iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. PO Box 595, Balwyn Victoria 3103 Australia 2014 Consortium offer for SIAM- Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Additional Journal content, SIAM ebooks and Locus Backfile 1. Applicable Members All CAUL and CEIRC Participants 2. Publisher Description SIAM is a member driven Society that exists to ensure the strongest interactions between mathematics and other scientific and technological communities through membership activities, publication of journals and books, and conferences. Content Offered via this Consortia Proposal, please refer to the attached Appendix A indicating all caul holdings for members’ reference. 3. a) SIAM publishes 16 journals Multiscale Modeling and Simulation SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics SIAM Journal on Computing SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis SIAM Journal on Optimization SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing SIAM Review Theory of Probability and Its Applications SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification (NEW) iGroup on behalf of SIAM are offering electronic access to ALL content that is not currently subscribed to by a member Institution. All journals go back to 1997 as standard. 2014 List price for all 16 journals – - USD $9636.55 Please see http://www.siam.org/journals/prices.php ***Sydney Uni – due to them being ACADEMIC MEMBERS SIAM has advised that they will not renew via caul. ***Macquarie Uni – SIAM will invoice customer direct on their Locus Maintenance Fee. iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. Page 1/3 iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. PO Box 595, Balwyn Victoria 3103 Australia b) LOCUS, SIAM’s Online Journal Archive, 1952-1996 Locus contains the electronic full text for every SIAM journal article published from the journal's inception through 1996. That's approximately 14,000 articles, about 285,000 pages, and more than 250,000 reference links. Pairing Locus with a subscription to SIAM Journals Online provides your users with immediate, uninterrupted access to all SIAM journal content from the first SIAM article published in 1952 to today's publications, with current articles going online as soon as they are available. That's over 50 years of the best in applied mathematics and computational science. List price USD $4275 Back-files (Locus): *Annual maintenance fee of $100 per subscription, applied in year two of your access onward. The maintenance fee is your insurance that Locus will always be available. SIAM will place the maintenance fees in an escrow account. Funds from this account will be used to defer future costs associated with maintaining and upgrading Locus, refreshing formats, implementing additional linking, and updating subscriber IP addresses. c) E-books – SIAM’s e-book program offers instant access to approximately 400 books published by SIAM over the past five decades. These titles have been written by internationally renowned experts and span a wide range of applied mathematics and computational science subject areas. SIAM is offering the 2013 collection to all caul members at USD2199.00 (subscription rate) as per title listing attached. Please note that the e-book subscriptions can be converted into the Perpetual Model, a one-time purchase for ownership at the rate of US$18,900 in 2014 for any institution wishing to do so, thereby eliminating the need to renew annually as a subscription, but would be supplemented with additional titles for US$1,675.00 in subsequent years (ie 2014). The approximate list price for the entire e-book collection is US$37,100. ** For caul members who had purchased SIAM ebooks upto 2012 can pay US$1900.00 for 2013 upgraded collection and US$1675.00 for 2014 collection. **Griffith Uni had purchased upto 2011 and can pay US$1900 each for 2012 and 2013 collection, then US$1675.00 for 2014 collection. iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. Page 2/3 iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. PO Box 595, Balwyn Victoria 3103 Australia 4. Special offer Pricing a) Access to ALL 16 Journals and Locus File Purchase Current spending > US$ 6501 B/T US $ 4201 and US $ 6500 B/T US$ 2101 and US $ 4200 < US$ 2,100 Territories- High AUS, HK, SIN, TW, NZ, KR. Journals LOCUS US $300 4,275* (one off) 4,275* US $600 (one off) 4,275* US $1716 (one off) 4,275* US $3,425 (one off) Terms and Conditions 1. The cancellation of current subscriptions is not allowed but members can opt for an electronic only model if they wish to cancel print. 2. Additional charges may apply to Institutions with multiple sites. These will be addressed on a case by case basis. The guiding criteria will be whether the content will be used at the other sites and how big it is. 3. A library may however purchase the back file without the full journals collection at the normal list price of US $4275. 4. Invoicing will be managed by CAUL and will include the additional content as well as renewal of existing subscriptions. 5. License Agreement. Can be found at - http://www.siam.org/journals/ojsa.php Must be returned by All members before access will be made available. For further Information/trial requests. Please email/phone Annie Ching annie@igroupnet.com ph: +61 3 408089933 Appendix A: See accompanying spreadsheet 14 November 2013 iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. Page 3/3