NOTICE TO BIDDERS The County of Rensselaer invites bid proposals for the following: Microcomputer Hardware & Software Proposals will be received at the Bureau of Central Services, Rensselaer County Office Building, 1600 Seventh Avenue, Fifth Floor, Troy, New York 12180, until 10:00 a. m., Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at which time all bids received will be opened and read aloud. All bidders must comply with the General Municipal Law, Sect. 103. If bidding Category 1, a surety in the amount of 5% of the total for that category must be submitted as a bank certified check or original bid bond as bid security. No Surety is required for any of the other categories. The County of Rensselaer reserves the right to reject any and all bids received and to waive any informality discovered herein. Specification and bid proposal forms may be obtained at the office of the Director of Central Service, Fifth Floor, County Office Building, 1600 Seventh Avenue, Troy, New York 12180. Timothy J. Holt Sr., Director Bureau of Central Services Rensselaer County County Office Building Troy, New York 12180 Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No. : RFB-03-42 Page: 1 Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 2 GENERAL BIDDING INFORMATION 1. CONTENTS of this bid proposal package are as follows: White - Bid Invitation Blue - Bidder Information Green - Bid Specifications (COMPLETE & RETURN)--:White - Official Bid form (COMPLETE & RETURN)--:White - Certification of Compliance: Local Law #2 (COMPLETE & RETURN)--:White - Non-Collusive Practices Statement (COMPLETE & RETURN)--:Gold - Official Bid Return Envelope 2. GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS for bidders are listed on this blue sheet. The items numbered below are general instructions included on all bids sought by the County. Additional requirements or instructions may be checked off on attached green specification sheets. Please read each item carefully so that your bid will be submitted correctly. 3. ADDITIONAL BIDDING INFORMATION may be obtained from the Bureau of Central Services (BOCS), Fifth Floor, County Office Building, 1600 Seventh Avenue, Troy, New York, 12180. Area Code (518) 270-2619. 4. BIDDERS' LEGAL CONFORMANCE with section 103 a,b,c,d; General Municipal Law of the State of New York is required. (This Section outlines grounds for cancellation, disqualification of contracts; removal of disqualification of contractors by petition and statement of non-collusion.) 5. DATE OF BID OPENING indicated on the Invitation and Bid Form is the final time for submitting acceptable bids. Those arriving after the stipulated hour will not be considered. Bids may be mailed or delivered in person to the BOCS. 6. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE BIDDER on the Official Bid Form shall include the brand/manufacturer of the items bid. This information shall be construed to be completely in accord with the specification outlined in the proposal unless the bidder explains all deviations and qualification in writing on the Bid Form. 7. PRICE QUOTED on the Bid Form shall be NET, unless other wise noted. It shall include freight or delivery charges to the locations specified. It shall also include installation charges if required. 8. Completion and submission of bid proposals shall be legible and in ink or typewritten. Signature of the bidder shall be in ink. RETURN the white Bid Form, white Certification of Compliance: Local Law #2, 1992 and Non-Collusive Practices Statement and approved bid bond in the gold Official Bid return envelope. 9. BID SURETY, where required, must be in the form of an original bid bond or bank certified check. Upon approval of the Director of BOCS, a Certificate of Deposit, in the name of the bidder, but in the trust of the County may be accepted. This CD should contain the bidder's Federal Identification Number or his Social Security Number. CASH IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 3 * If bidding Category 1, a surety in the amount of 5% of the total for that category must be submitted. The surety instrument of the successful bidders is held by the County as a performance bond until the conditions of the award are satisfactorily completed, then returned to the vendor. Sureties will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders within 60 days of the bid award. 10. BID WITHDRAWAL by bidders is not permitted during the Sixty day interim award period unless the bidder expressly states in his bid that acceptance thereof must be made within a shorter specified time. 11. BID OPENING is held in the office of the BOCS and is open to the public. At the indicated hour, all bids received will be opened and read aloud. Experience shows that bidders and other interested parties' presence is helpful, particularly when clarification of a bid might be desired by the appointed committee. 12. AWARD will be made by the Director of BOCS. The director reserves the right, before making an award, to investigate the qualification and facilities offered by bidders to insure proper performance. The award will be made, based on item price or by aggregate net total, as stipulated in the specifications. Award shall be made to the lowest responsible bidder, as will best promote the public interest taking into consideration the reliability of the bidder, the quality of the commodity to be supplied and its conformity with the specifications. The director also reserves the right to reject any and all bids received, and to waive any informality discovered therein on behalf of the County. Successful bidders will be notified within Sixty (60) days following the bid opening. 13. Delivery of Awarded items or service will be stipulated in the award, unless otherwise noted in the specifications. The decision of the Director of BOCS as to reasonable compliance with the delivery terms shall be final. 14. PAYMENT will be made to the vendor following satisfactory delivery or installation. Vendor must submit completed vendor claims with the appropriate invoices and vouchers to the department ordering the materials, which will in turn verify and forward them to the Bureau of Finance for disbursement, usually within thirty (30) days. 15. Period of Award shall be stipulated by the Director of BOCS in the specifications. 16. REJECTION of late delivery or damaged goods shall be determined by the Director of BOCS. Costs associated with removal of rejected items shall be borne by the vendor. 17. EXTENSION OF PRICES: Wherever practicable, Political sub divisions within Rensselaer County may participate in this contract. Each political sub division will be responsible for their own ordering and payment. Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 4 CONDITIONS AND CONTINGENCIES In the event legislative action is required to either procure, obtain or transfer monies necessary to fulfill the County's legal responsibilities as purchaser under the terms and conditions of this bid, then in such event any bid award made by the County of Rensselaer is expressly conditional and contingent upon the completion of such legislative action, including such approval as may be required under section 3.06 of the Rensselaer County Charter. Submission of a bid by a vendor to the County of Rensselaer will constitute express acknowledgment and acceptance of any such condition or contingency by that vendor. "OR EQUALS": Whenever a material, article or piece of equipment is identified in the bid or specifications by reference to manufacturers or vendors names, trade names, catalog numbers etc, it is intended merely to establish a standard of quality and any material, article or equipment of other manufacturers' and vendors which will perform adequately will be considered equally acceptable provided the material, article or equipment so proposed is in the opinion of the Bureau of Central Services to be of equal substance and function. ALTERNATE BIDS: Alternate bids are not acceptable to Rensselaer County, unless specifically called for in the bid proposal. RENSSELAER COUNTY MACBRIDE PRINCIPLES CONTRACT COMPLIANCE LAW (EFFECTIVE 09/01/93) Rensselaer County Local Law No. 4 of the year 1993 adopted the MacBride Principles of Fair Employment, which are nine principles designed to foster an end to employment discrimination in Northern Ireland. The law states, in part "in case of a contract which must be let by competitive sealed bidding, wherever the lowest bidder has not agreed to stipulate to the conditions set forth in this section, and another bidder who has agreed to stipulate to such conditions has submitted a bid within five percent of the lowest bid for a contract..., the contracting entity shall refer the contract to the County Legislature, which shall determine if the lowest bidder is responsible..." Unless expressly stated in writing with the bidders submission, the bidders signature on the bid shall constitute agreement with the MacBride Principles and Local Law #4 of 1993. Complete copies of the MacBride Principles and Local Law #4 of 1993 may be obtained at the Bureau of Central Services or the Rensselaer County Legislature. COMPLIANCE WITH TRANSITION INTO YEAR 2000 By accepting any Rensselaer county Purchase order or responding to any bid, RFP (Request for Proposal) or RFQ (Request for Quotation) for any computer software or any commodity containing an embedded micro-chip, the vendor warrants that the software and/or commodity shall perform to full capability through January 2, 2001. In the event performance of any software or commodity is affected by the failure of any programming code or embedded micro-chip to successfully transition from December 31, 1999 through January 2, 2001, the vendor shall guarantee full replacement with compliant software/commodity at no cost to Rensselaer County within thirty (30) days of notification and to indemnify and hold harmless the county from any loss or damage resulting from such failure. Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 5 PREVENTION OF DELAY (Applicable to bids involving labor) Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, the Contractor agrees that there will be no interruption in the performance of the work under this agreement due to labor strife or unrest and that the contractor and his subcontractor will not employ on the work, any labor, materials, or means whose employment or utilization during the course of the contract may tend to or in any away cause or result in strikes, work stoppages, delays, suspensions of work, or similar troubles by any of the trades working in or about the buildings and premises where work is being performed under this contract, or by other contractors or their subcontractors pursuant to other contractors or on any other building or premises owned or operated by the OWNER. Any violation by the CONTRACTOR of this requirement will be considered proper and sufficient cause for the OWNER to consider such interruption a breach of the agreement and to cancel the contract without any penalty to the OWNER, and to recover any damages from the CONTRACTOR that may have been caused by labor strife and unrest. The workings of this clause shall not act to derogate the rights and responsibilities granted to Labor and Management by Federal and State Laws. WORKERS COMPENSATION In accordance with Workers Compensation Law Section 57 and Disability Benefits Law Section 220, subd. 8 Rensselaer County is requiring that Bidders submit proof that they have obtained the required workers compensation and disability benefits coverage, or that they are not required to provide coverage. Documentation must be submitted with each bid where work is involving the employment of employees as defined in Section 57 of the Workers' Compensation Law and Section 220, subd. 8 of the Disability Benefits Law. BIDDER'S RESPONSIBILITY Bidders who respond to Rensselaer County's request for bids hereby acknowledge and accept responsibility for the following and, as a condition of the bidding process, agree as follows: -To submit a complete and legibly prepared bid. The bid pricing shall be based upon bid specifications promulgated by the County and the bid shall be submitted on the Official Bid Form. -To be responsible for the mathematical accuracy of their bid. -To provide an accurate conversion of packaging whenever their bid varies from that product packaging detailed in Rensselaer County's bid specifications. -To provide the brand/manufacturer information when required by the specifications or in those instances where the products offered by the bidder differ from those listed in Rensselaer County's Bid specifications. Rensselaer County reserves the right to reject any bid which, through bidder error or omission is found to be mathematically incorrect, otherwise incomplete or not in compliance with Rensselaer County bid specifications. This right to reject bids which are incomplete, inaccurate or not in compliance, shall be exercised in the best interests of Rensselaer County. Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 6 SPECIFICATIONS AWARD BASIS Separate awards will be made for each category. Each category will be awarded to the vendor submitting the lowest aggregate amount per category, which meets specifications. Bidders are not required to submit bids for all categories; but for any category bid, all items must be bid, no partial bids will be accepted for a given category. AWARD PERIOD The award period shall be for six months from the date stated in the award letter. SURETY *If bidding category 1, a surety in the amount of 5% of the total for that category must be submitted. **For all other categories, no surety is required. Surety must be in the form of a bank certified check or an original bid bond. Failure to submit the proper surety will result in rejection of bid. QUANTITIES Quantities listed in the proposal are estimated; the contract shall be for quantities actually ordered during the contract period; individual purchases will most likely be in small quantities. DISCONTINUED ITEMS In the event that a bid item(s) becomes discontinued prior to the bid opening, Rensselaer County will not consider the item when determining the low bidder. Rensselaer County will deem an item discontinued, only after written verification from the manufacturer of the discontinued item. Should an item become discontinued after the bid opening, but before award, the item will still be considered to determine the low bidder. SUBSTITUTE ITEMS In the event that a specified manufactures item listed becomes unavailable or cannot be supplied to The County for any reason, a product deemed by The Bureau of Research and Information Services to be equal to the specified item must be substituted by the contractor at no additional cost or expense to The County. CANCELLATION FOR CONVENIENCE: The County of Rensselaer in its sole discretion retains the right to cancel this contract without reason provided that the contractor is given at least sixty (60) days notice of its intent to cancel. This provision should not be understood as waiving the County’s right to terminate the contract for cause or stop work immediately for unsatisfactory work, but is supplementary to that provision. QUALITY STANDARDS All equipment must be new, not previously owned or used. Where brand names are specified, no substitutions are allowed; where brand names are not specified, please state the brand that you will be supplying; Assembly is required if specified on individual orders and any parts left over (i.e., drive cover plates, expansion slot covers, etc.) should accompany the machine. Vendors must be prepared to submit samples for testing of quality and compatibility within (5) business days from notification by the Rensselaer Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 7 County Bureau of Research and Information Services. Samples must be delivered within this time period to the Bureau of Research & Information Services, 1600 7 th Avenue, Troy, New York. Failure to deliver samples within the time specified may result in rejection of the vendor's bid. All of the pieces contained within the machines, or used as parts, must be obtainable by our department for exact part for part replacement; the names and phone numbers of vendors who supply these parts must be specified; All software should be supplied on CD-ROM and be full packages, not upgrades, and not OEM versions (with the exception of Category 1 which may be OEM software) with complete documentation and disks; SERVICE/REPLACEMENT Any equipment supplied under this bid and found to be defective in any way in the first 30 days will be replaced within two (2) weeks by the vendor at no cost to the county; further, any equipment found to be defective during the warranty period specified by the manufacturer and during the two years of on-site coverage provided by the vendor, will be considered to be the vendor's responsibility to handle warranty repair or replacement with the manufacturer and an equivalent spare piece of equipment will be loaned to the county while warranty work is being completed. Prices quoted must include two years of on-site maintenance with a guaranteed response time of eight (8) business hours or less and part for part replacement or other replacement with the County's approval; all parts, labor, travel included; hours of coverage are 8 AM - 5 PM Tuesday through Friday. DELIVERY Prices quoted must include shipping costs. The delivery time frame for anything ordered under this bid is thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the order. If the vendor cannot meet the County's specified delivery time frame on any given order, the County department which has placed the order may, at its discretion, cancel the order with the vendor and purchase the item(s) from a source other than as per this bid. The original vendor will be responsible for any additional costs incurred by the County by going to another source. REFERENCES/COMPANY PROFILE Bidders must provide three (3) references including names and telephone numbers of organizations to whom they have sold microcomputer equipment or software. Bidders should include a brief description of the company/corporation including years in business and number of employees. Rensselaer County reserves the right to purchase bid items off New York State Contract wherever State Contract pricing proves more advantageous. Rensselaer County reserves the right to purchase an item at an educational discount if pricing proves more advantageous. All inquiries regarding the bid specifications should be directed to: Debbie Rice, Principal Network Administrator Bureau of Research & Information Services 1600 7th Avenue Troy, New York 12180 (518) 270-2690 Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 8 EQUIPMENT LIST CATEGORIES: 1. MICROCOMPUTERS 5% Surety Required All cases must be FCC "Class B" rated; Year 2000 compliant; User manuals and driver disks/CD’s must accompany the machines; **OEM software may be supplied with the purchase of a machine in this category; All components within the computers on this bid must be on Microsoft’s NT 4.0 HCL (Hardware Compatibility List); TYPE 1: Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz Socket 478 processor with CPU cooling fan (ball bearing) Asus Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (P4C800-E Deluxe w/ Audio, Lan) or DFI Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (LANPARTY PRO875 w/ Audio, Lan) or Intel Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (D875PBZLK w/ Lan and a Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Dolby Digital sound card) Power supply - UL 300 watt minimum, "Class B" approved Medium tower case 512MB DDR PC-3200 400MHz SDRAM 80.0 GB IDE 7200 rpm hard drive (Seagate, Maxtor or West. Dig.) 64MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 7500) 2 serial, 1 parallel 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive (Mitsumi) 104 Enhanced keyboard (Keytronics, Mitsumi, NMB) Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical with wheel and pad Internal 52X CD-ROM drive (Mitsumi or Creative Labs) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 9 TYPE 2: OPTION A: Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz Socket 478 processor with CPU cooling fan (ball bearing) Asus Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (P4C800-E Deluxe w/ Audio, Lan) or DFI Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (LANPARTY PRO875 w/ Audio, Lan) or Intel Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (D875PBZLK w/ Lan and a Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Dolby Digital sound card) Power supply - UL 400 watt minimum, "Class B" approved Medium tower case 512MB DDR PC-3200 400MHz SDRAM 80.0 GB IDE 7200 rpm hard drive (Seagate, Maxtor or West. Dig.) 64MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 7500) 2 serial, 1 parallel 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive (Mitsumi) 104 Enhanced keyboard (Keytronics, Mitsumi, NMB) Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical with wheel and pad Internal 52X CD-ROM drive (Mitsumi or Creative Labs) OPTION B: All of OPTION A plus: 512MB PC-3200 400MHz DDR (1) 80.0 GB IDE 7200 rpm hard drive (Seagate, Maxtor or West. Dig.) TYPE 3: Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz Socket 478 processor with CPU cooling fan (ball bearing) Asus Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (P4C800-E Deluxe w/ Audio, Lan) or DFI Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (LANPARTY PRO875 w/ Audio, Lan) or Intel Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (D875PBZLK w/ Lan and a Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Dolby Digital sound card) Power supply - UL 400 watt minimum, "Class B" approved Full tower case with 8 available drive bays 1GB DDR PC-3200 400MHz SDRAM (2) 80.0 GB IDE 7200 rpm hard drive (Seagate, Maxtor or West. Dig.) (4) 36.7GB Ultra320 SCSI hard drive (Seagate ST336607LC) (1) SCSI RAID 2120S kit for PCI to Ultra320 RAID SCSI controller (Adaptec) 64MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 7500) 2 serial, 1 parallel 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive (Mitsumi) 104 Enhanced keyboard (Keytronics, Mitsumi, NMB) Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical with wheel and pad Internal 52X CD-ROM drive (Mitsumi or Creative Labs) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 10 TYPE 4: (2) Intel Xeon 2.4GHz processors with CPU cooling fans (ball bearing) Intel Pentium 4 Xeon Dual Processor motherboard (SE7501BR2) Tower server case (Intel SC5200) with dual (2) 650w redundant hot swappable pwr. supplies 1GB PC-2100 266MHz DDR (2) 80GB IDE hard drive ATA/100 7200 RPM (Seagate, Maxtor or West. Digital) (4) 73GB Ultra320 SCSI hard drive (Seagate ST373453LW) Adaptec ASR-2010S kit (2004000) 64MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 7500) 2 serial, 1 parallel 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive (Mitsumi) 104 Enhanced keyboard (Keytronics, Mitsumi, NMB) Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical with wheel and pad Internal 52X CD-ROM drive (Mitsumi or Creative Labs) Intel PRO/1000 MT PCI (PWLA8390MT) The above 4 types of microcomputers may be purchased with one or more of the following options (vendor: please install all components if ordered this way by a department): **OEM software and manuals may be supplied with the purchase of a machine in this category. OPTIONS THAT MAY BE INCLUDED WITH THE SYSTEM: KDS XF-7g or Samsung 765MB – 17" SVGA color monitor KDS XF-9e or Samsung 955DF – 19” SVGA color monitor D-Link 10/100 PCI RJ45 network adapter (DFE-530TX+) D-Link Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (DGE-500T) Intel EtherExpress PRO/100S PCI LAN card (PILA8460C3) Intel PRO/1000 MT PCI (PWLA8390MT) 56k bps fax/modem (Hayes compatible) Internal (PCI – No WinModems) Additional 512MB DDR PC-3200 400MHz SDRAM Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! (5.1 Dolby Digital) sound card Altec Lansing 220 Speakers w/AC. adapter, headphone jack CD-RW - Plextor PX-W4824TA/SW int’l 48X24X48X EIDE w/Adaptec Easy CD Creator, cables (Winx/NT/2000) DVD-ROM - Toshiba SD-M1612 int’l or Sony DDU1621/C1 16X EIDE w/software, cables (Win98/NT/2000) MS Windows Pro 2000 installed MS Windows XP Professional installed Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 11 2. MONITORS KDS XF-7g – 17" SVGA color monitor KDS XF-9e – 19” SVGA color monitor KDS RAD-5c – 15” LCD Display KDS RAD-7c – 17” LCD Display Samsung 765MB – Ivory – 17" SVGA color monitor Samsung 955DF – Ivory – 19” SVGA color monitor Samsung 1200NF – Ivory – 22" SVGA color monitor Samsung 152B – Silver – 15” LCD Display Samsung 172B – Silver – 17” LCD Display Samsung 191N – Silver – 19” LCD Display NEC MultiSync FE791SB – 17" SVGA color monitor NEC MultiSync FP912 – 19" SVGA color monitor NEC MultiSync FP2141 – 22" SVGA color monitor NEC MultiSync LCD1560M – White – 15” LCD Display NEC MultiSync LCD1760VM – White – 17” LCD Display NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX – White – 19” LCD Display 3. STORAGE DEVICES 80GB IDE hard drive ATA/100(min) 7200 RPM (Seagate, Maxtor or West. Digital) 120GB IDE hard drive ATA/100(min) 7200 RPM (Seagate, Maxtor or West. Digital) 18.4GB Ultra160 SCSI hard drive (Maxtor Atlas 10K KW018L2) 36.7GB Ultra320 SCSI hard drive (Seagate ST336607LC) 73GB Ultra320 SCSI hard drive (Seagate ST373307LW) 73GB Ultra320 SCSI hard drive (Seagate ST373453LW) 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive (Mitsumi) 29160 kit for 64-bit PCI to Ultra160 (LVD) SCSI controller (Adaptec)(1821900) 39160 kit for 64-bit PCI to Ultra160 (LVD) SCSI controller (Adaptec)(1822300) SCSI RAID 2010S kit for PCI to Ultra320 RAID SCSI controller (Adaptec)(2004000) SCSI RAID 2120S kit for PCI to Ultra320 RAID SCSI controller (Adaptec)(1961700) CD-ROM - int’l 52X(min) EIDE w/software, cables (Win98/NT/2000)(Mitsumi, Creative Labs) CD-RW - Plextor PX-W4824TA/SW int’l 48X24X48X EIDE w/Adaptec Easy CD Creator, cables (Winx/NT/2000) DVD-ROM - Toshiba SD-M1612 int’l 16X EIDE w/software, cables (Win98/NT/2000) DVD-ROM – Sony DDU1621/C1 int’l 16X/40X Eide w/soft., cables (Win98/NT/2000) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 12 4. MASS STORAGE DEVICES Exabyte 430M Plus M-2 Native Fiber Tape Library, 30 slot/4.5TB (270019-1529) OPTIONS: M-2 Internal add-on drive for Exabyte 430 Library (1008542) Rack mount kit (1004731) Exabyte 225m AME 60GB 4mm cartridge with SmartClean (00558) Exabyte 430M/215M Exapak (magazine loaded w10 carts.)(00719) Professional Installation Program (1008989) Exabyte Mammoth-2 LVD 60-150GB External Tape Drive (270004-1099) including PCI SCSI-2 controller (industry standard Adaptec, Bus Logic); SCSI cable; Windows NT/2000 compatible; Tape media & cleaning cartridge Exabyte 225m AME with SmartClean (00558) Tape cleaning cartridge for Mammoth-2 (Mammoth 18c Cleaning Cartridge) (315205) Exabyte VXA-2 LVD 80-160GB External Tape Drive (115.00500) including PCI SCSI-2 controller (industry standard Adaptec, Bus Logic); SCSI cable; Windows NT/2000 compatible; Tape media & cleaning cartridge Exabyte V23 (230m) Tape cartridge for VXA-2 (111.00121) VXA-1 cleaning cartridge for the VXA-2 (111.00109) Certance TapeStor Travan - internal ATAPI IDE 40GB tape drive (STT3401A-RY) (Includes tape drive, backup sw, data and cleaning carts. and installation accessories) 3 pack Travan STTM40 tape cartridges (STTM40-3) Single Pack Travan Cleaning Cartridge (STTMCL) 5. NETWORK WIRING AND COMPONENTS Wiring - Twisted pair/plenum - 1,000' (Enhance Cat5E) Wiring - Twisted pair Patch Cable - 3' (Cat 5E) Wiring - Twisted pair Patch Cable - 15' (Cat 5E) Wiring - 3’ colored (red or orange) cross over cable (Cat5E) Wiring - 15’ colored (red or orange) cross over cable (Cat5E) Wall Mount Bix Terminal (10 Base T) - Northern Telecom (U/93) A0400236 QNE3SN8/A(102) or Nordx/CDT (NXTOBS1B-02 (AX100387)) 24 port to 110v patch panel with mounting bracket (Cat 5E) (Ortronics or AMP) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 13 6. NETWORK CARDS & SWITCHES Intel EtherExpress PRO/100S PCI (PILA8460C3) Intel PRO/1000 MT PCI (PWLA8390MT) D-Link 10/100 PCI RJ45 network adapter (DFE-530TX+) D-Link Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (DGE-500T) D-Link 10/100 PCMCIA Network Adapter (DFE-690TXD) D-Link Tri-Mode DualBand Wireless CardBus Adapter (DWL-AG650) D-Link 5-port 10/100 desktop switch (DSS-5+) D-Link 8-port 10/100 desktop switch (DSS-8+) Linksys Etherfast 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch (EF3508) 7. MISCELLANEOUS 104-Key Enhanced keyboard PS/2 (Keytronics, Mitsumi, NMB) Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical with mouse pad (PS/2 compatible) Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical with mouse pad (PS/2 compatible) Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer (Optical)with mouse pad (PS/2 compatible) Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop (keybd/mouse)with mouse pad (PS/2 compatible) Microsoft Trackball Optical (D67-00001) Logitech Trackman Wheel Optical (904353-0403) IOGear MiniView Micro 2-Port KVM Switch w/Built-in Cables (IOGear - GCS62) ATEN 4-Port KVM Switch (ATEN - CS-114A) ATEN 8-Port KVM Switch (ATEN - CS-138A) KVM 6’ Cable kit (APC - 58PS-6, ATEN - 2L-1001P/C, Belkin - F3X1105-06) KVM 10’ Cable kit (APC - 58PS-10, ATEN - 2L-1003P/C, Belkin - F3X1105-10) 8MB SVGA PCI Video card (Jaton Video-107PCI-30) 64MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 7500 64MB DDR – Win98/NT/ME/2000) 128MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 9200 128MB DDR – Win98/ME/2000/XP) 128MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 128MB DDR – Win98/ME/2000/XP) Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! (5.1 Dolby Digital) sound card Altec Lansing 220 Speakers w/AC. adapter, headphone jack Altec Lansing 221 Speakers w/AC. adapter, headphone jack 128MB PC-133 SDRAM DIMM 256MB PC-133 SDRAM DIMM Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 14 7. MISCELLANEOUS (CON’T.) 128MB PC800 MHz RDRAM (Rambus) 256MB PC800 MHz RDRAM (Rambus) 512MB PC800 MHz RDRAM (Rambus) 128MB PC1066MHz RDRAM (Rambus) 256MB PC1066MHz RDRAM (Rambus) 512MB PC1066MHz RDRAM (Rambus) 128MB DDR PC2100 266MHz SDRAM 256MB DDR PC2100 266MHz SDRAM 512MB DDR PC2100 266MHz SDRAM 128MB DDR PC3200 400MHz SDRAM 256MB DDR PC3200 400MHz SDRAM 512MB DDR PC3200 400MHz SDRAM Pentium II/III CPU Cooling Fan SECC2 (ball bearing) Pentium II/III CPU Cooling Fan FCPGA (ball bearing) Pentium 4 CPU Cooling Fan (Socket 423 - ball bearing) Pentium 4 CPU Cooling Fan (Socket 478 - ball bearing) Xeon CPU Cooling Fan (Socket 603 - ball bearing) Medium/two-thirds ATX tower case for a Pentium III/4 with a min. 300w, "Class B" approved power supply Full tower ATX case for a Pentium III/4 with a min. 400w, “Class B” approved power supply and 8 available drive bays CD-R 700MB (48x) 80min (Verbatim - 94357 or Memorex - 32024514) w/ jewel case (10 pk) CD-RW 650/700MB (Verbatim - 94457 or Memorex - 32023417) w/ jewel case (10 pk) CD-R 700MB (48x) 80 min 50 Spindle Pack (Verbatim - 94364 or Memorex - 32024563) CD Slim Jewel Cases 50 pack (Verbatim - 94178 or Memorex - 32021951) CD Sleeves - double-sided, plastic, 50 pk (Fellowes - 90659) CD Sleeves - white, paper with window, 50 pk (Memorex - 32021960) CD Sleeve File - 100 Capacity (Fellowes - 90660) CD Wallet – Koskin 92 Disk (Case Logic KSW 92) CD Wallet – Nylon 64 Disk Capacity (Case Logic CDW64) SanDisk Imagemate USB 6 in 1 Reader/Writer – SDDR-86 3 volt Lithium battery (CR2032) 6 volt Lithium battery (for PC) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 15 8. COMMUNICATIONS All external modems must come with a six (6) foot 25 pin M - 9 pin F serial modem cable. 56k bps fax/modem (Hayes compatible) Internal (ISA – No WinModems) Internal (PCI – No WinModems) External 56k bps PCMCIA fax/modem (Hayes compatible) Castelle FaxPress SBE Ethernet 10/100 Base T, Windows NT/2000 compatible one line (66298601-093) Castelle FaxPress 2500 Ethernet 10/100 Base T, Windows NT/2000 compatible two lines (66298601-094) Castelle FaxPress 5000 Ethernet 10/100 Base T, Windows NT/2000 compatible four lines (66298601-048) 9. MOTHERBOARDS AND PROCESSORS ALL MOTHERBOARDS WITH 0MB RAM & Y2K COMPLIANT & BE ON MICROSOFT’S NT 4.0 HCL: Intel Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (D850EMV2L w/ Audio, Lan) Intel Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (D875PBZLK w/Lan) DFI Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (LANPARTY PRO875 w/ Audio, Lan) Asus Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 motherboard (P4C800-E Deluxe w/ Audio, Lan) Intel Pentium 4 Xeon Dual Processor motherboard (SE7501BR2) Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz processor Socket 478 (533Mhz) with cooling fan (ball bearing) Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz processor Socket 478 (800Mhz) with cooling fan (ball bearing) Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz processor Socket 478 (800Mhz) with cooling fan (ball bearing) Intel Xeon 2.4GHz/512k 533MHz processor with cooling fan (ball-bearing) Intel Xeon 2.66GHz/512k 533MHz processor with cooling fan (ball-bearing) Intel Xeon 2.8GHz/512k 533MHz processor with cooling fan (ball-bearing) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 16 10. POWER PROTECTION Back-UPS PRO 1400 uninterruptible power supply (APC) (BP1400) Smart-UPS 1500 USB/RS-232uninterruptible power supply (APC) (SUA1500) Back-UPS 650 uninterruptible power supply (APC) (BK650MC) Smart-UPS 700 uninterruptible power supply (APC) (SU700NET) Back-UPS ES 350 uninterruptible power supply (APC) (BE350U) Back-UPS CS 350 uninterruptible power supply (APC) (BK350) Smart-UPS 420 uninterruptible power supply (APC) (SU420NET) SurgeArrest Personal (PER7) - protection for LAN Nodes, lasers, copiers (APC) SurgeArrest Personal w/Tel (PER7T) - PC's, lasers, modems, and faxes (APC) 11. PRINTERS All printers must be parallel unless specified otherwise. All printers must come with the 6' printer cable included. All printers must be Windows compatible and all cables, accessories and drivers must be supplied. Okidata 591 (LQ, 24 pin, wide carriage) Okidata 521 (NLQ, 9 pin, wide carriage) Okidata 395 (LQ, 24 pin, wide carriage) Okidata 590 (LQ, 24 pin, narrow carriage) Okidata 520 (NLQ, 9 pin, narrow carriage) Okidata 320 Turbo (NLQ, 9 pin, narrow carriage) Hewlett Packard LaserJet 1300 (Q1334A), 16MB RAM, 20ppm & 1200 dpi with: HP IEEE-1284 A to B Parallel Cable (C2950A) and ·an additional HP smart print high capacity toner cartridge (Q2613X) OPTIONS ·additional 8MB memory (C7842A) Hewlett Packard LaserJet 2300 (Q2472A), 32MB RAM, 25ppm & 1200 dpi with: HP IEEE-1284 A to B Parallel Cable (C2950A) and ·an additional HP smart print high capacity toner cartridge (Q2610A) OPTIONS ·additional 8MB memory (C7842A) ·HP's JetDirect 615n (EIO) internal print server, Fast Ethernet, 10/100Base TX (J6057A) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 17 11. PRINTERS (CON’T.) Hewlett Packard LaserJet 5100 (Q1860A), 16MB RAM, 21ppm & 1200 dpi with: HP IEEE-1284 A to B Parallel Cable (C2950A) and ·an additional toner cartridge (C4129X) OPTIONS ·additional 16MB SDRAM memory (C7843A) ·additional 32MB SDRAM memory (C7845A) ·auto-duplex unit (Q1864A) ·500-sheet paper feeder tray (Q1866A) ·HP's JetDirect 615n (EIO) int. print server, Fast Ethernet, 10/100BaseTX (J6057A) Hewlett Packard LaserJet 9000n (C8520A), 64MB RAM, 50ppm & 600 dpi with: an additional toner cartridge (C8543X) OPTIONS ·IEEE 1284 A to C Parallel Cable (C2946A) ·additional 16MB SDRAM memory (C7843A) ·additional 32MB SDRAM memory (C7845A) ·auto duplex unit for two sided printing (C8532A) Hewlett Packard DeskJet 6122 (C8954B), 600/2400 dpi black/color printer with: IEEE HP 6’ parallel printer cable (C2950A) additional ink cartridges (one blk, one clr) (51645A) & (C6578AN) OPTIONS HP’s regular black print cartridge (51645A) HP’s regular color print cartridge (C6578AN) Hewlett Packard DeskJet 1220 2400 dpi black/color printer with: IEEE HP 6’ parallel printer cable (C2950A) additional ink cartridges (one blk, one clr) (51645A) & (C6578AN) OPTIONS HP’s regular black print cartridge (51645A) HP’s regular color print cartridge (C6578AN) Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 2500L (C9705A), 64MB RAM, 16ppm blk/ 4ppm color, 600 dpi; additional toner cartridges (one of each color total of 4) (C9700A, C9701A, C9702A, C9703A) Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 2500n (C9707A), 64MB RAM, JetDirect 615n EIO, 600 dpi; additional toner cartridges (one of each color total of 4) (C9700A, C9701A, C9702A, C9703A) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 18 11. PRINTERS (CON’T.) Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4600 Color printer (C9660A), 96MB RAM, 17ppm black/color), 600 dpi; additional toner cartridges (one of each color total of 4) (C9720A, C9721A, C9722A, C9723A) Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4600dn Color printer (C9661A), 96MB RAM, JetDirect 615n EIO, 600 dpi additional toner cartridges (one of each color total of 4) (C9720A, C9721A, C9722A, C9723A) Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4600dtn Color printer (C9662A), 160MB RAM, JetDirect 615n EIO, duplex unit, additional 500 sheet input tray, 600 dpi ; additional toner cartridges (one of each color total of 4) (C9720A, C9721A, C9722A, C9723A) HP USB cable (a-b) 2 meter (C6518A) IEEE 1284 A to C Parallel Cable (C2946A) Hewlett Packard JetDirect 300X 10/100 External print server (J3263A) Hewlett Packard JetDirect 615n (EIO) Fast Ethernet Internal print server, RJ-45, 10/100Base-TX (J6057A) Xerox Phaser 7300 Color printer – 2400dpi Tabloid-size 37ppm black, 30ppm color (7300/YDX) additional high-capacity toner cartridges (one of each color - total 4) ( 016-1977-00, 016-1978-00, 016-1979-00, 016-1980-00) OPTIONS Two add. Yr. Svc., extended on-site for a total of 3 yr. (7300S3) Black High-Capacity Toner Cartridge – Phaser7300 (016-1980-00) Cyan High-Capacity Toner Cartridge – Phaser7300 (016-1977-00) Magenta High-Capacity Toner Cartridge – Phaser7300 (016-1978-00) Yellow High-Capacity Toner Cartridge – Phaser7300 (016-1979-00) Black, Imaging Unit – Phaser7300 (016-1996-00) Cyan Imaging Unit – Phaser7300 (016-1993-00) Magenta Imaging Unit – Phaser7300 (016-1994-00) Yellow Imaging Unit – Phaser7300 (016-1995-00) Imaging Unit Kit – Phaser7300 (1 Each cyan, magenta, yellow) (016-1997-00) Transfer Unit – Phaser7300 (016-2000-00) 110v Fuser – Phaser7300 (016-1998-00) Supplies Start Up it, Standard Media – Phaser7300 (7300SS/A) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 19 11. PRINTERS (CON’T.) Xerox DocuPrint N4525 Black&White printer (N4525/CN) – 1200dpi Tabloid-size 45ppm., Ethernet card, 64MB memory, hard disk and 2500 sheet feeder additional print cartridge (113R00195) OPTIONS Two add. Yr. Svc., extended on-site for a total of 3 yr. (4525S3) 64MB DIMM Option Kit (097S02358) N4525 3000 Sheet Finisher/Stacker, 3 hole punch (450S02180) Print Cartridge DocuPrint N4525 (113R00195) Staple Cartridge – Three, 5,000 each (108R00158) 12. SOFTWARE FOR OFFICE AUTOMATION If a specific software package in this category is upgraded during the course of this bid, the department may request the latest version when they order. The vendor will supply that version for the price quoted in this bid. Also, the department may specify to purchase the software on 3.5” media if available. This software can not be OEM software. Communications: Symantec PCAnywhere version 11.0 (XP/2000/NT/Me/Win9x) (10055294) Utilities: Norton Utilities 2002 version 6.0 for Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP (07-00-03295) Norton Ghost Corporate Edition 7.5 for 98/NT/2000/XP (07EB00043) Miscellaneous: Adobe PageMaker 7.0 for Windows9x/NT/2000 (27530341) Adobe PageMaker 7.0 for Windows9x/NT/2000 upgrade (27530363) 13. BACKUP SOFTWARE (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 (Workgroup Edition) (ARB6002700CUA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 (Advanced Edition) (ARB6001700CUA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE Tape Library Option (ARB6005700AEA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE Open Files Option (ARB6013700AEA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE Disaster Recovery Option (ARB6007700AEA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE SAN Option (ARB6030700AEA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE Optical Library Option (ARB6006700AEA) Upgrades: (CA) BrightStor AS/ASIT Single Server to ARCserve 2000 WE (ARU3201700CUA) (CA) BrightStor AS/ASIT WE to ARCserve 2000 AE (ARU6102700CUA) (CA) BrightStor AS EE/ASIT AE to ARCserve 2000 AE (ARU6103700CUA) Veritas Backup Exec for Windows NT/Windows 2000 Server Ed. V8.6 (E01774A) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 20 14. LICENSING SOFTWARE Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise V8.6 GVPL w/one year Gold Maintenance 25-99 user (10068614) Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise V8.6 GVPL w/one year Gold Maintenance Renewal for 500-1999 user (10068641) Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise V8.6 GVPL w/two year Gold Maintenance Renewal for 500-1999 user (10068647) 15. SCANNER HP ScanJet 5550C Digital Flatbed Scanner (C9919A) 2400 X 2400 dpi color scanner w/duplex unit; Bundled with Image-editing and OCR software HP ScanJet 7450C USB/SCSI Color Flatbed Scanner (C7715A) 2400 X 2400 dpi scanner bundled with Image-editing and OCR software and HP SCSI Card Kit E (C6271E) 16. FLUKE NETWORKING PRODUCTS Fluke Networks OptiView Gigabit SVS (OPVGIGPSVS) Fluke Networks OptiView Pro Gigabit (OPVGIG) Fluke WAN OC3/OC12 Hardware/Software Bundle (OPV-WAN/OC3/12/DVS) Fluke NetTool Pro (NT-PRO) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 21 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 a.m., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) ITEM DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 1: MICROCOMPUTERS 1. P4/2.4GHz PC w/80GB HD, 64MB VIDEO, 512MB DDR, etc Manufacturer's brand _____________________ _________ ______ 6 _____________ 2A. P4/2.8GHz PC w/80GB HD, 64 MB VIDEO, 512MB DDR. etc Manufacturer's brand _____________________ _________ ______ 6 _____________ 2B. P4/2.8GHz PC w/(2)80GB HD, 64MB VIDEO, 1GB DDR, etc Manufacturer's brand _____________________ _________ ______ 3 _____________ 3. P4/2.8GHz PC, w/(2)80GB HD, & (4)36.7GB HD,1GB DDR, etc Manufacturer's brand _____________________ _________ ______ 1 _____________ 4. (2) Xeon 2.4GHz PC w/(2)80GB HD, (4)73GB, 1GB DDR, etc Manufacturer's brand _____________________ _________ ______ 1 _____________ Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 22 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 a.m., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 1: MICROCOMPUTERS (CON’T.) OPTIONS TO BE INCLUDED WITH THE SYSTEM KDS VS-7g or Samsung 765MB – 17" SVGA color monitor _________ ______ Manufacturer Used: ________________________ KDS VS-190p or Samsung 955DF – 19” SVGA color monitor _________ ______ Manufacturer Used: ________________________ D-Link 10/100 PCI RJ45 LAN card (DFE-530TX) _________ ______ D-Link Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (DGE-500T) _________ ______ EtherExpress PRO/100S PCI LAN card (PILA8460C3) _________ ______ Intel PRO/1000 MT PCI (PWLA8390MT) _________ ______ 56k bps fax/modem (Hayes compat.) Int. – No WinModems _________ ______ Additional 512 MB PC-3200 400MHz (DDR) _________ ______ Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! (5.1 Dolby Digital) card _________ ______ Altec Lansing 220 Speakers w/AC. adapter, headphone jack _________ ______ CD-RW - Plextor PX-W4824TA/SW int’l 48X24X48X EIDE w/Adaptec Easy CD Creator, cables (Winx/NT/2000) _________ ______ DVD-ROM - Toshiba SD-M1612 or Sony DDU1621/C1 int’l 16X EIDE w/software, cables (Win98/NT/2000) _________ ______ Microsoft Windows Pro 2000 (installed) _________ ______ Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2000 (installed) _________ ______ 7 __________ 7 __________ 7 1 7 3 3 1 7 7 1 __________ 1 __________ 3 __________ 3 __________ A 5% SURETY MUST ACCOMPANY THIS CATEGORY Category 1: MICROCOMPUTERS - Aggregate Net Total __________________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip __________ _________ __________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 23 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 a.m., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE QTY TOTAL PRICE KDS XF-7g – 17" SVGA color monitor KDS XF-9e – 19” SVGA color monitor KDS RAD-5c – 15” LCD Display KDS RAD-7c – 17” LCD Display _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ 10 3 1 1 __________ __________ __________ __________ Samsung 765MB – Ivory – 17" SVGA color monitor Samsung 955DF – Ivory – 19” SVGA color monitor Samsung 1200NF – Ivory – 22" SVGA color monitor Samsung 152B – Silver – 15” LCD Display Samsung 172B – Silver – 17” LCD Display Samsung 191N – Silver – 19” LCD Display _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 3 1 1 1 1 1 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ NEC MultiSync FE791SB - 17" monitor NEC MultiSync FP912 - 19" monitor NEC MultiSync FP2141 - 22" monitor NEC MultiSync LCD1560M – White – 15” LCD monitor NEC MultiSync LCD1760VM – White – 17” LCD monitor NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX – White – 19” LCD monitor _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1 1 1 1 1 1 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Category 2: MONITORS Category 2: MONITORS- Aggregate Net Total __________________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 24 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 a.m., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE 80GB IDE hd ATA/100 7200 RPM (Seagate, Maxtor or WD) 120GB IDE hd ATA/100 7200 RPM (Seagate, Maxtor, WD) _________ _________ ______ ______ 3 ____________ 3 ____________ 18.4GB Ultra160 SCSI hard drive (Maxtor Atlas 10K KW018L2) _________ ______ 1 ____________ 36.7GB Ultra320 SCSI hard drive (Seagate ST336607LC) _________ ______ 3 ____________ 73GB Ultra320 SCSI hard drive (Seagate ST373307LW) 73GB Ultra320 SCSI hard drive (Seagate ST373453LW) _________ _________ ______ ______ 1 ____________ 1 ____________ 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive (Mitsumi) _________ ______ 5 ____________ 29160 kit for 64-bit PCI to Ultra160 (LVD) SCSI cont. (Adp) 39160 kit for 64-bit PCI to Ultra160 (LVD) SCSI cont. (Adp) SCSI Raid 2010S Kit for PCI to Ultra320 SCSI cont. (Adp) SCSI Raid 2120S Kit for PCI to Ultra320 SCSI cont. (Adp) _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1 1 1 1 CD-ROM Int. 52X EIDE w/sft, cbls (Mitsumi, Cre Labs) CD-RW Int 48X24X48X EIDE w/sft, cbls (Plextor PX-W4824TA/SW) DVD-ROM Int. 16X EIDE w/sft, cbls (Tosh, SD-M1612) DVD-ROM Int. 16X EIDE w/sft, cbls (Sony DDU1621/C1) _________ ______ 5 ____________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ 3 ____________ 1 ____________ 1 ____________ DESCRIPTION QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 3: STORAGE DEVICES Category 3: STORAGE DEVICES:- Aggregate Net Total __________________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 25 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 a.m., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ 1 __________ 1 __________ 20 __________ _________ _________ ______ ______ 1 __________ 1 __________ Exabyte Mammoth-2 LVD 60-150GB External Tape Drive (270004-1099) _________ (Please include the cost of a PCI SCSI-2 controller Adaptec, Bus Logic) ______ 1 __________ ______ ______ 5 __________ 5 __________ ______ 1 __________ _________ _________ ______ ______ 5 __________ 5 __________ _________ ______ 2 __________ _________ _________ ______ ______ 1 __________ 1 __________ DESCRIPTION QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 4: MASS STORAGE DEVICES Exabyte 430M Plus M-2 Tape Library Fiber, 30 slot/4.5TB (270019-1529) OPTIONS: M-2 Internal add-on, fiber channel drive carrier (1008542) Rack mount kit (1004731) Exabyte 225m AME with SmartClean (00558) Exabyte 430M/215M Exapak (magazine loaded w10 carts.)(00719) Professional Installation Program (1008989) Exabyte 225m AME with SmartClean cart. (00558) Mammoth 18c Cleaning Cartridge (315205) _________ _________ Exabyte VXA-2 LVD 80-160GB External Tape Drive (115.00500) ________ (Please include the cost of a PCI SCSI-2 controller Adaptec, Bus Logic) Exabyte V23 (230m) tape cart. (111.00121) VXA-1 cleaning cart (111.00109) Certance TapeStor Travan - Internal ATAPI IDE 40GB Tape Drive (STT220000A-RDT) 3 pack Travan STTM40 Tape Cartridge (STTM40-3) Single Pack Travan cleaning cart. (STTMCL) Category 4: MASS STORAGE DEVICE - Aggregate Net Total ______________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Zip Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 26 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 a.m., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE Twisted pair/plenum - 1,000' (Enhanced Cat5E) _________ ______ 3 _____________ Twisted pair Patch Cables - 3' (Cat5E) Twisted pair Patch Cables - 15' (Cat5E) _________ _________ ______ ______ 20 _____________ 20 _____________ 3’ colored (red or orange) cross over cable 15’ colored (red or orange) cross over cable _________ _________ ______ ______ 5 _____________ 5 _____________ Wall Mount Bix Terminal (10 Base T) Northern Telecom (U/93) A0400236 QNE3SN8/A(102) or Nordx/CDT (NXTOBS1B-02 (AX100387)) _________ ______ 20 _____________ _________ ______ 5 _____________ DESCRIPTION QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 5: NETWORK WIRING AND COMPONENTS 24 Port Patch Panel (Cat 5E) w/bracket (Ortronics or AMP) (Please include the cost of a wall mount bracket) Category 5: NETWORK WIRING AND COMPONENTS - Aggregate Net Total __________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 27 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE Intel EtherExpress PRO/100S PCI (PILA8460C3) Intel PRO/1000 MT PCI (PWLA8390MT) _________ _________ ______ ______ 6 _________ 3 _________ D-Link 10/100 PCI RJ45 network adapter (DFE-530TX+) D-Link Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (DGE-500T) _________ _________ ______ ______ 6 _________ 1 _________ D-Link 10/100 PCMCIA Network Adapter (DFE-690TXD) D-Link Tri-Mode DualBand Wireless CardBus Adapter (DWL-AG650) _________ _________ ______ ______ 2 _________ 1 _________ D-Link 5-port 10/100 desktop switch (DSS-5+) D-Link 8-port 10/100 desktop switch (DSS-8+) _________ _________ ______ ______ 2 _________ 6 _________ Linksys Etherfast 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch (EF3508) _________ ______ 1 _________ DESCRIPTION QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 6: NETWORK CARDS & SWITCHES Category 6: NETWORK CARDS & SWITCHES - Aggregate Net Total ______________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 28 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE _________ ______ 3 __________ Microsoft Wheel Mouse (Optical) w/ mouse pad (PS/2) Microsoft IntelliMouse (Optical) w/wheel, mouse pad (PS/2) Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer (Optical) w/ mouse pad (PS/2 compatible) Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop (keybd/mouse) w/ mouse pad (PS/2 compatible) _________ _________ ______ ______ 3 __________ 3 __________ _________ ______ 3 __________ _________ ______ 3 __________ Microsoft Trackball Optical (D67-00001) Logitech Trackman Wheel Optical (904353-0403) _________ _________ ______ ______ 1 __________ 1 __________ IOGear MiniView Micro 2-Port KVM Switch w/Built-in Cables (IOGear - GCS62) _________ ______ 2 __________ ATEN 4-Port KVM Switch (ATEN – CS-114A) ATEN 8-Port KVM Switch (ATEN – CS-138A) KVM 6’ Cable kit (APC - 58PS-6, ATEN - 2L-1001P/C, or Belkin - F3X1105-06) KVM 10’ Cable kit (APC - 58PS-10, ATEN - 2L-1003P/C, or Belkin - F3X1105-10) _________ _________ ______ ______ 2 __________ 1 __________ _________ ______ 8 __________ _________ ______ 4 __________ 8MB SVGA PCI Video card (Jaton – Video-107PCI-30) 64MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 7500 64MB DDR) (Win98/ME/2000) 128MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 9200 128MB DDR) (Win98/ME/2000) 128MB AGP Video card (ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 128MB DDR) (Win98/ME/2000/NT) _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 5 __________ _________ ______ 2 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! (5.1 Dolby Digital) card _________ ______ 5 __________ Altec Lansing 220 Speakers w/AC adapter, headphone jack Altec Lansing 221 Speakers w/AC adapter, headphone jack _________ _________ ______ ______ 5 __________ 2 __________ DESCRIPTION QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 7: MISCELLANEOUS 104-Key Enhanced keyboard PS/2 (Keytronics, Mitsumi, NMB) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 29 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE 128MB PC-133 SDRAM DIMM Manufacturer’s brand____________________ 256MB PC-133 SDRAM DIMM Manufacturer’s brand____________________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ 128MB PC-800 MHz RDRAM (Rambus) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ 256MB PC-800 MHz RDRAM (Rambus) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ 512MB PC-800 MHz RDRAM (Rambus) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ 128MB PC-1066 MHz RDRAM (Rambus) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ 256MB PC-1066 MHz RDRAM (Rambus) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ 512MB PC-1066 MHz RDRAM (Rambus) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ 128MB DDR PC-2100 266MHz SDRAM Manufacturer’s brand____________________ 256MB DDR PC-2100 266MHz SDRAM Manufacturer’s brand____________________ 512MB DDR PC-2100 266MHz SDRAM Manufacturer’s brand____________________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ 128MB DDR PC-3200 400MHz SDRAM Manufacturer’s brand____________________ 256MB DDR PC-3200 400MHz SDRAM Manufacturer’s brand____________________ 512MB DDR PC-3200 400MHz SDRAM Manufacturer’s brand____________________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ Pentium II/III CPU Cooling Fan for SECC2 (ball bearing) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ Pentium II/III CPU Cooling Fan for FCPGA (ball bearing) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ Pentium 4 CPU Cooling Fan for Socket 423 (ball bearing) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ Pentium 4 CPU Cooling Fan for Socket 478 (ball bearing) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ DESCRIPTION QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 7: MISCELLANEOUS (CON’T.) Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 30 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ ______ 3 __________ ______ 3 __________ ______ 2 __________ ______ ______ 2 __________ 2 __________ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2 2 2 2 QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 7: MISCELLANEOUS (CON’T.) Xeon CPU Cooling Fan (Socket 603 - ball bearing) Manufacturer’s brand____________________ Medium/two-thirds ATX tower case for a Pentium III/4 with a minimum 300w, "Class B" approved power supply Full tower ATX case for a Pentium III/4 with a minimum 400w, “Class B” approved power supply and 8 available drive bays CD-R 700MB (48x) 80min (Verbatim - 94357 or Memorex - 32024514) w/ jewel case (10 pk) _________ CD-RW 650/700MB (Verbatim - 94457 or Memorex - 32023417) w/ jewel case (10 pk) _________ CD-R 700MB (48x) 80 min 50 Spindle Pack (Verbatim – 94364 or Memorex - 32024563) _________ CD Slim Jewel Cases 50 pack (Verbatim - 94178 or Memorex - 32021951) _________ CD Sleeves - double-sided, plastic, 50 pk (Fellowes - 90659) _________ CD Sleeves - white, paper with window, 50 pk (Memorex - 32021960) _________ CD Sleeve File - 100 Capacity (Fellowes - 90660) _________ CD Wallet – Koskin 92 Disk (Case Logic KSW 92) _________ CD Wallet – Nylon 64 Disk Capacity (Case Logic CDW64) _________ SanDisk Imagemate USB 6 in 1 Reader/Writer – SDDR-86 _________ ______ 1 __________ 3 volt Lithium battery (CR2032) 6 volt Lithium battery (for PC) _________ _________ ______ ______ 5 __________ 2 __________ Category 7: MISCELLANEOUS - Aggregate Net Total ____________________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date __________ __________ __________ __________ Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 31 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER DESCRIPTION Category 8: COMMUNICATIONS UNIT PRICE QTY TOTAL PRICE All external modems must come with a six (6) foot 25 pin M – 9 pin F serial modem cable 56K bps fax/modem (Hayes compatible) Internal (ISA – NO WinModems) Manufacturer’s brand _______________ Internal (PCI – NO WinModems) Manufacturer’s brand _______________ External Manufacturer’s brand _______________ 56k bps PCMCIA fax/modem (Hayes compatible) Manufacturer’s brand_______________ Castelle FaxPress SBE Ethernet 10/100 Base T, Win NT/2000 compatible (1-line) (66298601-093) Castelle FaxPress 2500 Ethernet 10/100 Base T, Win NT/2000 compatible (2-line) (66298601-094) Castelle FaxPress 5000 Ethernet 10/100 Base T, Win NT/2000 compatible (4-line) (66298601-048) _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ Category 8: COMMUNICATIONS - Aggregate Net Total ____________________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 32 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 9: MOTHERBOARDS AND PROCESSORS ALL MOTHERBOARDS WITH 0MB RAM & Y2K COMPLIANT & BE ON MICROSOFT’S NT 4.0 HCL: Intel Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 mb (D850EMV2L w/ Audio, Lan) Intel Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 mb (D875PBZLK w/ Lan) _________ _________ ______ ______ 1 __________ 1 __________ DFI Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 mb (LANPARTY PRO875 w/ Audio, Lan) _________ ______ 1 __________ Asus Pentium 4 ATX Socket 478 mb (P4C800-E Deluxe w/ Audio, Lan) _________ ______ 1 __________ Intel Pentium 4 Xeon Dual Processor motherboard (SE7501BR2) _________ ______ 1 __________ Intel P4 2.4GHz processor Socket 478 (533MHz) w/ fan (ball bearing) Intel P4 2.4GHz processor Socket 478 (800MHz) w/ fan (ball bearing) Intel P4 2.8GHz processor Socket 478 (800MHz) w/ fan (ball bearing) _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ 1 __________ 1 __________ 1 __________ Intel Xeon 2.4GHz/512k 533MHz proc. w/ fan (ball-bearing) Intel Xeon 2.66GHz/512k 533MHz proc. w/ fan (ball-bearing) Intel Xeon 2.8GHz/512k 533MHz proc. w/ fan (ball-bearing) _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ 1 __________ 1 __________ 1 __________ Category 9: MOTHERBOARDS AND PROCESSORS - Aggregate Net Total _____________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 33 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE QTY TOTAL PRICE Back-UPS PRO 1400 uninter pwr supply (APC) (BP1400) Smart-UPS 1500 uninter pwr supply (APC) (SUA1500) Back-UPS 650 uninter pwr supply (APC) (BK650MC) Smart-UPS 700 uninter pwr supply (APC) (SU700NET) Back-UPS ES 350 uninter pwr supply (APC) (BE350U) Back-UPS CS 350 uninter pwr supply (APC) (BK350) Smart-UPS 420 uninter pwr supply (APC) (SU420NET) _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2 1 4 1 6 3 1 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ SurgeArrest Personal (PER7) - protection (APC) SurgeArrest Personal w/Tel (PER7T) - protection (APC) _________ _________ ______ ______ 12 ___________ 1 ___________ DESCRIPTION Category 10: POWER PROTECTION Category 10: POWER PROTECTION - Aggregate Net Total _______________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 34 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE QTY Category 11: PRINTERS All printers must come with a six (6) foot parallel printer cable or appropriate cable for the printer Okidata 591 (LQ, 24 pin, wide) Okidata 521 (NLQ, 9 pin, wide) Okidata 395 (LQ, 24 pin, wide) Okidata 590 (LQ, 24 pin, narrow) Okidata 520 (NLQ, 9 pin, narrow) Okidata 320 Turbo (NLQ, 9 pin, narrow) _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hewlett Packard LaserJet 1300 (Q1334A) with HP IEEE-1284 A to B Parallel Cable (C2950A) and ·an additional HP smart print high cap. toner cart. (Q2613X)________ OPTIONS additional 8MB RAM (C7842A) _________ ______ 4 ___________ ______ 1 ___________ ______ 5 ___________ ______ ______ 2 ___________ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1 1 1 1 1 Hewlett Packard LaserJet 2300 (Q2472A) with HP IEEE-1284 A to B Parallel Cable (C2950A) and an additional HP smart print high cap. toner cart. (Q2610A)_________ OPTIONS additional 8MB RAM (C7842A) _________ HP's JetDirect 615N (EIO) (J6057A) _________ Hewlett Packard LaserJet 5100 (Q1860A) with HP IEEE-1284 A to B Parallel Cable (C2950A) and an additional toner cartridge (C4129X) OPTIONS additional 16MB SDRAM memory (C7843A) additional 32MB SDRAM memory (C7845A) auto-duplex unit (Q1864A) 500-sheet paper feeder tray (Q1866A) HP’s JetDirect 615N (EIO) (J6057A) ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 35 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE QTY Category 11: PRINTERS (CON’T.) All printers must come with a six (6) foot parallel printer cable or appropriate cable for the printer Hewlett Packard LaserJet 9000n (C8520A) with an additional toner cart. (C8543X) OPTIONS IEEE 1284 bi-directional cable (C2946A) additional 16MB SDRAM (C7843A) additional 32MB SDRAM memory (C7845A) auto duplex unit for two sided printing (C8532A) _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1 1 1 1 Hewlett Packard DeskJet 6122 (C8954B) with an IEEE HP 6’ parallel cable (C2950A) and additional ink cartridges (one blk, one clr) (51645A) & (C6578AN) OPTIONS HP’s black print cartridge (51645A) HP’s color print cartridge (C6578AN) _________ ______ 5 ___________ _________ _________ ______ ______ 6 ___________ 6 ___________ Hewlett Packard DeskJet 1220cxi (C2694A) with an IEEE HP 6’ parallel cable (C2950A) and additional ink cartridges (one blk, one clr) (51645A) & (C6578AN) OPTIONS HP’s black print cartridge (51645A) HP’s color print cartridge (C6578AN) _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ _________ ______ ______ 6 ___________ 6 ___________ Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 2500L (C9705A) with, , additional toner cartridges (one of each color total of 4) (C9700A, C9701A, C9702A, C9703A) _________ ______ 1 __________ Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 2500n (C9707A) with, additional toner cartridges (one of each color total of 4) (C9700A, C9701A, C9702A, C9703A) _________ ______ 1 __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 36 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE QTY Category 11: PRINTERS (CON’T.) All printers must come with a six (6) foot parallel printer cable or appropriate cable for the printer Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4600 (C9660A) with additional toner cartridges (one of each clr total of 4) (C9720A, C9721A, C9722A, C9723A) _________ ______ 1 ___________ Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4600dn (C9661A) with additional toner cartridges (one of each clr total of 4) (C9720A, C9721A, C9722A, C9723A) _________ ______ 1 ___________ Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4600dtn (C9662A) with additional toner cartridges (one of each clr total of 4) (C9720A, C9721A, C9722A, C9723A) _________ ______ 1 ___________ HP USB cable (a-b) 2 meter (C6518A) IEEE 1284 A to C Parallel Cable (C2946A) HP JetDirect Card 615n Internal print server (EIO)(J6057A) HP JetDirect Card 300X 10/100 External print server (J3263A) _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1 1 1 1 _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Xerox Phaser 7300 Color Printer (7300/YDX) with additional toner cartridges (one of each clr total of 4) (016-1977-00, 016-1978-00, 016-1979-00, 016-1980-00) OPTIONS Two add. Yr. Svc., for a total of 3 years (7300S3) Black High-Capacity Toner Cartridge (016-1980-00) Cyan High-Capacity Toner Cartridge (016-1977-00) Magenta High-Capacity Toner Cartridge (016-1978-00) Yellow High-Capacity Toner Cartridge (016-1979-00) Black, Imaging Unit (016-1996-00) Cyan, Imaging Unit (016-1993-00) Magenta, Imaging Unit (016-1994-00) Yellow, Imaging Unit (016-1995-00) Imaging Unit Kit – Phaser7300 (016-1997-00) Transfer Unit (016-2000-00) 110v Fuser (016-1998-00) Supplies Start-Up Kit Standard Media (7300SS/A) ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 37 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE QTY Category 11: PRINTERS (CON’T.) All printers must come with a six (6) foot parallel printer cable or appropriate cable for the printer Xerox DocuPrint N4525 Black&White printer (N4525/CN) with an additional print cartridge (113R00195) OPTIONS Two add. Yr. Svc., for a total of 3 yr. (4525S3) 64MB DIMM Option Kit (097S02358) Sheet Finisher/Stacker, 3 hole punch (450S02180) Print Cartridge DocuPrint N4525 (113R00195) Staple Cartridge – Three, 5,000 each (108R00158) _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1 1 1 1 1 Category 11: PRINTERS - Aggregate Net Total _________________________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Zip Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 38 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 12: SOFTWARE FOR OFFICE AUTOMATION If a specific software package in this category is upgraded during the course of this bid, the department may request the latest version when they order. The vendor will supply that version for the price quoted in this bid. Also, the department may specify to purchase the software on 3.5” media if available. This software cannot be OEM software. Communications: Symantec PCAnywhere for Windows ver. 11.0 (Host/Remote package) (10055294) _________ ______ 1 ____________ _________ ______ 1 ____________ _________ ______ 1 ____________ Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Plus for Win9x/NT/2000 (27530341) _________ Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Plus for Win9x/NT/200 upgrade (27530363)_________ ______ ______ 1 ____________ 1 ____________ Utilities: Norton Utilities 2002 v6.0 for Win98/ME/NT/2000/XP (07-00-03295) Norton Ghost Corporate Ed. 7.5 for Win98/ME/NT/2K/XP (07EB00043) Miscellaneous: Category 12: SOFTWARE FOR OFFICE AUTOMATION - Aggregate Net Total _______________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 39 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) DESCRIPTION Category 13: BACKUP SOFTWARE (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 (Workgroup Edition) (ARB6002700CUA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 (Advanced Edition) (ARB6001700CUA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE Tape Library Option (ARB6005700AEA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE Open Files Option (ARB6013700AEA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE Disaster Recovery Option (ARB6007700AEA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE SAN Option (ARB6030700AEA) (CA) BrightStor ARCserve 2000 AE Optical Library Option (ARB6006700AEA) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 __________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ _________ ______ 1 ___________ QTY TOTAL PRICE Upgrades: (CA) BrightStor AS/ASIT Single Server to ARCserve 2000 WE (ARU3201700CUA) (CA) BrightStor AS/ASIT WE to ARCserve 2000 AE (ARU6102700CUA) (CA) BrightStor AS EE/ASIT AE to ARCserve 2000 AE (ARU6103700CUA) Veritas Backup Exec for Windows NT/2000 Server Ed. 8.6 (E01774A) Category 13: BACKUP SOFTWARE - Aggregate Net Total _______________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 40 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE _________ ______ 50 _________ _________ ______ 600 _________ _________ ______ 600 _________ QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 14: LICENSING SOFTWARE Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise V8.6 GVLP w/one year Gold Maintenance 25-99 user (10068614) Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise V8.6 GVLP w/one year renewal Gold Maintenance 500-1999 user (10068641) Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise V8.6 GVLP w/two year renewal Gold Maintenance 500-1999 user (10068647) Category 14: LICENSING SOFTWARE - Aggregate Net Total _______________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 41 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE QTY HP ScanJet 5550C (C9919A) USB Color Flatbed Scanner 2400 X 2400 dpi with image-editing & OCR software and parallel cable _________ ______ 1 ___________ HP ScanJet 7450C (C7715A) USB/SCSI Color Flatbed Scanner with Document Feeder, 2400 X 2400 dpi with image-editing & OCR software and SCSI Card Kit E. (C6271E) _________ ______ 1 ___________ DESCRIPTION TOTAL PRICE Category 15: SCANNER Category 15: SCANNER - Aggregate Net Total _______________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Zip Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 42 OFFICIAL BID FORM Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) PRODUCT NUMBER UNIT PRICE Fluke Networks OptiView Gigabit SVS (OPVGIGPSVS) _________ ______ 1 __________ Fluke Networks OptiView Pro Gigabit (OPVGIG) _________ ______ 1 __________ Fluke WAN OC3/OC12 Hardware/Software Bundle (OPV-WAN/OC3/12/DVS) _________ ______ 1 __________ Fluke NetTool Pro (NT-PRO) _________ ______ 1 __________ DESCRIPTION QTY TOTAL PRICE Category 16: FLUKE NETWORKING PRODUCTS Category 16: FLUKE NETWORKING PRODUCTS - Aggregate Net Total _______________________________ Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE Zip Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 43 OFFICIAL BID FORM SUMMARY SHEET Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) Category 1: MICROCOMPUTERS* Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 2: MONITORS Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 3: STORAGE DEVICES Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 4: MASS STORAGE DEVICES Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 5: NETWORK WIRING AND COMPONENTS Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 6: NETWORK CARDS & SWITCHES Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 7: MISCELLANEOUS Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 8: COMMUNICATIONS Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 9: MOTHERBOARDS AND PROCESSORS Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 10: POWER PROTECTION Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 11: PRINTERS Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Date: August 12, 2003 Bid No.: RFB-03-42 Page 44 OFFICIAL BID FORM SUMMARY SHEET (CON’T.) Date and submission of bids up to and including Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:00 A.M., at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. (See bid specs for additional included accessories on all of the following items.) Category 12: SOFTWARE FOR OFFICE AUTOMATION Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 13: BACKUP SOFTWARE Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 14: LICENSING SOFTWARE Aggregate Net Total _________________________ Category 15: SCANNER Aggregate Net Total ________________________ Category 16: FLUKE NETWORKING PRODUCTS Aggregate Net Total ________________________ *A five percent (5%) surety is required for Category #1 - Totals entered on this bid form should agree with the totals entered on the itemized bid forms. Return bid forms, surety and signed Local Law/Non-Collusive bidding certification. Bidder Address Authorized Signature Date Phone City State Zip Print Name Federal Tax ID # RETURN IN ENCLOSED BID ENVELOPE