AP US History Advanced Placement United States History Colonial

AP US History
Advanced Placement United States History
Colonial America:
1. Act of Toleration (Maryland)
2. Albany Congress, Plan of Union
3. Anne Hutchinson, antinomianism
4. Bacon’s Rebellion
5. Benjamin Franklin, early life and career
6. Captain John Smith
7. Carolinas (founding of)
8. Chesapeake Bay
9. Church of England (Anglican Church)
10. Colonial agriculture (staple crops in southern & middle colonies)
11. Cotton Mather
12. Dominion of New England
13. Edward Braddock
14. Enclosure
15. Fort Pitt, Fort Duquesne
16. Freeman
17. French & Indian War
18. Fundamental Orders
19. General Braddock
20. General Court
21. George Whitfield
22. Georgia (founding of)
23. Great Awakening
24. Halfway covenant
25. Headright system
26. House of Burgesses
27. Hugenots
28. Indentured Servitude
29. Iroquois Confederacy
30. James Oglethorpe
31. Jamestown, “starving time”, struggles & successes
32. John Calvin, Calvinism
33. John Peter Zenger
34. John Rolfe, tobacco
35. John Winthrop
36. Johnathan Edwards
37. King James 1
38. King Philip’s War
39. Leisler’s rebellion
40. Lord Baltimore
41. Lord DeLaWarr
42. Massachusetts Bay Colony
43. Mayflower Compact
44. Middle passage
45. Molasses Act
46. Nation-state
47. Navigation laws (acts)
48. New England Confederation
49. Old Lights/New Lights
50. Oliver Cromwell
51. Paxton Boys
52. Pennsylvania (founding), William Penn
53. Peter Stuyvesant
54. Plymouth Colony
55. Pocahontas
56. Pontiac, Pontiac’s Rebellion
57. Powhatan, Powhatan’s Confederacy
58. Primogeniture
59. Proclamation of 1763
60. Protestant ethic
61. Puritans, Puritanism (basic beliefs of)
62. Quakers
63. Quebec, Montcalm, Wolfe
64. Queen Elizabeth 1
65. Rhode Island (founding of)
66. Roger Williams
67. Salem Witch Trials
68. Salutary Neglect
69. Scots-Irish
70. Separatists, Pilgrims
71. Sir Edmond Andros
72. Sir Walter Raleigh
73. Slavery (17th Century), slave codes
74. Spanish Armada
75. Thomas Hooker
76. Treaty of Paris 1763
77. Triangular Trade
78. Virginia Company, joint-stock company
79. William Bradford
80. William Pitt
81. Yeoman
82. Royal Colony
83. Proprietary Colony
Revolutionary America:
1. Republicanism
2. Whigs
3. Mercantilism
4. Navigation Acts
5. Stamp Act
6. Quartering Act
7. Sugar Act
8. “No Taxation Without Representation”
9. Stamp Act Congress
10. Sons/Daughters of Liberty
11. Declaratory Act
12. Townshend Acts
13. Boston Massacre
14. Samuel Adams
15. Committees of Correspondence
16. Boston Tea Party
17. Boston Port Act
18. Intolerable (Coercive) Acts
19. Quebec Acts
20. First Continental Congress
21. Lexington & Concord
22. Valley Forge
23. George Washington
24. Bunker Hill
25. Olive Branch Petition
26. Thomas Paine, Common Sense
27. Richard Henry Lee
28. Thomas Jefferson
29. Declaration of Independence
30. Loyalists
31. Patriots
32. Trenton (battle, Dec. 1776)
33. Saratoga (battle, 1777)
34. Spain, France, Holland: role in American Revolution
35. Yorktown (battle, 1781)
36. John Adams
37. Treaty of Paris 1783
38. Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
39. Republican motherhood
40. State constitutions, post-revolution (generally)
41. Articles of Confederation
42. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
43. Land Ordinance of 1785
44. Shays’ Rebellion
45. Alexander Hamilton
46. James Madison
47. Virginia & New Jersey plans; Great Compromise
48. Constitutional Convention
49. Annapolis Convention
50. Three fifths compromise & slave trade in Constitution
51. Antifederalists
52. Federalists
53. The Federalist (papers)
54. John Locke
55. Jean Jacques Rousseau
56. Patrick Henry
57. Continentals
Early Republic:
1. Bill of Rights
2. Strict construction/loose construction
3. Bank of the United States
4. Whiskey Rebellion
5. Tariff
6. Jay’s treaty
7. Washington’s farewell address
8. Federalist party
9. Democratic-republicans
10. XYZ Affair
11. Citizen Genet
12. Alien & Sedition Acts
13. Virginia & Kentucky resolutions
14. Revolution of 1800
15. Marbury v. Madison
16. Hamilton’s financial plan
17. Tripolitan War
18. Louisiana Purchase
19. Lewis & Clark expedition
20. Aaron Burr
21. Impressments
22. Embargo Act
23. Non-Intercourse Act
24. James Madison
25. Tecumseh, Tenskwatawa
26. William Henry Harrison, Tippecanoe
27. American System
28. James Monroe
29. War of 1812
30. Treaty of Ghent
31. Monroe Doctrine
32. Henry Clay
33. Missouri Compromise
34. McCulloch v. Maryland
35. Gibbons v. Ogden
36. Fletcher v. Peck
37. Florida Purchase Treaty
38. John Marshall
39. Marbuy v. Madison
40. Era of Good Feelings
41. Hartford Convention (1814)
42. Quids
43. Battle of New Orleans
44. Sectionalism
45. Nationalism
Age of Jackson:
1. Andrew Jackson
2. The “Corrupt Bargain”
3. John Quincy Adams
4. Election of 1828
5. Spoils system
6. Tariff of 1828
7. South Carolina Exposition, nullification
8. Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears
9. Black Hawk
10. Second Bank of the US
11. Martin van Buren
12. Divorce Bill
13. Lone Star Rebellion
14. Election of 1840
15. Irish immigration, 1840s
16. German immigration, 1830s-1860s
17. Nativists, “Know Nothings”
18. Samuel Slater, factory system
19. Eli Whitney
20. “King Cotton”
21. Wage slaves
22. Factory girls
23. Cult of domesticity
24. John Deere, Cyrus McCormick
25. Transportation Revolution
26. Market Revolution
27. Erie Canal
28. Second Great Awakening
29. Joseph Smith, Mormons
30. Transcendentalism
31. Horace Mann, education reforms
32. Temperance
33. William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator
34. Frederick Douglass
35. Utopian communities
36. Dorothea Dix, asylum movement
37. Womens’ rights movement: Stanton, Mott, Anthony
38. Seneca Falls Convention 1848
39. Abolitionism
40. American Colonization Society
41. Scientific achievement 1800-1860
42. Artistic Achievement 1800-1860
43. American Literature 1800-1860
Before the Crisis:
1. Manifest destiny
2. Texas annexation
3. Alamo
4. John Tyler
5. Webster-Ashburton Treaty
6. Oregon controversy
7. Fifty-four forty or fight!
8. James K. Polk
9. Mexican War
10. Zachary Taylor
11. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
12. Mexican Cession
13. Wilmot Proviso
14. Ostend Manifesto
15. Gadsden Purchase
16. Franklin Pierce
17. Matthew C. Perry, Japan
18. Walker Expedition
19. Free-soilers
20. Popular sovereignty
21. Compromise of 1850
22. Stephen A. Douglas
23. Fugitive Slave Law
24. Underground Railroad
25. Harriet Tubman
26. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Stowe
27. Kansas-Nebraska Act
28. Republican Party
29. James Buchanan
30. Bleeding Kansas
31. John Brown
32. Sumner-Brooks incident
33. Lecompton constitution
34. Dred Scott v. Sandford
35. Roger Taney
36. Abraham Lincoln
37. Lincoln-Douglas Debates
38. Freeport Doctrine
39. Harper’s Ferry raid
40. Election of 1860
41. Secession
42. Crittenden compromise
43. Proslavery arguments
44. Gag Resolution 1836
45. Fire eaters
46. Jefferson Davis
47. Confederate States of America
Civil War & Reconsturction:
1. Fort Sumter
2. Habeas corpus
3. Insurrection
4. Border states
5. Alexander H. Stephens
6. Bull Run
7. Anaconda Plan
8. George McClellan
9. Robert E. Lee
10. Antietam
11. Fredericksburg
12. Monitor and Merrimac
13. Ulysses S. Grant
14. Shiloh
15. Trent Affair
16. Alabama, Confederate raiders
17. Confiscation acts
18. Emancipation proclamation
19. Thirteenth Amendment
20. Gettysburg
21. Vicksburg
22. Sherman’s march
23. Election of 1864
24. Appomattox Court House
25. John Wilkes Booth
26. Copperheads
27. Ex Parte Milligan
28. Draft riots
29. Greenbacks
30. Military strengths/advantages, Union & Confederate
31. Fourteenth Amendment
32. Fifteenth Amendment
33. Presidential reconstruction
34. Freedmen’s Bureau
35. Wade-Davis Bill
36. Andrew Johnson
37. Black Codes
38. Congressional reconstruction
39. Radical Republicans
40. Civil Rights Act of 1866
41. Reconstruction Acts, 1867
42. Tenure of Office Act, 1867
43. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
44. Civil Rights Act of 1875
45. Scalawags & carpetbaggers
46. Sharecropping
47. Ku Klux Klan
48. Force Acts 1870, 1871
49. Purchase of Alaska
50. Compromise of 1877
51. Redeemers
Age of Industry & Reform:
1. Mugwumps
2. Boss Tweed, Tammany Hall
3. Credit Mobilier
4. Election of 1872
5. Gilded Age
6. Civil Rights Cases 1883
7. Crop-Lien System
8. Jim Crow
9. Plessy v. Ferguson 1896
10. Chinese Exclusion Act
11. James A. Garfield
12. Chester A. Arthur
13. Pendleton Act
14. Election of 1884
15. Grover Cleveland
16. Populist Party
17. Homestead Strike
18. Transcontinental Railroad
19. Cornelius Vanderbilt
20. Interstate Commerce Act 1887
21. Alexander Graham Bell
22. Thomas Alva Edison
23. Andrew Carnegie
24. Vertical & Horizontal integration
25. Bessemer process
26. J.P. Morgan
27. Gospel of Wealth
28. Social Darwinism
29. Plutocracy, corporate personhood
30. Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890
31. National Labor Union
32. Knights of Labor
33. Haymarket Square incident, 1886
34. American Federation of Labor
35. Samuel Gompers
36. Tenements
37. New Immigrants
38. Social gospel
39. Jane Addams, Hull House
40. American Protective Association
41. Booker T. Washington
42. W.E.B. DuBois
44. Tuskegee Institute
45. Pragmatism
46. Ida B. Wells
47. National American Woman Suffrage Association
48. Eugene Debs
49. Coxey’s Army
Closing of the Frontier:
Great American desert
Mining frontier
Comstock Lode
Cattle drives
Cowboys, vaqueros
Barbed wire
Farming frontier
Great Plains
9. Oklahoma territory
10. Frederick Jackson Turner’s frontier thesis
11. Reservations
12. Indian Wars
13. Sitting Bull
14. Crazy Horse
15. George Custer
16. Little Big Horn
17. Homestead Act 1862
18. Dawes Act 1887
19. Ghost Dance, Wounded Knee
20. Helen Hunt Jackson, A Century of Dishonor
21. Chief Joseph
22. Indian boarding schools
23. Geronimo
24. Treaty of Fort Laramie 1868
25. Grange
26. Farmers Alliance
27. Pullman Strike 1894
28. Cross of Gold
29. Election of 1896
Age of Imperialism, Progressives & WW1
1. Yellow journalism
2. Mahan, Influence of Sea Power
3. Liliuokalani, Hawaii
4. Cuba
5. Jingoism
6. Battleship Maine
7. De Lome Letter
8. Spanish-American War
9. Philippines
10. Rough Riders
11. Theodore Roosevelt
12. Puerto Rico, Guam
13. Anti-Imperialist League
14. Platt Amendment
15. Open Door policy
16. Roosevelt Corollary
17. Gentlemen’s agreement
18. Great white fleet
19. Root-Takahira agreement
20. William Howard Taft
21. Dollar diplomacy
22. Lodge corollary, Henry Cabot Lodge
23. Woodrow Wilson
24. New Freedom
25. Pancho Villa
26. Progressivism
27. Laissez-faire
28. Muckrakers
29. Seventeenth Amendment
30. Woman Suffrage in Progressive movement
31. Robert LaFollette
32. Muller v. Oregon
33. Lochner v. New York
34. Triangle Fire
35. Square Deal
36. TR & the Trusts
37. TR: Conservation
38. Sinclair, The Jungle
39. Election of 1908
40. New Nationalism
41. Election of 1912
42. Underwood Tariff
43. Sixteenth Amendment
44. Federal Reserve Acts
45. Wilson & the Trusts
46. Wilson: Progressive Reforms
47. Louis Brandeis
48. Alice Paul, National Woman’s Party
49. Nineteenth Amendment
50. Bull Moose Party
51. Lusitania
52. Sussex pledge
53. Allied Powers WWI
54. Central Powers WWI
55. Propaganda WWI, George Creel
56. Zimmerman telegram
57. Russian revolution
58. Wartime economic measures, WWI
59. Espionage Act (1917), Sedition Act (1918)
60. Schenck v. United States 1919
61. Fourteen Points
62. Treaty of Versailles
63. Election of 1920
Roaring Twenties, Depression & New Deal
1. Red Scare
2. Sacco & Vanzetti
3. Ku Klux Klan, 1920s resurgence
4. Henry Ford
5. Consumerism 1920s: autos, radio, movies
6. Scopes Monkey Trial
7. Fundamentalism
8. Lost Generation
9. Harlem Renaissance
10. Flappers
11. Marcus Garvey
12. Prohibition, Volstead Act
13. Organized crime, “gangsterism
14. Immigration quota laws, 1920s
15. Kellog-Briand treaty
16. Dawes Plan (1924)
17. Harding, Coolidge, Hoover: economic policies 1920s
18. Neutralism, 1920s
19. Teapot Dome scandal
20. Election of 1924
21. Wall Street 1920s, margin purchasing
22. Black Tuesday (October 29, 1929)
23. Franklin D. Roosevelt
24. Eleanor Roosevelt
25. Hawley Smoot tariff 1930
26. Bonus march 1932
27. Reconstruction Finance Corporation
28. First new deal
29. Second new deal
30. Hundred days
31. Election of 1932
32. Father Charles Coughlin
33. Huey Long
34. Mary McLeod Bethune
35. Twenty-first Amendment
36. Dust Bowl
37. Indian Reorganization Act
38. Tennessee Valley Authority
39. Social Security Act 1935
40. Court-packing plan
41. Dust Bowl
42. John Maynard Keynes
43. Fireside chats
44. New Democratic coalition
45. Schecter v. US
46. New Deal critics & criticisms
World War II
1. Manchuria
2. Stimson Doctrine
3. London Economic Conference 1933
4. Tydings-McDuffie Act
5. Cordell Hull
6. Fascism
7. Benito Mussolini
8. Adolf Hitler
9. Axis Powers
10. Isolationism, 1930s
11. Neutrality acts
12. Spanish Civil War
13. America First Committee
14. Appeasement
15. Rhineland
16. Czechoslovakia
17. Sudetenland
18. Munich
19. Quarantine speech
20. Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies
21. Poland; blitzkrieg
22. Cash-and-carry
23. Four freedoms speech
24. Lend-Lease Act
25. Atlantic Charter
26. Pearl Harbor
27. Korematsu v. US
28. Harry S Truman
29. Battle of the Atlantic
30. Dwight Eisenhower
31. D-Day
32. Battle of the Bulge
33. Holocaust
34. Battle of Midway
35. Douglas MacArthur
36. Manhattan Project
37. Hiroshima; Nagasaki
38. Big Three
39. Yalta
40. Hitler-Stalin Pact
41. Japanese militarism & expansion
42. Destroyers for bases deal
43. Homefront economic measures
44. Election of 1944
45. Women’s contributions, WWII
46. United Nations
Post War America: Fair Deal to the Reagan Revolution
1. GI Bill
2. Baby boom
3. Suburban growth, 1950s
4. Sunbelt
5. Employment Act 1946
6. Committee on Civil Rights
7. Twenty Second Amendment
8. Taft-Hartley Act
9. Progressive party
10. Henry Wallace
11. States-Rights Party
12. Fair Deal
13. Cold War
14. Soviet Union
15. World Bank
16. Communist satellites
17. Iron Curtain
18. George Kennan; containment policy
19. Dean Acheson
20. Truman Doctrine
21. Marshall Plan
22. Berlin airlift
23. North American Treaty Organization
24. National Security Act 1947
25. Arms race; NSC-68
26. Chinese civil war
27. Chiang Kai-shek
28. Taiwan
29. Mao Zedong
30. Korean War
31. Smith Act (1940)
32. House Un-American Activities Committee
33. Alger Hiss
34. Whitaker Chambers
35. Rosenberg case
36. Joseph McCarthy; “McCarthyism”
37. Nuremberg trials
38. Marshall Plan
39. Election of 1948
40. Dwight Eisenhower
41. Richard Nixon
42. Interstate highway system
43. John Foster Dulles; “brinksmanship”
44. Massive retaliation
45. Eisenhower doctrine
46. Nikita Khrushchev
47. Warsaw Pact
48. Dwight Eisenhower
49. NASA
50. U-2 Incident
51. Fidel Castro
52. Military-industrial complex
53. Earl Warren
54. Consumer culture 1950s
55. John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society
56. Beatniks
57. John F. Kennedy
58. Peace Corps
59. New Frontier
60. Bay of Pigs
61. Berlin Wall
62. Cuban Missile Crisis
63. Warren Commission
64. Lyndon Johnson
65. Great Society
66. Barry Goldwater
67. Medicare, Medicaid
68. Twenty-fourth Amendment
69. Gideon v. Wainwright
70. Escobedo v. Illinois
71. Miranda v. Arizona
72. Baker v. Carr
73. Engel v. Vitale
74. New Left
75. Counterculture
76. Sexual revolution
77. Women’s movement circa 1960s
78. National Organization for Women
79. Robert Kennedy
80. George Wallace
81. Hubert Humphrey
82. Domino theory
83. Geneva Conference
84. Ho Chi Minh
85. My Lai
86. Operation Rolling Thunder
87. Invasion of Cambodia
88. Kent State
89. Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka
90. Little Rock Crisis
91. Rosa Parks; Montgomery Bus Boycott
92. Martin Luther King Jr.
93. Civil Rights Acts 1957, 1960
94. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
95. Nonviolent protest; sit-in movement
96. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
97. Civil Rights Act 1964
98. Voting Rights Act 1965
99. James Meredith
Martin Luther King Jr.
March on Washington; “I Have a Dream” speech
Black Muslims
Malcolm X
Congress of Racial Equality
Black Panthers
Watts Riots
Stokely Carmichael
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Tet offensive
Hawks and doves, Vietnam war
Pentagon Papers
Paris Accords
War Powers Act 1973
Henry Kissinger
New Federalism
Warren Burger
George McGovern
Watergate; articles of impeachment
US v Nixon
OPEC; oil embargo
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Anwar Sadat; Menachem Begin
Iran; hostage crisis
Immigration Act 1965
Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1986
Environmental programs, 1970s
Ronald Reagan
Supply-side economics (Reaganomics)
Strategic Defense Initiative
George H. Bush
Soviet Union breakup
Mikhail Gorbachev; glasnost, perestroika
Persian Gulf War, Saddam Hussein