Study Guide Test 1

Study Guide Test #1 Assignment: Chapters (1, 2, 3, 4,5)
Material covered in class and text
Chapter 1: Management and It's Evolution
· Know the definition of management and the difference between focusing on efficiency vs. effectiveness in
· Know the four primary functions of management, and what is involved in each.
· Be able to explain the difference between strategic, tactical and operations managers and the levels at which
they work in the organization.
· Know the skills managers need to be effective and how those skills are applied to help the organization
achieve its goals.
· Be able to explain and identify the ideas associated with the following periods in the evolution of
management thought:
Classical Perspective
Scientific Management
Administrative Principles
Behavioral Perspective/ Human Relations
Theory X/ Theory Y
Contemporary Perspective
Systems Theory
Contingency Perspective
 Be able to explain what was learned from the Hawthorne Studies...and identify the "transition"
illustrated by those studies.
 Know the basic premises of McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y.
 Know what is meant by the organization as a system and its components. Be able to distinguish
between open and closed systems. Know what synergy, equifinality and entropy mean in systems.
 Know the environmental factors influencing management thought.
Chapter 2: Managing In a Global Environment
 Know the major factors affecting International Business and the changing pattern of International Business.
 Be able to identify the five differences that summarize different cultures.
Chapter 3: Social Responsibility and Ethics
· Be able to define Social Responsibility and its benefits and drawbacks.
· Be able to identify organizational stakeholders and know the strategies discussed in the text for managing them.
Chapter 4: Organizational Culture and Change
 Be able to explain Organizational culture and its three aspects.
 Be able to identify different organizational artifacts that express culture.
 Know the two broad types of culture: traditional control & empowerment
 Be able to explain the role of metaphors and stories on culture and the effect of culture on organizations.
Be able to explain the effect of culture on organizational change.
 Understand the Force Field Analysis, driving and restraining forces, and it role in implementing
organizational change. Understand the steps in Planned Change.
 Be able to explain Organizational Development and know the customary targets for change in OD.
(Organizational Development
Chapter 5: Managing the Planning Process
 Know the definitions of planning, objectives, Strategic, Tactical and operations plans, standing plans,
single-use plans, policies and rules.
 Know the difference between Formal and Opportunistic Planning, and the benefits of Planning.
 Know the types of plans created at the three levels of the organization, the parts of the organization covered
by each, the time frames and primary concerns addressed by each.