Index Composition of Board 1 & 2 Chairperson Report 3 Day Care

Composition of Board
Chairperson Report
Day Care Centre
Meals on Wheels
Social Services
Community Physiotherapy Service
Chiropody Clinic
Care & Repair Report
Pre-School Report
Therapeutic Learning Centre
Extracts from Audited Accounts 2012
10 & 11
13 & 14
Annette Lynagh – Annette is a native of Cork and has lived in Ballinasloe for 43 years. Her
professional background is in education as a Home Economics teacher and she is a member of
the Board for 20 years. She is currently starting her third year as Chairperson and she has
served as Chairperson for a previous period from 1998 – 2000. Annette is a Company
Director and a member of the Vetting Sub-committee.
Jenny O’Sullivan – Jenny is originally from Mayo and has lived in Ballinasloe for 40 years.
Her professional expertise comes from the banking sector and she has been a member of the
Ballinasloe Social Services Board since 2003. Jenny is a Company Director, chair of the
Audit Sub-Committee and a member of the Governance Sub-Committee. She is also a
volunteer in our Day Services
Michael Lally –
Michael is a long standing member of the Board who became involved in the services in 1980
and was Chairperson for the period 1984 – 1986. He is a retired Secondary School teacher
and qualified Counsellor. He is a member of the Vetting Sub-committee. He is a Company
Eamon Lally – one of the original members of the Board since 1972, Eamon has been
Chairperson for two periods from 1976 - 1983 and 2009 – 2011. He is a retired National
School Principal and qualified mediator. He is a Company Director
Sr. Alacoque Gleeson – Sr. Alacoque is a Mercy Sister, who was Director of our Day Care
Centre from 1982 – 2009 when she retired from her nursing post with the HSE. She has been
on the Board since 1982 and was Chairperson from 2003 – 2006. She currently works in the
HR department of Mercy Sisters Western Province and is an active member of the local
Ann Kenny – Ann is a native of Ballygar and is a retired Public Health Nurse, having been
based in Ballinasloe for most of her professional life. She is a member of the Board since
1976 and was Chairperson from 1993 – 1996.
Marie Staunton – Marie is a Chiropodist based in Ballinasloe. She has been a volunteer in
our Day Centre and Tuesday Club and has been a Board member since 1982.
Martina Staunton – Martina is a housewife and an active member of the community, who
has been a Board member since 2000. She volunteered with our Tuesday Club and was
Chairperson from 2007 – 2008.
Margaret Oliver – Margaret is a retired National School teacher and has been a Board
member since 2005. She is a Company Director and also a volunteer in our Day Centre.
Regina Power – Regina is Ballinasloe native and a National School teacher and has been a
member of the Board since 2009. She is a Company Director.
Tess Raftery – Tess is originally from Tuam and is a retired Civil and Public Servant, having
worked in Revenue and the Road Safety Authority. She has been a Board member since
2011, is a volunteer with our Day Services and a member of the Governance and Audit subcommittees
Padraig O’Ceithearnaigh – Padraig is from Ballinasloe and has been involved in Irish
language activities all his life in the areas of teaching, youth and community development and
finally as Assistant Director of Comhdháil Náisiunta na Gaeilge, the umbrella body of Irish
Language voluntary organisations. He is now retired and has been a Board member since
2012. He is a member of the Governance sub-committee.
Economically this year has been a difficult one for everyone in the country. Thankfully we
survived this crises. We are grateful to our loyal supporters, the Sisters of Mercy, Lions Club,
Soroptomists, Bridge Club and various other local organisations, our patrons and members,
also our Limited Draw supporters, HSE West and people of Ballinasloe.
We thank Bernie Austin, Director of Nursing at St. Brendan’s, Loughrea for providing cover
in the centre. We thank our nurses – who provide a happy environment and professional
service which enables people to stay in their own homes.
Thanks to Dan Quaid, HSE West for his interest and support.
The centre is a very happy place to visit and long may it continue to be that way. We thank
Teresa our Manager, Diana and Brendan, C.E. participants, students and in particular our
loyal volunteers, who help with the smooth running of the centre. We have received funding
to purchase a new Minibus and look forward to it being on the road in the near future.
Thanks to Kay and volunteers in the Meals and Wheels, who provide such nutritious meals
The Pre-school and Therapeutic Learning Centre continue to thrive under the guidance of
Elaine Murphy, Childcare Manager. We thank her and her staff for their commitment.
We are delighted to have Care and Repair Office on site. It’s a great service to the older
people of Ballinasloe.
Finally we are proud of the way the services have developed over the years. We look forward
with confidence to the future because of the fantastic support we receive from the many
groups and people mentioned in this report.
Annette Lynagh
October 2013
Our Social Services Day Care Centre provides a safe and supportive environment in which we
are committed to promoting the well being of our Clients, personally, socially, medically,
psychologically and spiritually, and we will strive to improve our services on an on-going
basis. At the beginning of this year the demand for our services was slow, but with the
promotion of our services, our referrals have increased, and we are now back to full capacity,
which we are very happy to report.
Our Nursing staff compliment each day consists of two Registered Nurses, one of which is
provided by the H.S.E. for which we are very grateful and the other is our valued nurse
employed by Ballinasloe Social Services, Anne Marie Moran. A comprehensive nursing
assessment of the health needs and development of a plan of care is carried out. Blood
Pressure and Blood Sugar level monitoring are provided as required. A daily programme of
activities, including bingo, gentle exercises to music, computers, card playing, board games,
art and crafts, puzzles and word wheel etc. provides our clients with opportunities for social
and mental interaction with their peers.
Our treasured volunteers are vital partners in the provision of our services. Our success and
accomplishments are directly attributed to their dedication. Without their help and assistance
we would find it difficult to function. A successful volunteer’s morning was held on the 8th
February 2013 in appreciation of their contribution to the Social Services. It was a very
enjoyable morning. Thanks to Rosie Darragh for her computer classes and Claire Gibbons for
her exercise classes.
We express our thanks to Kay and her team for providing delicious and nutritious daily meals
for our clients.
We are fortunate to have the support of the following professionals. Ray Kelly, our visiting
Chiropodist, provides a clinic on a monthly basis. Marian Dooley, our community
Physiotherapist visits our centre on a regular basis and provides clients with an exercise
programme tailored to their individual needs, all of which enhances our services greatly.
Brendan Canney and our transport staff are much appreciated for the prompt and safe service
provided to our clients to and from the centre. We wish Mary Murray a happy retirement and
welcome Marcella Whelan and Ann Tully onto the team. We also wish Kitty O’Brien a
speedy recovery. We also thank Diana Walsh for all her input and commitment.
The highlight of each week is the music, song and dance, which takes place on Tuesdays. We
thank our talented panel of Voluntary Musicians and singers, who provide our clients and
staff with wonderful entertainment. Thanks also to the Loughrea Music Group who attend
once each month.
A recent informative talk and demonstration on aids to assist people with hearing disabilities
given by Edel from Deaf proved of interest to many of our clients. A volunteer is
now available to assist clients, who are having difficulties with their hearing aids and devices.
Our annual outing to Knock Shrine took place in July which was successful and enjoyable. A
total of 56 clients, volunteers and staff made the trip. We were blessed with beautiful summer
sunshine. A thoroughly enjoyable day was had by all. The day ended with a delicious meal
in Gullanes Hotel. Gratitude is expressed to the Lions Club for sponsoring the transport.
At present one of our valued members of staff is on sick leave, and our prayers and good
wishes are with her, at this difficult time for herself and her family, and we hope she will be
back with us before too long.
The centre is blessed to have a very good working team, of the staff employed by Ballinasloe
Social Services, the H.S.E. and volunteers. They provide a lovely, caring and professional
service for all who attend the centre.
Mary Martin
Staff Nurse
Day Care Centre
I wish to thank all our volunteer drivers (14 in total) who are Garda vetted and without whom
our service would not function. A particular thank you to Mona Broderick who retired as a
volunteer after over 20 years service.
I wish to thank Regina and Siobhan for their invaluable work in the kitchen. Congratulations
to Siobhan and her husband Joe on celebrating their marriage during the year. Thanks also to
Terry in the Community Information Centre for her assistance with Siobhan’s placement.
In 2012, we delivered 14,580 meals. The areas we cover are from Ahascragh in the North to
Laurencetown in the South, across to Cappatagle in the East, up to Kilconnell and Fohenagh
and anywhere inside this catchment area.
A word of gratitude is expressed to Una and Beechlawn Organic Farm for the regular
donation of vegetables to our service. It is much appreciated.
During the year, we liaised with Cope Community Catering in Galway, where we both
observed each other’s Meals on Wheels service. This was a very informative experience for
both services.
Kay Cunningham,
MOW Co-Ordinator
We have come through another harsh economic year, perhaps not unscathed, but certainly in
one piece and this is due in no small part to the fantastic support we have received from all
sections of the community.
Our Annual Reports give us the opportunity to publicly thank our supporters. Many
individuals supported us financially during the year by way of donations and we wish to
express our sincere gratitude to them for their generosity. Groups and organisations also gave
us their assistance, for which we acknowledge and thank, and they are listed as follows:
 HSE West
 Mercy Sisters Western Province
 Ballinasloe Flower Club
 Ballinasloe Branch Vincent de Paul
 Ballinasloe Lions Club
 Ballinasloe Soroptomists
 Ballinasloe Bridge Club
 Ballinasloe Mother’s Union
 Ballinasloe College of Further Education
 Creagh National School for St. Brigid’s Crosses
 Square D Reunion Committee
 Bank of Ireland Staff
 Killeen’s of Shannonbridge
 Alkermes
 Keller’s Staff
 Western Post Form
 Brian Connaughton/Catherine O’Connor
To supplement our income, we must hold various fundraising events. Throughout the past
year, we held the following:
 October 2012: 40th Anniversary Tea Party
 December 2012: Christmas Sale of Work, Knitting of Scarves, Tesco Bag Packing,
Progressive 25 Card Game, Cash for Clobber
 February 2013: Limited Draw
 April 2013: Golf Outing, Easter Raffle & Cake Sale
 June 2013: Flora Mini-Marathon
 October 2013: Membership
 Ongoing: Bonus Ball
We also have a major fundraising event – Celebrity Mock Wedding – organised by 2 staff
members coming up on November 1st.
Again, many, many thanks to everyone who supported these fundraising initiatives.
I would like to thank the following for their assistance, co-operation and advice during the
Rory Nelson, Pensions Advisor
Joe Jordan, Solicitor
Liz McDonald, Galway Rural Development
Patricia Tierney, Training for Employment
Terry O’Hanlon, Community Information Centre
Dan Quaid, Community Development Officer, HSE
Last February, we said goodbye to Teresa Black who worked with me in the office. In
March, we welcomed Jacinta Divilly to the centre.
We were delighted to be awarded a grant from the National Lottery Fund to replace our
minibus. This new bus will be delivered to us in the very near future.
We published a new brochure in September which has been distributed throughout the
Ballinasloe area.
We have signed up to the Code of Governance and Statement of Fundraising Principles and
are currently putting the necessary procedures in place to comply with these principles.
Finally, I wish to thank my work colleagues, volunteers, clients, Social Services Committee
and in particular Chairperson Annette Lynagh for their support, guidance and friendship over
the past year.
Teresa Coughlan,
Statistics from 1st October 2012 to 30th September 2013:
Physiotherapist attended Ballinasloe Social Services Centre for 10 Mondays between 1 st
October 2012 and 30th September 2013.
Number of Social Services’ Clients receiving physiotherapy treatment: 12
Total number of treatment sessions received: 26
As there is minimal equipment available for use by clients attending physiotherapy in
Ballinasloe Health Centre, some clients with complex needs have availed of the equipment at
the Social Services Centre under supervision of the physiotherapist. We are very grateful to
the committee to continue to allow us to avail of this facility.
Number of clients who availed of the facility at Ballinasloe Social Services Centre for their
physiotherapy treatment: 3
Total number of treatment sessions received: 5
Total Figures
Total number of clients that received physiotherapy treatment in BSSC: 15
Total number of physiotherapy treatment sessions: 31
Marion Dooley
Chartered Physiotherapist
Ballinasloe Primary Care Team
The Chiropody Clinic is held on the last Thursday of every month. Patients must be over 65,
hold a medical card and be referred by their G.P. or P.H.N. Appointments are given on a 3monthly basis.
Number of treatments in 2012 ……………………. 408
Fee Total ………………………………………… €4,080
Income from clinic …………………………….... €3,780
Jacinta Divilly,
Assistant Administrator
Ballinasloe Care and Repair is in its fourth year and is part of Age Action Ireland under the
auspices of Ballinasloe Social Services. It was established to improve the life of elderly
people so they can live independently in their own homes for a longer period.
The service was set up by Joe Staunton and assisted by Eamon Lally who saw the need for
such a service in the community. Many retired and skilled people are willing to volunteer
their service and time to make it practicable. The Committee is made up of Joe Staunton,
Eamon Lally, Martin Lyons, Joe Sammon, Margaret Brennan and Mary Cunningham.
Ballinasloe Care and Repair is supported by FAS who have three part-time volunteers who
are assigned to Care and Repair duties.
Office Hours Openings are: Monday to Thursday 9am to 2pm
Phone: 090 96 30630
Ballinasloe Care and Repair uses trustworthy volunteers and handypersons to carry out minor
repairs for the elderly, these include odd jobs, minor decorating, painting, gardening,
strimming etc. The people involved are trustworthy and GardaVetted. In the summertime
gardening and mowing lawns are the main jobs and in the wintertime there is a lot of minor
jobs e.g. painting, moving furniture and plumbing.
The Befriending service is going well and more people have volunteered in different areas
which makes a difference as they are local to the Client. The service they provide is reading,
shopping, walking or accompanying the Client to a Doctor or Hospital Appointment.
There is also a Referral Service where we supply the names of trustworthy volunteers and
handypersons who are Garda Vetted and carry photo ID if the job is outside our scope. The
Care and Repair service is confidential and free of charge and covers a radius of ten miles.
To date we have 140 clients. When volunteers visit the client they check the smoke and
carbon monoxide alarms to make sure they are working. There are a lot of referrals from
HSE, Home Help, and Community Nurses who know straight away the service they require.
Throughout the year we advertised in Local Papers, Radio and Church News Bulletin which
increased our numbers.
We are thankful to the volunteers for their hard work and commitment. The Care and Repair
service is getting stronger each year, the numbers increasing and from the feedback we get
from clients they are very grateful and appreciative of the service.
I would like to thank Teresa Coughlan, Manager of the Social Services Centre for the letting
of the Office to Care and Repair and the Committee for their help without whom the service
would never have existed. Also I would like to thank Billy Ward and Patricia Tierney of the
CE Scheme for their continued support and staff.
Esther Noone
Care & Repair
Twenty one children, five mornings each week and eighteen children, three afternoons per
week, started the last week in August 2012.
Congratulations to each of the children, parents and staff that completed the school year. It is
a tremendous achievement as each of the staff (Lucy, Karen and I) strive to deliver the best
individual programmes, within a group setting. Many thanks also to Deborah in the
mornings, and Nicola every Tuesday, who received funding from the Brothers of Charity to
support individual children.
During the year we enjoyed lots of Art and Crafts, celebrating children’s ideas, themes,
imagination, often challenging children’s abilities, but achieving creativity, originality and
resourcefulness. Through themes of Halloween, Pyjama Party (Childline fundraiser)
Christmas, Special Person Day, St Patrick’s Day parade (at the school), Easter parade, great
learning and fun was had by all.
Parents chosen outings were “Crazy Kids” Athlone at Christmas, (thanks for the support from
the Garda Bus), with a Dad playing “Santa”. We then visited “Dublin Zoo” in June; both
trips involved 59 parents and children. Both trips were a terrific success, thanks to parent
participation and children’s enthusiasm.
Throughout the school year H.S.E. professionals provided individual programmes, monitoring
the children’s progress within the centre. They provided a strong level of commitment that’s
necessary and essential in promoting a multi disciplinary service for the children and families.
Programmes promoted within the centre include:
 Incredible Years social & emotional programme.
 Picture Exchange Communication (P.E.C.’s).
 Teach – (working with Autism).
 LAMH – (signing).
 Handwriting without Tears.
With thanks to Galway City partnership, I received accreditation within the children’s
“Incredible Years Programme”. Thanks also to Lucy and Karen for their help in the videoing
process. For accreditation, videos were sent to America, alongside my reflections, evaluation,
and personal strategies for working with developmentally delayed children.
Training during the year consisted of:
 Always Children First
 Child protection
 Working with Autism
Karen is presently completing her level 6 in Childcare.
Two fundraising events were held for the school, Bag Packing at Christmas in Tesco (Thanks
to the parents who organised this for us, thanks to Tesco for their permission). The other was
the ‘Women’s Mini Marathon’ in Dublin. Both events were successful, thanks to parents and
During the year the following organisation gave us valuable support:
Ballinasloe St Vincent de Paul, supporting our food break.
To them it is an opportunity to acknowledge and say thanks for their extremely valuable
Let the moment not pass without acknowledging and reflecting on the continuous support
without which we could not continue, from the:-
Pre-school sub-committee
Social Services committee
Members of staff within the Social Services.
Finally, my young friend and colleague Lucy Dolan decided to leave us to visit other parts of
the world. I wish her safety, adventure, learning and enjoyment on her chosen journey. I
welcome Vikki onto our team and hope she will be happy with us.
Elaine Murphy
Childcare Manager
The Therapeutic Learning Centre (TLC) works in collaboration with the HSE Early
Intervention Teams (EIT) from Loughrea, Tuam and Roscommon. These multidisciplinary
teams consist of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech & Language Therapists
and Psychologists, who are the Referral Agents to the TLC for children aged from 18 months
to 4 years. They provide individual programmes for each child, monitoring and assessing
their progress while in the TLC.
We also work closely with Ballinasloe HSE Primary Continuing and Community Care,
Brothers of Charity, Family Services, CAMHS and the Vincent de Paul, as the majority of
children attending our centre are linked with statutory and community agencies. Through the
Public Health Nurses developmental check, TLC receives early referrals of children. The HSE
professionals support our facility – this is a unique partnership between statutory and
voluntary bodies.
The children and parents attend the TLC, where parents have an opportunity to express their
difficulties and needs. They learn about developmental norms, how to recognise their own
child’s strengths and weaknesses, and we value the importance of parents supporting their
children’s education and development. We strive to support parents in building stronger
relationships with their children.
2012 saw two “Hanen” programmes, for parents of young children with communication
difficulties, facilitated in Ballinasloe Health Centre. This evidence based programme was
delivered by the Speech & Language department, assisted by the TLC Leader.
Also, two Incredible Years Parenting programmes were delivered in the ACCORD Family
Centre by Family Services, Psychology from Loughrea EIT and the TLC Leader. Currently
our pre-school provides this evidence based social & emotional Incredible Years Programme
for children and the Parents Programme is designed to compliment the children’s programme
and develop a consistent approach both at home and in the pre-school.
Galway City & County Childcare Committee contributed towards training of the TLC Leader
for the children’s programme. Galway Rural Development funded the training for facilitating
the parents’ programme. Galway City Partnership supports the development of the children’s
programme and co-ordinates the parents’ programme.
Our centre is the focal point of early intervention in Ballinasloe, with all the relevant services
interacting with the service. We want to build on existing resources within our community
and focus those resources very positively and collaboratively on families.
2012 saw 109 children and their parents accessing our service from all social, ethnic and
socio-economic backgrounds. Thank you to all the people who make this service work, on
behalf of all our precious children.
Elaine Murphy,
TLC Leader.
Extracts from Audited Accounts at 31st December 2012
Balance Sheet as at 31st December
Fixed Assets
Tangible assets
Current Assets
Cash at Bank & in Hand
Amts falling due within
Net Current Assets
Total Assets less current liabilities
Net Assets
Capital and reserves
Other reserves
Revenue reserves account
Member’s funds
Detailed Trading Profit & Loss and Expenses Schedule for
the year ended 31st December 2012
Revenue Grants
Income from
Grants &
Lottery Grants
Miscellaneous Income
Grants Amortised
ECCE Grant
P/S fees
CCS/CCSS pobal funded childcare
Day Centre
MOW income
Chiropody income
Therapeutic Learning Centre
Administrative Expenses
Building Costs
Preschool Wages
Transport Wages
Transport expenses
Administration wages
Administration expenses
Day Centre wages
Day Centre expenses
B'nagh P/S
Light & heat
MOW wages
MOW expenses
Repairs & maintenance
Telephone & fax
Therapeutic wages
Therapeutic expenses
Chiropody services
Training costs
Bank charges
Sundry expenses
Depreciation on equipment
Depreciation on fixtures
Depreciation on motor vehicles
Operating Profit/(Loss)
Pobal grants received in previous year of €8,733 now being amortised to the profit and loss account are included
in the total income figure