Team # Team Members: Judges: 2014 CULINARY PERFORMANCE TASK RUBRIC: FOOD PRESENTATION Tasting & Presentation Rubric: Final Prepared Dish- Flavor, Body and Texture, Presentation, and Value. STANDARDS Body, Texture, & Consistency Flavor PLC 8.0 Apply food preparation and cooking techniques to execute standard recipes for consumption. PLC 7.0 Analyze and apply mathematical concepts to solve problems in culinary setting. 4-Exceeds 3-Meets 2-Nearly Meets Food has been cooked/prepared Food has been cooked/prepared Food is acceptable, but properly. Based on the food item the appropriate texture is experienced when eaten. Food makes the proper sound when chewed. Food is prepared so that the color enhances it and is visually appealing. properly. Based on the food item, the appropriate texture is experienced when eaten. Food makes the proper sound when chewed. should have been cooked a few minutes longer or should have been removed from cooking a few minutes earlier, Food's improper preparedness is evident when chewed. Taste is unique, delectable, and Taste is delectable and savory. Use of common spices, Taste is palatable, not Presentation and Appeal Price Date/Time: savory. Use of and the unique combination of spices, seasonings, and/or condiment choices enhance the flavors. Presentation of the food item is unique and interesting. Proper use of garnish. Container selection adds to the appeal of the food item. Complementary shapes and vibrant food color choices enhance the presentation. Served at the proper temperature. Hot foods are hot, cold foods are cold. seasonings, and/or condiment choices enhances the flavor of the food item. Presentation shows plating of the food item into the container was done with care. Container selection is appropriate for the food item. Food color and shapes are complementary. Served at the proper temperature. Hot foods are hot, cold foods are cold. Price of food item was determined Price of food item was using an appropriate pricing method. The high quality and value of food item justify the proposed price. Consideration of the competition, customers, and location are noted during price proposal. determined using an appropriate pricing method. Price of food item is fair and comparable to other grab n go offerings. Competition, customers, and/or location are considered. Head Judge signature: outstanding. Appropriate use of common spices, seasonings, and/or condiments is evident in the flavor. Presentation is acceptable, food color and shapes choices appear unbalanced. A different container should have been chosen. Food served close to proper temperature. Hot foods should have been hotter, cold foods should have been colder. Price of food item was determined using an appropriate pricing method, although mistakes were made in the calculations. Proposed price is misleading because of miscalculations. Competition, customers, 1-Does not meet Food texture is too hard or too soft. Food is overcooked or undercooked. Food cannot be eaten in its current state. Food lacks flavor or flavor is too intense. Inadequate use of spices, seasonings, and/or condiments is evident in the flavor. Presentation lacks visual appeal. Contents are presented in a messy and hurried manner. Food color and shapes are distractions. Food served at an unsafe temperature. Price of food was not determined by using a pricing method. Proposed price based on opinion of student chef. Competition, customers, and/or location are considered. Team # Team Members: Judges: 2014 CULINARY PERFORMANCE TASK RUBRIC: FOOD PRESENTATION and/or location are considered. Recipe Creation Rubric: Team creates new Grab N Go food item based on an original recipe . STANDARDS PLC 9.0 Develop menus and execute recipes that meet the needs of a specific customer. ACF Standard 11 Menu planning STANDARDS PLC 9.0 develop menus and execute recipes that meet the needs of a specific customer. ACF Standard 5 Food preparation 5-Exceeds 4-Meets 3-Nearly Meets 2-Does not meet Concept menu consists of two Concept menu consists of two Concept menu consists of Concept menu new and unique Grab N Go food items. (Food item not currently offered) The culinary team described how Hawaii's domestic and international visitors and the local employees were considered when the menu was created. Type of food and shelf life were also considered. new or improved Grab N Go food items. (Item can be an improved versions of food items currently offered) The culinary team described how Hawaii's domestic and international visitors and the local employees were considered when the menu was created. Shelf life was also considered. two Grab N Go food items similar to what is currently offered. Slight modifications made to the food item. Change in bread type, dressing, or condiments, etc. The culinary team explained that the local residents and employees were the source of inspiration for the menu. consists of two Grab N Go food items that are currently offered. No improvements or changes made to the food item. No specific target market was considered when the menu was created. 3-Exceeds Food item is unique compared to what is currently being offered. 2-Meets Food item is new compared to what is currently offered. 1-Nearly Meets Food item is similar to what 0-Does not meet Food item is the same as is currently offered. what is currently offered. A detailed explanation of An explanation of ingredients and A brief explanation of An attempt is made to give ingredients and why food item was selected is given. Recipe is original and unique. why food item was selected is given. Recipe is original or has been significantly modified from what is currently offered. ingredients and why food item was selected is given. Changes are made to the recipe, but are not significant. an explanation, but the student is unable to list the ingredients or explain why the food item was selected. Out of 24 Total Points TOTAL Team Score Date/Time: Head Judge signature: