Chapter 3 Transportation Problem A lot of applications can be modeled as transportation problems. And because the transportation problem is just a special type of linear programming problem, so it can be solved by applying the simplex method as described in chapter 1. However, these problems often grow very large and therefore more efficient solution procedure is needed. The special structure of the transportation problem has enabled management scientists to develop special-purpose solution procedure that greatly simplify the computations. That is transportation simplex method. For some problems, which are unrelated to transportation problems from their physical meanings, can also be solved by transportation simplex method because they have been fitted to this special model structure. 3.1 Transportation Problem and Its Mathematical Model Let us begin with a cotton distribution problem. Example 3.1 Company APD has three cotton distribution stations (A1, A2, and A3 ) which are responsible for distributing cotton for three textile companies (B1, B2, and B3 ). The respective supplies of the three stations are 50kt, 45kt, and 65kt and the respective demands of the three textile companies are 20kt, 70kt, and 70kt. The cost per unit of cotton distributed from each station to each textile company is shown in table 3-1. The problem now is to determine which plan for distributing the cotton would minimize the total cost for Company APD. Table 3—1 Textile Company Distribution Station A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 4 6 2 8 3 5 5 6 7 Let xij = amount distributed form Ai to Bj. Then we have the distribution variables table as table 3-2. Table 3—2 Textile Company Distribution Station A1 A2 A3 Demand(kt) B1 B2 B3 Supply(kt) x11 x21 x31 20 x12 x22 x32 70 x13 x23 x33 70 50 45 65 160 To describe this problem, two kinds of restrictions must be considered. One is the total 61 amount of cotton distributed from a station to each textile company must be equal to the supply of the station, another is the total amount of cotton distributed from each station to a textile company must be equal to the demand of the textile company. Because the total supply equals the total demand, so all the restrictions are equations, namely x11+x12+x13 = 50 x21+x22+x23 = 45 x31+x32+x33 = 65 x11+x21+x31 = 20 x12+x22+x32 = 70 x13+x23+x33 = 70 Let f denotes total distributing coat. Thus the mathematical model for the cotton distribution problem can be formulated as follows: min f= 4x11+8x12+5x13+6x21+3x22+6x23+2x31+5x32+7x33 x11+x12+x13 = 50 x21+x22+x23 = 45 x31+x32+x33 = 65 x11+x21+x31 = 20 x12+x22+x32 = 70 x13+x23+x33 = 70 xij≥0,i=1,2,3;j=1,2,3 To describe the general model for the transportation problem, we need to use terms that are considerably less specific than those for the cotton distribution problem. Thus, in general, source Ai (i=1,…,m) has a supply of ai units to distribute to the destinations, and destination Bj (j=1,…,n) has a demand for bj units to be received from the resources. The cost per unit distributed from source Ai to destination Bj is cij. Assume that Σ ai= Σ bj. These input data can be summarized conveniently in the cost and requirements table shown in Table 3-3. The problem is to determine which plan for distributing the commodity would minimize the total distribution cost. Table 3—3 Cost and Requirements Table for Transportation Problem Destination B1 B2 Bn Supply … Source A1 c11 c12 … C1n a1 A2 c21 c22 … c2n a2 … … … … … … Am cm1 cm2 … cmn am demand b1 b2 … bn Σai Σbj By letting f be total distribution cost and xij be the number of units to be distributed from source Ai to destination Bj, the linear programming formulation of this problem becomes 62 m n min f c ij x ij i 1 j 1 i 1, , m x ij a i j 1 m j 1, n x ij b j i 1 x ij 0, i 1, , m; j 1, , n n Note that the resulting table of constraints coefficients has the special structure shown in following matrix. Any linear programming problem that fits this special formulation is of the transportation problem type, regardless its physical context. x11 x12 x1n x21 x22 x2n xm1 xm2 xmn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m n row row Any vector from the matrix above can be denoted by pij. Obviously, in pij only the i element and the m+j element equal 1, all the other elements are equals zero) . 3.2 Transportation Simplex Method 3.2.1 Concepts of Transportation Problem Model Because of the special structure, all such problems have the following properties. Property 3.1 The transportation problem is certain to have optimal solution. Obviously, the transportation problem has feasible solution and all the cost per unit cij are greater than or equal to zero. So, the objective value corresponding to any feasible solution must be greater than or equal to zero, namely the objective function has lower boundary. So, the minimizing transportation problem is certain to have optimal solution. Property 3.2 The rank of the matrix A that consists of constraints’ coefficients is m+n-1, namely R(A)=m+n-1. The property 3.1 tells us that we do not need to perform the test of no optimal solution for transportation problems. The property 3.1 tells us that for any transportation problem with m sources and n destinations, the number of its basic variables of any BF solution equals m+n-1. Definition 3.1 In distribution variables table, any set formed by following variables xi1j1,xi1j2,xj2j3,…,xisjs,xisj1 , whose subscripts have a special relation, is called a closed path (chain reaction、stepping-stone path). And any variable in the closed path is called a corner. There are two closed paths shown in table 3-4. 63 Table 3—4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 A1 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 A2 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 A3 x31 x32 x33 X34 x35 x36 x37 Closed path 1:x11,x12,x22,x23,x33,x31,x11; Closed path 2:x15,x16,x36,x37,x27,x25,x15; The closed path has following features: ① There are two and only two corners in each row or each column.② The line between two corners is vertical or horizontal. Property 3.3 The sufficient and necessary condition of any m+n-1 variables xi1j1, xi2j2,…,xisjs (s=m+n-1) being BF solution for the transportation problem is that any subset of the variables cannot form a closed path. This property tells us what kind of variable set can be a BF solution or whether or not a feasible solution is a BF solution. 3.2.2 Transportation Simplex Method Like any other linear programming problem, the optimal solution of transportation problem exists in the BF solutions. So the procedure of transportation Simplex Method has following three steps. (1)Determine initial basic feasible solution (2)Optimality testing (3)Convert the BF solution Determine Initial BF Solution There are several methods for determining initial BF solution for transportation problem, such as minimum-cost method、Vogel method and northwest corner rule. Here, we just introduce the simplest method — minimum-cost method. Now, we describe the steps of minimum-cost method through a simple example. Example 3.2 A transportation problem has three sources (A1,A2,A3 ) and four destinations (B1,B2,B3,B4). The supply of each source, the demand for each destination, and the cost per unit distributed from each source to each destination are summarized in table 3-5. Determine a plan for distributing the commodity would minimize the total distribution cost. Table 3—5 Destination Source A1 A2 A3 Demand B1 B2 B3 B4 Supply 3 2 8 7 4 3 6 3 8 4 3 9 50 20 30 40 20 15 25 100 100 64 (1)Set up the transportation tableau as table 3-6; (2)Identify the cell in the transportation tableau with the lowest cost, and allocate as much number as possible to this cell (corresponding variable). For example, in table 3—6, the cost per unit c21=2 is the lowest cost, so we write 20 units, the largest number we can write, in the cell corresponding to x21, which means distributing 20 units of commodity from A2 to B1. (3)Identify the cells in the row or the column corresponding to the cell in which we have just written a number, and cross those cells whose distribution unit should be zero, cross the cells just in row or in column, do not cross the cells in row and column simultaneously. In table 3-6, we have just written the number 20 in the cell corresponding to x21, that means all the supply of source A2 has been distributed, so the distribution unit in the other cells in the second row should be zero, then cross the corresponding cells. (4)Continue with step (2) and step (3) for all unwritten and uncrossed cells. (5)Write the appropriate number in the last unwritten and uncrossed row or column, and just write number do not cross in the last unwritten and uncrossed row or column. Table 3—6 Transportation Tableau Destination B1 B2 Source A1 3 A2 2 A3 8 Demand 20 20 × 7 4 3 40 B3 × 5 6 × 3 20 × 10 8 20 B4 15 4 3 9 Supply 25 50 × 20 × 30 25 Now, we have a feasible solution for this transportation problem x11=20,x13=5,x14=25, x21=20,x32=20,x33=10,the other xij=0. According Property 3.3, we know that this feasible solution is a BF solution for the transportation problem. It can be proved that any feasible obtained by minimum-cost method is a BF solution for the transportation problem. The variables corresponding to those written cells are basic variables and the variables corresponding to those crossed cells are nonbasic variables Optimality Testing Usually, There are two optimality testing methods: closed path method and index method. a.Closed Path Method In the transportation tableau as table 3—6, we can draw such a closed path based on a certain nonbasic variable that all the corners are basic variables except the nonbasic variable we have chosen. It can be proved that such a closed path is the only path we can draw for a certain nonbasic variable. We can see that a new distribution plan obtained by adjusting the old plan in such closed path is still a feasible solution for the transportation problem. In table 3-6, draw a closed path based on nonbasic variable x12 shown in table 3-7. 65 Table 3—7 Destination Source A1 A2 A3 B1 3 2 20 20 B2 B3 B4 5 7 6 4 4 3 3 25 Supply 50 20 10 30 20 8 9 Demand 40 20 15 25 In the closed path in table 3-7, to remain the solution in the table still feasible, if x12 increases 1 unit of distribution, x13 must decease 1 unit of distribution, then x33 must increase 1 unit of distribution, and then x32 must decease 1 unit of distribution. Let us observe the change of objective value after such adjustment. When x12 increases 1 unit, then the cost (objective value) increases 7 units, x13 decreases 1 unit, then the cost decreases 6 units, x33 increases 1 unit, then the cost increases 8 units, x32 decreases 1 unit, then the cost decreases 7 units. So, the total change of objective value after adjustment is 7 -6+8-3=6, namely the objective value has increased 6 units. Therefore, such adjustment is unprofitable to the transportation problem and choosing x12 as nonbasic variable is correct. The total change in objective value after adjusting 1 unit of distribution in such closed path is actually the evaluation index of the corresponding nonbasic variable (e.g., the evaluation index for x12 in table 3-7 is σ12=6). Since transportation problem is a minimization problem, so the BF solution in transportation tableau is the optimal solution only if all the evaluation indexes are greater than or equal to zero, otherwise, we must convert the BF solution. By using closed path method, the evaluation indexes of all nonbasic variables in table 3—6 are calculated in table 3-8. Table3—8 Nonbasic variable Closed path Evaluation index x12 X12→x13→x33→x32→x12 6 x22 x22→x21→x11→x13→x33→x32→x22 4 x23 x23→x21→x11→x13→x23 -2 x24 x24→x21→x11→x14→x24 0 x31 x31→x11→x13→x33→x31 3 x34 x34→x33→x13→x14→x34 3 8 3 Since the evaluation index for x23 is σ23=-2<0,so the BF solution in table 3—6 is not the optimal solution of the transportation problem. b.Index Method The index method is usually used when the transportation problem is large and the index method is a method for computer calculation. Consider the following Transportation problem: min f=CX AX=b X≥0 66 Assume that B is a feasible basis for the transportation problem, then the evaluation indexes of variables should be calculated by following formulation σij = cij-CBB-1pij Since the dual problem for the transportation problem is max z=Yb YA≥C Y (free) Where Y=(u1,…,um,v1,…,vn)is the vector of dual variables and its elements correspond to the m+n constraints. According to dual theory Y= CBB-1 So σij = cij-Ypij We know that in pij only the i element and the m+j element equal 1 but all the other elements are equal to zero, namely, pij=ei+em+j So σij = cij-Ypij= cij-(u1,…,um,v1,…,vn)pij =cij-(ui+vj) And all the evaluation indexes of basic variables are equal to zero, so cij-(ui+vj)= 0 Namely ui+vj = cij (i,j)∈I(The subscript set of basic variables) Here, we call ui the row index of row i because it corresponds to the row i in the transportation tableau and call vj the column index of column j because it corresponds to the column j in the transportation tableau. The steps of index method is as follows: (1)List an equation according to formulation ui+vj = cij for each basic variable in the transportation tableau, forming a system of equations. (2)Choose any one of the indexes and determine its value( usually, choose u1=0) and then solve the value of the other indexes from the system. (3)Calculate the evaluation indexes of nonbasic variables according to formulation σij =cij-(ui+vj). If all the evaluation indexes of nonbasic variables are greater or equal to zero, then the BF solution in the transportation tableau is the optimal solution of the transportation problem. Perform the optimality test for the BF solution in table 3—6 with index method. Adding row and column index in table 3-6 leads to table 3-9. Table 3—9 Destination Row B1 B2 B3 B4 Supply Source Index A1 A2 A3 Demand Column Index 3 2 20 20 8 7 6 4 3 20 3 40 v1 8 20 v2 5 3 10 15 v3 67 25 4 9 25 v4 50 u1 20 u2 30 u3 The system of index equations is u1+v1=3 u1+v4=4 u3+v2=3 u1+v3=6 u2+v1=2 u3+v3=8 Choose u1=0,then solving the system above leads to the following value: u1=0 v1=3 v2=1 u2=-1 v3=6 u3=2 v4=4 Calculate the evaluation index for each nonbasic variable σ12 =c12-(u1+v2)=7-(0+1)= 4>0 σ22 =c22-(u2+v2)=4-(-1+1)= 2>0 σ23 =c23-(u2+v3)=3-(-1+6)= -2<0 σ24 =c24-(u2+v4)=3-(-1+4)= 0 σ31 =c31-(u3+v1)=8-(2+3)= 3>0 σ34 =c34-(u3+v4)=9-(2+4)= 3>0 Since the evaluation index for x23 is σ23=-2<0,so the BF solution in table 3—6 is not the optimal solution of the transportation problem. Convert the BF Solution When there is negative evaluation index in the tableau, it means that we have not obtained the optimal solution and we need to convert the BF solution. The steps of BF solution converting is described as follows: (1)Choose a variable xij whose evaluation index is σij <0(always the smallest one) as entering variable. (2)Draw a closed path based on xij. In the path, all the corners are basic variables except the nonbasic variable xij. And give a number to each corner according to clockwise or contra-clockwise ( begin with xij and give the number 1 to xij , then 2,3,4,……). (3)Select the minimum distributing value among the corners whose number are even, i.e., min{ (xij)k|k is even}, add the value to the allocation for each odd corner and subtract the value from the allocation for each even corner, then a new BF solution can be obtained. Convert the basic feasible solution in table 3—6 according to the steps above. Since σ23 =-2<0,so x23 can be the entering basic variable. Based on x23 and considering it as the first corner, draw the closed path shown in table 3-10. Table 3—10 Destination B1 Source 20 A1 3 20 A2 2 A3 Demand 8 B2 B4 5 7 6 4 3 3 40 B3 20 8 20 4 x23 10 15 68 25 Supply 50 20 3 30 9 25 In the closed path in table 3-10, the second corner (contra-clockwise) has the minimum value 5 among the even corners. Adding 5 to the allocation for each odd corner and subtracting 5 from the allocation for each even corner leads to a new BF solution of the transportation problem shown in table 3-11. Table 3—11 Destination B1 Source A1 A2 A3 Demand 3 2 25 15 8 B2 7 6 4 3 3 40 B3 20 8 20 B4 4 5 10 15 25 Supply 50 20 3 30 9 25 The new system of index equation is: u1+v1=3 u2+v1=2 u3+v2=3 u1+v4=4 u2+v3=3 u3+v3=8 Choose u1=0,then solving the system above leads to the following value: u1=0 v1=3 u2=-1 v2=-1 u3=4 v3=4 v4=4 Calculate the evaluation index for each nonbasic variable σ12 =7-(0-1)= 8>0 σ24 =3-(-1+4)= 0 σ13 =6-(0+4)= 2>0 σ31 =8-(4+3)= 1>0 σ22 =4-(-1-1)= 6>0 σ34 =9-(4+4)= 1>0 Note that all the evaluation indexes are greater than or equal to zero, so the BF solution in table 3-11 is the optimal solution, namely x11=25,x14=25,x21=15,x23=5,x32=20,x33=10,other xij=0 The minimum value for objective function is f*=3×25+4×25+2×15+3×5+3×20+8×10=360 Note from the procedure above that the solution procedure is actually the procedure of solving linear programming problem, so it is called transportation simplex method. Let us summarize the steps of transportation simplex method. (1)Set up the transportation tableau. (2)Determine an initial basic feasible solution using minimum-cost method in transportation tableau. (3)Perform optimality test with index method or closed path method. If σij≥0 for all nonbasic variables, stop, you have reached the optimal solution. Otherwise, proceed to step (4). (4)Choose a variable whose evaluation index is less than zero(always the smallest one)as entering variable, convert the BF solution using closed method, you can obtain a new BF solution, and continue with step (3). 69 3.3 Total Supply Not Equal to Total Demand Often the total supply is not equal to the total demand. In this case, we must do some modification in the linear programming to make the problem have the same total supply and the total demand before we solve it with transportation simplex method. 3.3.1 Total Supply Greater Than Total Demand If total supply exceeds total demand(Σai >Σbj), the LP mathematical model would be. m n min f cij xij i 1 j 1 i 1,, m xij ai j 1 m j 1, n xij b j i 1 xij 0, i 1,, m; j 1,, n n In this case, a fictitious destination ( called the dummy destination) Bn+1 can be introduced, the corresponding demand bn+1=Σai -Σbj. Let xi,n+1 be the number of units to be distributed from source Ai to destination Bn+1, ci,n+1 equals zero or the cost per unit of commodity stored by Ai. Because xi,n+1 is actually a slack variable that can be interpreted as the undistributed supply in Ai. The new linear programming model after modification is m n 1 min f cij xij i 1 j 1 i 1,, m xij ai j 1 m j 1, n 1 xij b j i 1 xij 0, i 1,, m; j 1,, n 1 n 1 Thus the uneven transportation problem that has m sources and n destinations is modified into an even transportation problem which has m sources and n+1 destinations and can be solved with transportation simplex method. The column with zero cost per unit should be considered after others cells when we determine the initial BF solution using minimum-cost method. 3.3.2 Total Supply Less Than Total Demand If total supply is less than total demand(Σai < Σb), the LP mathematical Model would be. 70 m n min f cij xij i 1 j 1 i 1,, m xij ai j 1 m j 1, n xij b j i 1 xij 0, i 1,, m; j 1,, n n In this case, a fictitious source ( called the dummy source) Am+1 can be introduced, the corresponding supply is am+1=Σbj -Σai. Let xm+1,j be the number of units to be distributed from source Am+1 to destination Bj, cm+1,j equals zero or the loss per unit of commodity needed by Bj. Because xm+1,j is actually a shortage of commodity in destination Bj. The new linear programming model after modification is m 1 n min f cij xij i 1 j 1 i 1, , m 1 xij ai j 1 m1 j 1, n xij b j i 1 xij 0, i 1, , m 1; j 1, , n n Thus the uneven transportation problem that has m sources and n destinations is modified into an even transportation problem which has m+1 sources and n destinations and can be solved with transportation simplex method. The row with zero cost per unit should be considered after others cells when we determine the initial BF solution using minimum-cost method. 3.4 Applications of Transportation Problem 3.4.1 General Uneven Transportation Problem Example 3.3 Table 3—12 shows a transportation problem which has 3 sources and 4 destinations. All the data are summarized in table 3-12. Determine a plan for distributing the commodity to minimize the total distribution cost. Table 3—12 Destination B1 B2 B3 B4 Supply (t) Supply A1 3 2 4 5 200 A2 7 5 2 1 100 A3 9 6 3 5 150 450 Demand (t) 50 100 150 50 350 71 Solution Note that the total demand is 450 t and the total supply is 350 t, i.e., the total supply is less than total demand. Introduce a dummy destination B5, its demand is 450-350=100(t), the cost per unit distributed from each source to B5 should be zero(ci5=0, i=1,2,3). Then we obtain an even transportation problem shown in table 3-13. Table 3—13 Destination B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Supply (t) A1 A2 A3 3 7 9 2 5 6 4 2 3 5 1 5 0 0 0 Demand (t) 50 100 150 50 100 200 100 150 450 450 Supply Solving the problem with transportation simplex method leads to the following optimal solution: x11=50,x12=100,x15=50,x23=50,x24=50,x33=100,x35=50。Where x15=50 and x35=50 represent the respective storage of source A1 and A3. The total cost of this problem is 800. Example 3.4 A transportation problem has 3 sources and 3 destinations. The total supply is less than the sum of maximum demand of each destination but greater than the sum of minimum demand of each destination. The minimum demand of each destination must be met. If the demand between the maximum and the minimum cannot be met, it will cause some loss. Now, the demand for B1 must be met, the loss per unit of shortage in B2 and B3 are 3 Yuan and 2 Yuan respectively, other data are summarized in table 3-14. Determine the optimal distribution plan. Table 3—14 Destination B1 B2 B3 Supply A1 A2 A3 5 6 3 1 4 2 7 6 5 200 800 150 Minimum Demand Maximum Demand 600 600 120 200 300 430 Supply 1150 Solution The demand for B1 must be met. The maximum demand and minimum demand for B2 is not equal, so we can consider B2 as two destinations B21 and B22; the demand for B21 is the minimum demand of B2; the demand for B22 is given by the minimum demand subtracted from the maximum demand, namely 200-120 = 80; this demand can be unmet if necessary. For B3, it can be conducted as the same way as B2. Thus the problem now is a 3-source 5-destination transportation problem; the total supply is 1150; the total demand is 1230; so a dummy source A4 needs be introduced and its supply is 1230-1150 = 80. In order to meet the minimum demand of each destination, let the cost per unit of commodity 72 distributed from A4 to B1, B21 and B31 equal M (a huge positive number). The conduction above leads to the following transportation tableau shown in table 3-15. Source Table 3—15 Transportation Tableau Destination B1 B21 B22 B31 A1 A2 A3 A4 5 6 3 M 1 4 2 M 1 4 2 3 7 6 5 M B32 Supply 7 6 5 2 200 800 150 80 1230 Demand 600 120 80 300 130 1230 Solve the problem using transportation simplex method, we obtain the optimal distribution plan as follows. Table 3—16 The Optimal Distribution Plan Destination Source A1 A2 A3 A4 Demand B1 B21 B22 120 80 450 150 B31 300 B32 50 80 600 120 80 300 130 Supply 200 800 150 80 1230 1230 Note that all the demand of B1 and B2 have been met; 350 out of the demand of B3 have been met. The total cost (including the loss of shortage of B3) is 8100 Yuan. 3.4.2 Production Scheduling Example 3.5 A high-tech company produces a kind of electronic product. The contracted number of product for next four seasons, the facilities that will be available for producing the product, and the cost per product in each season are summarized in table 3-17. Because of the variation in production costs, it may be worthwhile to produce some of the product a season more before they are scheduled for delivering. The drawback is that such products must be stored until the scheduled season for delivering. And the storage cost per season for each product is 0.1 thousand Yuan. The production manager wants a schedule developed for the number of the products to be produced in each of the 4 seasons so that the total of the production and storage costs will be minimized. Table 3—17 Scheduled Number Maximum Cost per Product Season (set) Production(set) (Thousand Yuan) 1 230 270 3.2 2 265 260 3.33 3 255 280 3.31 4 245 270 3.42 73 Solution Let xij be the number of products produced in season i for delivering in season j. After added the storage costs, the corresponding coefficients in objective function cij are shown in table 3-18. i Table 3—18 Coefficients cij in objective function corresponding to xij j 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 3.2 3.3 3.33 3.4 3.43 3.31 4 3.5 3.53 3.41 3.42 The linear programming model can be formulated as follows: min f = 3.2x11+3.3x12+3.4x13+3.5x14+3.33x22+3.43x23 +3.53x24+3.31x33+3.41x34+3.42x44 x11+x12+x13+x14≤270 x22+x23+x24≤260 x33+x34≤280 x44≤270 x11 =230 x12+x22 =265 x13+x23+x33 =255 x14+x24+x34+x44 =245 xij≥0,i=1,…,4;j=1,…,4;i≥j The former 4 constraints are facilities restrictions of 4 seasons; the later 4 constraints are contract restrictions of 4 seasons. Since it is impossible to produce the product in one season for delivery in earlier season, xij must be zero if i > j . Therefore, there is no real cost that can be associated with such xij. In order to have a well-defined transportation problem, it is necessary to assign some value for the unidentified costs. Fortunately, we can use the Big M method to assign this value. Thus we assign a very large number to the unidentified cost cells in transportation tableau to force the corresponding value of xij to be zero in the final solution. After introducing a dummy destination, we obtain an even transportation problem that is shown in table 3-19. Table 3—19 Destination 1 2 3 4 5 Supply Source 1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 0 270 2 M 3.33 3.43 3.53 0 280 3 M M 3.31 3.41 0 260 4 M M M 3.42 0 270 1080 Demand 230 265 255 245 85 1080 74 Solve the problem using transportation simplex method, we obtain the optimal production schedule as follows. Table 3—20 Destination 1 2 1 2 3 4 230 40 225 Demand 230 Source 3 4 5 Supply 270 280 260 270 55 255 265 255 5 240 30 245 85 1080 1080 Note that season 1 produces 270 sets, 40 of them will be delivered in season 2; season 2 produces 225 sets; season 3 produces 260 sets, 5 of them will be delivered in season 4; and season 4 produces 240 sets. The total production costs is 3299.15 thousands Yuan 3.4.3 Network Representation of Transportation Problem Example 3.6 A company has two factories that are respectively in Dalian and Guanzhou. The two factories are responsible for producing a kind of high-tech products. The company also has two sales stations in Shanghai and Tianjing that are responsible for delivering the products from the two factories to 4 cities —— Nanjing, Jinan, Nanchang, and Qingdao. The products can be directly delivered from Dalian to Qingdao because of the short distance between the two cities. The capacity of each factory, the demand of each city, and the cost per unit of product delivered between factories and sales stations, sales stations and cities, and factories to cities are shown in figure 4-1 (cost is expressed in 100 Yuan). Now, the problem is to determine a transportation plan for minimizing the total transportation cost. 5 Nanjing 600 1 2 Guang zhou 2 6 3 6 3 3 Shanghai 4 400 2 Dalian 4 6 5 4 3 Tianjing 1 4 200 6 Jinan 150 7 Nanchang 350 8 Qingdao ↑ Supply 300 ↑ Demand Figure 3—1 Network Re 75 Solution Give the number to each city , i=1,2,…,8 represent Guangzhou, Dalian, Shanghai, Tianjing, Nanjing, Jinan, Nanchang, and Qingdao. Let xij be the number of products delivered from city i to city j , then the objective function can be described as follows: min f = 2x13+3x14+3x23+x24+4x28+2x35+6x36+3x37 +6x38+4x45+4x46+6x47+5x48 The constraints for the two supply cities are: x13+x14≤600 x23+x24+x28≤400 The constraints for the two transshipment cities are: x13+x23 x35 x36 x37 x38 = 0 x14+x24 x45 x46 x47 x48 = 0 The constraints for the four destination cities are: x35+x45 = 200 x36+x46 = 150 x37+x47 = 350 x38+x48 +x28 = 300 So, the linear programming mathematical model for this transshipment problem is as following: min f = 2x13+3x14+3x23+x24+4x28+2x35+6x36+3x37 +6x38+4x45+4x46+6x47+5x48 x13+x14≤600 x23+x24+x28≤400 x13+x23 x35 x36 x37 x38 = 0 x14+x24 x45 x46 x47 x48 = 0 x35+x45 = 200 x36+x46 = 150 x37+x47 = 350 x38+x48 +x28 = 300 xij≥0,for i、j Obviously, we can solve the problem with simplex method. But it is easier and intuitional to solve the problem using transportation simplex method if we transform the model into transportation problem. The transformation can be realized by following steps: each transshipment station can be considered as a destination for the sources and its demand is the sum of demands of all the sources that can reach the station; each transshipment station can also be considered as a source for the destinations and its supply is the sum of supplies of all the destinations that the station can reach; Thus, the problem becomes a 4-souece 6-destination transportation problem. The cost per unit of distributing from transshipment station to itself equals zero; the cost per unit of distributing between two notes that cannot reach directly is M; other cost per unit of distributing are shown in the figure. The transportation tableau is as following: 76 Table 3—21 Destination Source 1(Guangzhou) 2(Dalian) 3(Shanghai) 4(Tianjing) 3 (Shanghai) 4 (Tianjing) 5 (Nanjing) 5 (Jinan) 7 (Nanchang) 8 (Qindao) 2 3 0 M 3 1 M 0 M M 2 4 M M 6 4 M M 3 6 M 4 6 5 Demand 1000 1000 200 150 350 300 Supply 600 400 1000 1000 3000 3000 Solve the problem with transportation simplex method and the optimal distributing plan is shown in table 3-22. Table 3—22 Destination Source 1(Guangzhou) 2(Dalian) 3(Shanghai) 4(Tianjing) 3 (Shanghai) 4 (Tianjing) 550 50 100 Demand 1000 450 5 (Nanjing) 5 (Jinan) 8 (Qindao) 300 200 350 850 1000 7 (Nanchang) 150 200 150 350 300 Supply 600 400 1000 1000 3000 3000 Namely, Guanzhou to Shanghai : 550 sets; Guangzhou to Tianjing : 50 sets; Dalian to tianjing: 100 sets; Dalian to Qingdao : 300 sets; Shanghai to Najing :200 sets, to Nanchang : 350 sets; Tianjing to Jinan 150 sets. The minimum total cost is 4600 yuan. 77 Problem 3 1.Can the distributing plan in table 3-23 and table 3-24 be BF solution transportation simplex method? Why? Table 3—23 Destination B1 B2 B3 B4 Supply Source A1 50 150 200 A2 0 100 0 100 A3 50 50 Demand 50 100 150 50 Table 3—24 Destination Source A1 A2 A3 Demand B1 B2 B3 60 B4 140 100 10 70 10 150 100 50 50 2.Solve following problem using transportation simplex method Table 3—25 Destination B1 B2 B3 B4 Cost per unit Supply 200 100 70 Supply Source A1 A2 A3 3 12 6 9 20 11 8 7 13 6 10 14 Demand 300 500 900 600 600 1000 700 3.Table 3—26 shows a transportation problem which has 2 sources and 3 destinations. Assume that the destinations are allowed to be short of commodity and the sources are allowed to store commodity. All the data are summarized in table 3-12. Determine a plan for distributing the commodity to minimize the total distribution cost. Set up the mathematical model for this problem and solve it with transportation simplex method. 表 3—26 Destination Cost per Cost per unit B1 B2 B3 Supply storage of Source commodity A1 4 6 8 200 5 A2 6 2 4 200 4 Demand 50 100 100 Cost per shortage 3 8 5 of commodity 78 4.A department store wants to purchase four types of clothes : type A——1500 suits;type B——2000 suits; type C——3000 suits; type D——3500 suits. Three cities can supply these types of clothes: city I——2500 suits; city II——2500 suits; city III——5000 suits. The profits per suit purchased from different cities are different because of different service quality and transportation costs. The profits per suit are shown in table 3-27. Table 3—27 A B C D I 10 5 6 7 II 8 2 7 6 III 9 3 4 8 Identify a purchasing plan for the department store to maximize the total profit. 5.Three cities need coal every year: city I——3,200,000 t; city II——2,500,000 t; city III——3,500,000 t. Two coal mines can supply this type of coal: mine A——4,000,000 t; mine B——4,500,000 t. The cost per unit of coal distributed from each mine to each city is shown in table 3-28. Table 3—28 I 15 12 A B II 18 25 III 22 16 Note that the total demand is greater than total supply. Now the decision is: the supply to city I is no less than 2,800,000 t; all the demand of city II should be met; the supply to city III is no less than 2,700,000 t. And the cost per unit of shortage of city I is 100,000 yuan; the cost per unit of shortage of city III is 120,000 yuan; Identify a distributing plan for the coal supply department to minimize the total cost. 6.A factory need to complete the order for some kind of products during the future three stages. Now the production capacity in each stage, the order for each stage, and the cost per unit of product are summarized in table 3-29. And the cost per unit of storage for this kind of product is 1. Table 3—29 Stage Product Capacity Order Cost per unit of product 1 30 20 8 2 20 15 12 3 25 20 11 Set up the mathematical model for this problem, transform it into transportation problem and solve it with transportation simplex method. 79