ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT SENATE MEETING SALMON RIVER SUITE, PSU 7:00PM OCTOBER 10, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Chair Zamora, in the Salmon River Suite, PSU, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. ROLL CALL ASISU Secretary Jacey Preisler took roll. All Senators were present. Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Lowell Richards, was in attendance. MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 3, 2012. Doupé/Stevenson. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. MOVE TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. Doupé/Zamora. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Bloxham thanked the senators for having him at their meeting. He apologized for being absent at the Idaho Falls meeting last week. He also thanked the Finance Committee for working really hard on some important legislation for contingency funding. President Bloxham challenged each committee and senator to follow the example of the Finance Committee and write good, thought through legislation. He said that this is a very responsible senate. He also emphasized what a good job Senator Doupé is doing as pro tem. It was brought up in Cabinet that Senators need to make sure that they fulfill the Finance Workshop responsibility. Family weekend will take place this weekend. Please make a presence. Parents are the driving force in most students being at Idaho State University. Attendance numbers for Family Weekend are increasing; tickets are sold out for the football game and the tailgate. Lastly, the bronze Bengal sculpture being put in will be three times life size. ASISU needs to come up with a name for it. The Chinese symbol of the tiger represents luck. This tiger doesn’t need to tie solely into athletics; academics need to be a big part of this. It would be great to come up with a tradition for students and the Bengal, such as having students high five the paw of the Bengal on test day. The unveiling of the Bengal will take place Wednesday, October 24, at noon outside the Student Union. This is a momentous occasion, please attend. There will be refreshments, speakers, and major donors and alumni will be in attendance. Student athletes, marching band, cheerleaders, Bengal dancers, etc., will all be part of this event. A great student turn out is needed. The Bengal is going to be phenomenal. Senator Doupé asked if the family tickets to the choir concerts were being given out. Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Lowell Richards, said that 179 attendees have received tickets to the choir concert thus far and costs are being subsidized. Senator Ward asked what senators can do to be involved and proactive with the Bengal sculputre. President Bloxham suggested that Senators stand up in their classes and announce this big surprise coming for the students. Beyond that, just promoting the event to clubs and constituents would be great. There may be a student memo for the event. Senator Miklos asked if the Bengal is going to go in that morning or previous to the event. President Bloxham said that it will be installed this Friday but it will be covered up. The official unveiling will take place next Bengal Wednesday. CHAIR/COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Senator Doupé- Senate needs to vote on Senator Schritter remaining a senator. She has three absences right now and Senate needs to vote as to whether or not she should keep her position. Senator Schritter will remain a senator. MOVE TO RECOGNIZE SENATOR SCHIRRTER AND SENATOR DOUPE. Dixon/Doupé. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Finance Committee, Kelli Seeliger: Today in Finance, new club funding for the Video Game Club for $500.00 was approved. MOVE TO APPROVE NEW CLUB FUNDING. Seeliger/Brown. Unanimous. OBJECTION. Roll Call. CLINT BROCK- YES REBECCA BROWN- YES KATE CHRISTIAENS- YES ALISON DIXON- YES EMMA DOUPE- YES TARAH EDMO- YES TALOR JENSEN- YES BOBBY MIKLOS- YES MIRAZUN MITU- YES TAIGAN NEIBAUR- YES SEAN PARRISH ABSTAIN GABRIEL RIVAS- YES DANA ROLLINS- YES ALEXA SCHRITTER- YES KELLI ANN SEELIGER- YES DANIEL STEVENSON- YES WESLEY WARD- YES MILAN MARCETIC- YES KOLTON WOODBURY- YES ANDRES ZAMORA- YES MOTION CARRIED. Finance also approved matched deposits totaling to $2,541.43. The matched deposits were for Danson, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, LGBTSA, Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA), Phi Upsilon Omicron, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Korean Club, Alpha Kappa Psi, American Chemical Society, SPTA (Student Physical Therapy Association), and the Graduate Student Association. MOVE TO APPROVE MATCHED DEPOSITS. Seeliger/Doupé. Roll Call. CLINT BROCK- YES REBECCA BROWN- YES KATE CHRISTIAENS- ABSTAIN ALISON DIXON- YES EMMA DOUPE- YES TARAH EDMO- YES TALOR JENSEN- ABSTAIN BOBBY MIKLOS- YES MIRAZUN MITU- YES TAIGAN NEIBAUR- YES SEAN PARRISH ABSTAIN GABRIEL RIVAS- YES DANA ROLLINS- ABSTAIN ALEXA SCHRITTER- YES KELLI ANN SEELIGER- YES DANIEL STEVENSON- YES WESLEY WARD- YES MILAN MARCETIC- YES KOLTON WOODBURY- ABSTAIN ANDRES ZAMORA- YES MOTION CARRIED. Communications Committee- Senator Doupé would like to say that ASISU Speaks is going well. All students who want to be on the show are welcome. 4. Service Committee- Senator Dixon said the Service Committee has met twice and decided on their first project. The committee will meet again soon to continue planning for that project. GALLERY QUESTION & ANSWER 1. Shawn Kelsch- Shawn thanked Senate for allowing him to speak tonight. He is the Southeast Idaho Homeless Stand Down chair person. The second annual Homeless Stand Down held at ISU is approaching. The McKinney Act defines a homeless person as anyone who doesn’t have furniture or utilities along with those who don’t have an address. This event reaches out to approximately 200 people. It provides a hot breakfast, a sack lunch, and clothing. ISU professionals provide flu vaccinations, counseling, and more. People are coming from Salt Lake to assist the Veterans at this event and Aid for Friends and SEICCA (South Eastern Idaho Community Action Agency) will also help. It is taking place October 20, a week from Saturday, from 8am to 12pm. Set up will be October 19 and tear down will be after the event. It will be on the third floor of the Student Union. This is an opportunity for organizations to shine. Shawn challenged the Senators and ASISU to come through and show the clubs and organizations how to lead. This is a huge project where people from Idaho Falls to the Utah border are involved. This is a huge service opportunity. This is a great chance for Service and Outreach to come out and support this as individuals and as committees. The biggest need for volunteers is for set up and tear down. During the day, volunteers are needed to hand out clothes and food. Shawn can be reached by email and he will send out a flyer for this event to ask organizations to help out. Senator Doupé asked for the name of the organization. Shawn said that it is called the Southeast Idaho Homeless Stand Down. “Stand Down” is a military term that requires you to wait for a certain time of the day to stop all actions and make sure that a specific task is taken care of. There are thousands of these events throughout the United States. Senator Brown asked for Shawn’s email. It is 2. Lowell Richards- Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Lowell said there was a lockdown situation on the Meridian Campus today. Many students asked why they weren’t notified. Lowell said that when signing up for ISU alerts, the Banner system shows where the student is taking classes. ISU Alerts will send alerts to those students who are immediately impacted. If a student takes classes from multiple campuses, they should get alerts from both of those campuses. Senate will be updated on that as soon as it is confirmed. Senator Christiaens asked if an official statement had been released. Lowell said yes, there was a gentleman in a car who had a gun in his seat. ISU went through the facility and made sure it was safe. There were no shots fired, it seems like everything is okay. 3. Matthew Bloxham- The first annual Black and Orange Bowl will be held at Holt the Friday before Thanksgiving. Lowell seems to think that the Student Affairs staff is more than capable of beating ASISU. President Bloxham was also heckled by Recruiting today but they are going to be crying by the time ASISU is done with them. There will be practice this Friday for about an hour. ASISU needs to have a 7-10 person team. This will take place at high noon. Senators who want to participate include Clint Brock, Bobby Miklos, Ali Dixon, Kolton Woodbury, Anjel Zamora, Taylor Jensen, Emma Doupé, Kelli Ann Seeliger, Dana Rollins, Andres Zamora, and Daniel Stevenson. 3. Senator Brock asked if this was flag football. President Bloxham said it was with the exception of Lowell Richards. They are also looking at getting cool Bengal striped flags for the game. Senator Doupé requested that ASISU be black. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE 1. Marketing and Communications, Mark Levine and David Alexander - Content Management System: Marketing and Communications is here to answer questions and give information about Content Management System. There is a problem right now with the current ISU website. There is major variation on ISU pages and depending on the departments visited, it can be hard to tell if the visitor is still on the ISU website because there is so much variation. This reflects negatively on the university. Also, sites are not consistently updated which sends a message of negativity. 90% of all universities have a Content Management System. The Content Management System provides a broad range of users the ability to collaborate on content and it is very user-friendly. Through use of templates generated by Marketing, there will be a consistent looking field for every unit of the university. The Content Management System will control the look and feel of the university website and maintain conformity. It will establish appropriate controls for content at the department level. It will make information more available and it will greatly improve the curbside appeal of the site. Senator Brown asked how CMS would affect non-departmental things on campus such as SAB, Games Center, and OAC. Mark Levine said those are ISU groups and this would only affect sites. The university made a decision that it could no longer support personal pages. As a result, Google applications that give individuals access to make their own website were implemented. Lowell Richards said that departments can still be creative with the design and content of the site. Senator Jensen thanked the presenters for coming. He asked is there was anything ASISU could do to help move this process along. Chair Zamora said that Senators could write a resolution to support CMS. Chair Zamora said that from his experience, once you start searching for things, every related topic comes up even though it might be something from 50 years back. The first search response is not the most recently updated. Following the meeting, Senators can speak about their experiences on a personal basis. Senator Mitu asked about the safety and security of CMS. Mark Levine and David Alexander said that access is controlled and will be the same as it is for any university service, such as BengalWeb. The control is simple, but secure. Only authorized people can make changes. Logging services shows who made the changes because the system makes a record. Senator Christiaens asked how the transition for this would be if it did go through. The presenters said that it will be at least 6 to 8 months before this happens. The initial transition would be handled by the vendor. From a departmental perspective, it wouldn’t be difficult. Training resources would be provided. Senator Ward asked if this is just increasing convenience and Mark Levine said that it would increase the market ability of the institution. Senator Woodbury asked about estimated costs and the consensus among constituents. Mark Levine said that previous groups have all been very supportive. Some serious discussions will hopefully initiate a cost analysis. It’s not an insignificant investment but there hasn’t been any detailed discussion of costs. David Alexander said that from conversing with several vendors the rough numbers are $20,000 to $80,000. 2. Student Organization Director, Val Davids: Val Davids had a couple of clubs to present to Senate. The Poly Club has written a constitution and they have some great activities planned. Maria Raass, a member of the Poly Club, said that this group allows Polynesian students to come together outside of class and during class to show everyone what they are. The only time many Polynesians can go home is during the holidays and Maria said that they are losing their culture. Building Poly Club will help them regain and keep their culture. Last fall, Polynesian students performed in the International Night. They had positive feedback and that feedback encouraged them to do more. As far as goals go, the club would like to do a luau around spring. This organization will consist of Hawaiians, Tongans, Australians, and New Zealanders. They don’t all speak the same language but they do have the same culture base. The members of the Poly Club have tried to be involved in other clubs but they couldn’t combine very well because of the differences in overall culture. Senator Brown asked if the club has met all of the requirements. Val Davids said they have. Senator Doupé said that it is great to see clubs like this on the ISU campus. MOVE TO APPROVE THE POLY CLUB. Doupé/Mitu. Unanimous. Motion CARRIED. MOVE TO RECOGNIZE SENATOR MIKLOS. Dixon/. OBJECTION. Roll Call. CLINT BROCK- ABSTAIN REBECCA BROWN- NO KATE CHRISTIAENS- ABSTAIN ALISON DIXON- ABSTAIN EMMA DOUPE- ABSTAIN TARAH EDMO- ABSTAIN TALOR JENSEN- YES MIRAZUN MITU- NO TAIGAN NEIBAUR- YES SEAN PARRISH ABSTAIN GABRIEL RIVAS- YES DANA ROLLINS- YES ALEXA SCHRITTER- YES KELLI ANN SEELIGER- ABSTAIN DANIEL STEVENSON- ABSTAIN WESLEY WARD- YES MILAN MARCETIC- ABSTAIN KOLTON WOODBURY- NO ANDRES ZAMORA- NO Senator Miklos is not recognized. Senator Dixon will represent the Poly Club. The next club is the Society of Snowmobile Engineers. Bobby Miklos discussed the purpose of this club. Bobby said that this club wanted to break off from any existing clubs. They are hoping to participate in the Clean Snowmobile Challenge. They are hoping to start this back up because they would like to get a snow mobile for the school that the team would compete with for three to four years. They are hoping to get a donor for this project. The Society of Snowmobile Engineers wouldn’t be able to go to competition this year but hopefully they could begin to build the groundwork. They will also be attending two snowmobile shows this year. Senator Brown asked if any student is allowed to join this club, what the liabilities are, if they have a backup plan for the snowmobile breaking, and what sets this apart from a sports club. Senator Miklos said this isn’t a sport same way Civil Engineering isn’t. They build a bridge and takes it to competition. The competition is to make the snowmobile durable. Anyone can join. Risk management is handled under the competition. Senator Brock asked how much they are planning to receive from donors and where the money was coming from. Senator Miklos said they aren’t asking for any money right now, just asking to be approved. MOVE TO APPROVE CLUB Christeans/Doupé. MOTION CARRIED. MOVE TO RECOGNIZE SENATOR MIKLOS. Dixon/Doupé. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. Senator Miklos will represent this club. Anjel Zamora is representing Lambda Theta Phi. This fraternity was brought to campus last fall. Their recruitment process is different than a mainstream organization and as a result, the 12 members have not been met so far. The club needs to be put on probation status if they don’t meet their quota. Anjel became a brother in spring 2011 and he has worked hard to recruit as many members as possible. There is an interest period where the gentlemen interested in joining have to complete a set number of tasks before they can be considered for induction. These tasks take about a year to do. The process is extremely long. When the process is finished, a much shorter process takes place for the brotherhood. They can only recruit once a year and after starting with a group of 8 or 9, only 2 qualified for induction period. There is a GPA requirement and that made it so some couldn’t join so they have to re-do the application process. There are currently 7 interested men. Lambda Theta Phi does a Greek social event. They also do Chivalrous Tuesdays where they hand out roses to any girls that walk by in Rendezvous and open doors for them Tuesdays at 10:00. The fraternity motto is “Chivalry above self.” Community service is another thing focused on. Anjel is asking for Lambda Theta Phi to continue as an organization. Senator Miklos asked if they were going to try and seek the seeder funding exemption or just be left as a perspective Greek. Anjel said that in the first year, they asked for new club funding, but this past year, they understood that they didn’t reach the required member number and so they didn’t apply for Ceasar Funding. They don’t plan to apply for initial funding but they would like matched deposits and initial points. Senator Brock asked for clarification on what Senate was voting on. Anjel explained that they want to be recognized as an organization. Their forms were turned in on time and they were set aside until it is determined whether or not they can be a club. The probation status is determined by ASISU and ASISU can set specific guide lines of that probation. Val Davids said that probationary status means they can’t run for office within Greek Council but they can be part of events. Probation is determined by the Senate. The interest group is known as the Latino Men of Impact and they don’t apply for any funding. The two are separate entities. Senator Jensen asked what sets Lambda Theta Phi apart from a group of two members wanting to become a club. Anjel Zamora said the thing that sets them apart is that they are nationally affiliated and the fraternity has a difficult initiation process whereas, in a regular club, you just join. For this fraternity you must prove yourself in order to be considered a member of the fraternity. Senator Miklos asked that with provisions and probation status, what was given to those other Greeks who were in this same situation. Val Davids said that they didn’t receive funding until they got their 12 members. Senator Brock asked if they have to be recognized as an organization to keep recruiting. Anjel said yes or the interest group will just dissolve and they would be moved to the University of Idaho chapter. MOVE TO APPROVE LAMBA THETA PHI UNDER PROBATION THAT THEY CANNOT APPLY FOR CEASER FUNDING EXCLUDING MATCHED DEPOSITS AND INCENTIVE POINTS. Brown/Christiaens. Roll Call. CLINT BROCK- YES REBECCA BROWN- YES KATE CHRISTIAENS- YES ALISON DIXON- YES EMMA DOUPE- ABSTAIN TARAH EDMO- YES TALOR JENSEN- YES BOBBY MIKLOS- ABSTAIN MIRAZUN MITU- YES TAIGAN NEIBAUR- YES SEAN PARRISH- YES GABRIEL RIVAS- YES DANA ROLLINS- YES ALEXA SCHRITTER- YES KELLI ANN SEELIGER- YES DANIEL STEVENSON- YES WESLEY WARD- YES MILAN MARCETIC- YES KOLTON WOODBURY- YES ANDRES ZAMORA- ABSTAIN MOTION CARRIED. RECOGNIZE CHAIR ZAMORA. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. Bill 399- Voting: Senator Seeliger read the bill. MOVE TO SEND BILL 399 TO RULES. Seeliger/Christeans. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT SENATE SESSION XLV TERM I IN THE SENATE BILL 399 BY KELLI SEELIGER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SPONSORED BY EMMA DOUPE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS This bill is to remove the required roll call voting for the passage of bills and resolutions. Senate Rule Book Section 10—Voting All votes concerning monetary usage and funding, and all final votes for passage of bills and resolutions shall be recorded by the ASISU Secretary with senators’ names and their votes in the official minutes of the Senate meeting. DATE OF FIRST INTRODUCTION: October 10, 2012 SENATE ACTION: _______________________ DATE: _______________________ ASISU PRESIDENT: ______________________ DATE: _______________________ ASISU SECRETARY: _____________________ DATE: _______________________ ADJOURNMENT MOVE TO ADJOURN. Dixon/ Woodbury. ASISU Secretary took roll. All senators were present. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm. ASISU VICE PRESIDENT ANJEL ZAMORA ASISU SECRETARY JACEY PREISLER