Communications Technology Grd. 10 Course Outline

Mr. Cvetkovski
Office: Third Floor - Room 337
Phone: 905-940-8840 ext. 425
Communications Technology
Grade 10 Introductory Course
This course introduces students to the concepts and methods of communications technology.
Students develop communication ideas in five areas: graphic production, sound and video,
computer animation, information displays, and photography. Focusing on fundamental concepts,
students use computers, audio-video equipment, and other tools to acquire and demonstrate the
knowledge and skills to create, capture, manipulate, edit, arrange, display, and present
communication projects. Working through pre-production, production, and post-production
processes, students create devices for effective communication with an intended audience. As they
explore the diverse technologies within communications, students learn about career opportunities
and the impact communications technology has on society
Unit Titles (Time + Sequence)
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Graphic, Desktop and Presentation Publishing
Image Production and Processes
Information Displays and Environments
Short Audio-Video Production Image Production and Processes
Short Animation
 Each Unit will have a final exam or unit tests contained within its own Unit. See
each Unit for detailed information and a Unit Outline.
 Group work and effective interpersonal working habits are essential for each Unit.
 This is a hands-on, project driven course. You we be actively involved in real
activities just like professionals.
 All projects have a strong student-centered focus. You apply theory as you are
learning - You learn by doing!
 Extra time after school and at lunches may be necessary to complete your projects.
These times must be arranged – there will be more information about this later.
Timelines and deadlines are extremely important in the numerous fields associated
with Communications Technology. Newspapers, magazines, periodicals television and
radio all have due dates and timelines for production that are not flexible. Students need to
be aware of the significance of this and will be required to model best business practice
when it comes to assignment deadlines.
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Evaluation will be done according to the Achievement Chart addressing
the following areas:
Knowledge & Understanding
Thinking and Inquiry
Final Evaluation
Formal Exam (theory and practical) and Portfolio
Term Evaluation
Activity exercises
Activity projects
Independent study (career)
Activity exercises
Unit/activity tests
Activity exercises
Activity projects
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Course Outline & Overview – Communications Technology
Grade 10 Introductory Course Cont’d.
Please Note:
The equipment in this course is professional equipment, the same
type being used in the industry by television producers and radio broadcasters –
therefore – IT IS VERY EXPENSIVE. Please, respect the equipment as if it was
your own. Report any damage, malfunctions or non-working parts to your
instructor immediately. Use extreme care in the use and operation of all equipment
at ALL times and if you are not sure about something – ASK YOUR TEACHER –
there is no penalization of marks for ANY type of question – SO ASK!
It is important for students not to miss classes as each class will be
comprehensive and build onto the next class. Also, as group work is a key
component of this course, absences can affect other student’s grades and class
work. If a student must be absent, please inform your instructor prior to your
absence so that proper arrangements can be made to accommodate the rest of the
class. Should an unexpected absence be needed such as an illness, please do not
hesitate to stay at home and rest! But when you return please do provide proper
documentation regarding your absence such as a Doctor’s note or note from a
parent or guardian if under 18 years of age. Also, please call the school and you
instructor directly and notify of any extended absence(s).
Lates: Lateness can be a serious problem which can drastically affect a group
effort. In this course, it is important to come to class on time each day. School
policies will be followed regarding lateness – see your school handbook for details.
Also, there is a participation grade component for this course.
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Course Outline & Overview – Communications Technology
Grade 10 Introductory Course Cont’d.
Food & Drink: Due to the electronic computer and broadcast equipment in this
class, NO food, drinks or liquids of any kind are permitted. This is an important
policy to follow. Only under medical conditions will exceptions be made.
Violation of this policy can result in expulsion from the course.
Notebooks: There will be many classroom notes and handouts that you are
expected to keep organized. It is critical that you maintain a good notebook and
keep all notes and sheets in order. Notebooks may be collected and reviewed twice
during the semester. You should keep your notes in a proper cover (i.e. Duo Tang
or binder) especially when submitting them for review.
Tests and Assignments: Evaluation is based upon written and practical (handson) tests or examinations, written assignments and several practical assignments.
See each Unit Module for detailed explanations of the assessment and evaluation
which is specific to each Unit of Study in this course. Assignments are due at the
BEGINNING of the class on the due date announced. Assignments submitted
during the middle of the class or at the end of the class will be deemed late.
Assignments submitted on a date other than the announced date will also be
deemed late, unless prior arrangements have been made based on an individual’s
extenuating circumstance.
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Course Outline & Overview – Communications Technology
Grade 10 Introductory Course Cont’d.
Test and exam dates will be announced at least several days before the actual test
or exam date.
If you happen to miss a test because of illness or another valid excuse, then you
will be given the opportunity to write a test provided that you present proper
documentation regarding your absence (i.e. a Doctor’s note). You will be expected
to write a test on the day you return. Please consult with you instructor about
expected absences especially around tests or exams.
Class Procedures:
1. When the bell rings at the end of class, please do NOT get up and leave until your
teacher dismisses you. Please respect the class and wait for your dismissal before
leaving or packing up your things. Given this, I will try not to keep you after the
bell rings – however, should the bell ring during the conclusion of a lesson or
instruction, please allow me to finish and wait until your are officially excused
before packing up and leaving. I will do my best not to delay you for your next
2. If you are late for class, please sign in at the main office. LATE STUDENTS
ABSENT FOR THE PERIOD. Persistence lateness will affect your grade, as
previously stated under the section, “Lates”.
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Course Outline & Overview – Communications Technology
Grade 10 Introductory Course Cont’d.
3. If you must miss a class, please remember to speak with me about your expected
absence the day or two beforehand so that appropriate modifications can be made to
help you catch up.
4. If you have a comment or question in class, please feel free to ask or share your
thoughts with the class - But remember to put your hand up and wait to be
Your cooperation will help make this class run smoothly and be great! Thank-you.
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