10% off coupon a real bargain at bargain prices a good buy accessories ad advert advertise advertised price advertisement flyers advertisements advertising campaign aisle amount of money antique dealer antique shop approve of article ask for reduction assortment of books at a loss at a profit for sale on sale having a sale sale at a price ATM auction available on-line baby products background music bad impression bag of potatoes baker baker's bakery ban trading bank account banknote banner ad bar code bar of chocolate barber’s bargain with traders basic groceries basket bazaar be sold out beautician beauty salon best-selling product betting shop bill black market blouse blue skirt bookshop bookstall bookstore bottle of oil bou:tique box of matches brand name bread roll browse browse the web business hours butcher shop butcher's buy buyer by mail-order café cake shop can of meat can’t afford it candy candy shop (US) car-boot sale card stand carelessness carrier bag carry heavy bags carton of milk cash back cash desk cash on delivery cash register cash-and-carry cashier catalogue sales chain store change out of £5 changing booth charge £5 for charity cheap checkout assistant checkout line chemist’s cheque china shop chocolate shop Christmas market church city centre classified ads cleaners clearance sale clerk client closing time clothes clothes rack clothes shop clothing store coal merchant's coffee shop coin-operated machines commercial message commercials on TV commission compare prices competing store competition complain to the manager complaints confectioner's confectionary confronted with consumer consumer society container control prices convenience store corner shop cost cost a fortune cost a lot counter coupons courteous credit card credit limit crowded crowded shops currency customer customer care customer service cut back on spending cut down a price cut-price dairy dairy products daylight robbery deal in cars dealer debit card decorators decrease price defective battery deli delicatessen deliver delivery address delivery method department store deposit description of products dirt cheap discount of display distribution DIY store dollar store domestic door-to-door draper's drawback drive-in dry cleaner's dumping prices duty on cigarettes duty-free shop eagerness to buy earnings e-business e-commerce economize electrical appliance electrical store electronic catalogue electronics shop enhance a equipment escalator essential items estate agent’s exchange exchange for exchange rate expense expensive extra sum fair price family budget fancy goods faulty product favourite items fee, charge, rent, fare, price, cost fish and chip shop fish shop fishmonger's flea market floor florist florist's flower shop food store footwear for sale free of charge freeze prices frozen foods fully satisfied furniture shop gadget shop garage sale garden centre garden shop gas station general store get a refund get a reduced price get him a jacket get it for £5 get money out get your money back gift shop giveaway glass display counter glassware go out to get go shopping go to the shops go window shopping good with money goods greed greengrocer greengrocer's groceries grocery store grocer's grocery shopping growing trend guarantee haberdashery gallant. haggling over the price of hairdresser's half kilo of half price handmade shoes hardware shop have a supply of health food shop hobby store home-delivery service home-made hospital household items hypermarket ´haip hypnotizing identity card imported goods buy in bulk in fashion in financial difficulties in real time in stock in the sales income increase price independent retailers inexpensive in-store bakery insurance policy intact interactive interest rates interior design shop invoice involved in ironmonger's it is a bargain it is worth it sells well item jars and cans jeans jeweller's jewellery jingles jumble sale keep in stock keep the receipt kiosk knock 50 off the price label ladies clothing shop landlord launderette ,lond´ret laundry library lift liquidation liquor store loaf of bread long established loose change low prices mail order mail-order shoppers make a cheque out to make an offer make money make your choice manager manufacturer market place market research market stall market-day marketing tool marketplace mart material goods means of payment men’s clothing shop men's department merchandising merchant milk bar money money transfer music shop my shoe size is my size is newsagent's newsstand non-profit shop non-refundable not available not too bad novelty shop number of choices odd job men of foreign make off-licence on sale on the market one click away on-line order on-line shopping opening hours optician's order over the phone our of stock out of stock outdoor market overcharge pack package packaging packet packet of tea pair of black trousers pair of shoes paper catalogues paper-back pay by cheque pay cash payment penetrate the market penny perfume and cosmetics permit pet food pet shop petrol goes up pharmacy photographer’s physical limits pickpocket piece of planning a purchase plastic bag plaza pocket money points card possessions post office postage stamp pound present store z price cuts price search engine price tag price war private product availability profit prohibition promotion public house purchase an item purchase order purchaser purse put it in the cart quality of goods quantity queue queue up for range of goods read review reasonable price rebate ´ribeit receipt record shop recreational activity reduced by refreshment refund reputation responsive restaurant retail retail price retailer revenue ring rising prices rummage sale run out of sugar sack of potatoes sale sale staff sales assistant sales promotion salesman satisfied customer save save up on new shoes savings seafood search for second hand bookshop second hand clothes security guard self-service sell sell it for sell out sell-by date seller sellers’ web pages serve shelf shelf-filler shirt shock” ads shoe repairer’s shoe store shop around shop around for shop assistant shop window shopkeeper shoplifter shoplifting shopper shopping shopping arcade a:´keid shopping bag shopping basket shopping cart shopping centre shopping for food shopping list shopping mall shopping precinct shortage of shorts show window slice slice of slice of bread small change small shop solution spam special sales specialised shop specialist outlet spend money like water spend money on spend spree sports shop stall stand in line staple foods ´steipl stationer stationer's stationery steal stock up store store detective store window street market street trader style subscribe to a magazine suit summer sale sunglasses supermarket superstore supplier sweater sweet shop sweetshop tailor's take off takes too much time takings teahouse telephone box thrift spendthrift thrift store - charity thrifty tips tobacconist t´bakonist toll-free call too expensive touch and taste town centre toy shop trade trademark trader travel agent's trolley try on t-shirt tub of ice-cream - container tube tube of aspirin under guarantee under one roof undercharge unmatched in variety username value video rental store video shop virtual shopping virtual stores wallet warranty waste of time watchmaker wealth wear wear department web pop-up web-shop wholesale wholesaler wide selection window cleaners window display window shopping wine merchant withdraw money women's department wrap wrapping paper yard sale