the latest newsletter

Ickford News
the gratuitous use of a sporting idiom,
‘punch above our weight’ when it comes
Another half term draws to a close
bringing a brief opportunity to relax and
reflect or, for many of you, to spend time
with your children. I am delighted that
parent/teacher meeting this week and I
am confident that the great majority will
be happy with what they have seen and
to competitive sports and I am always
happy to see so many children bringing
their awards in to assembly from activities
outside of school. To me this is an
indication that we are helping to inspire
families and children to be active and to
lead healthy lifestyles. I am also really
pleased that one pupil this year has won a
independent Secondary school because of
As usual it has been a busy week,
her talent in the sporting arena which we
beginning with an assembly by Class 3
have nurtured here at Ickford.
about making choices which, if I think
about it, could have been called an
assembly on life. How much easier life can
be if we are able to make our way through
the myriad of choices it throws up with a
good education to help influence our
decision and perhaps ironic that the
better the education, the more choices in
life one can have.
One of my favourite parts of school life is
the morning club that I run for children
who want to come in early. It has
flourished this half term and is still just £2
for anyone who needs to leave their
children to play with friends and to have
breakfast at school. Our new toaster is
proving popular and I have to say thank
you to Alice (Class 5) for being the Toast
We have continued to achieve success in
sporting competitions we are hoping that
last Friday’s win in the Ignite Sports Junior
Hockey Tournament was a prelude to
more success in the Infant Tournament
taking place today.
Although, we achieve high standards in
many areas, we certainly, if you’ll forgive
I hope you all have a good break and
would like to thank you for your
continuing support.
Mr Ronane
News from the Office
past the vehicles without having to walk
onto the road to get past.
We would like to give parents plenty of
notice to find a suitable fancy dress outfit
for your child. On Thursday the 3rd of
March you can let your imagination come
to life as we celebrate World Book Day.
The corridors of Ickford will be teeming
with Harry Potters, Matilda Wormwoods,
Lyra Bellaquas as we invite all of our
children to come to school in the guise of
Dates for the diary
their most beloved book character for
£1.50 per child. Young designers, artists
and illustrators will also get their chance
to shine in the competition to produce a
reimagining of their favourite book's new
12th February
School Disco
22nd February
School opens for Easter
24th June
Summer Concert
cover - it could be a beautiful front cover
or indeed a 3D vision including jacket
The Fox and Goat
design, blurb and pages... the literary
world is our oyster. On the day there will
The pub in Tiddington is managed
be prizes galore for the most creative
by parents at the school so a
book cover entry and for the best
welcome guaranteed!
costume in every class.
01844 339808
The issue of parking down Bridge Road
has been bought up by some parents.
Boardman Windows
Sponsors of
pedestrians walking on the pavement and
Ickford Combined School
ensure that there is space for them to get
01844 399 439