Year 6 French Summer Exam Guide The French exam will consist of a short individual oral session and a written Paper which consists of a listening section and ticking the correct answer, a comprehension section, and a further written section focusing on the conjugation of verbs and on writing a short description on one of the following topics; school, animals or activities outside the school. The vocabulary words in this exam are in the sommaire of each unite up to and including unité 8 Grammaire Plural of nouns To write most nouns in the plural you add an « s » at the end, but in spoken French you can’t normally hear the « s » sound. -If a word already ends with an « s », then there is no change in the plural, ex : une souris, des souris - a few words finishing in « u »have a special plural ending in « x », example : un cadeau, des cadeaux, un jeu, des jeux -any irregular plural ending will be given in the dictionary. Adjectives: in the book, grammaire section p160 -Adjectives must match the gender of the noun they describe -Adjectives of colour are always placed after the noun they describe -Adjectives agree with the noun they describe, which means that they can be masculine or feminine, and singular or plural. Many adjectives follow a regular pattern and add an « e » to change to feminine, and an « s » to change to plural. The pronoun « on » “On” means sometimes « they », or « people », or « we », or « one », or « someone » according to the context. The ending of the verb, when used with « on » is the same as for « il » or « elle ». Revise : Le verbe être : to be and Le verbe avoir : to have Le verbe aller : to go infinitve aller je vais il va elle va nous allons vous allez ils vont elles vont to go I go you go he/it goes she/it goes we go you go they go they go 1 Les Verbes du 1er groupe We can find a verb in the infinitive form in the dictionary. In the infinitive form no one is doing the action, and no pronoun is used. In English a verb in the infinitive form has the preposition “ to” before the verb. For example: to speak. In French, verbs in the infinitive form are recognisable by their ending and do not use a preposition like “ to” in front of the verb. We are learning the present tense of the verbs of the first group which end with « er », like : aimer, parler, regarder, écouter, chercher, arriver, détester, habiter, travailler, penser….. To conjugate a verb we must add the correct ending to the stem of the verb. The stem of the verb is found when the verb is in the infinitive form. The stem is the part that stays the same, and is placed before the « er » ending, for instance for jouer it would be jou. -One must learn the matching ending corresponding to each pronoun. The present tense Je* joue I play tu joues you play (for one person, and in a familiar tone) il joue he/it plays elle joue she/it plays on joue one/we play nous jouons we play vous jouez you play (for one person, and in a respectful tone, or for more than one person) ils jouent they play elles jouent they play * if a verb starts with a vowel or an « h », je becomes j’, example : j’arrive, j’habite. In: “in”can be translated 4 different ways in French 1- à: when followed by the name of a town or city exemple: Je suis à Lille : I am in Lille 2- dans : when followed by le, la, les, un, une,des, mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes and a noun exemple: le cahier est dans le cartable : The exercise book is in the school bag 3-au and aux: when followed by a masculine country in the singular and in the plural exemple: nous sommes au Pays de Galles : we are in Wales 2 nous sommes aux Etats-Unis : we are in the United States 4-“en”: followed by a feminine country exemple: J’habite en France: We live in France Learn the gender ( masculine or feminine) of each country listed p. 11 To and at The French for “ to” and “at” followed by a common noun is: -if the noun is masculine singular: au exemple: au restaurant : at the restaurant -if the noun is feminine singular : à la exemple: à la poste : at the post office - if the singular noun starts with a vowel or an “h”: à l’ exemple: à l’ office de tourisme : at the tourist office, à l’hôpital : at the hospital -if the noun is plural : aux exemple: aux magasins : at the shops ont : have sont : are Orthographe (Spelling) a : has à : at IMPORTANT Jouer au (foot/ tennis/ ping pong) : to play (football/ tennis/ table tennis) Téléphoner à un ami : to call a friend Au printemps : in the Spring En été : in the Summer En automne : in the Fall En hiver : in the Winter Le temps : 1) il fait beau/ chaud/ mauvais/ froid/ gris 2) il y a du soleil/ du vent/ des nuages/ du brouillard 3) And some verbs : il pleut et il neige Qu’est-ce que tu fais ? What are you doing ? Quelle heure est-il? What time is it? 3