Health Science 3 - Greenwood School District 50

G. Frank Russell Career and Technology Center
601 East Northside Drive
Greenwood, SC 29649
Telephone: (864) 941-5750 switch board
Health Science 3 - 5552
Human Structure and Function
Course Syllabus
2014 – 2015
Teresa A. Milner, RN
Phone: 864-941-5759
11th and 12th
Score of 80% or greater in previous HS courses
(HS 1, HS 2, Med Term) and teacher recommendation.
2 Units; Three Hour Block - 1 Semester
Fall; PM (3rd and 4th) Blocks
By appointment.
Course Description: Health Science 3 acquaints students with basic anatomy and physiology of the
human body. Students learn how the human body is structured and the function of each of the 12
body systems. Students will study the relationship that body systems have with disease from the
healthcare point of view. This is a very “hands on” course and students will learn through projects
and activities in the classroom. Skill procedures and foundation standards are reviewed and
integrated throughout the program. This course does not count as a lab science.
General Requirements: This course is recommended for students in the 11th or 12th grade. Required
pre-requisites are: Score of 80% or greater in HS 1 and HS 2. Students should be familiar with
general medical terminology as well as technical skills associated with vital signs. This is the 3rd
course in a 4 course sequence for Health Science.
Course Objective: To enable the student to develop and apply basic entry-level skills as health
assistants in a laboratory setting preparing them for the clinical component (HS 4, Clinical Study)
of the curriculum their senior year.
Foundation Standards:
1. Foundation 1: Academic Foundations: Healthcare professionals will know the academic
subject matter required for proficiency within their area. They will use this knowledge
as needed in their role.
1. Classify the basic structural and functional organization of the human body (tissue, organ, and system).
2. Recognize body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities.
Analyze the basic structure and function of the human body.
Research common diseases and disorders of each body system (prevention, pathology, diagnosis, and tx).
Research emerging diseases and disorders.
Investigate biomedical therapies as they relate to the prevention, pathology, and treatment of disease.
Apply mathematical computations related to healthcare procedures (metric and household, conversions and
8. Analyze diagrams, charts, graphs, and tables to interpret healthcare results.
9. Record time using the 24-hour clock.
10. Complete Labs – dissections – clay models – class presentations as assigned. (NOT A NATIONAL STANDARD)
2: Foundation 2: Communications: Healthcare professionals will know the various methods of giving and
obtaining information. They will communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
1. Use medical terminology and medical abbreviations to communicate information.
2. Apply speaking and active listening skills
3: Foundation 3: Systems: Healthcare professionals will understand how their role fits into their
department, their organization and the overall healthcare environment. They will identify how key
systems affect services they perform and the quality of care.
4: Foundation 4: Employability Skills: Healthcare professionals will understand how employability skills
enhance their employment opportunities and job satisfaction. They will demonstrate key employability skills and will maintain and upgrade skills, as needed.
1. Apply employability skills in healthcare (hygiene, dress, language, confidentiality, behavior, and work ethic)
2. Expand components of a personal portfolio (letter of introduction, resume, healthcare project, writing sample,
work-based learning, oral presentation, service learning, credentials, technology, and leadership experience).
3. Participate in healthcare work-based learning experiences (guest speakers, virtual tours, community service)
5. Foundation Standard 5: Legal Responsibilities: Healthcare professionals will understand the legal
responsibilities, limitations, and implications of their actions within the healthcare delivery setting.
They will perform their duties according to regulations, policies, laws, and legislated rights of clients.
1. Apply procedures for accurate documentation and record keeping.
2. Apply standards for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
6. Foundation Standard 6: Ethics: Healthcare professionals will understand accepted ethical practices
with respect to cultural, social, and ethnic differences within the healthcare environment. They will
perform quality healthcare delivery.
1. Discuss bioethical issues related to disease.
2. Apply ethical behaviors in healthcare including personal, professional, and organizational ethics.
3. Apply procedures for reporting activities and behaviors that affect health, safety, and welfare of others.
7. Foundation Standard 7: Safety Practices: Healthcare professionals will understand the existing and
potential hazards to clients, co-workers, and self. They will prevent injury or illness through safe
work practices and follow health and safety policies and procedures.
1. Demonstrate principles of infection control using standard precautions in relation to the disease process and
2. Comply with safety signs, symbols and labels.
Foundation Standards: continued
8. Foundation Standard 8: Teamwork: Healthcare professionals will understand the roles and
responsibilities of individual members as part of the healthcare team, including their ability to
promote the delivery of quality healthcare. They will interact effectively and sensitively with all
members of the healthcare team.
1. Act responsibly as a team member.
9. Foundation Standard 9: Health Maintenance Practices: Healthcare professionals will understand
the fundamentals of wellness and the prevention of disease processes. They will practice preventive
health behaviors among the clients.
1. Describe strategies for prevention of diseases including health screenings and examinations.
2. Apply practices that promote prevention of disease and injury.
10. Foundation Standard 10: Technical Skills: Healthcare professionals will apply technical skills
required for all career specialties. They will demonstrate skills and knowledge as appropriate.
1. Revisit procedures for measuring and recording vital signs as you approach the appropriate body system.
(including recognition of normal ranges and understanding what the data means in relation to body systems
and disease.)
11. Foundation Standard 11: Information Technology Applications: Healthcare professionals will use
information technology applications required within all career specialties. They will demonstrate use
as appropriate to healthcare applications.
Course Outline:
1. Orientation
o Instructor/Student expectations - Standards: 2 & 4
o School Safety Standard: 7
o HOSA/Leadership - Standard: 4
2. Medical Terminology (6.1-6.2) – Standards: 1.1, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 & 2.1, 2.2, 2.21, 2.22
3. Medical Math (20.8) - Standard: 1.31, 1.32, 1.33
4. Employability (3.1-3.5 and 4.1-4.3) - Portfolio – Standard: 4
5. Infection Control (14.1-14.9) - Standard: 7
6. Anatomy & Physiology - Standards: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, & 11
o Basic Structure (7.1)
o Body Planes/Directions/Cavities (7.2)
7. Vital Signs (15.1-15.7) Technical Skills -Skills Development - Standard 10.1
o Integumentary System (7.3)
o Skeletal System (7.4)
8. Physical Therapy Skills (22.1-22.3) Technical Skills–Skills Development - Standard 10
o Muscular System (7.5)
9. Assisting with Physical Exam (20.1-20.5, 21.1-21.2) Technical Skills–Skills Development - Standard 10
o Nervous System (7.6)
o Special Senses (7.7)
o Circulatory System (7.8)
o Lymphatic System (7.9)
o Respiratory System (7.10)
o Digestive System (7.11)
o Urinary System (7.12)
o Endocrine System (7.13)
o Reproductive System (7.14)
10. First Aid/CPR/AED (16.1-16.12) Technical Skills –Skills Development - Standard 10, 10.2
Standard #
2.1; 4.3;
7.2b; 7.3;
7.5a; 8.2; &
11.1 & 11.2
Standard 1:
1.2 (HS 3)
Standard 2:
(Med Term)
2.1 - 2.4; 2.5 –
1.31, 1.32,
4; 4.41
7.1, 7.2, 7.3,
7.4, 7.5
Competency/Objective Statement
(The student will be able to…)
Examples of Activities
1. Identify course expectations & classroom procedures 2. Demonstrate school and classroom
safety procedures.
3. Demonstrate effective team-building
4. Leadership/HOSA
5. Identify best practice study skills
6.1 – 6.2 Medical Terminology
1. Use medical terminology and medical
abbreviations to communicate information.
2. Construct medical terms using prefixes,
suffixes, roots, and combining forms.
2. Use appropriate medical terms to
communicate information.
3. Identify medical abbreviations to
communicate information.
4. Determine definitions of medical terms
by examining word parts.
Concepts of Effective Communication
5. Pronounce medical terms.
6. Apply speaking and active listening skills.
7. Interpret verbal communication.
# 1
20.8 Medical Math
1. Perform mathematical applications to
determine vital sign applications and basic
pharmacology equations.
2. Analyze diagrams, charts, graphs, and
tables to interpret healthcare results.
3. Record time using 24 hour clock.
4.1-4.2 Employability – Portfolio
1. Develop components of a personal portfolio (letter of introduction, resume, healthcare project, writing sample, work-based
learning, oral presentation, service learning,
credentials, technology, and leadership
2. Communicate using technology to access
and distribute data and other information.
(including online assessments).
14.1-14.9 Infection Control
1. Demonstrate principles of infection control related to Transmission Based Isolation
Precautions (gowns, gloves, masks, etc).
2. Recognize the difference between
Transmission Based Isolation Precautions &
Standard Precautions.
3. Apply principles of body mechanics/
patient safety during transfers/positioning
& in all areas of healthcare activities.
4. Summarize principles of basic emergency
response in natural disasters or other
# 2
 Welcome Activity with Short
 Emergency Procedures
 Curriculum changes reviewed.
 Forms provided for completion.
“Pair-Share” with flash
Classify word parts as roots,
prefixes, and suffixes in
order to build words to
enhance learning.
Gallon Man
24 Hour Clock Matching Game
Portfolio Rubric & Pacing
Demonstrate hand-washing,
following medical asepsis.
Demonstrate setting up a
sterile field; transfer,
mitten, and drop techniques.
Demonstrate donning and
removing sterile gloves.
Demonstrate donning and
removing PPE for isolation.
Standard #
1.1 ; 1.11 &
1.1 ; 1.12
10.1; 10.11
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
Competency/Objective Statement
(The student will be able to…)
Examples of Activities
7.1 Basic Structure & Function of the
Human Body
1. Label a diagram of the main parts of a
2. Describe the basic function of each
part of a cell
3. Compare the 4 main types of tissue by
describing the basic function of each type
4. Explain the relationship between cells,
tissues, organs, & systems
5. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms
7.2—Body Planes, Directions, & Cavities
1. Label the names of the planes and the
directional terms related to the planes on a
diagram of the three planes of the body
2. Label a diagram of the main body cavities
3. Identify the main organs located in each
body cavity
4. Locate the nine abdominal regions
5. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms
# 3
Technical Skills - Skills Development
15.1-15.7 Vital Signs
1. Apply procedures for measuring and
recording vital signs (TPR & BP) including
recognition of normal ranges.
7.3—Integumentary Systems
1. Label a diagram of a cross section of
the skin
2. Differentiate between the two types of
skin glands
3. List six functions of the skin
4. Provide the correct names for three
abnormal colors of the skin and identify
the cause of each abnormal color
5. Describe at least 4 skin eruptions
6. Describe at least 4 diseases of the
Integumentary system
7. Define, pronounce, spell, all key terms
7.4—Skeletal System
1. List five functions of bones
2. Label the parts of a bone on a diagram
of a long bone
3. Name the two divisions of the skeletal
system and the main groups of bones in
each division
4. Identify the main bones of the skeleton
5. Compare the three classifications of jts
by describing the type of motion allowed
by each
6. Give 1 example of each jt classifi cation
7. Describe at least four diseases of the
skeletal system
8. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms.
# 5
& all
# 4
# 6
The Incredible Edible Cell
Clay Cell
Group Body Systems Project
Simon Says Game
Orange Dissection
Add Planes & Cavities to Body
System Poster (Group Project)
Demonstrate obtaining TPR &
BP on all classmates
Use data to graph results
Example Activity:
Build a skin segment using
materials from home
Ipad/PC project on skin
Add Integumentary system to
Body System Poster (Group
# 7
Consistency of Rice Krispies
treats vs. Crunch bars for
types of bone
Labeling Model of Human
Body Skeleton Puzzle
Add Skeletal system to Body
System Poster (Group Project)
Standard #
10, 10.1
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
10, 10.1
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
Competency/Objective Statement
(The student will be able to…)
Examples of Activities
Technical Skills - Skills Development
22.1-22.3 Physical Therapy Skills
1. Demonstrate the appropriate techniques
in transferring and ambulating, with or
without assistive devices (crutches, canes,
2. Demonstrate appropriate techniques;
turning, positioning, & lifting.
3. Demonstrate passive range of motion.
4. Describe measures to prevent
complications of bedrest using positioning
and exercise.
7.5—Muscular System
1. Compare the three main kinds of muscle
by describing the action of each
2. Differentiate between voluntary muscle
and involuntary muscle
3. List at least three functions of muscles
4. Describe the two main ways muscles
attach to bones
5. Demonstrate the five major movements
performed by muscles
6. Describe at least three diseases of
the muscular system
7. Define, pronounce, spell key words
8. Demonstrate positioning, turning, &
moving patients
Technical Skills - Skills Development
20.1-20.5 & 21.1-21.2
Assisting w/ Physical Exam
1. Demonstrate the proper technique for
obtaining height and weight.
2. Demonstrate use of Snellen Chart.
3. Demonstrate Fowler’s, Semi-Fowler’s,
prone, and supine.
4. Demonstrate use of audiometer.
5. Demonstrate dental and head checks,
7.6—Nervous System
1. Identify the 4 main parts of a neuron
2. Name the two main divisions of the
nervous system
3. Describe the function of each of the
five main parts of the brain
4. Explain three functions of spinal cord
5. Identify the 3 meninges
6. Describe the circulation and function of
cerebrospinal fluid
7. Contrast the actions of the sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous systems
8. Describe at least five diseases of the
nervous system
9. Define, pronounce, & spell all key terms.
# 8
# 9
Create flash cards with
pictures & description of
ROME to specific joints.
Practice passive and active
ROM with peer.
Practice procedures for
crutches, canes, walkers,
& gait belts
Build clay muscles on skeletal
Build muscles on each other
with supplies.
Dissect chicken parts
Add Muscular system to Body
System Poster (Group Project)
Mock School Screening to
practice visual acuity,
audiometer, head & dental
Practice height and weight
Clay building for brain
Left side/right side activity
Add Nervous system to Body
System Poster (Group Project)
Standard #
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
Competency/Objective Statement
(The student will be able to…)
Examples of Activities
7.7—Special Senses
1. Identify 5 special senses
2. Label the major parts on a diagram of
the eye
3. Trace the pathway of light rays as they
pass through the eye
4. Label the major parts on a diagram of
the ear
5. Trace the pathway of sound waves as
they pass through the ear
6. Explain how the ear helps maintain
balance and equilibrium
7. State the locations of the four main
taste receptors
8. List at least 4 general senses located
throughout the body
9. Describe at least six diseases of the eye
and ear
10. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms.
7.8—Circulatory System
1. Label the layers, chambers, valves, and
major blood vessels on a diagram of the
2. Differentiate between systole and
diastole by explaining what happens in the
heart during each phase
3. List the 3 major types of blood vessels
and the action of each type
4. Compare the 3 main types of blood cells
by describing the action of each type
5. Compare the 3 main types of blood cells
by describing the functions of each
6. Describe at least 5 diseases of the
circulatory system
7. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms
# 10
7.9—Lymphatic System
1. Explain the functions of lymphatic
2. List at least 2 functions of lymph nodes
3. Identify the 2 lymphatic ducts and the
areas of the body that each drains
4. List at least 3 functions of the spleen
5. Describe the functions of the thymus
6. Describe at least 3 diseases of the
lymphatic system
7. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms.
# 12
Taste Test
Smell Test
Touch Test
Dissect Eye
Add Special Senses system to
Body System Poster (Group
# 11
EKG – apply leads, run strips,
read rhythm
Walk through the heart with
the flow of blood.
Use stethoscope to listen to
heart and count rate. Recognize rate and rhythm.
Review pulse locations, counts,
rate, and rhythm.
Add Circulatory system to
Body System Poster (Group
 Add Lymphatic system to Body
System Poster (Group Project)
Standard #
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
Competency/Objective Statement
(The student will be able to…)
Examples of Activities
7.10—Respiratory System
1. Label diagram of the respiratory system
2. List 5 functions of the nasal cavity
3. Identify the 3 sections of the pharynx
4. Explain how the larynx helps create
sound and speech
5. Describe the function of the epiglottis
6. Compare the processes of inspiration
and expiration, including the muscle action
that occurs during each process
7. Differentiate between external and
internal respiration
8. Describe at least 5 diseases of the
respiratory system
9. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms.
# 13
Breathing through straws –
different sizes to represent
disease process
Starla’s Clay lungs
Use Stethoscopes to listen to
breathing and count
Use manikin to listen to types
of breath sounds.
Add Respiratory system to
Body System Poster (Group
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
7.11—Digestive System
1. Label the major organs on a diagram of
the digestive system
2. Identify at least 3 organs that are
located in the mouth and aid in the initial
breakdown of food
3. Cite two functions of the salivary glands
4. Describe how the gastric juices act on
food in the stomach
5. Explain how food is absorbed into the
body by the villi in the small intestine
6. List at least 3 functions of the large
7. List at least 4 functions of the liver
8. Explain how the pancreas helps digest
9. Describe at least 5 diseases of the
digestive system
10. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms.
# 14
7.13—Endocrine System
1. Label a diagram of the main endocrine
2. Describe how hormones influence
various body functions
3. Describe at least 5 diseases of the
endocrine glands
4. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms.
Digestive system interactive
It All Starts in the Mouth
Add Digestive system to Body
System Poster (Group Project)
Magic School Bus Activity
Hormone Activity
Add Endocrine system to Body
System Poster (Group Project)
Standard #
1.1; 1.2, 1.21,
1.22 & 1.23
Standard 10,
Competency/Objective Statement
(The student will be able to…)
Examples of Activities
7.14—Reproductive System
1. Label a diagram of the male reproductive
2. Trace the pathway of sperm from where
they are produced to where they are expelled from the body
3. Identify at least 3 organs of the male
reproductive system that secrete fluids
added to semen
4. Label a diagram of the female reproductive system
5. Describe how an ovum is released from
an ovary
6. Explain the action of the endometrium
7. Describe at least 6 diseases of the
reproductive systems
8. Define, pronounce, spell all key terms.
Technical Skills - Skills Development
16.1-16.12 First Aid/CPR Skills
1. Apply skills to obtain certification in
CPR/AED/FBAO and first aid.
A. Demonstrate the relief of obstruction
of foreign body in airway of a conscious and
unconscious adult, child, and infant.
B. Demonstrate procedures for one rescuer
CPR on the adult, child, and infant.
# 16
The Birds and the Bees
Add Reproductive system to
Body System Poster (Group
# 17
# 18
Manikins will be used to
practice CPR/AED procedures.
First Aid skills will be practiced
by performing procedures on
with a partner.
Final Grades:
First Nine Weeks
Second Nine Weeks
Final Exam
Nine Weeks:
Unit Tests
Technical skills/Work Ethic Skills
Homework /Classwork
Conduct/PAPA (Preparation/Attendance/
G. Frank Russell Career Center Grading Scale:
93 85 77 70 0-
A ~ Exceeds expectations.
B ~ Meets Health Science standards & expectations.
C ~ Passing grade but does not meet some standards.
D ~ Passing, but only meets minimum standards.
F ~ Failing, does not meet minimum standards.
*This is in conjunction with the South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale. Numerical grades will be
reported on interim reports and report cards
Tests: Unit tests will be administered at the completion of every unit. Cumulative final exams will
be administered as scheduled by G. Frank Russell Career Center administration. It is your
responsibility to make-up any missed tests or assignments. You have 5 days to do so in accordance
to school policy.
Projects: Students will complete many projects and assignments throughout the semester. Project
guidelines, requirements, and due dates will be discussed when the project is assigned. A few
assignments are included in this syllabus for your review; other assignments will be given in class.
#1 ~ Career Portfolio (~ Project Grade)
Students will begin a career portfolio related to a chosen health science pathway.
Development of the portfolio will be a process that continues through completion of Health
Science 4. A rubric and pacing guide will be provided.
#2 ~ Notebook (Graded 1st and 2nd nine weeks)
Health Science 3 students will be required to prepare and maintain a notebook for this class.
A 3 inch binder with 24 divider tabs is required. Notebook will be assembled in class and it
should be maintained throughout the semester. Rubric will be provided.
#3 ~ Human Anatomy Body Map Group project (Graded as each body system added to map.)
Students will be placed in small groups. Each group will trace a team member’s body on
bulletin board paper. As each body system unit is completed, the group will add the body
system to their Anatomy Body Map. This process will continue until all 12 body systems have
been completed and added. A rubric will be provided and the final products will be displayed.
 Simmers, Louise. Diversified Health Occupations 7th Edition. Delmar Publishers, Inc., NY,
***Students have been issued a textbook costing $ 75.00 at no charge. Should the book not
be returned at the end of the course or be damaged on return, the student will be
responsible for the assessed damage cost, as well as replacement and/or cost of the book.
 Simmers, Louise, Workbook to Accompany Diversified Health Occupations 7th Edition ,
Delmar Publishers, Inc, NY 2009. Students are required to purchase the workbook.
Please pay close attention to rules and procedures to ensure your safety and the safety of those
around you. We will participate in many hands-on activities that will require you to follow safety
measures. In the case of behavior and discipline problems, the instructor will follow district policy
related to the offense and make referrals to administration as needed.
Be on time for class and in your seat when the TARDY bell rings.
Have all required materials (binder, textbook, pens/pencils, paper, etc.)
Come to class every day ready to participate and learn.
Dress for success. Conduct yourself appropriately at ALL times.
A positive attitude is the key to success.
1. First Offense
2. Second Offense
3. Third Offense
Parent notification and/or conference
Administrative referral and parent conference
 Bring required materials to class EVERY day. You will always need your textbook, workbook,
notebook, pencil or pen with black ink only, and other supplies as indicated on your fee
schedule/supplies list.
 School ID’s should be on your person at ALL times while on this campus.
 The front/back doors of our classrooms are locked at all times. When you leave the room,
(with permission) close the door completely. You will be required to knock to re-enter the
 All other materials should be with you at your desk when the TARDY bell rings. You will not
be allowed to return to your car for books, money, or any other personal items.
 Before class begins, take care of business/personal needs (transportation arrangements,
gathering books, using bathroom, etc.). All book bags etc. must be in the appropriate place.
 Cell phones are not to be TURNED ON when inside ANY building on the GFR Career
Center campus. Only when OUTSIDE the building, a cell phone may be turned on and used.
Cell phones CANNOT be CHARGED on campus. Refer to District 50 policy regarding this in
Student Rights and Responsibilities and the GFR Career Center Handbook. Cell phones may
be used for instructional purposes at the discretion of the instructor.
 Meals are to be eaten prior to your arrival on campus. Food for these meals WILL NOT BE
ALLOWED in the classroom. There will not be a designated time for a break.
 The telephone in the attendance office is for official school-related business only
(dismissals, illness, etc.). Phones are not for personal use.
In case of emergency, the
telephone in our room may be used with supervision at my discretion. Emergencies do not
include calling for a hair/nail or medical appointment, nor to check on your work schedule.
 The instructor’s office is OFF LIMITS to ALL STUDENTS, as is the computer and other
materials contained within the office.
 Having a bathroom in the same building as our classroom is a privilege. During class, you may
ask permission to be excused and quietly get up from your seat to use the restroom. ONLY
ONE person will be allowed to go to the restroom in the hall outside the classroom at a time.
We share this restroom with approximately 25-30 other students in an adjacent classroom.
Please do not gather, form a line, etc. outside the restroom. Abuse of this privilege
will result in loss of this privilege.
 The Date and Objective (daily work, homework assignments etc.) are posted on the board
every day. Assignments are to be 100% completed by the given due date. Assignments are
always due by the time the bell rings at the beginning of class. Failure to turn in completed
assignments on time will result in the grade of ZERO. ALL work, however, must be turned in.
Additional zeros will be given daily for work not received.
 If you miss an assignment, quiz, or test, due to an absence, it is YOUR responsibility to
check YOUR HANGING FILE FOLDER for any class work or homework materials you missed.
You will also need to check the assignment sheet/agenda of another student. All make-up
work must be completed within five days per District 50 policy. Failure to do so will
result in a grade of zero. Any make up work MUST be scheduled with the instructor.
 Keeping our classroom and lab area clean is the responsibility of ALL students.
student is responsible for keeping their desk neat and clean, the exterior and the interior,
as well as the immediate area around their desk.
 Work detail will be assigned daily/weekly. Attitude and participation in these assignments
will affect your grade.
 Remain in your seat until the bell rings and you are dismissed by the instructor. At that
time, you may put up your books and leave the classroom.
My signature below certifies that I have read ALL information in this packet and I have discussed
the class rules, procedures, and consequences with my son/daughter for whom I am responsible.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
My signature below certifies that I have read ALL the information in this packet. I understand the
class rules, procedures, and consequences and as a member of the HS program, I agree to abide by
these established guidelines.
Signature of Student
Browse catalog at for latest instructional
materials available to South Carolina public schools for health science
technology courses.
Simmers, Louise. Diversified Health Occupations. Albany, New York:
Delmar, latest edition. -------, -------. ------: Teacher’s Resource Kit, latest
edition. -------, -------. ------: Workbook, latest edition.
CreativEd Services
“Hands on Body Systems”
Thibodeau, Gary A., and Kevin T. Patton, Structure & Function of the Body.
Student Edition, Elsevier, Inc. Mosby and WB Saunders, latest edition.
South Carolina Department of Education
South Carolina Health Science Education Teacher Resource Guide
Health Science Educator Resources
National HOSA
National Consortium for Health Science Education
American Heart Association
American Journal of Nursing
American Red Cross
Annals of Internal Medicine
Anatomy in Clay
Be Something Amazing
Body Works: A toolkit for healthy teens and strong families
RESOURCES (continued)
CreativEd Services
“Hands on Body Systems”
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association
Medical Reserve Corps
MedicineNet: We Bring Doctors’ Knowledge to You (Medical Dictionary)
MedlinePlus: Trusted Health Information for You
Merck: A Global Research-Driven Pharmaceutical Company
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association
MedicineNet: We Bring Doctors’ Knowledge to You (Medical Dictionary)
Medscape from WebMD
Medical Math Lesson Plans
Medical Mysteries on the Web
Merck: A Global Research-Driven Pharmaceutical Company
National Institutes of Health, Office of Science Education
New England Journal of Medicine
NORD: National Organization for Rare Disorders
North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research
OncoLink: Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Physicians’ Desk Reference
RESOURCES (continued)
Pregnancy and Parenting for Today’s Mom
PubMed: A service of the US National Library of Medicine and the National
Institutes of Health
Reuters Health: The premier supplier of health and medical news
RxList: The Internet Drug Index
Starla’s Creative Teaching Tips
States’ Career Clusters
Stay Healthy
Texas Health Science
U.S. Public Health Service
Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Education and Support Network
Web MD
Weil (Andrew Weil, MD) Your Trusted Health Advisor
Wellness Web
World Health Online
Yahoo Health
Health Science Consortium