Scientific Investigation Write Up Lab Write up should be neat, and easily readable Raw data should be included (data you actually collected). Underline each section so that it is easily identifiable. Title – Create a title that describes the investigation. Introduction: Question – The challenge here is to come up with a question that is testable in an experiment you can perform. Clearly identify the variable you will change (independent variable) and the variable you will measure (dependent variable). Write the question in the form: “What effect does …IV have on …DV.” Note: If there is no independent variable in the experiment then briefly explain the purpose for doing the activity. If the lab is not a controlled experiment, then state the purpose of the lab. Hypothesis – Your hypothesis should include: What you think the answer to your question will be, and why. Writing the hypothesis in the if … then … form helps to make it specific. Variables 1. 2. 3. - List your variables Independent variable (IV – the thing you change) Dependent variable (DV – the thing you measure) 3 Control Variables (CV – the things that stay the same) Materials: list all materials you used Method: Procedures – Briefly summarizing the procedures of the lab. 1. Number your procedures in order. 2. Do not simply copy the procedures, write them in your own words. Diagram of Set-up - Small sketch that shows the lab in progress. Results: Blank Data Table – Data table is ready for you to start entering data when you arrive. Data – Create an experiment that allows you to quantify (measure with numbers) your results. 1. Display your raw data a table 2. Create a graph of data to communicate important data that answers your questions. (IV on X axis and DV on Y axis) 3. All data and graphs must be labeled with Title and Units 4. Show at least one example of each calculation Discussion: Questions – Either write out the questions or include the questions in the answers. Conclusion – Discuss the results and validity of your experiment. 1. Restate the question. 2. State your answer to the question. 3. Do the results support your hypothesis? 4. Discuss at least two sources of error in your data that would result from the design or logistics your experiment. Grade 9&10 Lab Rubric Date:______ Name:____________ ECA standard Standard 9 – Designs Experiments C= complete P= partial N= none Partner:_________ Lab:_________ Aspects Defining Problem or Research Question identifies focused problem or research specific to this lab __contains independent & dependent variables C Level Formulating a hypothesis or prediction __ hypothesis related to aim __ is quantitative if possible __ explained & justified relevant background on topic is included Selecting Variables __ includes relevant independent variables dependent variable stated __ all controlled variables are stated P N C P N 7 or 6 6 or 5 5 or 4 4 4 or 3 3 3 or 2 2 1 or 0 CCC CCP CCN CPP PPP CPN PPN CNN PNN , NNN 7 or 6 6 or 5 5 or 4 4 4 or 3 3 3 or 2 2 1 or 0 C P N Selecting appropriate apparatus or materials Designing a method for the control of variables Method for collection of sufficient relevant data appropriate equipment selected __ list or diagram included __ diagram is labeled __ sizes/quantities included __ methods of how to control variables are stated in plan __ procedure detailed enough in numbered format that a peer can follow & produce same results __ relevant data collected __ irrelevant data not collected __ sufficient range of independent variable __ sample size is at least 5 __ multiple trials are planned for C P N CCC CCP CCN CPP PPP CPN PPN CNN PNN , NNN C P N C P N Standard 10 – Collects and processes data C= complete P= partial N= none Collecting & Recording Data Organizing & Presenting Raw Data __ raw data related to problem __ all correct units are included __ uncertainties are included (margin of error) __ all data collected is included __ raw quantitative data is presented in table format with ruled columns & rows __ observations neat and in order __ has meaningful title __ table is complete and understandable C P N Processing Raw Data __ correct type/method of calculations performed __ (if applicable) drawings correctly labeled __ sample calculations shown for every type of calculation __averages of several measurements taken __data transformed so it may be represented graphically __ drawing lines of best fit and determining gradients Drawing Valid Conclusions __ correct interpretation/conclusion __ conclusion is in agreement w/ accepted ideals or literature __ explanation of how the conclusion was reached (based upon results) C P N 7 or 6 6 or 5 or 4 5 or 4 4 or 3 3 or 2 1 or 0 CC CP CN PP PN NN 7 or 6 6 or 5 or 4 5 or 4 4 or 3 3 or 2 1 or 0 C P N Presenting Processed Data __ correct choice of presentation to show patterns & relationships (graph or chart, table, etc) __ correct units used in table/graph __ meaningful titles or headings used __ answers given are to correct # of significant digits margin of error given for processing __ include error bars on graphs where significant __draw line of min and max gradient __determine uncertainty in best straight-line gradient __ graph is laid out clearly & large enough /neatly (graph paper, ruler used, etc.) C P N Standard 11 – Draws conclusions and evaluates experiments CC CP CN PP PN NN C P N Evaluating procedure & Results __ comparison of hypothesis & conclusion included __ explanation for differences included __ evaluation of reliability of results C P N Improving the investigation __ specifically identify all weaknesses __ impact of the problems on results stated __ for each problem a suggestion for improvement is given CCC CCP CCN CPP PPP CPN PPN CNN PNN , NNN 7 or 6 6 or 5 5 or 4 4 4 or 3 3 3 or 2 2 1 or 0 CCC CCP CCN CPP PPP CPN PPN CNN PNN , NNN 7 or 6 6 or 5 5 or 4 4 4 or 3 3 3 or 2 2 1 or 0 C P N Standard 12Manipulates equipment Follows Instructions Carries out techniques correctly Works safely