Dictionary Updated February 2010 2-a-Days This is approximately a two-week period during which the football team practices twice a day. The athletes living on campus are allowed to move in early at the beginning of the 2-a-Day period. This usually occurs around the beginning of August. 4th Floor The 4th floor of Hotz Hall, which houses certain Facilities and Business and Technology staff members. 9th Floor The 9th floor of Hotz Hall, which houses Executive, Administrative Services and Residence Education staff members, as well as certain Business and Technology staff members. 10 See “Meal Plan” 10 N. Garland See “FIGI” 15 See “Meal Plan” 15-Plus See “Meal Plan” Academic Year Halls These are halls that are open with limited service for residents during the fall, spring and winter breaks. Currently, the only academic year halls on campus are Gregson, Holcombe, Northwest Quad and Yocum. The Duncan Avenue Apartments are also academic year residences. ACPA American College Personnel Administrators http://www.myacpa.org/ ACUHO-I Association of College and University Housing Officers http://www.acuho-i.org/ Admin Services This is the Administrative Services area of University Housing. This area includes Research and Assessment, Marketing, Conferences, Assignments and the Hotz Desk. Advance Payment This is a $200 payment that is required, along with a $35 processing charge, in order for the housing contract to be complete. The date given to a student to choose an assignment online is determined by when these payments, along with the contract, are completed. The payment can be completed online by credit card, or by mail or in person with cash, check or money order. AFROTC See “Living/Learning Community” AGR (AG) Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity University Housing manages this property, which is located at 459 N. Razorback Rd. Alternative Spring Break Alternative Spring Break (ASB) gives students the opportunity to engage in their local, regional, national and occasionally international communities. ASB encourages teams of college students to become civically engaged in service with communities dealing with social issues such as hunger and poverty. This service-learning experience allows participants to learn from the people and organizations they encounter, gain a better understanding of the world, and become responsible citizens. AOPI (PN) Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority University Housing manages this property, which is located at Phoenix House (348 Arkansas Ave.). APA (MH) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity University Housing manages this property, which is located at 1425 Markham Ave. ARKU Arkansas Union http://union.uark.edu/ This building houses several offices, meeting rooms, the food court, and various student and staff services. ASG Associated Student Government http://asg.uark.edu/ The Associated Student Government (ASG) at the University of Arkansas is a student-led organization that acts as an organized voice for all students and effectively represents them in the University's policy and decision making while promoting citizenship on campus and in the greater community. Assignments This is an area of University Housing Administrative Services, in which all contracts are received and processed. All room assignments are handled through this departmental area also. AYL The Authoring Your Life (AYL) program is available in Gregson Hall. AYL is designed to assist non-freshmen students with their continual development and achievement of their academic career and personal goals. AYL will also strive to retain students to the University beyond their sophomore year. BASIS http://www.uark.edu/basis/ BASIS in an online tool that was designed and developed by University of Arkansas employees to provide an integrated, customized suite of software modules to meet the Business & Administrative needs of the University. Employees are able to view financial information via this Web site. Block Plan Students who are not living on campus are eligible, but not required, to purchase a campus meal plan by semester. Contracts for these plans are available at the Central Office in Hotz Hall and in the Campus ID office. Off-Campus I – this plan includes 80 meals per semester in the dining halls and $35 Flex Dollars Off-Campus II – this plan includes 20 meals per semester in the dining halls and $50 Flex Dollars Block Flex Plan Students are able to add up to $100 each semester of extra Flex Dollars in $50 increments. These separate block plans must be contracted for separately. Break Housing For students who do not live in academic year halls, University Housing used to be able to provide housing during the fall, winter and spring breaks. This service is not available at this time. Brough Brough Commons Dining Center, located across from Gibson and Gregson Halls. Dining Services offices are located below the dining facility, as well as Starbucks, Quiznos and Zona Mexicana. Buch-Droke (BD) Buchanan-Droke Residence Hall This building will be used for Phi Delta Theta during the 2008-2009 academic year. Built-As-Single Futrall, Holcombe and Reid have only a few rooms that were built to house only one student. These rooms are much smaller than the standard room size within each building. Reid built-as-singles are not typically offered to students. Business See “Living/Learning Community” Business and Technology This department of University Housing includes Accounting, Human Resources, Finance, Purchasing and Information Technology. CA Conference Assistant These students work with conference housing that occurs throughout the summer. CAPS Counseling and Psychological Services http://health.uark.edu/CAPS/ This office works with members of the University to help solve problems, understand themselves, grow personally, develop more satisfying relationships with friends and family and help with other mental health issues. Services are provided by licensed psychologists, counselors, and social workers. CEA Center for Educational Access (formerly known as CSD – Center for Students with Disabilities) http://www.uark.edu/ua/csd/ The Assignments staff works closely with this department to provide accommodating housing for students who have special medical and/or physical circumstances. Central Office The 4th and 9th floors of Hotz Hall, where University Housing offices are located. CIR Counselor-in-Residence This is a doctoral student in counseling or psychology who is working with the CAPS program to offer counseling services to residence hall students. The CIR does have offices in the residence halls. Club Red This is a small convenience-type store located directly underneath Brough Commons (facing Gregson Hall). Students can purchase food items using Flex Dollars and/or other typical payment options. Contract Each student living in a University Housing property is required to complete a University Housing Contract. This contract is available to be completed online at http://housing.uark.edu. Paper contracts are available through the Central Housing Office if necessary. Prepayment and application fees are required before the contract is considered complete. Copier Codes The Central Office copy machine on the 9th floor of Hotz Hall requires an access code to make copies. Each Housing staff member has a four-digit code that allows access to the copy machine. CORE Connections Program Community Opportunity Respect Excellence Connections This program will be required for residents of Futrall Hall and Maple Hill East Hall during the 2008-09 academic year. The program has different required components for first-year residents and for second-year residents. Components include community service, campus involvement, a faculty associates program and others. CP Conferences Programmer This program is used to schedule conference housing throughout the summer. CSD See “CEA” CSR Computer Service Request This form must be completed to report technology problems for administrative or lab equipment. This form should also be completed to request software or training. This form is for Housing staff; students needing computer assistance should submit a ResNet problem online. Damage Appeals If students receive charges after their residential hall room as been inventoried at checkout, students have a designated length of time in which they are able to appeal these damage charges. Students must call or e-mail University Housing to initiate an appeal. Appeals are reviewed by the director of administrative services before a decision is made on removing or decreasing the student’s charge. Dead Day Dead Day occurs at the end of each semester and is a day when no classes or exams may be scheduled. This day occurs between the last day of classes and the first day of final exams. Delta (DH) Delta Sigma Theta Sorority University Housing manages this property (Duncan House), which is located at 3 N. Duncan Ave. Digital Signature Code A code that functions as the personal signature is required to complete the housing contract online. This studentspecific code is sent to the student on a printable copy of the completed contract through their university e-mail account. Dining Hall There are three dining halls located on campus: Brough Dining Hall, Northwest Quad Dining Hall and Pomfret Dining Hall. These are cafeteria-like centers where students are able to use their meal plans throughout the week. Maple Hill South also will host a café with a smoothie bar, etc. Dispatcher These are student staff members who work after hours at the front desk on the 4th floor of the Central Office. These students receive emergency calls and dispatch after-hours staff as needed. DotBoard http://leto.uark.edu:8080/DotBoard2/DotBoard This is a tool used by University Housing staff members to indicate when they are in and out of the office. The DotBoard is accessible online, and is also available at the front desk on the 9th floor of the Central Office. Double-as-Single When space allows within a residence hall, students are sometimes offered to take a double room as a single room. This more expensive option is typically not offered until late in the semester. Double Room This is a residence hall room that houses two students. This is the most common room type on campus. DSX This program is used by the securities staff to manage key fobs and student and staff access to the residence halls. Duncan Apartments (DA, DC, DD, DE) These apartments, located on Duncan Ave., are scheduled to be open in Fall 2008. The furnished apartments will feature suite-style living, with a kitchen and laundry facility in each unit. Each apartment will have four bedrooms and all utilities will be paid except for telephone. Duncan House (DH) See “Delta” Early Arrival Prior to the fall semester, certain student groups are required to be on campus before the beginning of classes. This can range from approximately two weeks before the scheduled move-in day to just days before. Examples would be university student workers, band members and Rock Camp participants. Students needing early move-in must request and receive approval to do so before showing up at the residence hall. EBI Survey This is a resident satisfaction survey that each student is asked to participate in at some point during each academic year. Students who participate in the survey receive three additional housing points that are used to aid in determining Shop-n-Swap times. ECAP See “Living/Learning Community” Electronic Signature See “Digital Signature Code” Emergency Card At check-in, students are required to complete this form with emergency contact and health information. This form is stored in the student’s file at the hall secretary’s desk for emergency situations. Engineering See “Living/Learning Community” ERIS This is the server used by University Housing. Each staff member has an ERIS directory in which they are able to store all of their files. Executive Team This refers to the executive staff of University Housing, which includes the executive director and the directors of administrative services, residence education, business/technology and facilities. Facilities Management This department maintains the facilities for all of the University of Arkansas properties. http://fama.uark.edu/ FERPA Family Education Right to Privacy Act This is a student’s opportunity to restrict staff members from sharing personal student information with outside individuals, even if that individual is the student’s family member. FIGI (GS) Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity University Housing manages and owns this property, located at 10 N. Garland Ave. Fire Panel This is a control panel, located at the front desk of each residence hall, which shows the status of all fire alarms within the building. Staff members within the building are able to operate and manage these alarms as necessary. Flex Dollars This works as a sort of debit account with a student’s meal plan. Each meal plan has a specific number of Flex Dollars that is included, and students can use these to pay for additional meals in the dining centers, or for any other food item on campus. Students are able to add up to $100 each semester of extra Flex Dollars in $50 increments. FNL Friday Night Live http://fnl.uark.edu/ Each FNL provides a variety of activities, games, contests, and memorabilia. FNLs are held at the Arkansas Union on designated Friday nights each semester from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. Fob See “Key Fob” FRE Freshman Residency Exemption First-year students are required by the university to live on campus. Students can, however, request exemption from the requirement by completing the FRE request. These requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but typically are only approved for medical or financial reasons, or for unusual personal circumstances. Freshman Residency Requirement Each first-year student under the age of 21 at the University of Arkansas is required to live on-campus. To be exempt from this requirement, students must complete and Intent to Live with Parent (LWP) request or a Freshman Residency Exemption (FRE) request. Fulbright Perspectives See “Living/Learning Community” Futrall (FH) Futrall Hall is available for incoming freshmen and students with fewer than 45 credit hours at the end of the Spring 2008 semester. Students must complete a series of extracurricular requirements in order to live there. These requirements are aimed at improving student academic success and retention. FYE First Year Experience http://fye.uark.edu/ GA Graduate Assistant These students work with various departments while completing a graduate degree program. GACL General Access Computer Lab Each student admitted to the University of Arkansas receives access to a GACL account under their campus username. This permits them to log onto any computer in a general access computer lab on campus. Garland Street House (GS) See “FIGI” Gibson (GB) This residence hall is available only to female students. Gregson (GH) This co-ed academic year hall is available to upper-class students only. Hall Closing This refers to the end of the academic year when all students are expected to complete checkout paperwork and move out of the residence halls. The halls are then prepared for summer school and/or conference residents. Hall Comparison Chart This chart is available on the University Housing Web site and compares specific commodities of each of the residence halls. http://housing.uark.edu/guide/hallchart.php Hall Senate Each hall has its own government and elects a president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer, other executive officers and from two to seven (depending on the population of the hall) Residents' Interhall Congress representatives. The hall government sponsors and coordinates the various activities of the community such as community service activities, recognition dinners, intramural sports, etc. Members of Hall Senate also make suggestions for hall improvements and vote on turning the heat and air conditioning on and off throughout the year. Hantz C & D (HC / HD) This refers to the C and D wings of Pomfret Hall. H.I.S.S. Fund Housing Initiative for Student Success Fund This fund was created to provide access to funding for initiatives coordinated by students, faculty, and/or staff that benefit University Housing residents in their pursuit of success at the U of A. Holcombe (HO) Holcombe Hall will once again be home to the Holcombe International Living/Learning Community (HILLC). Participants are required to complete an application and be accepted into the program prior to choosing the hall via Shop-N-Swap. Honors Within the University Housing department, this refers to incoming students who have at least a 3.5 high school GPA and to continuing students who maintain at least a 3.125 cumulative GPA. Certain residence hall areas are designated for students who qualify as honors students. Students are not required to be a part of the Honors College to be considered as an honors student within University Housing. Housing Key Each student living on campus received a personal code (Housing Key) that is used to log into MyChecklist. The original Housing Key is a nonsense combination of letters and numbers. Students can change the Housing Key to something more personal and easier to remember by using the Housing Key Reset Utility on the Housing Web site. Housing Key Reset This service is located on the University Housing Web site and allows students to reset their Housing Key to something more personal and easier to remember. Students must have their Webmail ID and password to use the Housing Key Reset Utility. Housing Listserv This refers to an e-mail directory that is used to send mass messages to the entire University Housing staff. The coordinator of marketing manages this listserv. Humphreys (HU) This co-ed residence hall is located on the center of campus, next to Yocum Hall. This is the only residence hall building that does not have air conditioning. ID Card Each University of Arkansas student, faculty member and staff member receives a campus identification card. This card typically carries the individual’s photograph, classification and University ID number. IE Internet Explorer Information Report This form is to be completed by a University Housing staff member (i.e. Resident Assistant) if an incident occurs in a residential facility that requires handling by an official staff member. Incoming Student Used to refer to a student who will be new to the University of Arkansas in the upcoming semester. International This is used to describe any student who is coming to the University of Arkansas from somewhere outside of the United States. Inventory Form The first part of this form is to be completed by the student at check-in to indicate the condition of the residence hall room. The second part of this form is to be completed by the staff member checking the student out of the room at the end of the term. If new damages are found during this inventory, the student will be billed for the necessary charges. ISIS Integrated Student Information System ISIS is the student administrative software program that is used by faculty, staff and students. Students are able to check class schedules, grades, financial information and update personal profile information as well. Staff uses ISIS to gather specific information about students with whom they are working. Junior/Senior Plan See “Meal Plan” Key Card This is a form that is provided to the student when checking into a residence hall. The student must sign in agreement to the University Housing key policy, which is presented on the card. This card is kept in the student’s file by the hall secretary and the student must sign it any time he/she utilizes a loaner key. Key Fob This is a small device located with the student’s residence hall room key that provides access into the residence hall. The student must swipe the fob against a reader at the entrance to the residence hall to gain access. All key fob data is overseen and operated by members of the University Housing Central Office Staff. Live Chat Visitors to the University Housing Web site are able to chat with University Housing staff members using an Instant Messaging platform. Typically, staff members at the Front Desk receive the messages and are able to dispatch the questions as necessary to other Central Office staff. Living/Learning Community These designated spaces within a residence hall are reserved for students who qualify for and participate in the particular program. The specific living/learning communities are listed below. AFROTC - Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps o The Assignments staff works closely with this department to provide housing for students within the program who qualify for room and board scholarships. Business – these students must be studying within the Walton College of Business ECAP – Engineering Career Awareness Program Engineering – these students must be studying within the School of Engineering Fulbright Perspectives – o Beginning in fall 2008, this will be a 20-student Living-Learning cohort as part of the Holcombe International Living Learning Community. The students will live together in Holcombe and will take three courses together (FYE course, Composition I, General Psychology). NCN – these are Japanese students attending the University of Arkansas Pre-Med/Science – these students must be studying within the Pre-Med and Science programs Lock Change If a resident loses his/her key to the residence hall room, a lock change is required for that room and sometimes also for the suite (if a suite key is also misplaced). Typically, but depending upon the circumstances of the situation, the student is charged for the lock change. Loft Suites This refers to a suite in the Maple Hill buildings that includes two double rooms and a bathroom on the lower level, and a living area on a second level within the suite. LWP Living With Parent Form Students who will be living off-campus with their parents or guardians in their permanent home need to complete the Intent to Live with Parent or Guardian Verification Form. Students request the verification form through the University Housing website. No money is required to request this form. Maintenance Request Students and staff are able to submit work requests for University Housing buildings online via the University Housing Web site. These requests are managed by the TMA System. Managed Property University Housing manages, but does not own several properties on campus. These properties are: Alpha Gamma Rho House, Duncan House, Phoenix House, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House and Sigma Nu House. The only similar properties that are owned by University Housing are Markham House and Garland Street House. Map (pronounced māp) See “Maple Hill” Maple Hill (MW, ME, MS) This is the newest residence hall on campus and it is divided into three separate buildings, Maple Hill East, South and West. Maple Hill East hosts the CORE Connections program. This building offers several different living options, including various suite-style room arrangements. Markham House (MH) See “APA” Meal Plan All students living in the residential hall system are required by the university to have a meal plan. Students contract for a meal plan when they complete their housing contract. There are several different meal plan options to choose from. Flex Dollars are replenished each semester at the indicated amount. Unlimited Meals Plus – this plan includes unlimited meals in the dining halls and $135 Flex Dollars Unlimited Meals – this plan includes unlimited meals in the dining halls and $35 Flex Dollars 15-Meal Plan Plus – this plan includes 15 meals per week in the dining halls and $160 Flex Dollars 15-Meal Plan – this plan includes 15 meals per week in the dining halls and $60 Flex Dollars 10- Meal Plan – this plan includes 10 meals per week in the dining halls and $110 Flex Dollars Junior/Senior Plan – this plan includes 7 meals per week in the dining halls and $100 Flex Dollars. (This plan is available only to students with 60 or more university credit hours.) Students who are not living on campus are eligible, but not required, to purchase a campus meal plan by semester. Contracts for these plans are available at the Central Office in Hotz Hall and in the Campus ID office. Off-Campus I – this plan includes 80 meals per semester in the dining halls and $35 Flex Dollars Off-Campus II – this plan includes 20 meals per semester in the dining halls and $50 Flex Dollars Move-In Time Each student is required to select a specific time that they wish to move into the residence hall. Each student will be given a selection of available times depending upon their approved move-in dates and time availability. The selections will be visible and the time will be chosen on MyChecklist. MyChecklist MyChecklist is the primary way that University Housing communicates with students. Students are recommended to check MyChecklist every week for updates and/or changes. MyChecklist will show students what has been completed and what still needs to be done regarding the Housing contracting and assignment process. Student log into MyChecklist using their University ID number and Housing Key. NACA National Association for Campus Activities http://www.naca.org/naca/ NACURH National Association of College and University Residence Halls http://www.nacurh.org/ NASPA National Association of Student Personnel Administrators http://www.naspa.org/ NCN See “Living/Learning Community” New Freshman Used to refer to a student who will be new to the University of Arkansas and who will be classified as a freshman in the upcoming semester. New Student See “Incoming Student” New Transfer Used to refer to a student who will be new to the University of Arkansas and who will be classified as a transfer student. NRHH National Residence Hall Honorary http://www.nrhh.org/ The National Residence Hall Honorary is the recognition branch of National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH). NWQ – a.k.a. “The Quad” (NA, NB, NC, ND) Northwest Quad Residence Hall Off-Campus Connections Formerly known as the Office of Non-Traditional and Commuter Students http://www.uark.edu/occ/ OCC assists all undergraduate students who live off campus, which includes first semester students living at home, upperclassmen moving off campus, married students, students with dependents, and part-time students. Currently, over 70 percent of UA undergraduates live off campus. Off-Campus Housing This refers to living options off-campus which are not owned or operated by University Housing. Students can view these options via a Web site created through a partnership between University Housing and Off-Campus Connections. http://offcampushousing.uark.edu/ Online Contract See “Contract” OPE Oshkosh Placement Exchange https://theope.org/ Overflow Housing This refers to housing in the residence halls that is provided for students temporarily while we wait for permanent spaces to become available. Overflow housing typically last for approximately two weeks at the beginning of the academic year. Pampered Princess Suite This refers to a suite within the Maple Hill buildings. Although the exact format varies by building, the basic idea of this suite is that it is much larger than the typical suite in Maple Hill. Pan-Hellenic Council The National Pan-Hellenic is composed of the nine historically black fraternities and sororities: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc., Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Its purpose is “unanimity of thought and action as far as possible in the conduct of Greek letter collegiate fraternities and sororities, and to consider problems of mutual interest to its member organizations.” PASSweb This online resource is used to allow students, faculty and staff to reset and update their UARK passwords. https://www2.uark.edu/web-apps/comp/techserv/account/passweb/Main Petition for Release The contract that students complete is for the entire academic year and students are bound to this contract unless they withdraw from the university or drop below the required nine hours of registration in university classes per semester. Students who wish to seek exemption from this requirement and to be released from the contract must complete the petition for release form. Typically, these are only granted for extreme change in medical or financial circumstances from the time that the contract was completed. PFR See “Petition for Release” Phoenix House (PN) See “AOPI” PHP Live See “Live Chat” PHQ (PF, HC, HD) Pomfret Honors Quarters This includes Pomfret FYE (B Wing) and Hantz C & D. PO Purchase Order Points Each student living on campus has a certain number of points that they have earned. These points are used in addition to the date of contracting to determine Shop-n-Swap times. Students earn 10 points for each semester they live on campus, 10 points for living on campus during the summer session, and three points for participating in the EBI survey, which they are given opportunity to do once each year. Pre-Med/Science See “Living/Learning Community” Prepayment See “Advance Payment” Priority Recontracting This is the period of time before incoming students begin contracting for housing when continuing students are able to complete the housing contract. Students who miss this priority period are typically not able to receive priority placement within the residence halls but instead choose their assignments at the same time as incoming freshmen choose their on-campus assignments. Processing Charge This $35 charge is required along with a $200 advance payment when contracting with University Housing. QPAY This is used to refer to a credit card payment system that is managed by the Treasurer’s Office. The Assignments office receives the QPAY reports and enters advance payments and processing charges accordingly into RMS. Razorbuck$ The Razorbuck$ program is a debit account. To use it, students must make a deposit to their account at the Campus Card Office, on-line or at the Mullins or Law Libraries. After the deposit, students can use the card to pay for most any service on campus. RD Resident Director This individual serves as the director of the residence hall and is the liaison between the students within the hall and the Central Office staff. RD On Duty After regular business hours, there is always a resident director on call for emergencies. The resident directors rotate this responsibility as needed. RDA The Residential Desk Assistant (RDA) position is designed to help foster a safe and supportive living and learning environment for residents living in University Housing facilities at the University of Arkansas. RDAs will work with a team of Residential Desk Assistants, a hall receptionist, and a Graduate Resident Director and/or FullTime Resident Director to provide desk operations that promotes customer service, safety and security of the community, and community development. Red-Dot This is a term used by Assignments staff members to describe students who attend orientation without having completed the University Housing contracting and assignment process. In the past, students who had not completed the process received a red dot on their check-in card at orientation and were not allowed to proceed with orientation until the red dot was cleared. Reid (RH) This residence hall is available for female students only. During the 2008-2009 academic year, it will be available only to incoming freshmen or 2007-2008 Reid Hall residents. REQ This refers to a requisition form used by University Housing staff members to request purchases of various materials. ResEd This is the Residence Education area of University Housing. It includes Leadership Development, Community Engagement, Academic Initiatives and Student Conduct. Resident Directors and Resident Assistants report to this area. Resident Reserved Parking Resident Reserved parking lots are reserved at all times during the fall and spring semesters. Parking permits for Resident Reserved lots are issued on a limited basis depending upon a student’s resident hall assignment and the date that the housing contract is received by the Housing Department. Resident Reserved permits are issued only to current student parking permit holders. Residential Facilities This is an area within University Housing. These staff members work specifically in maintaining University Housing properties. ResNet Residential Network It is a collaborative partnership between Housing and Computing Services to provide local network and Internet services to residents. Housing provides the front-line support and is the liaison between the student and Computing Services to solve technical problems with network connectivity. http://housing.uark.edu/resnet/ RIC Residents Interhall Congress The Residents' Interhall Congress serves as the campus-wide governing body for the residence halls and is a dynamic and effective governing body at the U of A. Students can become involved in RIC by running for the RIC representative position from their hall or by serving on a committee. RMS Residential Management Systems This computer program is used within University Housing to manage all student information. RMS DEV This version of RMS is used by the Technology area to develop and update specific functions of the program. RMS PROD This version of RMS is used by Administrative Services staff to manage student information without affecting the development aspect of the program. Room Change Request Form This form may be completed by the student with the hall secretary to request a change of room within the residence hall. Students wishing to change residence halls must request this using the Hall Waiting List on the University Housing Web site. Room Selection Timeline Timelines are provided for incoming students and for returning students that illustrate important dates in the Housing contracting and assignment process. http://housing.uark.edu/guide/timeline.php Roommate Agreement This form is designed to help roommates get to know each other and to start opening the lines of communication on various topics that are important for successful roommate relationships. Students are encouraged to complete the form within the first few days of meeting their new roommate and must sign the form and return in to their RA. Roommate Profiler Roommate Profiler is optional and may be used to create a roommate group with a specific roommate or to search for a roommate and then create a roommate group. It is important that the student creates a roommate group before choosing a room. Roommate Profiler is available on the Housing Website and on MyChecklist in early spring. Roster Produced by the Assignments Area, this is a detailed list of every student living on campus. Rosters are printed for individual residence halls and managed properties as well. Rover This is a student employee who works with the Security area of University Housing. He is responsible for checking each floor of each building during the late-night hours. This role is especially important when the halls are closed during academic breaks. RTDB ResNet Technician Database RZ’s This is a coffee shop on campus that is located in the Arkansas Union. SAE (SA) Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity University Housing manages this property, located at 110 Stadium Dr. Safety and Security Addendum This form must be initialed and signed by the student upon checking into the residence halls to indicate approval of all safety and security regulations within the hall. The form is kept with the student’s file at the hall secretary’s desk. SEAHO Southeastern Association of Housing Officers http://www.seaho.org/ Senior Staff See “Executive Team” SharePoint Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 is a new server program that is part of the 2007 Microsoft Office system. It can be used to facilitate collaboration, provide content management features, implement business processes, and supply access to information that is essential to organizational goals and processes. Shop-n-Swap In the spring, students will use Shop-N-Swap to select a residence hall and room. Students cannot use Shop-nSwap without an active housing contract. Shop-n-Swap allows students to see all rooms for which they qualify and select an assignment from among those. Students can change their housing assignments using this Web site as long as it remains open. Sigma Nu (SN) Sigma Nu Fraternity University Housing manages this property, located at 260 Stadium Dr. Single Room This refers to a room in which only one student is assigned. This may be a room built to house only one student, or it may be a double room designed for two students but being occupied and paid for by one student. SNS See “Shop-n-Swap” SPE Southern Placement Exchange http://southernplacement.com/ Spring International These are international students whose English capabilities do not currently allow them to be admitted to the University of Arkansas. Students must pass the TOEFL test to complete the program. After completion, students sometimes are admitted and enroll at the University of Arkansas, while other students move on to other universities. Squatter’s Rights This refers to a returning student’s ability to remain in their current room assignment for the following academic year as long as they still qualify for that room assignment. Students who remain qualified are automatically assigned to their same room and are then given opportunity to change that assignment by using Shop-n-Swap. Students must re-contract with University Housing during Priority Period to be eligible to utilize Squatter’s Rights. Statement of Non-Enrollment This form must be completed by students who are checking out of their residence halls prior to the end of the contracted term. Students who withdraw from the university, drop below the required nine class hours per semester or who are participating in a study abroad or co-op program must complete this form to avoid penalties arising from early checkout. Summer Session This refers to the summer term when limited student housing is available for those taking classes at the University of Arkansas. Students are not required to live on campus during this term and students choosing to live on campus are also not required to purchase an on-campus meal plan. SWACUHO Southwest Association of College and University Housing Officers http://reslife.tamu.edu/swacuho/ SWACURH Southwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls http://swacurh.nacurh.org/ Temporary Housing This is different from Overflow Housing in that Temporary Housing is only a virtual assignment. Students are assigned to Temporary Housing when there are no longer any available spaces for which they qualify. Many students will receive a permanent housing assignment prior to move-in, while others may be assigned to Overflow housing, which is an actual assignment within a residence hall. TMA University Housing Residential Facilities uses a Computerized Materials Management System called TMA. Within TMA, the Service Center receives, accepts and rejects Work Requests, assigns maintenance technicians to Work Orders and closes Work Orders once all data is entered. TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language This test must be passed before a student is allowed to complete the Spring International Program. Transfer Student This refers to a student who is coming to the University of Arkansas from another university. Travel This office works with university employees who are traveling on university business. They work with registration and reimbursement of travel expenses. Two-a-Days See “2-a-Days” UAMail This is the most current University e-mail service. Each student receives an e-mail account when they are admitted to the University of Arkansas. http://uamail.uark.edu UAPD University of Arkansas Police Department http://uapd.uark.edu/ UARK Username Each student admitted to the University of Arkansas receives a short username that is used to log into their university e-mail account, ISIS, and various other online campus services. This username is required to log in to complete the University Housing contract online. UARK.edu ID See “UARK Username” University ID Each student admitted to the University of Arkansas receives a nine-digit identification number that is used for a variety of different purposes throughout a student’s college career. This ID number is located on a student’s University ID card and typically is on any official document sent to the student. The ID number is required to log into MyChecklist. Vacations Calendar This calendar is available on the housing staff web page and lists all of the approved staff vacation times. Waiting List This online tool is made available each year some time after all students have moved into the residence halls. Students are able to request an alternative assignment and the assignments staff then works with these requests as space becomes available. Web Check-In The hall secretaries use this online tool to indicate when students check in and out of the residence hall. This information is automatically updated in RMS when it is entered in Web Check-In. WebCT This is an online tool used by students and staff to communicate assignments and projects. University Housing staff members use WebCT for training purposes also. http://webct.uark.edu WebMail This is the University e-mail service that existed prior to UAMail. Each student receives an e-mail account when they are admitted to the University of Arkansas. http://mail.uark.edu Work Order See “Maintenance Request” Yocum (YH) This co-ed academic year hall is located on the center of campus, next to Humphreys Hall.