths, like
“Rutterbumpkins!” and “Crabbleschnapper!” before sinking into her klackel chair to
think. As she sat and thought, and thought and sat, she mulled over ideas of how to get
rid of Snow White, her (5) anathema. Suddenly, an idea popped into her devious mind,
and she screamed for the castle butcher Gil, who happened to be a vegetarian. Gil
appeared, trying to mask his (6) antipathy for the royal heiness behind a (B) wan smile.
He was nervous that she had discovered he was serving her soy and bark in leiu of
chicken and meatloaf. “Gil,” she commanded, “you must dispatch of Snow White by
tomorrow at dawn, or I will dispatch of you!” [evil, high pitched laugh] “Then I will be
the fairest in the land.” After he breathed a sigh of relief, he realized what was being
asked of him. “Yes, your modestness,” he replied. He went back to his kitchen, uttered
some desperate oaths like “crablecrumpet” and “krumpdopster”, and took off his tressle
hat to think. He (7) abjured the idea of hurting any living animal, but Snow White?! A
plan popped into his head, and knowing he had to act with (8) alacrity, sped out into the
garden to find Snow White. He would explain the situation, and then (9) abrogate her to
the nether lands never to return to save her life, as well as his own. Snow White packed
hurriedly and fled that night after hearing Gil’s wretched news. The next morning at
dawn, Gil appeared before the Queen, and his report that Snow White was properly
“dispatched” was met with her (10) approbation. (… to be continued)
____ 1. Acumen
____ 2. Adumbrate
____ 3. Acrimonious
____ 4. Acerbic
____ 5. Anathema
____ 6. Antipathy
____ B. Wan
____ 7. Abjure
____ 8. Alacrity
____ 9. Abrogate
____ 10. Approbation
A. explain vaguely
B. lethargy
C. renounce
D. praise
E. insight
F. abolish
G. respected person
H. repugnance
I. extremely angry
J. biting in tone
K. diligent
L. take without justification
M. suggestive of melancholy
N. accompany in a subordinate fashion
O. acting on a whim