Year 4 Topic: Ancient Egypt Spring Term Year 2004/5

Year 6
Topic: “Light and Colour”
Autumn Term II, Year 2015/2016
This half term, Year 6 will be learning through the topic, “Light & Colour”. Below is a summary of what your child will be covering in each subject, with suggested activities you could do to
support the work done in school.
Our ideas for writing will come from reading and
talking about....
Maths topics:
Doubling and halving
Multiplication using the grid method and
the standard compact method.
Applying their arithmetical skills to real
life problems.
How multiplication is related to division.
Odd and even numbers and patterns
derived from them, prime numbers,
square numbers, triangle numbers, tests
of divisibility.
Measures; (Length, Weight & Capacity)
Light (Physics)
We will be investigating....
Coding, Apps creation and Powerpoint.
Explanation texts; rainbows, keeping safe in a
variety of scenarios, (lights on bikes, ice
skating, etc).
Stories focusing on; characters, settings,
events and creating tension.
The structure of a sentence, (subordinate &
main clauses).
Past and present tenses of verbs; rewriting
sentences in a different tense.
Creating an interesting story from a series of
Texts used will include; ”Aladdin & the
Enchanted Lamp” , “The Firework Maker’s
Daughter”, both by Philip Pullman and “A
Christmas Carol”, (Dickens).
Parents please would you:
Encourage your child to talk in more
complex sentences using connectives such
as; therefore, furthermore, in addition
to, consequently, etc.
Talk to your child about using more
advanced/interesting vocabulary
regarding description of events.
We will be;
Researching the development of artificial
lighting throughout history and where
this occurred.
Researching the development of the
camera and where this occurred.
Parents please would you:
Discuss with your child the types of
artificial lighting used, fluorescent,
tungsten bulb, candles, etc.
Parents please would you:
Discuss capacity and weight with your child
when shopping.
What happens when white light goes
through a prism? (What causes
Sources of light.
Refraction; Splitting light, bending light.
The importance of the incarnation for
Luke’s version of the Nativity and contrasting
this with Matthew’s version.
The festival of Divali for Hindus and why it is
important for them.
Parents please would you:
Talk to your child about how light travels
in straight lines.
 Ensure your child has the correct PE kit in
Children have reading homework every
night. Please sign the reading record
when your child has finished reading
their book. Regular reading is the most
important of all homework.
Spelling tests from the spelling lists are
normally tested on Fridays.
school. Each item must be clearly labelled with
your child’s name. PE kits remain in school for
the duration of the half term.
 PE lessons this half term are on Fridays and
sometimes Mondays, although PE lessons can
occur on any day of the week, especially if the
Monday/Friday session has been cancelled.
Discuss with your child that Christianity is the
only major religion where God became human,
(the incarnation) and that this was to show us
how to live.
Ensure that your child does not forget why we
celebrate Christmas and that the commercial
aspect of it is not essential for Christians.
Allow your child to go onto “Appshed”
website, to finish or to modify their work
started in school.
Parents please would you:
Using “Appshed” to write applications.
Use Java script to create basic shapes
and thus simple pictures/images.
Present their class work using Powerpoint
Parents please would you:
PE: Dance & Gymnastics
Advent; preparing for God.
Reflection; Periscopes & kaleidoscopes.
Shadows .
From Advent to Christmas
We will be learning about....
Skills and Techniques
Transparent, translucent & opaque
Discuss problem solving when shopping. (e.g., 3
for 2 offer, how much is the cost of 1?)
We will focus on writing simple programs, continue
with the creation of Apps using the “Appshed”
website and creating Powerpoint presentations.
Personal, Social & Health Education.
Using materials to create shadow
Learning songs for performances,
especially the Xmas carol concert.
Use painting techniques to illustrate
Use materials to create Calendars and
Christmas cards.
Parents, please come and watch your
child perform in our Carol concert on
December 8th.
Safety on the Roads; Looking at keeping
safe whilst travelling.
“Getting on and Falling Out”; Looking at
empathy, managing feelings and social
Multiplication tables are tested
regularly for some children who do not
know them yet.
A written piece of homework, (usually a
comprehension), is given weekly.