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Event Risk Assessment for 3v3 Basketball Tournament

Nicholas Clark
SPM 655
Dr. Morris
Event Risk Assessment
There are some inherit risks that accompany any sporting event. The athletics department
has general liability insurance that is utilized to ensure some degree of safety while hosting
events within the Broadview Arena. This is a type of transfer of a risk. With the 3v3 tournament
participants will sign a liability waiver a part of their check in process. This will address any
potential injury sustained to a participant. Covering this issue would be potential slips/trips and
falls from walking down the bleachers. Building off this mitigating injury risk the presence of an
athletic trainer will be at the event. This allows a trained medical professional to determine the
severity of injury and can assist in managing any emergency situation. This helps provide a safer
environment, which may help participants feeling safer while playing and confident.
Another reducing risk that will be utilized is the wire from the scoring table to the jumbo
screen. By placing plastic floor runners it clearly indicates a stepping hazard as well as reduces
the chances of tripping and falling on a wire.
To prevent dehydration and cramping both programs will provide Gatorade from their
storage to participants in water jugs. The teams already have paid for them from their team
budget but are left over from the season before. They also have water jugs specifically for their
Gatorade so there is no extra cost for the programs to provide hydration stations for the
Another way to reduce potential risks for the programs and UAlbany is to provide an
agreement with the Chik-fil-A (sponsor) vendor station. Outlining in the agreement that UAlbany
and the basketball programs are not liable for injury sustained by Chik-fil-A employees while at
the event.
An unlikely possible incident to plan for is a fight / brawl. Sometimes sporting events can
get the best of people with heightened emotions for competing for bragging rights and a $50 gift
card. To decrease this risk there can be planned coordination for the presence of a UPD officer
within the arena for the event. This transfer the risk of the event staff dealing with a violent
situation, which would be putting the volunteer workers at risk for injury/trauma, onto the law
enforcement officer present who could immediately intervene or call in for back up if needed.
Prior proper training will also be implemented for this event. By training the staff
members, it allows them to perform their jobs with more confidence, since these are their peers
on campus. This also allows them to know the roles and who to delegate issues or concerns with.
Each person can know which way to get participants off the court or out of the building in the
event of an emergency.