Theatre Board minutes

MINUTES of the 54th meeting of the Theatre Board of Management held on
Tuesday 3 May 2011.
Sarah Acreman
Peter Andrews
Richard Clark
Anna Clarke (in the Chair)
Sue Cook
Becky Edwards
Hywel Jenkins
Matt Holmes
Liz Leyshon
Mike Linham
Val Lukins
Garry Marsh
Mark Moran (Chair)
Terry Napper
Bob Price
Brendan Sadler
Ray Wright
(* those present)
James Staniforth
Sue Snell
Wendy Cavill
Delyth Wride
Clerk to the Governors
Minutes Secretary
Theatre Audiences
Apologies for Absence and Welcome
Anna Clarke took the Chair as Mark Moran was unable to attend.
Anna Clarke welcomed Ray Wright to his first meeting of the Theatre Board of
Apologies for absence were received from Sue Cook and Mark Moran.
Confirmation of the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2010
(document previously circulated)
The Minutes of the 53rd meeting of the Theatre Board of Management, held on
8 February 2011, were confirmed as a correct record and signed by Anna
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Matters Arising from the Minutes
497.1 Membership of the Theatre Board (Minute 492): As agreed at the last
meeting, Street Parish Council and Friends of Strode Theatre had each
been invited to nominate a representative to sit on the Theatre Board.
Ray Wright was duly nominated as the representative of the Friends of
Strode Theatre and Terry Napper now represents Street Parish Council
as well as Somerset County Council on the Theatre Board. Sue Snell
tabled an updated Theatre Board of Management Structure and Terms
of Reference.
Income and Expenditure (document previously circulated)
Liz Leyshon spoke to the report and the following points were noted:
498.1 Liz Leyshon advised the Committee that the proposed budget for
2011/12 represents a ‘best case scenario’.
498.2 The 2010/11 revised budget has effected costs savings within staffing
and energy prices. Although the 2011/12 budget indicates a ‘stand still’
position on gas prices, Becky Edwards advised that due to ongoing
increases in world wide gas prices, this figure may increase.
498.3 Becky Edwards and Anna Clarke commended Liz Leyshon and her
team for the significant work on the 2011/12 budget in the current
498.4 A question was raised regarding the exploration of additional energy
saving methods through the possible use of photovoltaic cells via a
profit sharing scheme. It was noted that further enquiries would be
made to ascertain the current status with this technological development
although it was thought that the Theatre may not qualify for grant Liz Leyshon
funding. Anna Clarke thanked the Committee for raising the issue and
encouraged Committee Members to continue to bring new ideas and
suggestions to the table.
Theatre Hiring Charges 2011/2012 (documents previously circulated)
Liz Leyshon spoke to the report and the following key points were noted:
499.1 The only changes to the ‘Strode Theatre Hiring Charges’ document
related to the Conditions of Hire:
 Point 28 – new website address regarding advice to hirers on
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults.
 Point 35 – Additional point confirming the proposed additional
contribution to ticket prices.
It was agreed that the updated Conditions of Hire should be accepted.
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Strode Theatre 3 Year Management Action Plan (document previously
The revised Action Plan was received by the Theatre Board. The following
points were noted:
500.1 Ticket Prices: Following discussion, it was suggested that consideration
should be given to reviewing children’s ticket prices in order to Liz Leyshon/
encourage greater family participation and attendance at Theatre events. Becky Edwards
500.2 Liz Leyshon confirmed that although advertising on e-ticketing is not
currently planned it is an option that would be considered in future if
further revenue generating measures were necessary. This would
require further investment in the development of software.
500.3 It was noted that Section 106 monies via District Councils could be a Liz Leyshon/
source of additional funding and, after discussion, it was felt worthy of Terry Napper
further investigation.
Capital Project 2011
Liz Leyshon delivered an oral update on progress with the Capital Project.
During discussion the following key points were noted:
501.1 The remaining £40k funding has been secured. Orders for the Capital
Project were now in the process of being raised. Liz Leyshon reported
that the move to digital projection was proving an astute investment as
the number of films available on 35mm is steadily decreasing.
Theatre Manager’s Report (document previously circulated)
The Theatre Manager’s Report, including the Show-by-Show report, was
received by the Board.
502.1 Liz Leyshon confirmed that takings from the King’s Speech equalled
the combined takings total of Mamma Mia and Slumdog Millionaire.
502.2 Becky Edwards stated that the new Alternative Content screenings,
together with the additional ticket funding, should help to support any
potential short falls in Theatre finances.
Committee Self Assessment
This item was deferred until the next meeting on 11 October 2011.
Any Other Business
Following a question raised, Matt Holmes confirmed that the new Sports Hall
Performing Arts extension will seat an audience of up to 55. It is likely to be
used by students in place of the Theatre Rehearsal Room. This would enable
the Theatre to increase revenue by hiring out the Rehearsal Room to outside
organisations. The new space will be included in the Theatre’s Premises
Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 11 October 2011 Meeting closed at 6.44pm
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