Year 12 Assessment Block – Term 2 2015 Thursday 18 June Start Time Subject 12 Maths A (Paper 1 – KAPs) Assessment 1.5 hour exam Class Teacher / Supervisor Location MAA121A Mr Milne Theatre MAA121C MAA121D Mr Plume Mr Brennan Theatre Theatre Extra time available to EAL and international students after the completion of the exam – to be supervised by Mr Milne in the theatre (must present orange “Extra time pass”) 11:00am 1:00pm Class 12 Maths B (Paper 1 – KAPs) 1.5 hour exam 12 Drama 2 hour exam MAB121A MAB121B Mrs Howarth Mr East G001 G002 Extra time available to EAL and international students after the completion of the exam – to be supervised by Mr East in G002 (must present orange “Extra time pass”) DRA121A Miss Gould A018 Friday 19 June Start Time 9:00am Subject 12 English Assessment 2 hour exam Class Class Teacher / Supervisor Location ENG121A Miss Hill Theatre ENG121B Ms Gawron Theatre ENG121C ENG121D Miss Hill Mrs Paris Theatre Theatre ENG121E ENG121F Ms Wheeler Miss Logan Theatre Theatre Extra time available to EAL and international students after the completion of the exam – to be supervised by Miss Logan in the theatre (must present orange “Extra time pass”) 11:30am 1:30pm 12 Dance 12 Info Technology Systems 12 Earth Science 2 hour exam DAN121A Mrs Allen K010 1.5 hour tutorial ITN121A Mr Molen G010 ITN121B Ms Campbell (Ms Cunningham) G009 ESC121A Mr McLaren Theatre 1.5 hour exam Extra time available to EAL and international students prior to the commencement of the exam starting between 1:00pm and 1:30pm – to be supervised by Mr McLaren in the theatre (must present orange “Extra time pass”) Monday 22 June Start Time 9:00am Subject Assessment 12 Health Education 2 hour exam 12 Ancient History 12 Maths A (Paper 2 – MAPs) 2 hour exam 1.5 hour exam Class Teacher / Supervisor Location HED121A Mr Stanton Z004 AHS121A Mrs Blyth A018 Extra time available to EAL and international students after the completion of the exam – to be supervised by Mrs Blyth in A018 (must present orange “Extra time pass”) MAA121A MAA121C Mr Milne Mr Plume Theatre Theatre MAA121D Mr Brennan Theatre Extra time available to EAL and international students prior to the commencement of the exam starting between 1:00pm and 1:30pm – to be supervised by Mr Plume in the theatre (must present orange “Extra time pass”) 1:30pm 12 Maths B (Paper 2 – MAPs) Class 1.5 hour exam MAB121A Mrs Howarth G001 MAB121B Mr East G002 Extra time available to EAL and international students prior to the commencement of the exam starting between 1:00pm and 1:30pm – to be supervised by Mr McAlister in G001 (must present orange “Extra time pass”) Tuesday 23 June Start Time 9:00am Subject Assessment 12 Accounting 1.5 hour exam 12 Biology 1.5 hour exam 12 Cert II Work Practices (VPR) 1.5 hour tutorial 11:30am 12 Recreation Studies – Outdoor (RSO) 1.5 hour exam 1:30pm 12 Cert II Info Digital Media & Tech (VDM) 1.5 hour tutorial Class Class Teacher / Supervisor Location ACC121A Mr Fredericksen B027 BSC121A Mrs Lucas BSC121B Mrs Baker G001 G002 VPR121A Miss Schembri B024 RST121O Mr Churchwood Z004 Extra time available to EAL and international students after the completion of the exam – to be supervised by Mr Churchward in Z004 (must present orange “Extra time pass”) VDM121A Ms Campbell (Mr Johnson) G009 VDM121B Mr Tanner G010 WILL REGULAR CLASSES RUN DURING THE ASSESSMENT BLOCK? All classes from Thursday 18 June – Tuesday 23 June are cancelled. If you don’t have an exam or tutorial, you can use this time to work on assignments, study for upcoming exams or complete other worthwhile educational activities at home or at school. The Assessment Block is not “holiday time”. Regular classes resume on Wednesday 24 June and attendance in all class is expected through to the final day of school, Friday 26 June. Failure to attend school on these days will affect your attendance percentage and may impact on your ability to pass the Clearance Form process. These days are important so that you can get feedback on your assessment so that you can improve your grades further next semester. WHAT IF I MISS AN EXAM? (See page 14-17 in your Student Diary or the website for the full Assessment Policy) If you are sick during block exams, you are required to get a medical certificate. You also need to contact the school on the day of your exam. When you are better, you need to get in contact with your teacher to make alternative arrangements for your exam. If you are absent for an unavoidable reason (e.g. funeral on that day) your parent / carer must contact the school prior to the exam day. You will need to negotiate a time to sit an alternative exam with your teacher / Head of Department. If your absence is for an unacceptable reason, this will be considered a refusal to participate in the program of instruction. You will be asked to “Make a Case” as to why you should remain in the course of study. It could also result in you commencing / progressing to the next stage of the cancellation process. Reasons that are considered unacceptable for missing an exam include sitting a Drivers Licence test, family holiday, or that you “forgot” or misread the Assessment Block Schedule. ARE THE TUTORIALS COMPULSORY? Yes. Tutorials are compulsory unless you have an exam in that timeslot. Tutorials are designed to ensure you are on track to complete assignments due in week 9 and 10. Failure to attend a tutorial will mean that your work is not of the highest quality possible. CAN I COME INTO SCHOOL TO STUDY OR WORK ON ASSIGNMENTS WHEN I DON’T HAVE AN EXAM? Absolutely! In this situation, you are expected to be working in the library unless you have made prior arrangement with your class teacher to use specific rooms with specialist equipment (e.g. art rooms). You are not to work at tables in the school yard. Keep in mind that Years 7-10 students are still in regular classes completing assessment and cannot be disturbed. You will be asked to leave school grounds if you are considered a distraction. EXPECTATIONS FOR EXAMS: Wear full school uniform including appropriate footwear and jewellery. Uniform slips will be expected for any variation in uniform (including non-school jumpers). You may not be allowed to start your exam until you have fulfilled this requirement. Arrive at school at least 15 minutes before the start of your scheduled exam or tutorial. Be responsible for being in the right place, on time. Have all the necessary equipment (e.g. pen, spare pens, calculator). Check with your teacher to see if you need to provide writing paper for your exam. Mobile phones must be switched off during exams (not put into silent mode, really turned off). Mobile phones should be in your bag, and MUST NOT be used during exams. Note: This means you cannot use the calculator function on your phone for your exam. Bags must be placed under your chair or in an area designated by the Chief Supervisor during exams, so that they are out of the way of supervisors. Stay in the exam room for the length of the exam. As English as an Additional Language (EAL) students and international students are entitled to extra time in which to do their exams, some students may still be working when the rest of the group is dismissed. In these circumstances, students leaving the exam must be silent until they leave the room. The tuckshop will be open for seniors during breaks between exams (i.e. outside normal tuckshop hours). EXTRA TIME FOR EAL AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Students in the EAL Program and international students need to get a bright orange “Extra Time Pass” from Mrs Sleath or Mrs Muller. This pass states your name, the exam you are doing and the amount of extra time you are allowed. This pass must be displayed on your desk during the exam. Students who identify as EAL but are not involved in the EAL program may be granted 10 minutes extra time at the discretion of the teacher / HOD with prior arrangement. Extra time may be allocated before or after the exam. Make sure you check your exam schedule carefully to make sure you do not miss out on this opportunity. EAL and international students will need to sit at particular desks for these exams to avoid distractions from other students entering or leaving the exam – usually the desks furthest from the door. TIPS FOR STUDYING 1. GET ORGANISED! Use your diary to keep “To Do” lists and prioritise what is most important rather than what you would prefer to do, or what is easiest. Studying regularly for short periods of time is more effective than cramming the night before an exam, so start several weeks before the Assessment Block. Create a study timetable in your diary (pg. 183) and stick to it! Glue your handouts in your book or keep them in a folder so that they don’t get lost, torn etc. 2. GET YOUR HEAD IN THE RIGHT SPACE!! Make sure that you are comfortable and in a well-lit area. Studying in bed in a bad idea – your brain will eventually associate bed with study rather than sleep and it may affect your sleep patterns. Before you settle down to study, eat if you are hungry (but not so much that you get a food coma!) Keep a bottle of water with you so that you stay hydrated. Take away things that will distract you easily – particularly your phone! Put them in another room. If you don’t have a quite study space at home, consider getting to school earlier or staying back late, or go to the Cairns City Libraries. Listening to music is not beneficial to some learners while they are studying. If anything, listen to music without lyrics, as you are more likely to subconsciously focus your attention on the words of the song rather than what you are studying. Take regular breaks and don’t stay up too late. 3. GET STUDYING!!! Use flash cards – particularly for key terms you need to know from your glossary or formulae for Maths. You can also write a question on one side of the card and the answer on the other. Use your flashcards every day to help you retain the information permanently. Shuffle them so that you look at them in a different order each time. Use bullet points to summarise information where possible. You might use abbreviations too. Use highlighters to focus your attention on the key information in texts you are reviewing. Even consider colour coding different types of information (e.g. one colour for causes of a problem, another colour for the effects of the problem). Try to summarise the information you need to know visually with a diagram or flowchart. Try to visualise things in your head, like it is its own “mini movie”. Use mnemonic devices to remember facts (like “Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit” to remember the notes on the lines in treble clef in music – E G B D F). Discuss what you are learning with friends or family. Talk to yourself! Recite the information you want to learn and gradually become less reliant on your notes until you can remember it without looking at all. Compile your notes that you need to study and record this on your phone. Actually reading your notes aloud will help your remember them. Then you can listen to it again at convenient times e.g. while you’re on the bus.