Colonial - MrLeonardAPUSH



Indians/disease/Columbian Exchange

Iroquois League/Five Civilized Tribes

Natives no concept of land ownership

St. Augustine establish 1565

Spanish South and Southwest territory

Ecomienda/Black Legend

French Ohio Valley and Canada fur trading/St Lawrence river

New England/Jamestown/Plymouth

Massachusetts Bay/Puritans

Rolfe/tobacco/Pocahontas/Tidewater plantations

House of Burgess

First blacks (slaves)/Triangle/middle passage

Indentured servants/Head right system

Mayflower Compact/self government

Puritans/Separatist/blue laws/ education/merchants

Roger Williams/Ann Hutchinson

John Winthrop/City on Hill

Maryland Toleration Act 1649/Old Satan Deluder

Bacon’s Rebellion/Gov. Berkley

Leisler’s Rebellion/NY Dutch revolt

King Philips War

Dominion of New England/Lord Andros

Salem witchcraft trials/Cotton Mather

Great Awakening/Half-Way Covenant

Middle colonies/bread colonies

William Penn/Quakers/Society of Friends

Zenger Trial/free press

Georgia/Oglethorpe/buffer zone/debtors

Revolutionary War

French-Indian War/Treaty of Paris 1763

Pontiac’s Rebellion/Paxton Boys

Proclamation of 1763

Navigation Acts/Salutary Neglect/Mercantilism

Sugar, Stamp, Quartering Acts


Comm of Correspondence/Sons of Liberty

Boston Massacre/Boston Tea Party

Intolerable Acts

Lexington/Concord first shot

1 st /2 nd Continental Congress-peace/war

Bunker Hill (Breed’s)

Common Sense/Declaration of Independence

Victories at Trenton/Saratoga

French alliance/Yorktown/Treaty of Paris 1783

Constitutional Era

Articles of Confederation/problems

Land Ordinance 1785/NW Ordinance 1787

Shay’s Rebellion

Constitutional Conv/Philadelphia 1787

Virginia Plan/New Jersey Plan/

Connecticut (Great) Compromise

3/5 th

compromise/slave trade no ban 20 yrs

Electoral college

Natural rights/separation of powers

Enlightenment influences

Ratification challenges/Federalist Papers

Federalist/Anti-Federalist/Bill of Rights

New Republic

Assumption Bill

Bank of the United States

Whiskey Rebellion

Washington’s Neutrality proclamation

Jay’s Treaty/England/freedom of seas

Pinckney’s Treaty/Spain/Miss Rv/N O

Washington’s Farewell Address


Adams/XYZ/ KY & VA resolutions/

Alien & Sedition Acts

Election of 1800/Jefferson-Burr

Tripoli War/pirates/tribute/Naval power

Louisiana Purchase

Marbury v. Madison/Marshall Court/

McCulloch v. Maryland Gibbons v. Ogden

Lewis and Clark

Embargo (Non-Importation Act) 1807

Madison 2 terms

Macon’s Bill #2

Bank Re-charter

War of 1812/War Hawks/

Battle of Tippecanoe/Tecumseh

Treaty of Ghent

Hartford Convention

Battle of New Orleans

2 nd

Band of the U.S. 1816

Election of 1816/James Monroe 2 terms

Era of Good Feelings/Panic of 1819

Rush-Bagot -demilitarization of Great Lakes

Missouri Compromise

Monroe Doctrine

American System

Corrupt Bargain – 1824 JQ Adams

Jacksonian Democracy

Jackson wins 1828 serves 2 terms

Peggy Eaton Affair/

Calhoun and most of cabinet resign

Spoils system/patronage

Kitchen Cabinet/no cabinet meetings

Webster-Hayes Debate/states rights’

Indian Removal Policy/Trail of Tears

Tariff of Abominations nullification controversy/Jackson threatens S.C.

War on the Bank of the U.S.

Nicolas Biddle/specie/pet banks

Henry Clay/Whig Party

Election of 1836/Martin Van Buren/Panic of 1837

Aroostook War/Maine border/

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

Antebellum, Intellectual, Social Economic Era

Westward migration/expanding agriculture

Steamboats/Erie Canal/Railroads/Turnpikes (PA)

Inventions/cotton gin/interchangeable parts/ reaper/steel plow

Telegraph/sewing machine

Slater/first water powered factor in US

Lowell Factory system

Clipper ships/ pony express/ stagecoach

2 nd

Great Awakening

Transcendentalism/philosophical-religious mvmt



Brook Farm/New Harmony/Reform movements

Horace Mann/education


Dorothea Dix/mental illness

American Colonization Society/ abolitionism/

William LoydGarrison

Seneca Falls Convention/Mott & Stanton women voting rights/S.B. Anthony

Hudson River School/artist/nature

Manifest Destiny

Louisiana Purchase

Pike’s Peak

Republic of Texas/ Alamo

Oregon territory/Oregon Trail

Mountain Men/Rendezvous/ scouts/trappers

John O’Sullivan coined phrase Manifest Destiny

Annexation of Texas

Spot resolution/Lincoln/Mexican War

California/Bear Flag revolt

Gadsden Purchase

California Gold Rush

Slavery and Pre Civil War

Underground Railroad/Harriet Tubman

Frederick Douglass

Stono Rebellion (1739)/Nat Turner 1831/

Amistad Case

Gag Resolutions

Wilmot Proviso

Compromise of 1850

Uncle Tom’s Cabin/Harriet B. Stowe

Know Nothing Party

Commodore Matthew Perry and Japan

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Republican Party/Election of 1856

Ostend Manifesto

William Walker

Bleeding Kansas


Dred Scott v. Sanford

Panic of 1857

Lincoln-Douglas debates

John Brown Raid

Civil War

Election of 1860

South secedes/ Fort Sumter/Border States

Anaconda Plan/

Bull Run/Trent Affair

Grant captures the West

Emancipation Proclamation



Draft riots

Lincoln’s rotating generals

Sherman’s March to the Sea

Surrender Appomattox Court House

Lincoln assassinated


Freedman’s Bureau

Lincoln-Johnson-Wade-Davis Bill

Radical Republicans

Black Codes/Jim Crow laws

Johnson’s vetoes

13 th

amendment/ends slavery

14 th

amendment/equal protection/15 th amendment/vote not denied because of race

Military Reconstruction (occupation)

Ku Klux Klan

Impeachment of Johnson/tenure of office act

Election of 1868 Grant 2 terms

Gilded Age


Rapid industrialization caused by Civil War

Large agricultural base/boom/mechanization

Lots of natural resources/raw materials/ coal, iron, oil, timber

Lots of labor supply/immigration

Government capitalism/laizze faire/ pro business/high tariffs

Entrepreneurial (risk takers) class

Technological invention/

Bessemer-Kelly process/telephone

Edison electric/phonograph/video

Eastman’s Kodak camera

Infrastructure/rapid RR miles/canals/roads

Lots of capital accumulation/outside investors

Social Darwinism/strong will survive/ fit should be left alone

Robber Barons or Captains of Industry


Gospel of Wealth

Grantism/corrupt/Credit Mobilier/Gold

Ring/Whiskey Ring

Tweed Ring/ Boss Tweed/Tammany Hall


Election of 1876/Hayes-Tilden/Removal of troops

Election of 1880/Garfield wins/assassinated

Chester Arthur/Civil Service Reform (Pendleton)

Election of 1884/Grover Cleveland-Democrat

Mugwumps (fence sitter politically)

Election of 1888/Ben Harrison-Republican wins

Billion Dollar Congress

Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1890

McKinley Tariff 1890

Election of 1892/Cleveland wins again/third party

Populist Weaver

Depression of 1893/JP Morgan’s bailout

Election of 1896/McKinley-WJ Bryan

William Jennings Bryan/Cross of Gold

Speech/Silver bugs

Election of 1900/McKinley reelection/assassination/TR becomes president

West and Agriculture

Homestead Act 1862

Transcontinental Railroad 1869

Long drives end with cattle b/c RR

Mining/Silver and Gold rushes/boom towns

Buffalo Soldiers/black soldiers out west

Indian Wars/height 1876 Little Big Horn/end at

Wounded Knee

Chief Joseph and Nez Perce 1877

1100 mile chase-“I will fight no more forever”

Dawes Severalty Act


Wounded Knee Massacre 1890/Ghost Dance

A Century of Dishonor-Helen Hunt

Jackson/mistreatment of Indians

Frederick Jackson Turner-historian 1890 end of frontier/safety valve

“The significance of the Frontier in American


Farmers/ Oliver Kelly-Grange

Farmers’ Alliances/

Greenback Labor Party

Populists (Peoples) Party anti-monopoly, single tax-anti tariff

Farmers supported Silver back currency- cheaper money

Weaver and Bryan Populist run for President


Old Immigrants

New Immigrants

Melting pot or salad bowl


Hull House/Jane Addams

American Protective Association/ anti-Catholic/new Know Nothings

Chinese Exclusion Act 1883/ first group ever banned in union

Labor Unions

Knights of Labor/Terrance Powderly

American Federation of Labor/Samuel Gompers/ skilled labor only

International Workers of the World


Molly McGuires/secret Irish American miners

Haymarket Riot 1886/Chicago/

McCormick reaper plant/bomb exploded

Homestead strike 1892/ Carnegie Steel strike in

PA/state militia used

Pullman Strike 1894/ IL RR cars plant/

Eugene Debs led strike/ US Army used

Mother Mary Harris Jones (Mother Jones)/ mining strike supporter/agitator

African Americans-blacks-Freedmen

Sharecroppers/ 40 acres and a mule promise

Jim Crow/Black Codes

Civil Rights Acts 1876 unconstitutional

Plessey v. Ferguson 1896/ Separate but Equal ruling by Supreme Court

Booker T. Washington/ slow integration/

Tuskegee, AL school/ vocational training

W.E.B. DuBois/ fast integration/first black phd/

NAACP founder



Dumbbell Tenement

Department stores/Mail Order houses/

Sears and Roebuck/Montgomery Ward

Skyscrapers/steel beams/elevators-Otis

Cult of True Womanhood/Victorian ideals-piety, purity, submission, domesticity

Chautauqua clubs/ reading/education and uplifting inspirational and information

Circus/Barnum and Bailey’s Ringling Brothers



Gibson Girl


Hawaii/1875-1897/Queen Lili/Dole

Alaska/1869/ Seward’s Folly

Pacific Coaling stations/ Pago Pago,

Samoa/German problems

Open Door Policy/China/free trade by all Europe,

Asia, American powers

Boxer Rebellion (Revolt)

Spanish American War/Cuba/USS Maine explosion/DeLome Letter/Teller Amendment

San Juan Hill/Teddy Roosevelt and Rough Riders

Philippines captured by Commodore Dewey

Treaty of Paris 1898

Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines

Platt Amendment

Anti-Imperialism/Washington’s Farewell Address

Anglo-Saxons-civilize and Christianize the world

Alfred Thayer Mahan’s

The Influence of Sea

Power Upon History

Economically-business needed new markets
