2009.06 - Iowa State University

SIAM Activity group on Discrete Mathematics
----------------------------------------------------------------December 15, 2009
(Number 2009.06)
----------------------------------------------------------------Email contributions to:
Address changes to:
Archive URL:
1. Editor's Note
2. Upcoming Election of SIAG/DM Officers for 2010-2012
3. SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (DM10) June 1417, 2010 Hyatt Regency, Austin, TX
4. Combinatorics, Groups, Algorithms and Complexity – March
21-25, 2010 – The Ohio State University, Columbus OH
5. The Mathematics of Klee & Grunbaum: 100 Years in Seattle
– July 28-30, 2010 – University of Washington, Seattle WA
6. Call for Proposals: Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2011 –
July 3-15, 2011 -- University of British Columbia,
Vancouver BC
1. *** Editor's Note ***
-----Keep sending your announcements of interest to the discrete
mathematics community to dm-net@siam.org.
The URL for the newsletter archive is
-- Ryan Martin
2. *** Upcoming Election of SIAG/DM Officers for 2010-2012 ***
-----Ballots and instructions will be emailed shortly.
until January 8.
Jerrold Griggs
Bojan Mohar
Karen Collins
Ruth Haas
Voting is open
Kathie Cameron
Karen Meagher
Larry Langley
John Schmitt
Candidate statements and a brief biographical sketch of each
candidate can be found at
Nominating committee: Ann Trenk, Lorna Stewart, Glenn Hurlbert,
and Mark Kayll (chair).
3. *** SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (DM10) -- June 1417, 2010 -- Hyatt Regency, Austin TX ***
Minisymposia proposals and contributed talks are hereby invited.
Submission instructions are posted at:
January 4, 2010: Minisymposium proposals
January 18, 2010: Abstracts for contributed talks
January 18, 2010: Abstracts for minisymposium speakers
November 16, 2009: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications
Imre Bárány, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Jim Geelen, University of Waterloo, Canada
Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo, Canada
Anna Karlin, University of Washington
Richard Stanley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Madhu Sudan, Microsoft Research
Terence Tao, University of California, Los Angeles
Robin Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology
Algorithmic game theory, Jason Hartline and Nicole Immorlica
Coding theory, Alex Samorodnitsky
Combinatorial constructions for theoretical computer science,
David Zuckerman
Computational biology, Nancy Amato
Design theory, Petteri Kaski and Patric Ostergard
Discrete geometry, Karoly Bezdek and Igor Pak
Enumerative combinatorics, Bruce Sagan
Extremal graph theory, Jacques Verstraete
Flows in graphs and matroids, Luis Goddyn
Graph colouring, Daniel Kral
Hopf algebras, Frank Sottile
Matroid theory, James Oxley
Paths and cycles in graphs, Xingxing Yu
Probabilistic combinatorics, Michael Krivelevich
Structural graph theory, Maria Chudnovsky
Submodular functions, Satoru Iwata
Topological graph theory, Bojan Mohar
Michael Molloy (chair), University of Toronto, Canada
Peter Cameron, University of London, UK
Anne Condon, University of British Columbia, Canada
Bertrand Guenin, University of Waterloo, Canada
Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Mohit Singh, Microsoft Research
Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University
Éva Tardos, Cornell University
Stéphan Thomassé, University of Montpellier, France
Van H. Vu, Rutgers University
Peter Winkler, Dartmouth College
4. *** Combinatorics, Groups, Algorithms and Complexity – March
21-25, 2010 – The Ohio State University, Columbus OH ***
The conference honors Laci Babai's 60th birthday and emphasizes
the interactions between the fields in the title.
Organizers: Akos Seress (Ohio State), Mario Szegedy (Rutgers)
Email: babai60@math.ohio-state.edu
Conference hotel reservation deadline: February 18, 2010
Speakers include Scott Aaronson, Miklos Abert, Robert Beals, Peter
J. Cameron, John Dixon, Lance Fortnow, Zoltan Furedi, Martin
Furer, Anna Gal, Chris Godsil, Ron Graham, Peter Hajnal, Thomas
Hayes, Harald Helfgott, Gabor Hetyei, William Kantor, Subhash
Khot, Gabor Ivanyos, Martin Kassabov, Sandy Kutin, Satya Lokam,
Alex Lubotzky, Eugene Luks, Bojan Mohar, Dhruv Mubayi, Jaroslav
Nesetril, Peter Palfy, Toniann Pitassi, Cheryl Praeger, Laszlo
Pyber, Alexander Razborov, Lajos Ronyai, Alex Russell, Aner
Shalev, Janos Simon, Daniel Stefankovic, Madhu Sudan, Zoran Sunic,
Eva Tardos, Gyorgy Turan, Avi Wigderson.
See the website for the full list of confirmed speakers.
Funds are available to assist students, junior researchers, women,
and underrepresented minorities.
5. *** The Mathematics of Klee & Grunbaum: 100 Years in Seattle –
July 28-30, 2010 – University of Washington, Seattle ***
-----(First Announcement: updates to appear on web page below)
July 28-30, 2010
University of Washington, Seattle
A celebration of the long and illustrious careers of Victor Klee
and Branko Grunbaum and their fundamental contributions to
discrete mathematics and geometry.
 Berman, Leah (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
 De Loera, Jesus (UC Davis)
 Gritzmann, Peter (TU München, Germany)
 Guy, Richard (University of Calgary)
 Ivic Weiss, Asia (York University Toronto)
 Kostochka, Alexandr (UIUC)
 O'Rourke, Joseph (Smith college)
 Perles, Micha (Hebrew university, Jerusalem, Israel)
 Pisanski, Tomaz (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
 Ruskey, Frank (Univerity of Victoria)
 Santos, Francisco (University of Cantabria, Spain)
 Schulte, Egon (North-Eastern University)
 Senechal, Marjorie (Smith college)
 Sturmfels, Bernd (UC Berkeley)
 Wagon, Stan (Macalester College)
 Wilson, Stephen (Northern Arizona University)
 Zaks, Joseph (Haifa University, Israel)
 Ziegler, Guenter (TU Berlin, Germany)
Organizing Committee Members:
 Fred Holt (University of Washington Seattle)
 Isabella Novik (University of Washington Seattle)
 Rekha Thomas (University of Washington Seattle)
 Gordon Williams (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Scientific Committee Members:
 Gritzmann, Peter (Technical University Munchen, Germany)
 Larman, David (University College London, U.K.)
 Pach, Janos (New York University, New York)
 Rosenfeld, Moshe (University of Washington, Tacoma)
 Zaks, Joseph (Haifa University, Israel)
 Application for funding & Poster session for advanced
graduate students and postdocs
 Open problems session
6. Call for Proposals: Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2011 – July
3-15, 2011 University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC
-----SIAM is calling for letters of intent for possible proposals of
topics and organizers for the Gene Golub SIAM Summer School (G2S3)
for approximately 50 graduate students to be held at the
University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, during the two weeks
prior to ICIAM, i.e., July 3-15, 2011.
This SIAM summer school will be co-sponsored by PIMS, the Pacific
Institute for the Mathematical Sciences. SIAM has budgeted
US$50,000 and PIMS has awarded CAN$25,000 towards the G2S3 2011.
Information about the G2S3 program can be found at
and about the G2S3 2010 at
Letters of intent should include the names of the organizers and a
summary of any previous organizing experience; a proposed title
for the summer school; tentative course topics and lecturers
(indicating whether these people have already been contacted);
possible sources for additional funding, if needed; (optional)
preliminary budget.
No registration fee shall be charged to the students, and the bulk
of the funds shall be budgeted for students' expenses.
The topic of the school is open to any area of applied
mathematics, computational science, and industrial mathematics.
Numerical Linear Algebra is the topic of 2010, and is expected to
be the topic of 2013, so preference will be given to other themes
that have a computational component.
The courses are expected to be at the research level and cover
topics not usually found in regular university courses.
The organizers who are awarded the right to organize G2S3 2011
will be responsible for inviting and confirming the lecturers,
setting the schedule, working with SIAM to solicit applications
from students, evaluating the applications and notifying
applicants of the outcome. They will be working with SIAM and
PIMS to ensure that the allocated budget is not exceeded, and to
ensure that the appropriate local arrangements are made in a
timely fashion, that the necessary information is available on the
web when needed, and that all participants are kept appropriately
informed about arrangements.
Letters of intent should be sent to Linda Thiel,
thiel_at_siam.org, preferably in pdf format no later than January
31, 2010. Full proposals will be due on March 31, 2010.
For questions or informal inquiries, please contact the G2S3
committee chair, Daniel Szyld, szyld_at_temple.edu,
DM-Net is a forum of the
SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics
We disseminate your contributions on anything of interest to the
discrete mathematics community. This includes personal news
about our members, conferences, mathematical problems, education
issues, job/fellowship information, research announcements, etc.
The moderator is Ryan Martin
----------------------------------------------------------------Send submissions to:
Send address changes to:
Info on joining SIAM and this activity group:
Archive URL: <http://orion.math.iastate.edu/rymartin/dm-net.html>
----------------------------------------------------------------Carla Savage
North Carolina State Univ.
Bojan Mohar
Simon Fraser University
Vice Chair
Mark Kayll
University of Montana
Lorna Stewart
University of Alberta
Program Director
Ryan Martin
Iowa State University
DM-Net Editor