2009.02 - Iowa State University

SIAM Activity group on Discrete Mathematics
----------------------------------------------------------------February 23, 2009
(Number 2009.02)
----------------------------------------------------------------Email contributions to:
Address changes to:
Archive URL:
1. Editor's Note
2. SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics track at SIAM
Annual meeting – July 6-10, 2009, Denver, Colorado
3. FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: Workshop on Paths, Cycles and Related
Structures in Graphs – July 11-12, 2009, Denver, Colorado
4. Watermellon Workshop on Extremal Graph Theory
(Watermellon II) – May 21-23, 2009, Waterloo, Ontario,
5. MIP 2009 at the University of California, Berkeley – June
8-11, 2009, Berkeley, CA
6. 14th International Conference on Random Structures and
Algorithms (RS&A 2009) – August 3-7, 2009, Poznań, Poland
7. CALL FOR PAPERS -- 17th International Symposium on Graph
Drawing, September 22 - 25, 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA
8. CALL FOR PAPERS -- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Special Issue on Constraint Satisfaction Problems and
Message Passing Algorithms
1. *** Editor's Note ***
-----Hi all. I’m sending out another newsletter because there are
several new items already and I thought I’d get one out reminding
you of the SIDMA special issue, whose deadline is March 1.
There are several conferences that were announced in the previous
newsletter: 6th CP-AI-OR Conference (May 27-31, Pittsburgh, PA,
USA), MAPSP2009 (June 29-July 3, Karkrade, The Netherlands),
British Combinatorial Conference (July 5-10, St. Andrews,
Scotland, UK), LAGOS’09 (Nov. 3-7, Gramado, Brazil).
The previous newsletter can be found at:
Keep sending your announcements of interest to the discrete
mathematics community to dm-net@siam.org.
The URL for the newsletter archive is
-- Ryan
2. *** SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics track at SIAM
Annual meeting – July 6-10, 2009, Denver Colorado ***
-----The SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics is sponsoring a
track at the 2009 SIAM Annual meeting which will be held in Denver
from July 6-10, 2009. For more details about the meeting see
Due to some generous funding from the National Science Foundation,
we now have limited travel grants to help 10-12 graduate students
in Discrete Math attend this meeting.
Preference to students who are authors or co-authors on papers
being presented at the meeting. Please email Lenore Cowen at cowen
AT cs.tufts.edu with your CV and information about whether you are
presenting a paper at the meeting or are a co-author of a paper
being presented at the meeting by April 1 if you are interested in
Students will be notified of awards by May 1.
3. *** FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: Workshop on Paths, Cycles and Related
Structures in Graphs – July 11-12, 2009, Denver, Colorado ***
-----University of Colorado Denver
July 11-12, 2009
(Immediately Following the SIAM National Meeting)
This workshop, held in conjunction with the minisymposium "Paths
and Cycle Structures in Graphs" at the 2009 SIAM national meeting,
is an opportunity for those interested in this area of structural
graph theory to come together and exchange ideas.
The workshop will consist of three sessions, and at this time we
have several open spots for 25 or 30 minute talks. Anyone
interested in presenting research related to the theme of the
workshop should contact Mike Ferrara at mjf@uakron.edu with a
brief description. We also plan to hold a problem session, and
there will be adequate time for discussion and collaboration.
There is no registration fee for the workshop. A web-based
registration will be available in April 2009. Details to follow in
a subsequent announcement.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Mike Jacobson (michael.jacobson@ucdenver.edu),
University of Colorado Denver
Mike Ferrara (mjf@uakron.edu)
The University of Akron
4. *** Watermellon Workshop on Extremal Graph Theory (Watermellon
II) – May 21-23, 2009, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada ***
-----The focus of this workshop is extremal graph theory, a broad area
studying how one parameter of a graph can restrict the values of
another. Many natural questions can be formulated as extremal
graph problems, and the subject has developed into a rich theory.
Applications abound in many fields, including number theory,
optimization, theoretical computer science, economics, hardware
design, and optical networks.
Probabilistic methods form an important component of the toolkit
used by researchers in extremal graph theory. This area will be a
secondary focus of the workshop.
There will be no registration fee for participants, but it will be
helpful for planning purposes if you register at
by 12 May 2009.
Student support:
Students are invited to apply for partial support for costs of
travel -- follow the above web page link, before 15 April.
The program will consist of both invited talks and contributed
Those who wish to give contributed talks should submit a title and
abstract on the above website before 15 April 2009.
Invited speakers:
Alan Frieze
Carnegie Mellon University
Thomas Bohman
Carnegie Mellon University
Chris Godsil
University of Waterloo
Michael Molloy University of Toronto
Oleg Pikhurko
Carnegie Mellon University
Bruce Richter
University of Waterloo
Tibor Szabo
Balasz Szegedy
Van Vu
McGill University
University of Toronto
Rutgers University
Penny Haxell and Nick Wormald
Dept of Combinatorics and Optimization
University of Waterloo
5. *** MIP 2009 at the University of California, Berkeley – June
8-11, 2009, Berkeley, CA ***
-----We are happy to announce MIP 2009, the sixth workshop on Mixed
Integer Programming, to be held June 8-11, 2009 at the University
of California at Berkeley.
The workshop will be the continuation of the workshop series MIP
2003, 2005-2008, held at Columbia University, IMA at the
University of Minnesota, University of Miami, Centre de Recherches
Mathematiques at the University of Montreal, and Columbia
The program will be composed of a limited number of invited talks.
Talks will be organized in a single track and will be scheduled to
leave ample time for discussion and interaction between the
participants. The conference is open to everyone interested in
MIP and there is no registration fee. However, space is limited
and early registration is recommended.
In addition to the invited talks, there will be a contributed
poster session. Participants interested in making a poster
presentation must submit PDF file of a 1-2 page poster abstract to
the email address given below no later than April 30, 2008.
Please visit http://sites.google.com/site/gimmemip/ for additional
and updated information on the conference.
For further questions, the organizing committee can be reached at:
mip2009 <at> berkeley.edu
MIP 2009 Organizing Committee:
Alper Atamturk (University of California, Berkeley)
Pierre Bonami (Universite de la Mediteranne)
Ismael Regis de Farias Jr (Texas Tech University)
Jesus De Loera (University of California, Davis)
Simge Kucukyavuz (University of Arizona)
6. *** 14th International Conference on Random Structures and
Algorithms (RS&A 2009) – August 3-7, 2009, Poznań, Poland ***
-----We are pleased to announce that the 14th International Conference
on Random Structures and Algorithms "RS&A'2009" will be held in
Poznań, Poland, 3-7 August, 2009. The conference, organized
biennially since 1983, brings together probabilists, discrete
mathematicians and theoretical computer scientists working in
probabilistic methods, random structures and randomized
On Monday, August 3, the first day of the conference, we shall
celebrate the 60th birthday of Professor Vojtech Rödl. On this
occasion, we plan to organize a special session, while the
welcome/birthday party will be held in the evening.
The list of plenary speakers includes:
Tom Bohman (Carnegie Mellon University)
David Conlon (Cambridge University)
Rick Durrett (Cornell University)
Mikhael Gromov (IHES, Courant Institute of Mathematical
Ravi Kannan (Yale University)
Nati Linial (Hebrew University)
Oliver Riordan (Oxford University)
Benny Sudakov (UCLA)
Tibor Szabó (McGill University)
The conference will be held in Hotel Trawiński, our traditional
place nearby Cytadela Park. We have arranged with the hotel a
special rate of 250 PLN for a single room, and 440 PLN (220 PLN
per person) for a double room per night. Please note that this
price includes full board: breakfast, lunch and dinner. You may
prefer to choose a flat rate of 1300 PLN (single occupancy) or
1120 PLN (double occupancy, per person) for 6 nights, starting
from Sunday, August 2 and ending on Saturday morning of August 8.
Important! Since the hotel and its conference facilities can
accommodate a limited number of participants only, we would like
you to email rsa2009@amu.edu.pl at your earliest convenience but
not later than by January 31, 2009 if you intend to take part in
the conference. By the end of February we shall confirm your
preliminary registration and ask you to complete the final
registration form via our webpage (by May 15).
The conference fee is 600 PLN (approximately 150 EUR at the
moment) paid in cash at the registration desk upon arrival (by
Tuesday morning). It includes the cost of the welcome party,
excursion and banquet.
Our contact e-mail address is: rsa2009@amu.edu.pl
For more information, please look at the conference website:
We are looking forward to hear from you.
Michal Karoński
7. *** CALL FOR PAPERS -- 17th International Symposium on Graph
Drawing, September 22 - 25, 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA ***
Graph Drawing is concerned with the geometric representation of
graphs and networks and is motivated by those applications where
it is crucial to visualize structural information as graphs.
Bridging the gap between theoretical advances and implemented
solutions is an important aspect of the conference. Indeed,
advances in graph drawing are important in several technological
areas such as Web computing, e-commerce, VLSI circuit design,
information systems, software engineering, computational
cartography, visual interfaces, bioinformatics, and networking.
Researchers and practitioners working on theoretical and practical
aspects of graph drawing are welcome to participate.
----The range of topics that are within the scope of the International
Symposium on Graph Drawing includes (but is not limited to):
Visualization of networks, web maps, software engineering
diagrams, database schemas, chemical structures and
Geometric graph algorithms
Geometric computing
Software systems for graph visualization
Planarity and topological graph theory
Graph theory and optimization on graphs
Interfaces for interacting with graphs
Applications that benefit from graph drawing solutions such
as Biomedical Informatics, Data Mining, Networking, and
--------------------------Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research
of theoretical or practical significance to graph drawing. Papers
may be either long (12 pages) or short (6 pages), using the
single-spaced LNCS style. The claims of the paper should be fully
substantiated, including full proofs or appropriate experimental
data. If this information will not fit within the page limits, the
authors should include it in a clearly marked appendix, whose
length is not constrained.
Submissions of posters in graph drawing and related areas are also
solicited. The poster session will provide a forum for the
communication of late-breaking research results (which may appear
elsewhere) to the graph drawing community. A two-page abstract of
accepted posters will appear in a poster proceedings distributed
to conference attendees. Researchers interested in presenting a
poster should prepare two-page description of their proposed
-----------------------Each submission must include an indication of its type
(theory/application, long/short) and contact information for the
primary author. Only electronic submissions are allowed.
Detailed submission instructions will be provided on the
conference web site. Submissions deviating from these guidelines
or from the submission deadline below risk rejection without
further consideration. Submission of substantially similar papers
to other conferences with published proceedings or simultaneous
submissions are not allowed.
János Pach (City College and Courant Institute, New York,
Martin Wattenberg (IBM Watson Research, Cambridge, USA)
Submission Deadline: May 31, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2009
Poster Submissions: July 31, 2009
Symposium on Graph Drawing: September 22-25, 2009
--------------------Following the tradition of previous conferences, a graph drawing
contest will be held. Details on the contest will be provided on
the conference web site.
----------Accepted submissions will be published in the conference
proceedings, which will be included in the Springer-Verlag series
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Final versions of accepted
submissions are due at the conference.
-------------Selected papers will be invited to be published in a special issue
of JGAA (Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications).
The 17th International Symposium on Graph Drawing will be held at
DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
----------------Therese Biedl (Univ. Waterloo, CANADA)
Franz. J. Brandenburg
(Univ. Passau, GERMANY)
Ulrik Brandes (Univ. Konstanz, GERMANY)
Erin Chambers (St. Louis Univ., USA)
Sabine Cornelsen (Univ. Konstanz, GERMANY)
Christian Duncan (Louisiana Tech Univ., USA)
Tim Dwyer (Microsoft Research, USA)
David Eppstein (UC Irvine, USA), co-chair
Emden R. Gansner (AT&T Labs, USA), co-chair
Herman Haverkort (TU Eindhovern, NETHERLANDS)
Patrick Healy (Univ. Limerick, IRELAND)
Yifan Hu (AT&T Labs, USA)
Michael Lawrence (FHCRC, USA)
Giuseppe Liotta (Univ. Perugia, ITALY)
Roberto Tamassia (Brown Univ., USA)
Ioannis G. Tollis (FORTH-ICS and Univ. Crete, GREECE)
Sue Whitesides (Univ. Victoria, CANADA)
Graham Wills (SPSS, USA)
-------------------Michael J. Pelsmajer (IIT, USA), co-chair
Marcus Schaefer (DePaul, USA), co-chair
------------------The organizing committee can be contacted at
8. *** CALL FOR PAPERS -- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Special Issue on Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Message
Passing Algorithms ***
-----We are pleased to announce a Special Issue of the SIAM Journal on
Discrete Mathematics, with the theme “Constraint Satisfaction
Problems and Message Passing Algorithms." The Special Issue is
intended to document some current key algorithmic and mathematical
advances in modeling and solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems
(CSPs) as well as shed new light on future directions for this
emerging cross-disciplinary research area. The Special Issue
emphasizes a number of important topics, including, but not
limited to, Probabilistic, combinatorial analysis of CSPs, Markov
chain Monte Carlo methods for CSPs and related problems, Bounds
and Algorithms for Error-correcting Codes, LP-based techniques for
algorithm analysis, Belief/Survey propagation and related
algorithms, as well as Network Reconstruction and related aspects
of Computational Biology.
In order to be considered for this Special Issue, contributions
must be submitted by the deadline of:
March 1, 2009
All interested should submit a manuscript and cover letter in PDF
format via the SIDMA online submission site at
http://sidma.siam.org/. Include a statement in the cover letter
requesting the paper be considered for the Special Issue on
Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Message Passing Algorithms.
Note the block labeled Special Section (just under the keywords
block on your submission screen) and select “Special Issue on
Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Message Passing Algorithms"
from the dropdown box. Also be sure to note in the Manuscript
Comment text box at the bottom of this page that your work is
intended for the Special Issue. Papers will be subject to review
by a guest Editorial Board. If any questions, contact Mitch
Chernoff, Publications Manager, SIAM, at chernoff@siam.org, or
Prasad Tetali, SIDMA Editor-in-Chief, at tetali@math.gatech.edu.
Guest Editorial Board:
D. Achlioptas, C. Borgs, J. Chayes, A. Frieze, D. Gamarnik, F.
Martinelli, M. Mezard, M. Molloy, E. Mossel, A. Montanari, A.
Sinclair, G. Sorkin, R. Zecchina
DM-Net is a forum of the
SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics
We disseminate your contributions on anything of interest to the
discrete mathematics community. This includes personal news
about our members, conferences, mathematical problems, education
issues, job/fellowship information, research announcements, etc.
The moderator is Ryan Martin
----------------------------------------------------------------Send submissions to:
Send address changes to:
Info on joining SIAM and this activity group:
Archive URL: <http://orion.math.iastate.edu/rymartin/dm-net.html>
----------------------------------------------------------------Carla Savage
North Carolina State Univ.
Bojan Mohar
Simon Fraser University
Vice Chair
Mark Kayll
University of Montana
Lorna Stewart
University of Alberta
Program Director
Ryan Martin
Iowa State University
DM-Net Editor