Microsoft Office Final Exam Review

Microsoft Office
Final Exam Review
Microsoft Excel
Chapter 1
1. How can you see what a worksheet would look like when printed?
2. How do you create a new folder?
3. How do you create a workbook from scratch?
4. How do you display a worksheet in a particular workbook?
5. Know where the following are: formula bar, title bar, ribbon, row heading, column heading
6. What does the AutoSum button look like?
7. What is a cell reference?
8. What is the difference between a workbook and a worksheet?
9. When you print a workbook, do you need to always print all the worksheets?
10. Why would someone use Excel?
Chapter 2
1. Can you delete an entire row?
2. Can you delete existing cells from a worksheet?
3. Can you only move one cell at a time or several at a time?
4. How can you tell what cell is selected?
5. How do you erase content in a cell?
6. What does a text that contains a hyperlink look like?
7. What does the AVERAGE function do?
8. What does the MAX function do?
9. What does the SUM function do?
10. What happens to a selected column when you insert a new column?
11. What is the order of precedence for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?
12. When using Find and Replace does it search just the current worksheet or the entire workbook?
Microsoft Office
Final Exam Review
Microsoft Excel
Chapter 3
1. Can you format an entire worksheet?
2. How do you use the contents of a graphical file as a worksheet’s background?
3. What can you do on the Font tab in the Format Cells dialog box?
4. What can you do to sheet tabs to organize worksheets?
5. What color backgrounds are best to use in the background of a worksheet?
6. What does Center Across Selection allow you to do?
7. What does it mean to horizontally center text?
8. What does the paste special dialog box allow you to do?
9. What is a font style?
Chapter 4
1. Can you change a charts type after it is created?
2. What does the IF function do?
3. What does the NOW function do?
4. What does the Sort A to Z button do?
5. What is a mixed reference?
6. What is a range?
7. When creating formulas, can you use relative references, absolute references, or both?
8. When you sort, can you only sort one column at a time?
Microsoft Office
Final Exam Review
Chapter 5
1. Can you save an Excel file as a web page?
2. How do you open a new workbook?
3. How do you set a print area on a worksheet?
4. What is a margin?
5. What is the difference between portrait and landscape orientation?
6. Why might you want to set a print area?
Know how to do the following:
1. Know what formula to type into a cell if a cell is a percentage larger than another cell
2. Create formulas
3. Center across a selection
4. Change number formatting
5. Apply cell styles
6. AutoFit columns
7. Create a chart