File - St Paul's Lutheran Church

March 7, 2016
Faith, Family, Education to God
Crusaders’ Chronicles
Worship Service Opportunities
Sun. Jan. 10 Worship/Com @8:15 & 10:30 a.m., Mon. Jan. 11 Worship @6:30 p.m.
Wed. Jan. 13 Chapel @8:15 a.m.
Acolyte Schedule for Sunday, January 10, 2016
Makenna Jaeger and Madison Hanna are scheduled for the early service and Orion
Olson and Kaden Bonikowske are scheduled for the late service. If you are unable
to serve, please ask a friend to do it for you. Thank you.
School Prayer Postcards
At St. Paul Lutheran School, we believe in the power of prayer! Because we
know that prayer can impact lives and families, each week we pray for 2-3
chosen families.
We will be praying for the following school families this week: Matt Timm and
We ask that you include these families in your prayers this week.
Thursday, Jan. 7
B-ball @ Celebration 4:45 pm mixed girls,
Bb, Ab.
Friday, Jan. 8
PTO snack day. Wear your green & gold.
Sunday, Jan. 10
Grades 4K-sing @10:30 service.
Monday, Jan. 11
Girls B-ball practice 3-5 pm. B-ball
pictures taken.
Tuesday, Jan. 12
B-ball @St. John’s Berlin 4:30 pm Ag, Bb,
Wednesday, Jan. 13
Food drive begins. Boys B-ball practice 3-5
pm. Cheer practice 3-4 pm. B-ball & Cheer pictures taken.
This Friday is a PTO Snack Friday. There will be cheese curds and
sausage for sale during the morning recess for $1.00.
The St. Paul School Food Drive will be held from January 13 to 27. The following
items will be collected this year: personal hygiene items (combs, toothpaste,
shampoo, Band-Aids), paper products, canned vegetables, cans of soup, peanut
butter, canned meat (tuna, Spam, chicken) rice, canned fruit, pie filling,
condensed milk, cake mixes, frosting, instant pudding, stuffing mix, sweet
potatoes, instant potatoes, gravy mixes, cans of juice (tomato, orange, fruit punch, or other
fruit type. We are asking students and families to donate whatever they wish. Thank you.
Girls’ basketball pictures will be taken on Monday, January 11 during practice and
the boys’ and cheer pictures will be taken on Wednesday, January 13 during
practice. Remember your uniforms!
The January Monthly and Quarterly Education Fee Payments were due on
January 4, 2016. Payments received after January 15th will be assessed a
$15.00 late fee.
THRIVENT CHOICE – deposited $417.00 into our school account on behalf of the Thrivent
for Lutherans’ Thrivent Choice program. Thrivent Financial members directing Choice Dollars
to our school were Sheri Bailey, Brian Elmhorst, Lori Elmhorst, Helen Johnson, Randy
Steingraber and Pamela Sturm. Thank you.
Wear your green and gold on Friday, Jan. 8. Go Pack Go!
The chapel offerings collected on Wednesdays will be used to sponsor
Aldolfo Gustavo. Your sponsorship commitment will help provide Adolfo
Gustavo and his community with better health thanks to clean water,
vitamins, and education in disease prevention. Families will benefit from
nutritious food as farmers are trained how to produce improved crops
and keep their livestock healthy. Youth will receive vocational training,
and hygiene education will decrease sickness. And through our
partnership with local churches, children will learn about the surpassing
love of Jesus Christ. Additional chapel offerings will be used to
support the Old Glory Flights and the LCMS Hearts for Jesus national
campaign. Please consider sending a weekly chapel offering with your
child every Wednesday. So far this semester, Chapel offerings total
$325.54. Thank you for your support.
Principal Brian Elmhorst – Extension 1011
-message through FastDirect
The third graders will be beginning an introduction to multiplication. The key for
memorization of math facts is practice, practice, practice. How many times did the students
rehearse their Christmas program parts, both in school and at home? I am sure many. The
same practice is necessary for multiplication facts. This process can be aided by technology
and made more fun. Below is a list of websites that host multiplication games. You can use
them, or simple flashcards also work.
The fourth graders are mastering area and perimeter in math class. We are learning to use
formulas and fancy words like diameter and radius, as well as perpendicular and intersecting.
The fifth graders are mastering standard form, expanded form and expanded notation. They
also will be working on two and three digit multiplication soon. A review on multiplication facts
would help all of the students. The sixth graders are well into fractions this time of year.
The students are adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. They are even
working with unlike denominators.
The seventh and eighth graders are working on average problems and missing
numbers in an average problem. Some of them are also graphing
linear equations on a coordinate plane, and multiplying polynomials.
Big words, but not too difficult.
Principal Brian Elmhorst – Extension 1011
-message through FastDirect
The end of the quarter is quickly approaching with second quarter/first semester ending on
Friday, January 15th. Students are required to read independently for each quarter and
acquire 10 Accelerated Reader points. This independent reading will amount to 25% of the
student’s final reading grade. Many students have already met this requirement, while others
are waiting for the final days to accomplish this task. Please ask your students if they have
met this requirement.
New to the St. Paul Lutheran Church and School website are maps and address listings to all
away basketball games. Please check this out at Click on the school
section and look for athletic maps and addresses.
PreSchool/PreKindergarten Rebecca Griesbach – Extension 1005 -message
through FastDirect
I hope everyone had a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. We have finally been
blessed with snow this winter so with that comes all the snow gear. 4K will be going outside if
weather permits so please have jacket, snow pants, boots, hat and mittens for school.
With the short class 3K will not need snow gear as there is not enough time to get them
dressed and outside.
This week we will be working on the letter Ll, its sound and things that begin with Ll. The
children will be recognizing the color brown, a square and the number 4 four. For 4K math we
will be counting 1-40 and discussing more or less. For 3K we will be counting 1-20 and working
on patterns. Please practice these concepts at home.
January 8-4k Sing at 10:30 Church Service. Please meet in the
back of church at 10:20.
Policy Reminder
January 18-No School.
Inclement Weather
Kindergarten Debbie Hintz – Extension 1008 -message
through FastDirect
In case of severe inclement
weather, St. Paul follows the
directive of the Manawa School
on this Sunday. Please meet in the back of church by 10:25.
An automated phone call will
be given to all parents from the
public school representative
announcing these
cancellations/late starts/early
Grades 4K through 2nd are scheduled to sing at the 10:30 service
Thank you!
Religion: Wise Men; Math: Comparing numbers to
ten; Reading Theme: Snow; Phonics: K and B; Sight words: come,
to, that.
All preschool classes for the day
will be cancelled if there is a 2hour delay.
Please also stay tuned to WDUX
FM 92.7 or AM 800.
Kindergarten Debbie Hintz – Extension 1008 -message through FastDirect
Please continue to practice reading the little readers that come home weekly. The number of
sight words we have covered is also starting to increase. Please help your child to memorize
them. Words we have worked on include: I, am, like, a, the, and, little, can, from, see, we, of,
my, to (That, come and was are new this week.)
1st Grade Teri Rae Suehs/Roxanne Taggatz – Extension 1015 -message through
Thanks you for all the wonderful gifts. They were greatly appreciated. A special thanks to
the Ladies Aid, PTO, and School Board for the gift cards and money. We were able to
purchase several games for the classroom with the money.
We hope you had a happy, healthy, and safe Christmas Break. It is good to be back at school.
The 4K to second graders are singing on Sunday, January 10th at the 10:30 service. Please
arrive a little early and meet us in the back of church so we can walk in together.
The first grade Spelling list for this week has words ending in y. If the word is one syllable,
the y says i: if the word is two or more syllables, the y says e. The challenge words are things
and always.
Memory Work for this week will be the same as last week-The Sixth commandment; You shall
not commit adultery. Psalm 91:11 For God will command His angels concerning you to guard you
in all your ways.
We will continue with our Show and Tell rotation. The students who are up for this
Wednesday are Elliot, Callie, Ellie S., and Joshua. Next week, Wednesday, January 13th will
be Jensen, Megan, Vincente’, and Alyssa.
In Math we are working on Fact Families. This shows the relationships between addition and
subtraction. We are impressed with the progress of everyone.
In Reading we are getting to have many more sight words. This may cause your child to
struggle a bit more. You may find it helpful to make sight word flash cards and use them at
home to practice as we do in school. This week’s words are on p. 38.
2nd Grade Brenda Jenks – Extension 1020 -message through FastDirect
Happy New Year! Grades PK4-2 are scheduled to sing at the late (10:30) service this Sunday,
January 10. As always, we will meet in the room at the back of church before the service;
please arrive by 10:20. Some children still need to earn points this quarter to reach their
personal AR goal; please encourage them in their efforts. Any child in 2nd grade earning 7.5
or more points this quarter will earn a prize from local businesses. Special thanks to Lori
Elmhorst for supplying the treats and assisting with our Christmas party and to Aaron Timm
for helping to put away the Christmas program costumes. Thanks also to everyone who sent
Christmas gifts, cards, and treats for the children and me. God bless you for your generosity.
3rd and 4th Grade Rachel Beyer – Extension 1023 -message through
Thanks to everyone who prayed for my husband and me. We enjoyed all the cards and notes
of encouragement. I'd also like to thank the people I work with for covering duties and
making it easier for me to be away. Lastly thanks to Mr. Peterson and Mr. Hansen for taking
care of my class. I'm very blessed to work with such caring people. We will have a spelling
test and reading test this Friday. Have a great rest of the week and weekend.
5th and 6th Grade Josh Korotka - Extension 1022 -message through
I hope everyone is refreshed after the long break. Now it is time to get back to the books.
The end of the quarter is the 15th of January. There are several students with their 10 AR
points but a few with less than 10. Please encourage them to read at home or if they are at
the basketball games.
There will be a Spelling and Reading test on Friday with week 12 memory due also. Have a
great weekend and God Bless!
Below is an image of the parking lot at St. Paul Lutheran School. We are asking all parents to follow the
assigned areas for parking and drop off. Please do not block the drop off lane with standing parking. We
welcome parents to walk their children into school, but ask that parent park in the designated areas for the
safety of the students at St. Paul.